The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 60 - Ghost Rider

Accompanied by the non-stop ‘DiDi Di’ sound, there are thirty or forty incidents that suddenly popped up in the official backstage of Watchmen.

And what is strange is that these news reports are all murders that occurred in large states far away from New York State.

North Dakota, Georgia, California…

Nolan felt that he smelled a little conspiracy.

Obviously, behind this abnormal situation, something may be quietly happening.

After Skye hacked into the police database, checked the information and compared, Nolan found that these cases that suddenly broke out were basically true.

And most of them also have news reports, and some have detailed pictures of the crime scene.

He asked Skye to find these cases with live photos and found that he had seen similar scenes in certain places.

Like that scene photo of the California pub case.

People in the bar are standing, doing, or lying on the ground. What they have in common is a look of horror on their faces, and they all seem to be decades old. Or, more like a mummified corpse.

If he remembers correctly, it seems to be exactly the same as the tragedy caused by the devil’s son-Witch Heart Demon in a certain movie.

“Is this… the Ghost Rider?”

As the past memories gradually emerged, Nolan recalled more details.

He couldn’t help but curse inwardly.

This is not a fun character. The strength is hard to say, the key is that he is almost a real immortal body, even Thanos can do nothing to him.

“You mean, this was done by the Ghost Rider?” Frank naturally followed up, as if interested: “Is it the ‘fallen spirit of justice, the destroyer of sinful people’ in folklore?”

“He didn’t do this case, but it has something to do with him. I guess it should be a good thing done by some devil.”

Nolan explained briefly.

Hearing this answer, Frank asked suspiciously, “Demon? Is it the same as the creature you once summoned?”

As soon as these words came out, several other friends suddenly looked over, obviously very interested in this topic.

After all, these strange things are inherently attractive to people, otherwise the Bible stories would not be widely spread in the United States.

And, although they have been together for a long time, Nolan is still a mysterious figure in their minds.

From their point of view, Nolan possesses an unfathomable magic that can summon legendary elemental creatures, demons and dragons.

The giant dragon called ‘Dunneville’ also described the story that Nolan had gone through untold hardships, defeated the evil villain, and finally saved the world, which was also very shocking to them.

Although they never saw the dragon again, the legend has been etched in their hearts.

“Maybe Nolan is the savior in the movie, and he needs to use our power to save the world again?”

Several watchmen secretly guessed in their hearts.

Not knowing what they were thinking, Nolan directly denied Frank’s statement.

“No, the two are not of the same species at all, not even of the same dimension. The demon I summoned came from a different world, and the witch-heart demon who did this was the famous big demon-Murphy Son of St.

Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something and was stunned for a few seconds.

Having said that, will the Nairn star, where the story of The Elder Scrolls 5 is located, be related to Marvel’s worldview?

After all, both of them also have the existence of Valhalla.

And even the Dragon Roar that summons Duneville can be used normally here.

He remembered that he still had a certain dragon roar that could directly summon the warriors of Valhalla.

Could it be that he directly shook people from Odin, the father of the gods?

“Mephistopheles? Could it be the demon who appeared in Faust, who bet with God? Such a creature really exists?”

Suddenly hearing the secret, Skye and Peter were shocked.

In contrast, Frank, who had traveled (killed) all over the world and had seen many dark and secret stories, was much more calm.

He twitched the wings of his nose twice and smacked his mouth: “So, is this case true? Is there a demon in California right now?”

“Yes, although I still don’t know, what conspiracy is hidden behind this. Why, do you want to try it?”

Frank grinned: “He’s looking for the ‘Terminator of Sinful Souls’, right? As it happens, I have to count as one. Why don’t I go meet him before he finds the Ghost Rider.”

He turned around and rubbed the little spider’s head: “Peter, how about we have a competition?”

“Competition?” Peter Parker was a little confused.

Frank stood up and drew two irregular arcs on the map starting from New York.

“Starting from tomorrow, you start from the south, I start from the north, and we clean up these events one by one. Whoever completes the most wins at the end, how about that?”

Peter Parker only thought for a second, then took out his Spider-Man hood and slowly put it on.


“Nolan, are you coming?” Frank turned to look at him: “Maybe we need a witness.”

“Wait a minute. I don’t know why, but I always feel that there is some conspiracy behind this.”

Nolan still felt a problem: “Why do so many reports pop up in one day? Someone is deliberately telling us to leave, just like last time.”

“But this time we have the battle suits. Even if we fly at full strength, it will only take half an hour to cross the United States. What can happen?”

Frank disapproved: “Besides, isn’t there Skye here?”

Skye rolled his eyes and replied angrily: “Yes, you are right, there is an eighteen-year-old girl who is working as a tool for you, BOSS. Don’t worry, go out for an outing, what’s the matter? I will contact you.”

“Let’s go, don’t you want to meet the legendary Ghost Rider?” Frank advised again.

For now, Nolan is omnipotent in his heart. With him, even a so-called big devil is nothing more than that. UU reading

No matter how big the big devil is, can he still devour the world like that ‘Alduin’?

“I really don’t want to see him, an old man with a hairline further back than Coulson, what’s there to see…”

Nolan complained silently in his heart.

He never thought he was a good person. If Johnny gave him a judgmental look, he didn’t know if he could handle it.

But then again, if this is really a tactic against the watchmen, if they never leave, the other party will not rashly reveal their intentions.

If someone is really planning something in the dark, it would be the best policy to leave here first and then return to the carbine.

What’s more, although Nolan didn’t want to see Johnny, he was still very interested in Melphisto.

The old demon in this myth, a figure who is said to be able to negotiate with God, is a self-proclaimed elf representing negation.

If there is a chance to talk to him, it may unravel some of Nolan’s confusion.

“Okay, this time, I’ll be the referee. My Captain Dragonfly will definitely referee fairly and beautifully.”

“Captain Dragonfly? Is this the new nickname you came up with? No longer ‘Winterhold Mage’?”

“Don’t worry about it so much, let’s go!”

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