The Wolf With Silver WIngs

Going to School Pt. 2

By the third period, I was all but exhausted with the questions and looks. Even the other Emergents were staring at me now. The only upside to the day was that I was now heading to fourth period, biology. In there, I would have Erin and now Taylor. As I walked down the hall, I saw Emily with her friends. They were whispering and pointing at anyone who, like me, changed by that storm. I wanted to walk up and punch her in the face, but that would only make things worse. 

As I reached my biology class entrance, I could see that Erin and Taylor were sitting next to one another. I quickly made my way to the table where they were and sat down. I was greeted with a  smile from Erin. Taylor looked as if she had been crying.

“Hey guys, I am glad to see both of you. Classes have been hell. I even had some creep try to touch my tail. Luckily Mr. Jameson stepped in. How have your classes been, Taylor?” I asked. She didn’t look at me. Instead, she looked down at the table. 

“Classes were okay until I saw Emily. She acted like she didn’t know me. Then one of her friends decided it would be funny to yank on my tail. I had never felt so much pain in all my life,” she said as tears ran down. Leaning over, I hugged her tight. 

“I am sorry that she did that to you, Taylor. I wish there was some way I could help you with her,” I said softly. Erin reached over and joined me in hugging her. This caught the attention of Maddison. She was one of Emily’s best friends. 

“God, not only are you a freak, but you’re a lesbian too? Emily was right. You don’t deserve the Prescott name.” Maddison said, sticking her nose up. As the words left her mouth, I felt something deep inside me awaken. A wave of anger that I had been trying to keep locked up. 

As I stood up and walked over to Maddison, everyone watched me intently, but I didn’t care. As I stood in front of her, she rolled her eyes at me.  “What do you want, freak?” she asked, making sure to emphasize the word freak. This only made my anger worse. 

“Listen here, you bitch, you do not have any right to talk about Taylor like that. She didn’t ask for any of this. None of us did. Fuck, you aren’t any better. Your sister told me about how you fucked Greg Anderson just so you wouldn’t have to be a virgin in high school. Plus, Emily only lets you hang out with her so she can go to your house and drool over your dad.” I said in an explosion of anger. I could hear whispers in the background, but I was too focused on my anger to listen to what anyone said. Maddison sat there with her mouth open. 

I was just about to unload on her some more, but Mrs. Kingly walked in. I hurried back to my desk next to Taylor. It seemed that she had stopped crying and was now blushing. “Thank you, Angel, but you didn’t have to do that,” Taylor said, wiping her face of the remaining tears. 

“Yes, I did. I wasn’t going to sit there and let Maddison discriminate you and say what she said about your name,” I said as I placed my hand on her knee. Mrs. Kingly started in on the lesson, but I focused more on what Taylor had gone through. Then there was what was going to happen when Emily found out what I said, but I didn’t care what she thought. Right now, I just wanted to make sure that Taylor was alright. 

Biology was over with, and it was time for lunch. I was starving. As I walked into the cafeteria, I noticed that everyone who was not an emergent was sitting at tables together. Everyone else was spread out and talking amongst each other. So, this is how it is going to be. As I stood in line to get my lunch, I heard whispers behind me. I was about to turn around a fist collided with the side of my face. I fell to the ground. Looking up, I saw Emily standing there, with her friend Maddison standing behind her.

“How dare you speak to Maddison like that. You freaks think that you are the same as us. That you have a right to even go to the same school as us. And Taylor. She is a disgrace to the Prescott name. Daddy had to tell everyone that she was at some private boarding school to keep everyone from finding out that his daughter was now a freak. And FYI, who I want to drool over is none of you damn business.” Emily said as she kicked my tray across the cafeteria. 

Without a second thought, I leaped up off the floor, my wings materializing as I grabbed her. I slammed her against the wall across the cafeteria. The anger inside me erupting like a volcano. I pulled back my fist as I prepared to puncher when I heard footsteps running in my direction.

