The Way of the Center

Chapter 814

Chapter 833 : Defend your home court

Catherine walked in the mall with her son, wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap did not attract too many people’s attention. Occasionally, one or two people who recognized her only smiled in surprise, and did not step forward to bother.

In the Western Conference Finals, even though Anjie is in Portland, he does not have much time to spend with his family.

Train during the day and watch the video at night. Whenever he returned home, he was already exhausted. In the days without An Jie, Catherine and An Xiang certainly would not stay at home so bored every day, so today, seeing the weather is good, Catherine took her son out for a stroll.

In the huge shopping mall, Catherine has seen countless people wearing the Blazers jersey. And most of them wear Anjie’s 00 size.

Countless large posters for the Western Conference finals were posted in sports brand stores. An Jie’s series of sneakers in the way of the center is still the flagship of Nike stores in all places.

This city has been completely changed by Anjie. Even if Catherine is away, no matter where she goes, you will find that this city is closely related to basketball.

Catherine, who was tired from walking, took Anxiang to a coffee shop to rest. Opposite the floor-to-ceiling windows of the coffee shop, there was also a building that pierced the sky. An Xiangdong looked around, and suddenly stretched out his little hand.

“Look, it’s Dad!” An Xiang pointed to the opposite building and shouted. His voice naturally attracted the attention of customers at the neighboring tables.

Catherine looked in the direction of Anxiang’s fingers, and there was a huge billboard in the middle of the opposite building. Obviously, this billboard was just replaced.

On the billboard, is a half-length photo of the Trail Blazers’ first five tigers. An Jie stood in the middle holding a basketball, and the other four stood beside An Jie with his arms around his chest.

Under the billboard, the white letters formed a simple but powerful sentence. “Defend your home court!”

There is no doubt that this is an official billboard set up by the Trail Blazers to promote the Western Conference Finals tiebreaker. Defending the home court, this is the theme of the entire Portland city in recent days.

The most important home defense game in the history of the Trail Blazers seems to make the city as if it is really about to usher in a war.

“Dad’s game tomorrow, do you think he can win?” Seeing that everyone around him recognized herself because of her peaceful behavior, Catherine simply took off her sunglasses.

“Dad will definitely win. Tomorrow they will fight at Moda Center.” An excited expression appeared on An Xiang’s small face, and Catherine smiled and shook her head. This little guy, maybe in the future, will be more obsessed with the stadium than An Jie…


“Change defense, change defense! Napier, your defense is not fast enough! Remember, you must be decisive, the Warriors will have a chance when you hesitate!” If even the outside world has been wrapped in the atmosphere of the war, then it is the center of the war. Inside the Moda Center, the atmosphere is even more tense.

Although the tiebreaker will start tomorrow night, the Trail Blazers did not relax their training at all today. This is not the time to rest. If tomorrow’s game is lost, the Trail Blazers will rest for a whole summer with a frustration.

“Come again! Remember, change defenses quickly and decisively! Tomorrow’s game, any chance you give each other may change the entire game. This is a battle where every ball must be contested, gentlemen, every ball must be contested. !” Ricard blew his whistle, and the players immediately moved.

On the court, most players are naked, and the exhausted George is one of them.

As one of the stars of this team, George’s determination to win is as firm as Anjie. It can be said that, besides An Jie, the person who worked hardest on the entire training ground was Paul George.

He has always followed Anjie, whether it was a defeat or a victory, whether it was training or competition. He does not want to fall behind, because he has not forgotten that his dream is to become a great player like Anjie!

So even though he is exhausted, George still takes training seriously. In the face of Evan Turner’s defense, he suddenly changed direction in a large arc, allowing himself to pass the defense cleanly.

“Fucking fast!” Divac couldn’t help muttering to himself, George’s breakthrough, even if Leonard came, he might not be able to stop it.

