The World Below Surface

Chapter 67 Meeting again

Lu Yan's attention was captivated, his gaze locked onto Lin Chu. Previous players had possessed daring spirits, yet none had exhibited audacity quite like hers. Her courage appeared to teeter on the edge of recklessness.

"It's a perilous journey down there, carrying a true risk to your life," Lu Yan spoke candidly.

Lin Chu hesitated, a touch of reluctance shadowing her eyes.

"I can't shake this nagging feeling that if I let this opportunity slip, I'll regret it forever," she murmured to herself. "But you're right. Exploring a place like that might lead me to a dead end."

And so...

As she retraced her steps, her mind churned with thoughts of potential precautions she could employ.

Lu Yan, in an unconcerned tone, remarked, "The villagers have designated the area as forbidden. Outsiders can't enter without their guidance."

This statement ignited an idea in Lin Chu, her eyes suddenly gleaming with inspiration.

Could she then enlist the villagers' aid?

Lu Yan had also disclosed that he was here to honor his ancestors. What was his true understanding? How familiar was he with the village's secrets?

Lin Chu had been shadowing Lu Yan because he emitted an enigmatic aura. Her instincts hinted that he surpassed ordinary individuals.

Even if he transformed into a restless spirit, she could endure his presence until his true intentions unfurled. While she hadn't entirely grasped the purpose of the ominous pit, she had managed to piece together fragments of information about it.

Unbeknownst to her, Lu Yan was also assessing her within his thoughts.

He, too, was intrigued by what lay shrouded beneath that ominous pit. What impelled the "All-Knowing Deity" to covet it? And why were numerous tombs arranged around it?

And regarding this individual...

"Um, can you tell me why you popped out of that coffin?" Lin Chu's curiosity bubbled up after a moment's pondering.

Lu Yan's response was to the point, "You must've spotted her too – that old lady who seemed more cat than human. I was at a funeral, and just as I neared the casket, she yanked me in."

His words were short, but they painted a vivid scene in Lin Chu's mind. Not only were the departed crawling back to life, but they also retained some form of awareness?

"By the way, do you know why that old lady came back to life?"

The sunrise infused warmth into the air, and their chat found a smoother rhythm. In reply to Lu Yan's query, Lin Chu simply shook her head. Encountering something like this for the first time, how could she know?

Lu Yan went on, "She was the village chief's mother. After her accidental demise, they initially laid her to rest in a chamber. But a stray cat got in, and that's how she transformed into her current state. The villagers employed numerous methods to stave off her transformation into a ghost, yet..." He hesitated briefly, producing an ancient-looking jade ornament from his pocket.

The jade ornament, with its rudimentary etchings, looked like an artifact from the past, about the size of a finger bone and polished to a gleaming finish. Two fish tails merged at the center, forming a raised arch with a diamond-shaped hollow.

Lin Chu took the ornament from Lu Yan's hand and scrutinized it, wondering aloud, "What's the story behind this?"

"I stumbled upon it while I was trapped in the coffin. It still had a hint of the deceased's spit on it. Supposedly, the villagers intended to place it in her mouth, but somehow it fell out. I reckon it's because it fell out that the old lady transformed into a revenant."

Lin Chu's demeanor shifted, growing more guarded. She contemplated fetching a storage bag to house the jade pendant, yet a wild notion burgeoned within her, akin to untamed springtime weeds.

"Does this charm do the trick in warding off these revenants?" She involuntarily paused her steps, her face growing serious.

Lu Yan confirmed, "If my hunch is on target."

Lin Chu found herself caught in a tug of thoughts, wrestling between conflicting ideas.

'This place is clearly odd. The villagers have marked it as forbidden territory. Even when I wanted to come here myself before, they wouldn't allow it. I had to sneak in. Without a villager to guide me, can I still enter on my own? This time I'm leaving, and it'll be difficult to come again next time.'

'Should I bide my time until the next funeral and then quietly trail along?'

Lu Yan extended his hand towards Lin Chu, suggesting, "Isn't it about time to return it to me? I'll take it back to the village later."

Lin Chu abruptly pulled her hand back.