“Angel stop, she isn’t worth it!” I heard Taylor say. Looking down, I saw her and Erin standing below me. Then I saw the other thousands of eyes staring at me. What was I doing? This wasn’t me. I am not a violent person. Looking back at Emily, I saw nothing but terror in her eyes. Slowly I lowered us both to the floor. As I let her go, she ran off without saying another word. 

“Miss. Avery, report to the principal’s office immediately,” I heard someone say behind me. Turning around, I saw vice-principal Mitchel standing there. He had a scowl on his face. Great, just what I needed. I was going to be expelled for sure. Without saying a word, I left the cafeteria, not even able to eat. 

Felt like a long walk to the principal’s office. I could just see the look on moms’ face when she finds out that I was picking fights in school. Well, I really wasn’t, but that’s not how everyone was going to see it. They would just see a freak beating up a human. It’s funny to have to refer to someone as a human. Reaching the door to the principal’s office, I dematerialized my wings. Feeling them disappear, I opened the door and went inside.

Inside the principal’s office, I saw Emily and Maddison sitting there. Neither one of them looked at me as I walked by. You could see Emily still shaking. I knew how this was going to go down. She would play her poor me routine and bat her eyes, and the principal would let her off with a warning, while I would be expelled. A few seconds after I sat down, Mrs. Brooks walked in.

“So, fighting in school. You all know the punishment for fighting. I should expel all of you. Especially you, Mr. Avery... I mean, Miss. However, after hearing from some other students what happened, I will not expel any of you. That being said, Emily, you are suspended for a week for discrimination and assaulting a student.” Mrs. Brooks said as she looked at Emily. The look on Emily’s’ face was one I would never forget. 

“As for you, miss Humpfree, for discrimination, you will serve 4 nights detention, as well as write Miss Prescott an apology letter.” Mrs. Brooks said to Maddison. Maddison began to cry, begging for Mrs. Brooks to reconsider, but she was ignored. 

“Now, as for you, Miss Avery, after hearing what Emily and Maddison did to you and Taylor, I understand why you did what you did. However, no matter what, violence is not the answer, even if you did not actually throw the punch. I will require you to serve one night of detention. I will also be speaking to your mother.” Mrs. Brooks said to me. Immediately Emily and Maddison started talking about how it wasn’t fair and that I should be expelled. They also claimed that I was a danger to the other students, that all freaks were. I watched as they dug their own graves. 

“I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU TWO. IF YOU KEEP THIS UP, I WILL SUSPEND YOU FOR THE REST OF THE SEMESTER.” Mrs. Brooks yelled. I had to cover my ears as it felt like she was screaming from inside my head. Sighing, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my necklace. I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of wearing it before now. As I slipped it over my head, I watched their reactions to watching me change before their very eyes. 

“What is that thing, and how do you look human,” Emily said as she began to shake even more. I ignored her question and looked at Mrs. Brooks. She was just sitting there, staring in shock.

“ It’s okay, Mrs. Brooks. It is a  necklace that makes me look human. I don’t know why I didn’t think of wearing it to school in the first place. I also can’t use my wings when I am wearing it. ” I said, smiling a little at everyone’s reactions. 

“Yes, well, from now on, while you are on school grounds, I require you to wear it.” Mrs. Brooks said, doing her best to recompose herself. I wanted to argue with her because of how it made me feel after wearing it so long, but I knew it wouldn’t do any good. I nodded as I readjusted my skirt. 

“Now, Miss Avery, please head to your next class. You as well, Miss Humpfree. You, on the other hand, Miss. Prescott, I will be calling your parents to come to pick you up.” Mrs. Brooks said before waving us away. I walked out of the office and began heading towards my next class. I wasn’t in the mood to mess with Maddison again. Plus, I did not need to be expelled. It was already going to be bad enough when mom found out what happened today. Not to mention what Mr. Carver was going to say when he found out.  

The last few hours of school were about the same as the first three. People staring, people whispering. I did my best to stay to myself. When the final bell rang, I went to the locker and grabbed my things before heading outside. Taylor and Erin were sitting outside waiting. Ashley was sitting on Taylor’s shoulder. Looking at my friends, I smiled and waved, glad that they were in my life. Just as it felt like things were going to get better, the sound of an explosion came from inside the school building. 

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