The Whole World Knows I’m a Good Person [Quick Wear]

Chapter 21 - First World (21)

Fearing that Shi Qing was still afraid, Yin Mingzheng coaxed the boy in his arms and coaxed, cautiously looking completely different from the cold God of War from the outside world.

Zhao Miaomiao hated Shi Qing who hated Shi Qing.

She couldn’t wait to shake Yin Mingzheng’s shoulder and growl: Are you special blind? !! !!

Where is he weak? !! Ten minutes ago, the wild boy named Shiqing scared a group of zerg on the ground! !!

How could he be afraid! !! how is this possible! !!

Zhao Miaomiao didn’t say these words, Yin Mingzheng was hopeless.

Thanks to her previous seduce, she thought that although Yin Mingzheng never accepted her, it was also because he was thoughtful and smart, and saw that she was deliberately acting.

But now it seems that Yin Mingzheng is a big fool!

The alien was talking nonsense with his eyes open, and he applauded!

The Zerg, who was supposed to be her confederate, apparently before the arrival, had become weak and careful little pitiful at this moment.

Before Zhao Miaomiao had been fighting Zerg resistance in her heart, she thought of running away.

As a result, no one of these Zergs wants to run.

Lie on the ground one by one, trying not to show your face toward the ground, using the human language to continue to throw the pot on Zhao Miaomiao.

“This woman has a bad heart and a vicious mind. We Zerg are bright … big! Believe us, we really just pass by.”

“Yes! Right! Just passing, passing!”

A group of Zerg reunited, humble and careful.

With such a pitiful begging, Shi Qing finally raised his head from the man’s arms. It may have been really scared before. His eyes even turned red, accompanied by the delicate beautiful face and carefully white-skinned. Finger, look pitiful.

Taking a look at the Zerg, the boy leaned back into Yin Mingzheng’s arms, and said weakly: “They are the Zerg who want to invade Blue Star?”

The human hero pitifully protected the person in his arms, and looked indifferently towards the Zerg: “Yes.”

Shi Qing coquettishly stunned Yin Mingzheng’s coat.

“How could there be such a fierce race in the universe? It is so good that it would invade other planets.”

Several zerg worm faces lying on the ground immediately twisted.

What did they hear!

They even heard that the mechanical race that likes to destroy an entire planet’s intelligent creatures said that their zerg were cruel? ?

Uncle, who is cruel! !!

Yin Mingzheng didn’t notice the expressions of these Zerg people. He immediately thought of the fact that before the Qing Dynasty, he was alone in the spacecraft and floated in the universe of Nuoda for tens of thousands of years.

Although there is human-like mechanical protection, Shi Qing is so naive and harmless. If an invader such as the Zerg really stares at him, he may not be able to escape.

As long as the thought that the boy would first meet the terrible invaders before meeting him, disappeared silently in this universe, a tingle would hold his heart.

“Don’t be afraid.”

He kissed the boy’s soft hair carefully, gently, and lowered his voice to coax: “We will drive them out of Blue Star.”

The Zerg, whose face was still twisted on the ground, was happy as soon as they heard it, and quickly raised their heads. “We don’t need you, you rush, let’s go alone … go!”

“Yes! Right! I, we, let alone!”

“Let’s go, right away, for a second, without delay or delay!”

There is a mechanical race on Blue Star, and they will stay here if they are crazy.

Yin Mingzheng frowned at the Zerg, wondering if they were going to return to rescue the soldiers or really.

Seeing him hesitating, the headed Zerg clenched his teeth, crawled to the feet of the man, and wept, crying, “Master, lord, please forgive me, let’s, our family is just For three days, those bad things were all done by the giant family. I was only 5800 years old and 23 years old. I am still young, I do n’t understand and understand! You, you … Forgive us! “

Listening to the Zerg is still a lot of work, but it doesn’t prevent them from understanding what he said.

Yin Mingzheng knew for the first time that the Zerg had come in batches.

According to this Zerg stumbling stumble, after they decided to occupy the Blue Star, they started the first batch of charge teams. If it is not difficult, the second and third batches will come slowly.

Due to the strongest of Yin Mingzheng’s power on the Blue Star, the Zerg had not been able to take it down, so more and more Zerg were sent over to fight off Yin Mingzheng’s hard bone.

And this weeping Zerg is multi-legged and has just been sent over for three days.

According to his words, he is only over five thousand years old, young and ignorant, and came to the battlefield for the first time, intending to make a contribution.

As a result of receiving this task, he hit the muzzle.

What he asked for was not Yin Mingzheng, but Shi Qing, who was held in the arms of a man.

Of course, the human hero didn’t know. He only listened to the Zerg while guarding the young man in his arms. The power guarded the Zerg who was kneeling in front of him.

To tell the truth, a two-meter-tall worm with a stubby neck and a stubborn face was crying and said that he was a child. This picture is very spicy.

Yin Mingzheng looked at the zombie clan who kept crying in disgust: “Shut up.”

The Zerg cried terribly, and dared not speak.

Shi Qing shrank into the arms of the man at this time.

The human hero felt his movement and looked down at the delicate tens of thousands of babies with a soft heart in his heart.

This is what a child should look like.

Just when he looked at Shiqing tenderly, Zhao Miaomiao over there had already opened the phone.

According to the original plan, she opened the live broadcast software and pointed at Yin Mingzheng.

Why you can still broadcast live in the desert, thanks to Le Youyuan.

In order to play, he summoned people at the base and developed a live broadcast software.

Even Zhao Miaomiao’s current annunciator was developed by Leyou’s original team. As long as it is plugged into the ground, it can connect to satellite signals.