"What if we strike a deal?" She forced a seemingly harmless smile. "You lend me the jade pendant, and in return, I'll explore the depths."

Lu Yan's expression shifted to one of disbelief. "Have you lost your mind?"

Lin Chu released a slow breath, shaking her head. "No, I'm perfectly sane. I'm just curious, that's all."

Her gaze lifted, as though piercing the layers of tombstones, fixating on the mysterious hole. "I want to uncover its secrets."

"This jade pendant might not guarantee your safety, though."

"It's got to be somewhat useful, don't you think?" Lin Chu reached into her waist pouch and extracted a twisted length of metal rope.

No doubt about it, those tombstones weren't going anywhere. Plus, the closest tree was a good several kilometers away as the crow flies.

And so...

"Hey, pal, could you lend a hand?" With one end of the metal rope's clasp already secured to her waist, Lin Chu flashed a charming smile. "Could you do me a favor and hold onto the other end out there? Just for a quick minute—I'll peek below and be right back."

Seeing Lu Yan hesitate, she added, "Aren't you curious about what's down there?"

She wasn't oblivious. She could tell he was curious too. Maybe he even hoped she'd scope things out. Emotionally perceptive might not be her strongest suit, but she had instincts.

Lu Yan's interest was definitely piqued.

Lin Chu's excitement was palpable; she resembled a diner enticing a passerby to step back in. Moving ahead, she made a pledge, "I'll keep the camera rolling the whole time. Just give me five minutes... or scratch that, three minutes. Once three minutes are up, just give the rope a tug, and I'll be back up."

As she ascended, the air grew colder. But Lin Chu's heart raced with excitement, and the chill didn't really faze her. Her fingers gripped the Pisces jade pendant in her pocket. Before long, they found themselves back at the mouth of the cave.

Carefully, Lin Chu positioned herself, securing a small pulley firmly into the ground. With precision, she nestled the thin rope into the groove of the metal wheel, ensuring it wouldn't slip. After double-checking the secure buckle around her waist, she slung her phone around her neck, activated the camera, and handed the rope's other end over to Lu Yan.

"Please, if anything feels wrong, pull me out immediately," Lin Chu implored, her sincerity evident as she stood at the mouth of the hole, taking a deep breath.

Lu Yan nodded, fully committed to yanking her to safety if need be.

This was clear to Lin Chu. Unless Lu Yan turned out to be a "ghost," her life was probably safe.

With everything ready, she cautiously raised her leg and brought herself to the pit's edge.

The hole yawned in front of her, unfathomably deep, a black that seemed to swallow all light. Even with a flashlight pointed downward, nothing penetrated the darkness.

Just standing there sent a shiver through her bones, the cold gnawing at her and setting her whole body trembling.

Determinedly, Lin Chu crouched, her teeth gritted. Meanwhile, on the other end, Lu Yan donned gloves and allowed the rope to slip out a bit more, enough to facilitate her descent.

Gradually, she extended her legs, and then, with her elbows braced against the edge, she began to inch into the bone-chilling abyss.

Then, abruptly, the thin rope in his hand pulled tight!

Carefully lowering herself with the rope, Lin Chu descended gradually.

Upon entering, a shiver ran down Lin Chu's spine as the icy chill gripped her, rendering her speechless and even hindering her from opening her eyes. In the depths of darkness, she drifted, the delicate rope twirling her gently, her outstretched hand searching, yet finding nothing to grasp in any direction.

It felt as though she had plunged into an endless void of shadows.

Gradually acclimating to the darkness, Lin Chu gingerly unveiled her eyes. With that single glance, a cascade of shivers raced down her back.

Before her lay...



In the early morning hours, one by one, the five team members stirred from their slumber. Fatigue was etched onto their faces, the previous night's rest restless at best. Uninvited knocks had resonated on their doors, even adopting the voices of familiar people. Li Li's timely reminder alone prevented them from swinging the doors ajar.

Yu Xiang Guang's countenance was the most pallid.

