The World Below Surface

Chapter 72 The massacre begins

Lu Yan's voice, rich and commanding, carried through the crowd, reaching even those villagers who were still causing a ruckus nearby. Some, particularly those with sharp minds, started considering the feasibility of his proposal.

He intentionally pursued this course of action. Without the villagers' guidance, entering the forbidden area was a futile endeavor. He aimed to rally more of them toward this perilous venture.

The commotion steadily intensified, driven mostly by the younger villagers. The older generation remained divided in their opinions. Eventually, it reached the ears of the village chief, who had arrived late.

"What utter nonsense! This is sheer madness!" The village chief erupted in anger, vehemently disapproving. "Do you believe that the forbidden area is a place one can enter lightly? Do you realize that each time we go there, we risk our lives? Who suggested this reckless venture into the forbidden area?"

Lu Yan and An Xing Yu had discreetly vanished into the shadows. The other villagers exchanged bewildered glances, utterly mystified by the sudden emergence of these rumors.

After a moment's silence, a young man stammered, "It's not even New Year's, and the village is already cursed, with Li Li gone. Where else can we go but the forbidden area?"

"But the forbidden area is forbidden for a reason!" The village chief cleared his throat with effort. "Do you really think it's a good idea for our people to be laid to rest there after they pass?"

Sadness welled up in his eyes. "It's a form of redemption! Those who rest in the forbidden area must atone for the sins of their ancestors, going back generations! We must protect it in life, and even in death, we can't leave! Otherwise, our souls will wander restlessly, even after we're gone!"

"Atonement?" Xie Zi Qing softly muttered the word. "What kind of atonement?"

The four of them blended into the crowd, discreetly hidden.

To be honest, Xie Zi Qing had no desire to venture into that forbidden place. He had been there once and had felt the profound dread that emanated from it. If he had to choose between facing the terrors of the forbidden area and the malevolent spirits of the village, he'd pick the village. At least with Li Li, they had some protection.

Xie Zi Qing and Yu Huan remained in the dark about the mysterious revelations the others had uncovered, leaving them unaware of the village chief's mention of "redemption."

An Xing Yu provided a brief explanation, "It's likely that their ancestors were tomb raiders, and the forbidden place they're guarding is the tomb they plundered. They've been compelled to protect it due to a curse, and this duty lasts their entire lives."

Hold on! A sudden revelation hit him like a ghostly chill.

If they were shackled to this duty for life, why were there still young villagers leaving in search of opportunities? The return of outsiders to honor their ancestors didn't seem to rattle the locals.

Yu Huan muttered, "Well, well, it seems they're a bunch of tomb raiders, cursed by their own deeds."

Having a relative deeply immersed in archaeology, and being an avid reader of tomb raiding tales himself, Yu Huan held an unyielding disdain for tomb robbers, an outlook that had taken root thanks to his family influence.

Xie Zi Qing gently nudged him, remarking, "Let's not revel in their misfortune. We're now residents of the Village of the Heavenly Immortals as well."

Upon hearing the this, Yu Huan couldn't help but crease his brow with worry.

The villager who had voiced his concerns earlier let out a disheartened sigh, his tone filled with frustration. "So, are we just going to sit here and wait for our doom? Li Li has vanished again, that cursed white-eyed wolf!"

Even the village chief wore a perplexed expression as he tried to reassure everyone. "Perhaps the situation isn't as bad as it appears. Let's return to the village for now. Staying by the reservoir is hardly safe. And as for Li Li... she'll likely reappear soon, won't she?"

Yet, his words lacked conviction. Li Li's family had all died, and she seemed as apathetic as the other villagers towards the ominous events unfolding around them.

"Speaking of her returning, when do you think that will happen?"

"Yeah! Her grandfather and father are holding a funeral, and she doesn't even show up to pay her respects?"

"Enough already; her house is right next to the back hills."

"Let's just wait until the ancestral rites are completed. Hasn't it always been this way in the past? There would be some turmoil before the ancestral rites, but everything would settle down after honoring the ancestors."

Lu Yan sensed that something was amiss.

