The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 78 - 1st Demon God

“Uh, you mean this little broken wooden house is your home?”

Xiao Fu walked around Feng Zhai: “I thought you should be a big man here.”

“Indeed, I am also a baron in this city…”

“As a baron, living in this… 600-square-foot (about 55 square) cottage?”

“There’s no way around that.”

Nolan reluctantly defended: “I still have a manor outside the city and many other assets. But the price in this city is tight, so the baron can live in this kind of house.”

“But even the tavern is several times bigger than your house…”

“Shut up!”

A few people gathered near the city gate and talked furtively, finally attracting the attention of the patrolling Xueman City guards:

“Hey! Over there!”

The guard nervously held down the sword on his waist and shouted from a distance, “Who are you? Why are you wearing such clothes?”

I always feel that these words sound a little familiar.

Have I heard it somewhere?

Nolan thought while frowning, and replied:

“I’m the owner of this house and I’m going home. What’s the matter?”

“Heh, where did the little thief come from? Before stealing something, he didn’t ask to find out who lived here?”

The guard sneered, pointed to the door of Feng Zhai and said to Nolan:

“It seems that after the chairman of the Thieves Guild was replaced, the quality of the newcomers has indeed dropped a lot. Let me tell you, if the big man living here is at home, he can shatter you with a breath!”

At this time, Spider-Man stabbed Nolan behind him:

“I remember you said you were the president of the Thieves Guild?”

“Fuck, when did I tell you?”

Nolan ignored him and put his hand into the space bar, ready to take out the key and open the door for the guard to see.

The next second, his expression froze.

Then he opened the space bar to the ground in disbelief.


With the sound of Dingling, a pile of keys poured out against the ground, and hundreds of keys of different shapes and colors were quickly piled up on the stone road into a hill.

Nolan scratched his head through the helmet, a little speechless.

At the end of the game, there are too many keys obtained through various means, and even the wild monsters in the crypt will carry the keys;

As a result, he couldn’t even tell which key belonged to Feng Zhai!

The Xueman City guard looked at the keys all over the ground, his eyes were straight, and he pulled out his saber with a ‘swish’:

“I knew that there must be something wrong with you kid! Come on, there are a lot of thieves here!”

“I said,” Nolan took off his helmet helplessly: “Do you still know me?”

“Wait, Iknowyou (wait, I know you)!”

The guard carefully identified for a few seconds, and suddenly exclaimed:

“Grab Genbao? You are Grabbing Genbao!! Didn’t you go to Winterhold Mage Academy to learn magic?” He looked at Nolan’s steel suit: “Isn’t that suit of dragon armor not enough for you? Which master craftsmanship?”

“An old blacksmith named Tony Stark helped me build this heavy armor. Can you let me go home now?”

Nolan rambling nonsense, squatted down and rummaged through the key pile, hoping to find the one that matched the door of the house.

“Of course, Lord Baron, you are completely free in the city. Only…”

He glanced at the room and whispered into Nolan’s ear: “You’d better go back to Winterhold, it’s too dangerous for you here!”

“What danger?”

Nolan didn’t know why.

What are you kidding, what danger will there be in your home?

Hundreds of thousands of his equipment are still in it. If he doesn’t take things with him, why did he come back?

At this moment, the door of Feng Mansion was suddenly opened from the inside.

A figure stood blankly at the door: “I… did you hear it right? Are you really back?”

Her voice was a little familiar, and Nolan couldn’t help but stand up and look over:

“Miss Lai, is that you… ah? Nisha?”

“It’s ‘Nesha’, don’t call it that anymore.”

The other party came over angrily, and even patted him on the shoulder:

“As soon as you came back, you called me ‘Lai Mei’ and ‘Lai Mei’, you forgot me a long time ago, right?”

The Xueman City guard didn’t know whether he was envious or pitiful, gave Nolan a look, shook his head and left.

“Nisha, who are you talking to?”

A woman’s voice came from the room again. Then Lydia wore an apron and appeared at the door with a wooden ladle.

“Lord Baron?!”

She trembled with excitement, then cheered and threw away the kitchen utensils and rushed towards Nolan!

However, the reunion between Lydia and Nolan failed, and was stopped by Spider-Man halfway through.

“do not move!”

It seemed that he was afraid that Nolan would be attacked, and his voice became so nervous that it became sharp: “Don’t come here!”

“It’s okay Peter, she’s my attendant, Lydia.”

“Uh…then you’re not allowed to hug me like that!”

Nolan was stunned for a moment: “what’s the matter with you, why do you feel a little weird talking…”

Xiao Fu and Frank looked at each other and suddenly lifted off Spider-Man’s mask!

“What the hell—Skye? Why are you here?”


“go back!”

In the wind house, Xiao Fu and Frank carefully watched Nolan’s collection, tsk tsk. And Nolan pointed to the portal that had just opened: “Take off the battle suit and let Peter Parker come over!”


Skye, Lydia, and Nessa sat around the stove in the kitchen, reaching out to cook the fire together.

Since she knew that the two were just Nolan’s loyal followers, not the kind of relationship she imagined, she quickly integrated into it.

“What if you betrayed Sister Chen if I’m not here?”

“Stop talking nonsense, we are just a legitimate boss-assistant relationship. Stop talking nonsense and go back quickly, or I’ll get angry!”

What a joke.

Nolan really didn’t have any super friendship development with Chen Wan as others thought.

With his ability and wealth, what kind of playmate can’t he find? Why do you have to have **** with your assistant?

It’s stupid to put emotions into work, and he will never do it.

Therefore, he was righteous and resolute: “It’s useless for you to stay here. I will never take you out of the city.”

“It’s Sister Nesha and Sister Lydia will take me on an adventure. Right?”

Skye looked at the two expectantly;

They chatted very well just now, and he managed to make them laugh with jokes from another world.

But Nessa and Lydia looked at each other and were silent at the same time, and did not answer her.


“Miss, I am Nolan Lee’s bodyguard, and I have sworn my allegiance to him with my life.” Lydia shook her head: “I will only charge towards the point of the Lord’s sword, and will not do anything else.”

Skye kicked Nolan, and suddenly got a little angry.

When she first thought about joining the Watchers, she was not imagining such a boring life!

But then, her expression suddenly became confused and her eyes were blank;

At the same time, he pricked up his ears, as if he was listening carefully.

Nolan was shocked, he was sure that there was no sound around.

After just a few minutes, Skye’s eyes recovered again, and there was still a hint of confusion on his face:

“You… did you hear it?”

“What did you hear? Tell me quickly!”

“Someone spoke in my ear just now, and she said she was Namira…”

As soon as the name came out, Nessa and Lydia immediately showed disgust.

“She said that I was the chosen one and hoped that you could take me to visit a cave. In return, she will give you the artifact you didn’t get last time. Should I go?”

“So, you shouldn’t be wearing this suit.”

Nolan helplessly looked at the spider paint on her body:

“That demon **** must have misunderstood. After all, there are very few people here who are willing to worship spiders.”

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