Throughout the night, something had incessantly used Lin Chu's voice to implore him to unlatch the door. Despite knowing that Lin Chu would never utter such words, his imagination had run rampant upon hearing the phantom sounds of claws raking at the door from beyond.

'Will Chu Chu be alright? She's been out in the wilderness all night. No matter how many messages we've sent, there's been no response. Everyone else has pretty much given up hope, except for Yu Xian Guang. He's still holding onto a faint glimmer, hoping she'll come back soon.' Lin Xue Yuan sighed, her concern evident.

Seeing the distress on Yu Xian Guang's face, Lin Xue Yuan couldn't bear it. She offered a few comforting words. The other two men stayed silent, each lost in their own thoughts.

"Well, a rookie's a rookie," they seemed to agree silently, "and this was quite reckless. Looks like she's landed herself in a bit of a mess."

Before they could even think about cooking, some villagers had already extended an invitation to them. After freshening up, the group left the house accompanied by the villagers.

The one who had extended the invitation was a villager named Yan Guang Yao. He had a youthful and sincere face, though his eyes had a fox-like gleam to them.

Throughout the journey, they carefully avoided any topics related to appearances. Instead, they listened as Yan Guang Yao spoke animatedly.

Yu Xian Guang had to push aside his feelings of despondency. However, when the villager mentioned the miraculous blessings attributed to Granny Hu San within the village—how she supposedly safeguarded the entire village—Yu Xian Guang's eyes lit up with newfound interest.

"Brother Yan, do you think Old Lady Third Whisker could help find people? I have this friend, and she... she's gone missing," Yu Xian Guang finally gathered his courage to ask, his voice quivering.

Yan Guang Yao's smile lit up. "Absolutely, within the village's bounds, no problem at all. Old Lady Third Whisker has always bestowed her blessings upon us."

With that assurance, he shared a handful of examples. The more Yu Xian Guang listened, the more his excitement grew, as if he was ready to sprout wings and fly straight to Yan Guang Yao's home to pay his respects.

An Xing Yu remained a silent observer throughout, his gaze sweeping across the surroundings, searching for any fellow villagers who might share his beliefs. Yet, his search was in vain. In the early morning hours, the villagers busied themselves with hoes, marching off to the fields, while children darted about, their curious eyes fixed on the unusual guests.

Before long, Yan Guang Yao led them back to his abode.

As he introduced his family, Yan Guang Yao revealed that six people resided under his roof. Grandpa and Grandma, the early risers, bustled about with the chickens and ducks in the backyard. His parents toiled side by side in the fields. The idea to invite guests for a meal was a product of his parents' idea.

A younger sister, propped against the door frame, caught sight of her brother's return and rushed into his embrace with swift steps.

Impatience gripped Yu Xian Guang. He longed for the moment of worship to arrive. The urgency within the visitor's heart did not escape Yan Guang Yao's notice, and it pleased him. Guiding him along, Yan Guang Yao led Yu Xian Guang to the main hall.

Within the dimly lit main hall, an image of an elderly lady with rosy cheeks and silver hair stood enshrined. Her hand clasped a jade Pisces, a symbol of authority and blessing.

Yu Xian Guang couldn't be certain if it was just his imagination, but the statue's expression appeared oddly indifferent. Gathering his focus, he took three joss sticks, ignited their tips, and made his way to the meditation cushion. With a bow, he softly articulated his plea.

Right as his words hung in the air, the trio of joss sticks snapped in unison, their midsections fracturing, and the small crimson flames at their tips vanishing in an instant, without a trace left behind.

Yan Guang Yao, who had waited with an air of cheer, had a drastic transformation in demeanor. He dashed forward and seized the other person's collar, his voice a mixture of anger and demand, "What have you done?"

Yu Xian Guang wrestled, his composure slipping into panic, "I... I haven't done anything, truly. My friend disappeared, and I merely sought to find her."

"That's impossible! If not, why would Old Lady Third Whisker be furious? Speak the truth! What are you really up to?" Yan Guang Yao's fury showed no signs of waning, his gaze boring into the other person with fiery intensity.