Ancestral worship... the act of showing reverence to their forebears. Yet, their ancestors were clearly tomb raiders who had provoked the wrath of the tomb's owner. How can they believe that such rituals will bring blessings upon them?

So what, in reality, do these ancestral rites truly worship?

However, it seemed the villagers had no intention of clarifying this matter. Just the mention of ancestral worship lifted everyone's spirits.

"Yes, once the ancestral worship is completed, everything will be set right. It's only a matter of a few days. Please, everyone, be patient and steer clear of any taboos."

"And if any of you happen to spot young folks wandering around, make sure to call them back."

The villagers hesitated when it came to venturing into the forbidden area. However, upon the village chief's command, they exchanged uneasy glances and reluctantly began their journey back to the village, grumbling softly.

As the crowd moved ahead, Lu Yan found himself lagging behind.

A familiar face from the village reached out and tapped his shoulder, prompting him to turn. "Hey there, Xiao Lu," the villager began, concern etched in their voice. "You've been crashing at Zhang Bai's place lately, right? Any idea where Li Li might've disappeared to?"

With a sigh, Lu Yan shook his head, "I only know she went down to the reservoir." After a brief pause, curiosity gnawed at him, and he couldn't help but ask, "Why hasn't anyone ventured into the forbidden area to look for her?"

The villager eyed Lu Yan suspiciously, then realized that he had just returned from the outside world and might not be privy to the local lore. They leaned in, their voice hushed as they explained, "You see, Li Li never steps foot in that forbidden area. The guardian can't go there. If she were to enter, something truly dreadful would happen."

"What dreadful?"

As he probed for more information, the villager's lips remained sealed, and his head shook in silence.

Even Lu Yan couldn't help but feel a growing unease.

After closely observing the village for several days, he had realized that Li Li never ventured anywhere near the forbidden area. This realization made Lin Chu's plan to use herself as bait to lure their enemy into that forbidden zone seem much riskier. If the place was truly as dreadful as the villagers claimed, stepping into it wouldn't be a casual decision.

So, what lay in wait for them?

Lu Yan, concealed behind his cultist guise, had long known that Li Li was privy to his origins and had deliberately kept him close, possibly to expose those shadowy cult figures pulling the strings. Additionally, he once again possessed the Pisces jade pendant, heightening the threat posed by Li Li far beyond that of the forbidden area.

That's precisely why he had proactively formed an alliance with Lin Chu.

But... what lurked in the forbidden area, waiting for Li Li's fateful step?

With only a pair of days left until Chinese New Year, could they endure that long?

The impending ancestral ritual in two days...

The village chief maintained his authoritative stance while addressing the gathered assembly, "The next couple of days might pose challenges. I implore each of you to return to your homes, secure your safety, and avoid visiting one another or wandering aimlessly. Once the two days pass, we'll all gather for the ancestral ritual. Above all, no one should dare to breach the forbidden area! Such an act will unquestionably jeopardize us all!"

An Xing Yu leaned in closer to the villager beside him, his voice hushed as he inquired, "What happens if someone crosses the line into that forbidden territory?"

Unbeknownst to him, Lu Yan had already ventured there on multiple occasions.

Lu Yan perked up his ears as he eavesdropped.

The villager, in response, shook his head slowly, his expression laden with unease. "I can't say for sure, but I've got a sinking feeling... something truly horrifying awaits. Something far more horrifying than death."

For many among the younger generation, funerals were unfamiliar, and the grim secrets concealed within the forbidden grounds remained a mystery. This ignorance fueled their curiosity and eagerness to explore, while only those who had dared to tread inside understood the true nature of the terror that lurked there.

It emerged from the depths of their souls, seeping into the very core of their existence—an inescapable, uncontrollable dread, the most profound manifestation of fear and despair.

But all of this resisted verbal expression. The villager grappled with words, settling for likening it to something more horrifying than death itself.

More horrifying than death?

Lu Yan couldn't ignore this statement. He'd long understood that many things surpassed death in their terror; perhaps death was a simple release.

