The Way of the Center

Chapter 800

Chapter 819 : Star to star

The wonderful performances of Anjie and George turned the situation around in an instant. Although the Thunder substitute forward Andre Robertson was selected as the best defensive second team last season, when he and George were really one-on-one, the gap between the two was still very obvious.

Donovan must now replace Anthony to confront George and develop a more rigorous defensive strategy. And with Anthony, the Thunder’s offense will be back on track.

This coach, who just came to coach the NBA from the college league, did not expect that Ricard, a person who likes to play team basketball, would suddenly use his stars to attack defense.

This is like, it is as incredible that Vicki suddenly let Leonard control all the offensive possessions one day.

Since he wants to use his stars to dominate the game, Donovan will also take up all the stars he has on hand to confront him. Donovan wants to see if Westbrook and Anthony have better scoring firepower, or George and Anjie have a better cooperation!

After the timeout ended, Ricard really saw Anthony go back into battle. Anthony can not only put more pressure on George on the defensive end, but on the offensive end, he will also cause a lot of trouble for George.

However, Ricard believes that the two players under his team, they have just played a series of wonderful cooperation, it is not accidental.

The timeout is over and the game restarts. The Thunder, which was two points behind, reorganized the offense under Westbrook’s possession.

George obviously felt a completely different pressure. Compared to Robertson, who was doing nothing offensively, Anthony’s running position undoubtedly made George very difficult.

Just when Anthony was about to go beyond the three-point line, Adams suddenly appeared, completely blocking George’s pursuit and defense line!

Seeing this situation, Anjie did not continue to follow Adams, but directly changed defense and pounced on Anthony. Anthony intends to break directly after receiving Westbrook’s pass. He still doesn’t believe that a big center like An Jie can adjust his center of gravity and retreat in time when he rushes forward. The force of inertia alone was enough to make An Jie rush forward a few steps.

Thinking of this, Anthony immediately got up to speed. But he had just taken a step when he realized that he had collided with An Jie!

An Jie really couldn’t change his center of gravity in time, but when he opened his arms, Anthony hadn’t expected the exaggerated defensive range.

After being stopped by An Jie, Anthony did not give up, intending to continue to break through An Jie. He tried several times, but he couldn’t fool the 00 center forward in front of him.

“We have always known that the single defense ability of the perimeter is also very strong, but absolutely did not expect it to be so strong! The opponent is Carmelo Anthony! You have seen that any inside line can be restricted in perimeter defense. Do you live in Anthony!?” O’Neal stared at his huge eyes in surprise, Anjie’s offensive range can cover the entire three-point line. And his defensive range seems to be larger than the offensive range!

In the end, Anthony finally deceived An Jie with a fake act of worshipping Buddha and successfully broke through. But Anjie’s timely response only allowed Anthony to surpass the small half of his body.

Anthony insisted on his own layup, but did not expect Anjie to be very close to him. This distance is far from beyond Anjie’s defensive range.

Anthony just took off when An Jie patted the basketball away from behind. A clean chase, the once “king of New York” had to return empty-handed!

“This is the third time that Ann has blocked this game. His single defense actually makes Anthony the top scorer helpless. Ann is a person who can really defend from the basket to beyond the three-point line, and from the three-pointer. The horror guy outside the line to defend back to the basket.”

In fact, the reason why Anthony was singled out by An Jie is not only because of An Jie’s super defensive ability. It is also because, after Anthony’s age and weight gain, his speed has long been much lower than before.

Anthony’s first step was so fast that Anjie didn’t have time to stop him. But he got slower and slower in the next few steps, and it was easy for An Jie to catch up and complete the shot.

You know, even An Jie is 29 years old now. This guy Anthony is no longer the “little melon” of the Nuggets era.

The basketball that was blocked by An Jie was eventually taken down by George, who was tall and with long arms. There is no doubt that after George got the ball, he immediately took possession of the ball and did not give the Thunder any chance to breathe.

The Thunder’s return to defense is fast, and the Blazers can switch offense faster! George pushed forward without slowing down, and finally faced Jeremy Grant, who was only 2.03 meters tall. George directly rose up, stretched out his body in the air, and dunked.

Anjie’s blocking and George’s buckle temporarily tilted the balance of victory in this star war to the Trail Blazers.

The Thunder made a comeback. This time, the offense with the ball changed from Anthony to Westbrook.

Although Westbrook can still easily break through Napier, when he breaks through, Iguodala will always make up his defense.

Seeing someone coming forward to make up for defense, Westbrook did not hesitate to transfer the basketball to Oladipo. Oladipo hadn’t received the ball, but Napier changed it again.

“The Trail Blazers have a very clear defensive thinking. They will never be chaotic. As long as Westbrook does not attack, the Thunder will never get a chance!”

Oladipo tried to break through Napier, but Napier, who had regained self-confidence and was very positive, prevented Oladipo from losing his temper.

In the end, basketball fell into the hands of Westbrook. Westbrook once again wanted to score with a sudden stop jumper, but the experienced Iguodala is not comparable to Napier. This time, Westbrook’s shooting was seriously interfered by Iguodala, and the Thunder failed again.

After Anjie grabbed the rebound, he quickly launched a long backcourt pass. Just when everyone thought George would start the singles mode again, he suddenly shook his wrist and sent the offensive power to the latecomer with a ground pass. An Jie’s hands.

Facing Adams with open arms, Anjie shook off the defense with a wonderful jump and scored an easy layup.

Donovan started yelling from the sidelines, he didn’t want to just watch the points difference widen. But as long as Anthony and Westbrook do not score for a moment, the pace of the game will be more and more firmly grasped by the Trail Blazers.

The same is to use the stars to attack the defense, Westbrook and Anthony are more of a simple fight alone. But between Anjie and George, they combined team basketball and star singles very well.

This is why Anjie and George’s offense should be smoother, because their roles can always be changed all the time.

The game went on for several minutes. If Westbrook hadn’t used his breakthrough points to create a few three-pointers for Anthony, it is estimated that the point difference would have been in double digits.

But breaking the ball is not a proper way of cooperating. Donovan knows that Westbrook and Anthony cannot win by breaking the ball alone.

Before Donovan could think of a solution to the problem, most of the second quarter was over. Now, it’s time for the second team to play.

Anthony and Westbrook came out panting. They played very tired, but they didn’t see any results. And when Westbrook and Anthony were both off the court, the Thunder’s offense was even more messy.

The Trail Blazers They can also rely on Jokic and Evan Turner on the bench to score points. But on the Thunder side, the offense is really terrible.

Oladipo continued to hit the iron, and the Thunder’s backup power forward Ty Gibson was constrained very embarrassed. Jeremy Grant? This guy was once rated as the “worst perimeter pitcher” by espn. Counting on him to score for the Thunder, it is better to count on Oladipo to be resurrected.

Thanks to the efforts of Anjie, George and the Trail Blazers’ second team, the Thunder still led the Thunder by five points at the end of the first quarter. By the time of the intermission, it became ten minutes behind!

46 to 56, both Anthony and Westbrook were unhappy because of the score.

They walked quickly into the locker room, hoping to find a solution to the problem earlier. The Moda Center is really not a good place!

When scorers like Westbrook and Anthony were struggling in the Moda Center, Donovan knew that this series would be very difficult for him…

How to play in the second half of the game? This is really a headache for Donovan.

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