The Walls of Anamoor

30: A Message

When I woke, it was with Bassi’s lips gently pressed to mine. Going from sleep to making out with the woman I was falling for was possibly one of the best things ever. Seriously, I needed her so badly that my legs had wrapped themselves around her hips before I was even fully conscious.

“Want you,” I panted into the kiss, both my sex and my heart hungering for her.

The chuckle that hummed through her was low and deliciously hot, and my heart rate kicked into overdrive. I was on fire, raw lust and affection all wrapped around her, fingers fumbling for the buttons on her shirt.

She pushed my hands away as I got halfway down, the shirt now hanging off her shoulder, one incredible breast on display. Gosh, I didn’t often think about them, but hers were glorious. Full, but not massive, with small, tight pink nipples sitting slightly off to either side.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t allowed to reach for them, as she gathered my hands into one of hers and pressed them down above my head. Losing control of my arms drove my excitement to new heights. She didn’t often restrain me like this, but when she did, I knew I was in for it.

Using her free hand, she expertly got my own shirt unbuttoned, flipping the halves open and diving for my much smaller boobs. I began to writhe, my overly sensitive nipples sending shocks of arousal throughout my system as she lavished them with lip, tongue and teeth.

Halting, she leaned her cheek against one of my breasts to look up at me. “You’re so… you’re incredible. You know that, right? You’re a deeply lovely person.”

“So are you, Bassi… you and this guild you’ve built have changed me for the better in so many ways,” I told her, surprised by the tears that sprung up. “I was just… I was just the shell of a person before I got here. Letting life push me down whatever path it wanted.”

Letting go of my hands, she pulled herself back up until we were level, leaning in to kiss me gently on the cheek. “Well, I’m glad then. You’ve made my life, and everyone else’s lives brighter.”

Laying there, gazing into each other’s eyes, I think that’s when I crossed the threshold. That’s when I began to love her, my whole heart leaping into her hands. I wanted to tell her there and then, to try and give voice to the wild emotion I was feeling, but I couldn’t. I knew enough about relationships that you didn’t just throw the word love around at the start.

I settled for kissing her, trying to convey those three words I wanted to say through passion instead. Her hands came up to cradle my face, thumbs wiping away the remains of my tears as we fell into each other all over again.

This time, we didn’t devour each other, we just kissed and kissed, savouring the feel of each other. She was so gentle, her hands all over me, each touch like a shock of careful affection. I’d have never known she could be like this when I first met her, but I loved it. I loved how she had so many facets to her personality, able to go from confident and domineering, to soft and cuddly in the blink of an eye.

Still, that wake up and gotten me very wet and very horny, so I pushed her back for a moment to ask, “Bassi, will you please go down on me? I want you… and your tongue.”

“My tongue, huh,” she asked with a smirk, poking the appendage in question out between her lips. Goddess, the length of it sent shivers through me. She could choke me with it by shoving it down my throat, it was that long.

“Please fuck me with your tongue,” I urged as politely as possible given the deep desire I felt.

She flicked my nose with the tip, then laughed and nodded. “Alright.”

Of course, that just meant that she’d get there eventually. Her head went down again, fangs nipping gently at my nipples before her tongue gently caressed them in seeming apology. Then she bit down, hard, and my hips bucked with the mixed pain and pleasure, wires getting crossed so that it all came out as the latter.

“H-hey!” I squeaked in half hearted protest. A tap on the lips with a finger told me I wasn’t allowed to complain, and so I settled for a pout. Pouting was pretty great.

She left my boobs alone after that, continuing down my flat stomach, kissing tenderly at the dip between my soft abs. My stomach was a part of my new body that I absolutely loved. Like racing stripes on a car, the lines ran down its length before converging at my groin.

Bassi followed those lines now, leaving faint hickies in her wake. Claiming territory, marking it as hers. Because it was hers… all hers, my body, my heart and my mind… dedicated to her.

My legs opened for her without conscious instruction from me, but I couldn't fault them for being proactive.

When her mouth finally touched down, I was so turned on, so sensitive that the shock of it had my hips bucking and my back arching.

She laughed, a sweet, happy sound that told of how she relished getting that reaction out of me. Eyes dancing with mirth and desire, she began to run her tongue up and down, her strokes agonisingly gentle and yet all I needed to begin dancing with the edge of orgasm.

"Inside," I begged, high and needy.

Then she did it, something she had never done until now, but something that I had dreamed about so many times. Her tongue slid inside me, soft and hard at the same time. It was so different from her fingers, the top rough against my inner walls, while the other side was smooth.

Dimly, I felt the tip questing, prodding at me, trying to find— my vision went, abandoning me entirely as ecstacy slammed into me like a freight train. I heard myself cry out, loud and full voiced as I lost control. I think I was calling her name, singing it with the unique tone of pleasure given release.

She didn't stop either, her tongue drawing in and out of me, fucking me with the length of it until I had both tears and stars in my eyes.