As the crowd gathered, their fears and courage swelled in unison. Just moments ago, they'd been haunted by the village's malevolence. Yet now, standing together, their fear ebbed slightly. Gradually, conversations resumed, and laughter even dared to creep back into the air.

"What's the plan for Old Zhang's house?"

"What can we do? We'll deal with it during the ancestral rites. Who's got the nerve to venture there right now?"

"Wait, did we leave his door shut?"

"Who was the last one to exit?"

All eyes zeroed in on Lu Yan, who replied, "I was the last to leave, and I made sure to close the door."

"Well, that's a relief, that's a relief, at least."

After all, it was the place where they had enshrined the actual remains of Old Lady Third Whisker. The closed door had a purpose.

Meanwhile, within the village...

A young girl made her way into the village, her skin porcelain-pale, her hair as dark as midnight, and her face a breathtaking portrait of beauty. Despite the biting winter chill that gripped the mountains, she boldly wore a vivid red dress.

With measured steps, she approached Mr. Zhang's residence, lifted her gaze, and forcefully pushed open the imposing gate.

The world was cloaked in white, draped in pristine fabrics. Amidst this sea of purity, the young girl's crimson attire blazed like a wild, vibrant flame.

A frigid gust swept through, prompting three memorial photographs in the ancestral hall to tumble with a resonating "thud."

The paper people positioned beside the coffin soared into the air, dancing and gliding like kites manipulated by an invisible hand.

Gradually, the powerful wind swept these paper folded people far into the distance, swallowing them in the vast expanse of the sky.

Deep within the forest, the villagers continued their trek homeward.

Their initial approach had been hurried and fearful, but on their way back, the reality of the journey's length began to settle in. As they moved along, a creeping sense of unease crept over them, as someone among them finally sensed that things were not as they should be.

"Did any of you see..."

"See what?"

"The folks behind us, did anyone see... where they went?"

One villager's legs gave out on him.

He'd been smack in the center of the group, and he vividly remembered there were about thirty people tailing them. But how in the world was it possible that now... there were fewer?

Had they lagged behind or...?

Several hundred meters back, two paper dolls crept closer.

Their faces bore eerie crimson circles, and the paper they were crafted from had an otherworldly pallor. Blood oozed from their paper-crafted hands.

Right behind them lay a ghastly, flesh-and-blood corpse sprawled on the ground, its skin brutally peeled away to expose blood-red muscles. Some sections had been haphazardly stripped, even revealing the yellow fat beneath the flesh.

During the winter, a time when many animals struggled to find sustenance, these two blood-soaked bodies had been abandoned here, and before long, the excited barking of feral dogs echoed through the air.

"We've had more casualties," An Xing Yu said, his expression weighed down by solemnity. "There's something lurking in those woods. It's crucial that we stick together and avoid straying."

Clearly, the other villagers had also recognized the severity of the situation. Those at the rear pushed forward with resolve, while those at the front hesitated to take the lead, their steps faltering. The pace of the procession slowed, and the individuals gradually formed a tight circle, everyone trying to secure a spot in the center of the group.

"I refuse to be at the back; those at the rear will meet their end."

"Have these youngsters forgotten their manners? Pushing aside their elders?"

"Pushing? I was here from the start; you're the one who pushing in."

In this once-familiar forest, peril seemed to hide behind every tree and bush.

Surprisingly, Lu Yan ended up at the forefront, and it wasn't clear whether he'd been pushed into that position or had chosen it deliberately.

Watching this unfold, An Xing Yu made a determined effort to weave through the crowd, and Yu Huan and Xie Zi Qing quickly followed suit. With a leader at the front, the group advanced cautiously.

However, even in the midst of the gathering, safety remained an elusive prize.

One villager, plagued by a restless night's slumber, let out a sleepy yawn just as he lifted his gaze. In that fleeting moment, a branch from the towering tree above unexpectedly plummeted!

Before the villager could react, the branch skewered his throat, piercing into his gaping mouth.

Blood erupted.


In frantic disarray, the nearby villagers scattered like frightened birds. The victim's eyes clung to a vestige of disbelief, but the flicker of life within them rapidly extinguished. With a resounding thud, his lifeless form crumpled to the ground.

