The Wizard of Winterhold In Marvel Universe

Chapter 91 - The First Establishment of Fulian (Part 1)

SHIELD headquarters, the highest level.

The sun shines into the room through the entire glass curtain wall, but it cannot dispel the coldness that pervades here.

One person was wearing a black blindfold and stood in the middle with his hands behind his back.

There are several clear transparent screens around him, which are used to present the images of several elderly people in Chinese clothes.

“Nick Fury, I don’t think the World Security Council should inform you that the situation is very bad.” Among them, a dignified woman spoke first.

“Yes, of course I know…”

“You know, you know, you know everything! Then, do you know that the president has officially sent a letter of inquiry asking why we haven’t contained such a dangerous person? What exactly is the work of SHIELD doing?”

Another old man looked angry and interrupted him directly: “Because of your poor work, we are very passive now!”

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is an agency directly under the World Security Council; Nick Fury can be regarded as their subordinate. But after all, they are the direct leaders of the violent organization. Usually, these committee members still give the full respect to Director Fury.

This time, she will be so ruthless, which also shows that she has gotten angry to a certain extent.

“I understand, sir. Such an existence beyond the past will indeed make some people feel uneasy. Of course, I am not referring to Mr. President or anyone else.”

In the face of the angry leader, Nick Fury spread his hands and looked calm: “However, I had a response plan decades ago and submitted it to everyone, but it was not approved. If there is that With a team here, maybe they won’t dare to act recklessly.”

“You mean, the Avengers plan?”

Hearing these words, the members of the World Security Council looked gloomy.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. is just a special agency similar to the IAA and the FBI, then they will not worry about going beyond their control.

But let the ambitious Nick Fury hold a team of psychics in his hand…

The Avengers Project is a concept proposed by Nick Fury as early as the 1980s, in order to counter the growing threat of superpower criminals.

It sounds beautiful and necessary. But to hold such a sharp sword in the hands of a ruthless and unscrupulous person, the key is the country’s largest intelligence chief, it will make too many people sleepless.

After all, Nick Fury’s ambitions are visible to everyone. Coupled with the tacit secret of that high-level executive, Director Fury is actually a bit persecutory paranoid.

He always felt that the earth was at stake, and maybe it would explode in the next second. And the degree of penetration of the Hydra organization into the Aegis, to some extent, also made him more convinced of his own ideas.

Once he agrees to the Avengers plan, Nick Fury will definitely do something out of the ordinary. So the World Security Council has been rejecting his demands.

It’s just that the appearance of the ‘Watchmen’ broke all this situation.

After all, unlike the ‘superpowers’ of the past, they no longer appear as the usual criminals.

Instead, they are successful people, technology experts, pioneers and heroes in social networking.

In addition, the man named Nolan Li, through a series of dazzling operations that these old senior executives could not understand, turned into a media tycoon in the new century, and firmly controlled the online social network;

The key is to also have close contacts with the top ten chaebols in the United States, such as Tony Stark and Norman Osborn, and not just exist as a ‘hero’.

You know, a pure hero is the palest and weakest. As long as the newspaper office starts the printing machine and the government makes a statement, it can easily discredit, destroy, and make people forget a so-called hero.

Therefore, the existence of a “superhero” in the true sense is only the official behind the scenes, and it is used as a mascot, such as the former Captain America.

And those wild ones, whether good or evil, are either incorporated or contained. In the true sense, there are no ‘superheroes’ who are not under the control of the US government.

However, the same method is no longer applicable to Nolan Lee.

He was very resourceful and became a media tycoon in just half a year, when no one could react. At the same time, he played the banner of ‘watchman’, promoted himself as a representative of justice, and was sent by God to save the United States It has a very high reputation and popularity in the United States.

At some point, this kind of fame is a talisman, making it impossible for officials to deal with them justifiably. You have to splash dirty water to break the golden body first, and then use your fist.

However, Nolan Lee, who holds the largest social network in the United States and a newspaper with a circulation of over one million, is not something that ordinary media can hack; more importantly, the strength they show has reached the level that ordinary people cannot Dare to take action.

Not to mention, just relying on Nolan’s unpredictable teleportation technique and the meteor technique that can destroy the country with one move, who would dare to declare war on him easily?

Propaganda and fists, Nolan grabs both hands, both hands are hard.

And other newspapers are intimidated by the power in the hands of this group of people, and they dare not smear them openly, so they can only be secretive.

Taking New York as the base plate, it radiates to the whole country. It is foreseeable that after this riot, the watchmen will be completely known throughout the country.

The World Security Council is also concerned about the threat of the ‘Watchmen’, and gave Nick Fury an order as early as two years ago, asking him to take down this wild, illegal organization.

But Nick kept recusing himself, saying that he ‘has a plan’.

Well now, the general trend of this organization has been established, and if you want to target it again, I am afraid it will be even more difficult!

The council even doubted that this was Nick Fury’s plan to raise the bandits’ self-respect? Launching a watchman to give his own ‘Avengers’ a legitimate reason?

The key is that just looking at the momentum of these people, their purpose is probably not that simple.

Ordinary hero teams, will they do their best to build momentum for themselves?

The image of the people’s guardian has been cast, I am afraid that they will not be satisfied with only making a difference in the media in the next step; they will also extend their tentacles to other This is not what the committee members are most afraid of .

The most terrifying thing is to take this kind of influence and embark on the road of politics.

It just so happens that the people in the United States are most dissatisfied with the current government because of the high crime rate and unemployment rate. And Nolan has the dual identity of a self-made successful businessman and a crime-fighting superhero. If he really decides to run for office, I am afraid that he will rise to the top. I am afraid that when he gets old, he can even sit in that white house!

“Obviously, this team can’t continue to stand out like this in the United States. The government needs to launch a team of heroes of its own, and I think the well-planned ‘Avengers’ is a good choice.”

Nick Fury made another proposal with confidence, while the members of the council were deeply pondered.

“So about the leader of the Avengers, do you have any good plans? I have to remind you that a suitable ‘captain’ person is very important. He must not only represent the spirit of the United States, but also be accepted and loved by the public. From this In one respect, that Mr. Nolan did a great job.”

The old woman in the committee has always had goodwill towards Nick Fury, and at this time she gave him another chance: “He has the identity of a young self-made entrepreneur, and is also the founder of the most popular website among young people. To find It’s not easy for a person who can fight with him and rob people’s goodwill.”

“Yes, it’s very difficult. Fortunately, by chance, we finally found a suitable candidate.”

Nick Fury picked up a shield from the table next to him and turned it over in his hand to show them:

“S.H.I.E.L.D. has always suspected that this person did not really die, and we have never given up searching for him for many years. Now, we finally have some clues.”

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