——Anyone, anytime, anywhere, one signal, solve all problems.

This is an advertisement that Le Youyuan thought of in person.

Because it was intended to “expose” the improper relationship between Yin Mingzheng and the Zerg in this way, Zhao Miaomiao inserted the annunciator on the ground early.

Internet speed is fast.

Le Youyuan, who was looking around frantically because Shi Qing was missing, suddenly sneezed.

“It’s over. I’m so good. I never sneeze. Suddenly sneezing must have been Xiaoqing’s suffering. It must be he who wants me to save him!”

“Le Ge !!!!”

He hesitated, followed by the younger brother suddenly came running with a mobile phone: “Look at this!”

“What the hell?”

Leyou originally took a look at his mobile phone and said, “Live live? My special Shi Xiaoqing was **** by someone and you still let me watch the live broadcast !!!”

“No, no, Brother Le, look closely, Shi Qing is in it.”

After listening to this, Leyou’s original spirit was shocked, and after a closer look, it turned out that the people inside were Yin Mingzheng holding Shiqing, and there were several zerg-like zergs in front.

“Crouching !! My Xiaoqing ?!”

He was so frightened that he suddenly became energetic and quickly looked closer.

As soon as we got closer, a female voice full of vicious madness rang sharply: “This is the hero of your faith! Look at who he is holding, that is an alien! It is not us humans at all, look at it These aliens in this sky are all with this alien !!! “

“Look at his eyes, look at the Zerg who kneels in front of him, and look at the aliens in the sky. Yin Mingzheng was taken away before, and he followed this alien when he came back. He is no longer a hero. , He turned to aliens, he wants to destroy our base !!! “

“My Nima!”

If you did n’t know it was a cell phone, Leyou would have just punched it.

“Who makes this rumor !!!!! How could Xiaoqing be an alien!”

He didn’t believe it, but some people were doubtful about the barrage.

[Yes, the eyes of this man brought back by General Yin are silver. How can humans have silver eyes? 】

[You see, the clothes on the aliens in the sky are also silver. 】

[Zerg is so cruel, how could it be so quiet and quiet, I see what she said is true. 】

Of course, more people still don’t believe it.

[Are you stupid? What’s wrong with silver eyes? I have seen cataracts too! 】

[You are not allowed to discredit my male god. He struggled hard to protect human beings. Why do people say bad things about him every day, conscience! 】

[General Yin is also here. The Zerg people must not dare to move without moving. Who knows the killing power of General Yin. 】

“I wipe, there is really a sand sculpture letter.”

Le Youyuan stared at the barrage of barrage, and straightened his sleeves: “I’ll call now and let people find out these sand sculptures.”

Anyway, he sold satellite phones after the end of the world, and he also sold the annunciator. Even this live broadcast software was in his name. It was not easy to find someone.

On the desert side, Yin Mingzheng would make a killing move the next second after he found that the camera was aimed at himself, but after being blocked by Shi Qing’s tender fingers, he never shot again.

Even though Zhao Miaomiao was vilifying himself, the man remained motionless.

He trusted Shi Qing and his little prince.

The boy kept listening to Zhao Miaomiao’s speech before jumping lightly from the human hero’s arms.

He walked directly in front of the camera under Zhao Miaomiao’s vicious and vigilant eyes.

Zhao Miaomiao: “It’s no use to deny it. I heard it myself. The Zerg said that you are not human, and you acknowledged it yourself, you are clearly …”

“Mechanical race.”

Shi Qing’s soft voice intercepted Zhao Miaomiao’s words.

His voice was sweet and delicate, without a hint of haze: “I am not a human, but a mechanical race.”

Zhao Miaomiao froze, then exulted, and frantically muttered behind the camera: “Have you heard it! Did you hear it? He acknowledged it! He is not a human!”

Shi Qing, who was completely a beautiful young man, ignored her.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and continued: “I am a mechanical race, but not a zerg race.”

“Blue Star has never joined the nine galaxies and may not know about the various races in the universe. I can explain it to you.”

The boy lifted his chin slightly, and the sun shone on his beautiful face, making him look holy and his voice clear:

Shi Qing said, “The mechanical race is longing for peace, but never communicates with other races. It only sits on a spaceship and looks for a planet in distress. When this planet is in danger, the mechanical race will come forward to help the planet. “

“But because our mechanical race does not like to communicate with other races, there are only sporadic phrases in the universe, and only races with inherited memories like the Zerg know our desire for peace.”

The Zergs in the back remember the pictures of the mechanized race killing one intelligent creature when they inherited it: “…”

The boy smiled innocently at the camera.

“Zerg have been subdued, and there are people who don’t believe it. Let’s see what they say.”

Then, he gave way, exposing several Zerg knelts on the ground behind him.

Behind him, where the lens can’t see, countless humanoid machines twist the electronic eye and look at the Zerg uniformly.

Several insects looked at Shi Qing and aimed the artillery at their humanoid machines. They burst into green juice on their heads and nodded frantically: “… yes, yes!”

“Mechanical species, race … peace!”

After speaking, they looked at the humanoid machine that slowly retracted the cannon, almost to the ground.

There was even a Zerg who was so scared that his legs were pouring green juice.

After receiving a satisfactory answer, Shi Qing returned to the camera.

Against the background of a few zergs full of green juice, he quickly concluded with a sentence:

“The mechanical race is the most peaceful race in the universe.”

The author has something to say: three more! !! !!

Three more together 10,000 words together, what, what, small red envelopes randomly dropped, good night everyone

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