"It's a... ghost!"

The lead villager glanced back, his very soul trembling, and his voice erupted in a horrified scream as he surged ahead. Those trailing behind didn't dare to raise their eyes, some even clutching their heads in frantic dashes, fearing a tree limb might suddenly pierce their throats.

Little did they know, they remained completely unaware of the colossal tree that soared into the sky, where a young girl in a crimson dress perched. Her once-pure eyes had darkened entirely to black, her face twisted with malevolence. She bore less resemblance to an ordinary child and more to a vengeful spirit hiding beneath youthful guise!

It was she who had hurled the branch that had mercilessly claimed the life of the villager. Without her intervention, a randomly falling twig wouldn't have found its mark so perfectly, right into someone's mouth.

Regrettably, the villagers paid scant attention, their sole focus on the mad rush forward. The already narrow forest path grew increasingly congested as they pressed on, heedless of the ominous presence lurking above.

"What's happening behind us?" Yu Huan asked curiously.

Xie Zi Qing quickened his pace. "Probably someone else just died."

As soon as he said that, the village chief, who was walking behind them, cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

After all, the village chief was the village chief. The people around him immediately helped him up, but as soon as he was raised, the villager who had been holding him let go in a panic.

The village chief had tripped over a sharp-edged stone, and in the instant he fell, his throat happened to land on the pointed end. As he was just being raised, his neck spurted out a large amount of blood. Originally, the village chief had breathed his last the moment he fell.

Events spiraled into chaos with astonishing speed. Those walking near the village chief came to an abrupt halt, but the oblivious villagers behind them continued their relentless push, causing several to stumble and fall.

"Stop pushing! You might crush someone!"

"Stop it! The village chief is dead! Show some respect!"

"Do you people in the back not understand simple words? Quit shoving!"

Amidst the turmoil, arguments flared, and impatient shoving escalated, but their voices were drowned out in the pandemonium. Those at the rear remained oblivious, propelling the procession forward relentlessly.

Some of the fallen still clung to life, but the surrounding crowd couldn't provide aid. Tragically, they perished in the stampede, and as the procession pressed on, more people stumbled and fell.

Among them were several elderly individuals, their bodies frail and brittle with age. They had hurried to the reservoir in search and couldn't endure the falls. Initially, a few days of rest might have helped, but now...

"This is sheer madness," Yu Huan muttered as he raced ahead.

Yu Huan finally understood why An Xing Yu and the others had surged to the front of the line. Given the villagers' frenzied determination, he realized that if he accidentally fell, regaining his footing would be impossible.

It was now abundantly clear to everyone that the back and middle positions were far from safe; the front was the only place to be! Consequently, the procession's pace quickened once more, with everyone jostling to get ahead. Lu Yan and his companions were forced to pick up their pace.

At the rear of the procession lay several bodies, mangled beyond recognition, scattered in a gruesome pile. White hair and black hair were mixed together, drowned in the slowly spreading blood.

In the rear of the crowd, a young girl strolled casually.

In her hands, she deftly manipulated a sheet of origami.

She skillfully crafted an origami airplane from ghost money, a somewhat pliable paper that posed a slight challenge to fold while in motion. After a moment of contemplation, the girl crouched down, soaked the ghost money in blood, and achieved the perfect fold, now that the entire paper had absorbed the crimson liquid.

Taking a deep breath, she propelled the paper airplane into the air with vigor.

As the paper plane ascended, it gradually unfurled, morphing from an airplane into a piece of ghost money saturated with blood. Just moments before it disintegrated completely, it landed upon the face of a villager who had turned around to glance.

Then, it clung to the villager's face like it was glued there, refusing to let go.

The villager's mouth and nose were smothered, damp with the pungent stench of blood, seeping deep into his nostrils. He tried to peel off the paper, to scrape it away, but the material, whatever it was made of, held fast, resisting his most vigorous tugs.

"Little Li! What's happened to you!" someone nearby exclaimed in shock. When Little Li turned to face them, they were instantly horrified.

"It's a ghost!"

