The Wolf With Silver WIngs

The Storm Pt. 2

            When my mind finally came to, I could feel that there was something wrong with me. I felt hot. It is not like when you are sick, but like when you have your blanket on, it is already hot in the room. As I tried to move, I heard voices coming from somewhere nearby.

            “I can’t believe this.  These two have changed just like the others. Whatever this is, it seems to have affected a lot more people than we expected,” Came a male’s voice. I did not recognize it. The sound of footsteps came in my direction.

            “This one looks like a wolf, sir, though she still has humanistic features. She’s like something out of one of those furry anime sketches, except for the wings,” the officer said. This was a woman talking at the sound of her words. I did my best to open my eyes.

            “Whoa, easy does it,” The woman said. As I tried to sit up, I noticed something odd. There was a weird weight on where my shoulder-blades were. It was like someone was holding me down. As I did my best to look behind me, I saw what was weighing me down. They were wings, silver feathered wings. But that was not the only thing that I noticed when I looked behind me. Laying on the ground next to me was a girl with ears and a tail like a cat. If it were not for the dress, I would not have known who it was, but she was wearing a white dress. The same dress that Taylor was wearing.

            “What happened?” I asked, only it was not my voice that asked. It was a girl’s voice, soft and light. My eyes widened. It was then that I noticed something else that was wrong. As I looked down, I saw them. Boobs covered in white fur. But it was not just the boobs that were covered in fur. My entire torso was covered in fur. As I looked at my arms and hands, they too were covered in fur. With a shock, I fell back. As I did, there was a sharp pain between my back and butt. With a hesitant hand, I felt behind me to find a tail drifting behind me.

            “We don’t know what happened to you or your friend over there. All we know is that after that freak storm, people started changing. It has been chaos ever since. People with weird powers are causing mayhem, people turning into beasts, and destroying buildings. We only just got the call about you two,” It was then that I realized that they were cops. I had not been paying any attention to them in the shock of my changes. Just as I was about to say something, someone came over the radio about a boy on fire and throwing fire at the officers.

            “Well, it looks like we are going to have to go. I’m sorry, miss, but you are going to have to come with us as well as your friend until we get this sorted out,” The male cop said, offering his hand. As I took it and was about to stand, something strange happened. I fell into the officer, but that was not what made it strange. It was why I fell. Looking down, I found the source of my clumsiness. It was my legs and feet. I no longer had human feet or legs. Instead, I had legs and feet like a dog. Four toes with claws sticking out of them and my legs bent into a slanted z. Great. Not only was I now a girl, but I was a real freak.

            It took about ten minutes for me to walk on my own. It did not go unnoticed by the people inside the house. All of them were quiet or were whispering to one another, and oddly, even though they were whispering, I could hear them loud and clear. They were all talking about what I looked like and how strange I was. It was kind of annoying. I wanted to tell them to shut up, but I knew that it would do no good because I was now different.

            After being ushered into the police car, the cops headed to the police station. I felt as if I had done something wrong and was being punished for becoming something I never asked to be. Also, sitting in the back of a cop car with wings and a tail made it hard to get comfortable. Taylor was still out of it. She got off lucky; all she got was ears and a tail. She could easily pass it off as one of those who walk around with fake ears and tail. I could not get away with pretending to be anything. Everything about me screamed that I was different.

            Once we were at the police station, the male cop directed me to the holding cells. Great, just what I needed. To be behind bars like some animal. As if my life was not already ruined. Opening a cell, he motioned for me to go inside. He laid Taylor down on a cot and then walked out and closed the gate behind him.

            “I am sorry about this. Until the chief decides what to do about you, stay here,” the cop said before walking off. Sighing, I sat on the floor next to Taylor. The lightning must have really taken it out of her because she was still asleep. As I looked around, I noticed one of those double-sided glass windows. Standing up, I walked over to the bars and looked at it as best as I could. Seeing myself caused me to gasp. Not only was I furry with wings and a tail, but even my head showed just how different I was. It was canine in shape with ears that sat on top of my head. As I looked, I watched and felt them twitch with my curiosity. Then there was my hair. It was a deep blue. No longer wanting to see what I had become, I sat back down on the floor as best as I could, realizing that I was naked. I mean, I was covered in fur in most places, but looking down at myself, I realized one area that was not covered in fur. The one part of me I had always wished I could change. I had a vagina. I really was a girl.

            As I sat there trying the best that I could to get comfortable, I realized something. I would no longer be able to go by the name I had known all my life. I would have to figure out how to change my name, but what did I want to be called. I thought for a while, and only one name seemed to keep coming back. Angel. From now on, I would be known as Angel.

            “Hello, my name is Angel,” I said to myself, shocked again at the girls’ voice saying those exact words. Hearing me say my name with my new voice made me smile—a little happiness in a situation that was less than desirable. Yawning, I looked over at Taylor, hearing her heartbeat as she slept. With a quick look around to ensure that no one was around, I laid my head against the cot and closed my eyes. There was nothing I was going to be able to do tonight. I decided it was best to get some sleep after what had happened to me. Feeling my tail wrap around my waist, I felt myself drifting off to sleep. The last thing on my mind was wishing I were home with mom.

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