The Warden of The Witches

Chapter 89:

The Second Generation of The "Tainted Blood Reaper"

The firm's gate swung open, and the two gatekeepers, coerced by Aiden, cautiously entered, their necks stiff as if welded, and they afraid to turn their heads.

Their careful demeanor had a reason, for behind them, a dangerous young devil closely trailed.

Half a minute ago, this boy in peculiar attire politely greeted them with a set of black magic, "friendly" introduced himself, and very politely "requested" them to lead him into the office.

The children of Melusine were a well-known group of killers in the underworld, and among them, the "Tainted Blood Reaper" was a legendary figure in the assassin world, known even to those deeply involved in the underworld.

So when he presented Melusine token, they immediately gave up resistance.

Rumors spread that Melusine children all possessed extraordinary abilities. Even the least skilled among them was far from an ordinary person's match, let alone this boy who had already proven it with his actions.

Aiden cautiously followed them, concealing his figure behind theirs.

The gatekeeper led him further inside and and finally arrived in front of the door, as soon as they pushing open the door, a dense smoke smell rushed out.

Through the gap between the two gatekeepers, Aiden saw a well-lit room where a lean man sat behind a large desk, smoking a rolled cigarette. Three members of the underworld were discussing something with him at the desk, and three bodyguards stood near the entrance.

"What's going on with you two?"

Carlo Polpo, seated behind the desk, was the first to notice the two underlings who were supposed to be guarding the entrance. He not only furrowed his brow but his sharp eyes showed clear displeasure.

As their leader's expression darkened, the two gatekeepers face instantly turned pale, they stuttered as they tried to explain, "S-sorry, boss, but, uh..."

"But someone... someone said they wanted to see you..."

"What?" Carlo was puzzled.

At this moment, Aiden spoke up, "Don't waste time, if you can't articulate, just show Mr. Polpo the token."

everyone in the room Instantly became alert. The voice was not only unfamiliar to them but appeared abruptly—Aiden's current position was hidden behind the two adult men, making it impossible for anyone to immediately notice.

However, the voice, with its mature tone and a childlike pitch, sounded eerie.

One gatekeeper awkwardly approached, facing Carlo's angry gaze.

Taking someone here without permission and obediently following that person's commands had already infuriated Carlo.

However, the gatekeeper had no choice; while the leader's gaze was intimidating, it wasn't an immediate threat compared to Aiden's peculiar black magic, which could easily take off his head at any moment.

The gatekeeper nervously placed the badge Aiden gave him on the desk, and Carlo took one glance, drawing in a sharp breath, "Melusine offspring!?"

As soon as these words were uttered, the already tense bodyguards reached for their holstered guns.

The mention of "Melusine child," the renowned assassins in the underworld, visiting their base immediately made them think someone had targeted their boss's head.

The remaining gatekeeper standing in front of Aiden was so frightened that he exclaimed and dropped to the ground, covering his head. He was positioned between Aiden and the bodyguards, and with the imminent threat of a shootout, he risked being the first to get caught in the crossfire.

However, contrary to expectations, a gunfight didn't break out. Instead, several screams echoed simultaneously as inky tentacles, resembling octopus arms, emerged from the shadows of the six bodyguards. Like the coils of a predatory python, these tentacles wrapped around each person's arms and body, tightening instantly with brutal force, nearly fracturing a few ribs.

"Don't just pull out your guns at every little thing; I'm still just a kid." Aiden, masked, stood at the doorway, chuckling as he shrugged.

Before taking action, Dailey had previously summoned a shadow demon in prison and attached it to Aiden's shadow. Within the three hours following the summoning, control of the shadow demon had been transferred to Aiden. Since the casting process was completed during the summoning, Aiden didn't need to recite any incantations when using this shadow demon.

The shadow demon was one of the three demons Dailey commanded, and Aiden found it quite handy borrowing its abilities.

Within a thirty-meter radius centered around Aiden, he could utilize any well-defined shadow within that range as a medium for the shadow demon to manifest into different forms and attack targets. The maximum number of targets he could simultaneously engage was up to fifty.

What made it even more convenient was that he could command the shadow demon to autonomously sense rapidly changing shadow outlines and directly launch attacks on the corresponding targets.

In other words, in the well-lit room illuminated by gas lamps, every person with a shadow under their feet had already been targeted and locked onto by the shadow demon attached to Aiden.

When the bodyguards attempted to draw their guns, the shadow demon immediately detected their movements through their shadows and autonomously launched attacks against them.

People who familiar with shadow demons might devise countermeasures, such as immediately breaking the gas lamps to eliminate light sources, causing the outlined shadows to disappear. Alternatively, they might pre-emptively eliminate the spellcaster from a distance. Despite the potent power of the manifested shadow demon, its own resilience is weak. It can freely change forms, making it impervious to physical harm but vulnerable to things like holy water that have special effects on demons...

However, the individuals present at the scene were utterly helpless against this arcane magic, even if they were armed.

Black magic faced strict scrutiny from the Inquisition Bureau precisely because it often bestowed an overwhelming combat advantage upon those possessing forbidden knowledge.

Aiden's instant defeat of the six armed bodyguards sent shockwaves through everyone present, including the room's owner, Carlo.

Cigarette ash fell from his mouth and landing on his thigh, burning a hole in his pants. The pain jolted him up from his seat.

As a mafia executive, Carlo had witnessed numerous scenes and knew a few individuals proficient in black magic. After all, he had introduced the necromancer responsible for turning Silaine into a revenant, who had ties to the underworld.

However, none of those individuals could be compared to the eerie boy standing before him.

"Don't be so tense, Mr. Polpo. I'm not here to kill you," Aiden raised his hand, mimicking a pistol gesture pointed at Carlo. "If I wanted your life, I could take it right now."

"What are you..." Carlo's cheek twitched.

He had heard about Melusine offspring, but he had never heard of such a formidable figure among them.

This level of power could almost rival the former King of Assassins.

"Allow me to introduce myself; I am the Tainted Blood Reaper.'" Young Aiden placed his hand over his chest, responding politely.

"Tainted Blood Reaper? Wasn't it already... captured or..." Carlo looked utterly perplexed.

The Tainted Blood Reaper had vanished without a trace nearly two years ago, and people in the underworld had long heard of the news that the King of Assassins was apprehended by the Inquisition Bureau.

"Ah...., I am the successor, the second generation," Aiden smiled, spreading his hands. "The second generation... of the Tainted Blood Reaper!"

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