His fellow villagers cried out and surged ahead, leaving Little Li lagging behind.

'I'm not a ghost... help me! Help me!' Little Li desperately tried to speak, but he couldn't find his voice. No matter how hard he clawed at it, that piece of paper clung tenaciously to his face, suffocating him and making his head swim.

Then, in a sudden epiphany, he remembered the bunch of keys in his pocket. He yanked them out and swiftly slashed them across his own face.

The key's pointed end proved effective, instantly slicing a slit. Little Li's eyes lit up with joy, and he used all his strength to tear off a blood-red piece of paper along that slit.

However, his nose and mouth were still blocked. Without hesitation, he reached for the edge rolled across his face and yanked at the mouth section.

A soft tearing sound followed.

The paper came off.

Yet his face remained a gruesome sight.

You see, in his haste to tear off the paper, he had unwittingly stripped away a layer of his own flesh. If only he had examined the piece of paper more closely, he might have noticed the thin film of skin that clung to it.

But alas, he remained oblivious.

"Wait up!" Xiao Li exclaimed with fervor, dashing ahead, the bright red, blood-dripping paper clenched tightly in his hand.

The villagers, not far behind, turned to witness his reckless sprint, their faces contorted in terror. Xiao Li had undeniably transformed into a revenant. Yet, he showed no sign of slowing down; instead, he accelerated.



Finally, the group emerged from the woods. Upon spotting the familiar village houses, exhaustion weighed heavily on many, leaving them gasping for breath. The relief of narrowly escaping death overcame some, causing them to collapse on the ground, tears flowing freely.

"Don't cry, everyone. Let's do a headcount. How many of us made it?"

Amidst the previous chaos, not everyone had rushed to the reservoir. Some of the elderly villagers, unable to flee, sought refuge in their homes, while others continued to toil in the fields, oblivious to the unfolding events. Those who had been absent during the reservoir incident became a conspicuous absence upon their return, adding to the mystery of the dwindling village population.

Maybe they had gone to Zhang Bo's house for condolences, only to meet a fate eerily similar to the others. In just one day, the village had suffered the loss of nearly a fifth of its residents, including the village chief himself.

The role of the village chief was unique in this tight-knit community. Traditionally, each new chief inherited closely guarded secrets from their predecessor, knowledge that remained inaccessible to ordinary villagers. With the village chief's passing, some of these secrets would forever remain veiled in darkness.

"What do we do? What do we do..."

Amidst the collective distress, a middle-aged woman found herself seated on the ground, her sorrow intensifying, her sobs echoing loudly, drowning out the weeping of others.

Yan Guang Yao, who had been consoling another villager nearby, turned swiftly to offer solace. "Aunt Zhao, please don't cry. There's nothing we can do now. Let's follow the village chief's earlier instructions and head home."

"Easy for you to say! This village is cursed now! Going back would be suicide!" Aunt Zhao scrambled to her feet. "I was tricked into marrying into this place. My husband is long gone, and now I want out. My daughter is still in the big city..."

"Aunt Zhao!" Yan Guang Yao admonished sternly, his voice carrying a weight of inevitability. "Do you truly believe you can escape this? You are already a part of our Village of the Heavenly Immortals. Even if you flee to a foreign land, it won't make a difference. The curse will pursue and claim you."

"It can't be! I refuse to accept it." Aunt Zhao appeared utterly despondent, her voice quivering. "I bought a house in the city, and my daughter wants to bring me there to enjoy life. My husband is dead; I'm no longer tied to your village."

"But your name is recorded in the family archives," Yan Guang Yao emphasized, his words carrying the weight of an unshakable truth. "In the end, there is no escape."

Aunt Zhao froze, tears streaming down her face, as the crushing reality closed in around her.

Yan Guang Yao's words drew Lu Yan's attention.

Cursed... What kind of curse had descended upon the villagers? And what awaited them if they dared to leave the Village of the Heavenly Immortals? Why were some of the younger villagers seemingly untouched by this calamity?

With the village chief's demise, Yan Guang Yao had seemingly stepped into a leadership role, having been designated as the chief's successor from the very beginning. With a calm demeanor, he guided everyone, gradually restoring order, which in turn helped soothe many of the villagers.