After breaking through Turner, George faced Anjie’s rim without fear. This guy knew that if An Jie came hard, it would only be blocked. So this guy held the ball with both hands and straddled his feet in a large arc. George dodges Anjie’s defense with a European step with a very large arc of direction, and succeeded in a layup.

But when George landed, he suddenly fell to the ground with an unstable weight. An Jie hurried up to help. At this time, no more accidents could happen.

“How? It’s okay, buddy!” Anjie stretched out his hands and pulled George up.

“It’s okay!” George waved his hand, but no one noticed that his expression was not very natural.

An ordinary fall is not surprising on the training ground. Basketball is a highly antagonistic sport. Since it is highly antagonistic, bumps and bumps cannot be avoided. An Jie is such a big man, every time he trains, he has to fall seven or eight times.

George quickly continued to devote himself to training. He knew that he had to persevere no matter what…….


“Defense! Defense! Defense! Defense!” Moda Center, May 27, 2018, 9:30 in the evening.

In the stands, the Blazers fans uniformly dressed in dark red short sleeves shouted neatly, making Curry even feel that the stadium under his feet was shaking.

Not only the players, but the fans also know how important this game is to them. Therefore, they couldn’t help the team on the court, so they played the role of the sixth man in their own way.

Curry called a pick-and-roll, and Drummond Green immediately came out. Morris clings to the short guy in front of him, for fear that he will get a little bit of time.

At this point, the tiebreaker has reached the final quarter. The score between the two sides was 85 and there was still four and a half minutes before the game ended.

The game was as exciting as the fans expected. The two sides did not give in to each other and played very fiercely. The Warriors want to break the curse that no one can win away in this series, and Anjie and the others are vowing to defend Moda Center to the death.

When Curry was about to use the pick-and-roll to break through, Napier quickly bypassed the pick-and-roll and reposted it. After practicing the pick and roll defense for so long, Napier’s improvement is very obvious. Although Curry broke through, Napier has been interfering with him.

Seeing Curry hit the basket, Anjie immediately dropped Pachulia and guarded under the basket. Even if Curry now passes the ball to Pachulia, Anjie can quickly go back.

The fans were still shouting “Defense” hoarsely, and Curry still felt the whole stadium trembling. He fixed his eyes on the direction of the basket, but he passed the ball back to his head, breaking through the score!

The basketball was accurately passed to Durant, who was running out of position, not because of Curry’s long eyes, but because of his memorization of the Warriors’ tactics. When and which player should be in which position, Curry is clear in his mind.

This kind of guy is often very threatening on the court, because An Jie is also such a player.

Curry’s non-personal breakthrough point made the commentators applaud, but Durant had just received the ball before he had time to shoot, he was entangled by Paul George.

Durant certainly wouldn’t give up offense just because of George’s defense. He took a sway with the ball and immediately forced a breakthrough with his shoulder against George’s chest. Don’t look at Durant’s figure as a “bamboo pole” type, but this guy is not afraid of physical confrontation at all.

Although George backed back again and again, but he always remained at Durant’s side. If Durant wants to force a layup, it will be very difficult.

Sure enough, Durant wanted to directly attack the frame by relying on his wingspan advantage. Even if George is by his side, even if Anjie is at the basket at the moment, Durant still intends to do so.

Perhaps for others, doing so is undoubtedly seeking a dead end. But for Durant, this is a chance to score!

Durant stepped forward, holding George with his right hand, and raising the basketball with his left hand, preparing for a layup.

The thin and tall No. 35 kicked the ground abruptly and jumped high. An Jie did not show any weakness. Although there was a George between him and Durant, he still had a chance to complete the shot.

George is also ready to follow Durant and continue to pressure. However, when his legs were exerting strength, George yelled, and then fell to the ground!

“Swipe.” Durant sent the basketball over Anjie’s fingertips and fell into the net.

Anjie ignored Durant’s goal, but carefully looked at his feet, for fear that he would step on the fallen George when he landed.

George gritted his teeth and seemed to be holding back the pain. Although his expression was very strong, An Jie still saw that this guy hugged his ankle with his hands.