"O-oh my god, Bassi… Bassi please, enough, enough!" I pleaded as I finally gained coherence again.

She just laughed and threw me back over the edge, her fingers joining the fray to rub at terrifyingly sensitive places. It took me a long time to come back down from orbit, and when I did I found a very smug looking Bassi cradling me in her arms.

When she saw my eyes focus on her, she gave me a kiss between the eyes. “Welcome back.”

“That was cruel and unusual,” I grumbled even as I smiled happily. Gosh, that was one way to wake up.

“Really?” she asked, raising her sexy dang eyebrow. “Because you were sure singing my praises just before.”

“Okay, you win…that was amazing,” I grinned, snuggling in against her with a deep, contented sigh.

I could feel her return smile in the kiss she placed to my temple. “You make me so happy.”

“Good, you deserve to be happy,” I mumbled, feeling sleep coming for me again.

“Thank you,” she said, pulling me closer. “We do still have to get up. You promised Jitters you’d talk to her about her contraptions today.”

“Noooo!” I whined, snuggling in harder against her. “Five more minutes.”




I got like thirty more minutes, Bassi being unable to deny her new complication the cuddle time they craved. It was nice though, knowing she cared about me in that way. More than nice, really. It was everything. It was my new reason for being.

Still, eventually I found myself up, washed, clothed and awake, heading for the tavern room. I pushed open the door and glanced around. It was nearly midday, so Lark and Swipe were out doing their thing, but I could see Jitters eating lunch with Dancer and Singer. Whistle was nowhere to be seen, even though he worked nights on the rooftops.

I wandered over to them, throwing myself down onto a nearby couch as they followed me with amused smiles. “What are you all staring at?” I asked, knowing full well what they were staring at me for.

“Excellent pitch,” Dancer commented with a straight face. “Didn’t understand the lyrics, but sometimes you don’t have to.”

“It felt good,” I grinned, poking my tongue out at them all.

“Certainly sounded like it,” Singer winked.

Jitters leaned forward, a smug smile on her cute little face. “Yes, but did you talk around all that?”

I shrugged. “I guess, yeah.”

“Oh no,” she replied with a groan, rubbing at her face with a hand in exasperation.

She didn’t get a chance to continue, as the door opened again to reveal Bassi, who made a beeline for me and the couch. We watched as she crossed the floor surprise taking root on the faces of all three of the others as she fell down into my lap. She didn’t acknowledge the others until she had moved my arms to be around her.

Satisfied, she turned towards Navigator, calling, “Nav, can we get some breakfast over her, please?”

“Only got lunch now boss,” he laughed, then motioned to the two of us with the mug he was holding. “Two of you spent all morning in bed, or so I heard.”

“Correct,” Bassi agreed as though she were talking about how we’d been doing paperwork or something. “Lunch then, if you could?”

“Coming up,” he nodded, throwing a mug-aided salute our way.

With food on its way, she gave a sigh of contentment and leaned back, nesting her head under my chin and closing her eyes. “Goddess, I am tired. Eating is going to be difficult, my tongue hasn’t gotten a workout like that for a very long time.”

“Oh, wow… that’s… more than we needed to know,” Singer blinked, her cheeks gaining a dusting of pink.

Jitters just goggled at us, Dancer laughed.

“Show her how long it is!” I said enthusiastically. “Seriously, everyone… have you seen how long her tongue is?”

The tongue in question reached up, all the way to my nose, where she flicked it, letting loose a cute little giggle at the same time. My Bassi was in adorable cuddle mode.

“I’ve never had anyone get that enthusiastic about my divineling features before,” she remarked when it was safely back in her mouth.

Everyone at the table was staring in open mouthed shock. Eventually, Singer gave a low whistle. “I understand what all the noise was about now.”

“It’s pretty good,” I grinned, hugging my Bassi tight. “The cuddles afterwards were pretty great too.”

“Oh, they always are,” Dancer agreed emphatically, reaching out for Singer’s hand with an adoring smile.

A loud crack disturbed the scene, causing everyone to jump in surprise. Blades appeared in hands, or in Navigator’s case, cleavers. Bassi didn’t draw though, instead, she picked up a small object from her lap.

It was a small paper scroll, tied with a piece of cheap twine and still smoking from its sudden apparition. The damned thing had just appeared out of nowhere.

We all stared as she carefully untied the string and unfurled the paper. “Huh… I can’t read it,” she muttered, turning it this way and that as though that might help.

With a gasp, I snatched it out of her hands, holding it so the light hit it better. “I can though… it’s written in… in my native language, english.”

Hey there Dan… uh… or whatever you call yourself these days. It’s Joan here, and well… I’m in deep shit, and I could use some help. Well, me and like a lot of other folks, but that’s besides the point. Idiots are too stupid to save, if you ask me. Anyway, this is finding you because you’re the only person from our class that I touched after we transformed, and I needed that for the transportation spell… nevermind. Doesn’t matter. Point is, shit is hitting the fan and the splatter is going to be messy as all hell, here’s the deets...

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