An Xing Yu signaled to Yu Huan, who hesitated for a moment. Realizing that continued inaction might leave him behind, he feigned curiosity and approached Yan Guang Yao.

"I just want to ask," Yu Huan began, his tone measured, "Considering not everyone gets to leave the Village of the Heavenly Immortals, why can some of us leave here?"

Yan Guang Yao eyed him suspiciously, scanning him up and down. "Why are you asking this? You're not thinking of escaping, are you?"

Yu Huan quickly replied, "No, not at all! I came back for the ancestral ceremony; my only aim is to understand."

Regardless of his probing questions, Yan Guang Yao remained tight-lipped. Instead, he suggested that everyone either return home or seek refuge with friends nearer to Zhang Bo's area.

His persuasion worked on most of the villagers, convincing them to head back to their homes.

Lu Yan and the others needed no convincing; they followed the crowd and left.

As for the unknown number of casualties that might occur tonight... that remained uncertain.

After the commotion, the sky slowly darkened. Yan Guang Yao gazed silently at the distant, thick forest, shook his head, and made his way toward the village chief's residence.

His objective? To retrieve the treasure map from the village chief's house.



"Doesn't Yan Guang Yao's behavior strike you as odd?" Yu Huan couldn't hold back his thoughts as soon as they returned to their lodgings. "He's telling everyone to scatter and keep their distance, but we're in the dark about his real intentions."

"Well, sticking together wouldn't make much difference, would it? They can't fend off the ghosts either," Xie Zi Qing remarked. "In fact, it might be safer to spread out a bit. Being all together is like serving ourselves on a silver platter, don't you think?"

An Xing Yu chimed in, "It's getting late now. It's probably best not to venture out tonight. Let's investigate tomorrow."

Lu Yan nodded and suggested, "Currently, the village is witnessing random killings. There's no apparent pattern. I propose we don't retreat to our rooms tonight. Instead, we should rest in the living room and take turns keeping watch in pairs. If any of us encounter danger, we'll wake the others and make a swift escape."

"Do we really have to stay awake all night?" An Xing Yu seemed a bit apprehensive.

Lu Yan shook his head. "A few days ago, I fell asleep and still faced sleep paralysis. So, slumber won't necessarily shield us from ghostly disturbances. Instead, it might leave us vulnerable."

The true crisis had arrived, and even in the realm of dreams, safety was no guarantee. Ghosts could be lurking in the beds, poised to harm them. His words garnered unanimous agreement from the others.

The four of them swiftly organized a schedule. Yu Huan and Xie Zi Qing took the first half of the night, with An Xing Yu and Lu Yan taking the second.

These two had already integrated Lu Yan into their team, and he accepted it without objection. Conversely, An Xing Yu was somewhat on edge, fearing they might say something to arouse Lu Yan's suspicions.

Their accommodations were within an apartment building. Before settling in for the night, they illuminated all the rooms on the second floor, secured doors and windows, and descended to the ground floor. There, they sealed off doors and windows, allowing only a faint glow from the second floor to escape.

Lu Yan and An Xing Yu reclined on the couch, fully clothed, their eyes shut, attempting to rest.

Xie Zi Qing and Yu Huan sat close, conversing in hushed tones.

They had decided to let them rest first, but An Xing Yu couldn't find sleep. A persistent unease gnawed at him, a feeling that he had missed a crucial element in this mission. The absence of any sign of Luo Ying and the striking lack of divine guidance only added to his disquiet.

Lu Yan, on the other hand, closed his eyes, maintaining a steady breath. Deep slumber had eluded him for years. He had honed the skill of light sleep, able to rest even with open eyes when necessary.

His thoughts circled back to the forbidden area.

And the mysterious All-Knowing God, along with the Pisces Jade Pendant...

What was the connection between them? Why did this so-called "god" bear such a striking resemblance to the purpose of the Pisces Jade Pendant?

And then, there was the painting hidden within the village chief's residence...

In the midst of the tranquil night, the sudden sound of dripping water broke the silence.