Yu Xian Guang's anxiety reached a breaking point; he teetered on the edge of tears. "All I wanted was to find my friend, Lin Chu. We got separated last night, and I haven't seen her since. I was just trying to get some answers…"

Observing the sincerity in Yu Xian Guang's eyes, Yan Guang Yao contemplated for a moment. With a frustrated huff, he released his grip on Yu Xian Guang's collar, cautioning, "If you're lying, you'll regret it."

Yu Xian Guang vigorously shook his head in response.

Yan Guang Yao's gaze lingered on the shattered joss sticks on the floor, his brows knitting in concern. He hadn't committed any wrongdoing, so there was no reason for Old Lady Third Whisker to be upset.

Then, it hit him…

With this realization, empathy welled up within Yan Guang Yao. He gave Yu Xian Guang's shoulder a reassuring pat and shared, "If what you're saying holds true and this scenario has unfolded, there's only one possibility: your friend might have already…"

He left his sentence hanging, yet Yu Xian Guang had already grasped the implication. His complexion turned pallid, whispering, "No, it can't be! She wouldn't…"

Even when confronted by the uncanny, defenseless against its horrors, he couldn't accept the notion of his friend succumbing so easily. He was familiar with the accounts he'd read on the website—people couldn't defeat ghosts, nor could they fend them off, but they could employ rules to safeguard themselves.

Lin Chu, a trailblazer in her new path, had forged new paths through every suspenseful mission. How could her life end so abruptly?

In that very moment, a chilling voice, seemingly belonging to a young girl, echoed from outside the door.

"She indeed didn't die."

At the utterance of those words, Yu Xian Guang turned his head, his countenance alight with hope, fixated on the speaker.

Stepping through the door was a young girl garbed in a vibrant crimson dress, her twin braids resembling horns. Her pallor had worsened since yesterday, and an overwhelming fury emanated from her eyes.

"However, when she comes out, I shall personally tighten my grip around her throat until her breath vanishes," Li Li enunciated each syllable deliberately, her visage distorted by anger.

Yu Xian Guang, hesitating, inquired, "Err... What happened to her?"

Li Li offered no response to his query. Her gaze swept over Yu Xian Guang, imbued with an icy malevolence akin to a feral beast eyeing its quarry. Gradually, a sinister grin played upon her lips.

Yu Xian Guang recoiled in terror, seeking aid from Yan Guang Yao. Yet, the latter delivered a harsh kick to his knee, causing him to collapse onto the ground, and stared at him icily.

An immensely frigid hand clamped onto his throat.

Subsequently, that hand extended, seemingly elongating, hoisting him high into the air. Yu Xian Guang widened his eyes, emitting strangled sounds from his throat, struggling to pry the icy grip from his neck.

Alas, his efforts proved futile.



The quartet occupied their seats around the dining table, waiting. As time ticked by, Yan Guang Uao gracefully parted the curtain and stepped in, a smile playing on his lips. "Old Lady Third Whisker summoned your friend," he disclosed. "Shall we start our meal?"

Amidst a subtle exchange of glances between Yu Huan and Xie Zi Qing, An Xing Yu's countenance remained constant, an embodiment of calm and indifference. Lin Xueyuan nibbled on her lip, a hesitant expression on the cusp of finding voice, only to retreat back into silence.

Yan Guang Yao took hold of a chair, seating himself with a fluid motion and immediately engaging with his meal. Observing this cue, the others reached for their chopsticks in succession.

The meal passed with minimal gusto, prompting Yan Guang Yao's proposal to visit the home of the village chief.

"Yesterday, the village head's family held a funeral, otherwise I should have invited you sooner."

Friendly nods and smiles punctuated their path as they meandered through the village. In due course, they arrived at the abode of the village chief. The interior ambiance left much to be desired, the chief engrossed in tending to other visitors, one among them a young man of delicate demeanor.

As the village chief made introductions, it was revealed that this individual had returned a few days ahead of them to fulfill ancestral rites.

An Xing Yu's gaze intersected with the young man's, instantly rendering him awestruck. Initially indifferent about the person's identity, as soon as he saw him, he realized that this was indeed the same Lu Yan he was familiar with!

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