“What’s the matter!?” An Jie knelt on one knee and asked with concern.

“It’s okay! Help me up!” George said, grabbing An Jie with one hand.

An Jie yanked George up from the ground. However, what George himself did not expect was that his right foot could not touch the ground at all. As long as it touches the bottom, the ankle will be painful!

Seeing George limping on the court, Ricard’s expression became tense. He thought it was just an ordinary fall, but as of now, it seems that things are not that simple!

In the next second, Ricard saw Anjie beckoning to himself. That means…that means, you are calling a team doctor!

“Damn it!” Ricard gave a strong kick to the bench on the bench, then followed the team doctor onto the court. He pushed aside the crowd and walked to the middle, only to realize that George’s ankle was swollen out of shape.

“What’s the matter!?” Ricard knelt down and asked loudly.

“When I first took off, I seemed to be stepped on by someone. Pulled by two huge forces, my ankle was suddenly twisted. And…” George looked at Ricard, he stopped talking.

“And what?”

“After I fell in training yesterday, I felt some discomfort in my ankle. It’s just that I don’t want to give up today’s game, so…so I didn’t say.” George changed direction at super high speed yesterday under extreme exhaustion. It has caused his ankles to be slightly worn. And just after being stepped on during the jump, George’s ankle exploded completely.

Ricard didn’t know what to say, he didn’t dare to curse God, otherwise this guy would have been swearing by now.

“How do you feel?” An Jie, who was supporting George, was also very nervous.

“I think it’s fine to take a rest.” George wanted to play, he knew that the battle was not over yet.

“I’m afraid that’s not the case, boy. Look at your ankle. If you are so swollen, I dare not say that you can continue to play after a rest.” And the chief team doctor said a word to George, Angel and Riccar The Germans poured a basin of cold water.

While everyone in the Trail Blazers observed George’s injury, the whole process of defending George’s injury had already begun on the big screen.

Just when George was defending Durant, he originally planned to take off, but was stepped on by Drummond Green next to him. The pulling of two huge forces caused George’s ankle to deform in an exaggerated angle.

No one knows if Drummond Green did it on purpose, Angenin believes that this guy did not do it on purpose, otherwise, he would personally abolish him!

Green watched the big screen back to defense, and spread out his hands innocently. At that time, he just wanted to get stuck in a position to get offensive rebounds, and he didn’t expect his foot to step on George who was jumping.

But for a guy with a “tired history”, who knows whether his innocence is true or false.

“I’ll take him to the hospital for a thorough examination now. I don’t know if he can play in the next game, but this tiebreaker…” The team doctor squatting on the ground looked up at Ricard and Anjie. . “You can only rely on you for the remaining four minutes of this tiebreaker.”

“No, sir. I can, I just need to rest!” When George heard it, he was more anxious than anyone present.

“Okay, George, don’t worry. I promise you, I will make it to the finals!” Just when George was struggling in his heart, An Jie suddenly patted him on the shoulder.


“Don’t you believe me?” Before George could finish speaking, Anjie grabbed the right to speak. An Jie’s confident smile always makes people believe his words.

With the help of the team doctor, George limped towards the player tunnel. In the stands of the Moda Center, the fans hold their heads in their hands. After losing Lillard, they actually want to lose George again. Although I don’t know how the injury is, it is certain that this game will definitely not be played.

The Warriors are still two points ahead, and the game will end in four minutes. George was injured at this time, and the blow to the Blazers was self-evident.

But Anjie, he did not panic. This guy gathered everyone and stood in the middle to talk to them.

An Jie hasn’t given up yet, An Jie, doesn’t plan to fail like this yet. The game is not over yet, this **** war has not yet been determined!

“For George, for Damien, for the championship, to defend our home court!” An Jie shouted, making the rest of the Blazers clenched their fists.

As long as the leader of the Trail Blazers has not given up, the Warriors will not be lucky.

The tallest flag in Portland still stands tall.

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