Upstairs, a sound emerged, jarring and unmistakable.

Yu Huan, already a bundle of nerves, felt an eerie sensation creep down his spine. Instantly, a flurry of terrifying thoughts raced through his mind—spectral hands manipulating faucets, the eerie echo of dripping blood following a gruesome murder, and other hair-raising scenarios. But he couldn't scream or utter a word; he had to forcibly restrain himself.

A specter... a ghost was present!

His heart raced, nearly leaping out of his chest.

The dripping noise continued from the second floor. Perhaps the ghost had already ascended to that level!

Where would it go next? Most likely, downstairs, right? There, it would surely find him.

His gaze shifted to the sleeping faces of Lu Yan and An Xing Yu, and Yu Huan's chest heaved violently.

Should he...

No, no, no. One must not endanger others for one's own safety. If he woke them, wouldn't that also signal the ghost?

Yet, on the other hand, if not for An Xing Yu, could he endure this ordeal? It was An Xing Yu who had guided him through these harrowing days.

He gently nudged the figure seated behind him, Xie Zi Qing.

"Hey, buddy..."

Xie Zi Qing remained still, an unsettling chill radiating from him.

In what felt like a split second, Yu Huan connected the dots. He stiffly turned around and found himself face to face with Xie Zi Qing.

Yet, there they were, clearly seated back to back.

The ghost wasn't on the second floor. It lingered right here in the living room on the first floor!

Yu Huan's heart raced, his mind swirling with supernatural possibilities. He couldn't understand where he found the courage to stifle the scream clawing at his throat. Slowly and cautiously, he rose to his feet and started inching towards the door.

He gently unlatched the door, then suddenly spun around, darting outside without a backward glance.

Yu Huan's heart hammered relentlessly, his thoughts consumed by the otherworldly. He couldn't say if his actions were right or wrong, but the overwhelming dread that had gripped him just moments ago had propelled him to this decision.

It was only when the chilly night air wrapped around him that he began to question his choice.

He departed without a backward glance, leaving An Xing Yu and Lu Yan still lost in slumber. Would they...?

Yet, another faint notion whispered to him, "Isn't this an ideal scenario?"

Ideal because they could take his place in death.

With such grim thoughts, an unsettling feeling suddenly crept over him.

Was this road... this path before him so endless? In the moonlight, its conclusion remained elusive.

Cold sweat formed on Yu Huan's skin.

Then it struck him, had he... forgotten to secure the door when he rushed away just moments ago?

He swiveled around to assess the distance he had traveled. Echoes of countless warnings from seasoned individuals on the web filled his thoughts, the most common being: "Never look back."

But fear had conquered him; the chilling, relentless gusts left him shivering uncontrollably, leaving no space for other considerations. He turned around, only to find the same endless road extending into the distance behind him.

Yu Huan was forever lost.

In the room, Xie Zi Qing slipped into slumber, a sudden and unintentional descent. When he awoke, a deep, gnawing fear gripped him because Yu Huan, who had been right behind him, had inexplicably vanished!

He urgently woke An Xing Yu and Lu Yan, both of whom had not been sleeping either. As the duo opened their eyes, they saw that the living room door stood slightly ajar.

While they couldn't be certain if Yu Huan had left it that way, a frantic search confirmed his inexplicable disappearance.

None of them had any desire for sleep now. They gathered in the yard, their eyes wide open, enduring through the long night until daybreak.

The sun climbed into the sky as usual, dispelling the shadows that had cloaked the house.

The villagers gradually awoke from their slumber, still bearing the shock of yesterday's events. But they were the ones who were still among the living, and life had to move forward. Those who had lost family members hadn't even had the chance to mourn when the village loudspeakers suddenly crackled to life.

Yan Guang Yao, the newly appointed village chief, called everyone to gather in the square; he had something to say.

"What do you think is going on?"

"Has he come up with a solution? Or maybe Li Li has returned?"

"Perhaps we should all take refuge in the restricted zone for a while. After all, we only have a day or two left..."

Lu Yan and his companions ventured outside, joining the gathering to eavesdrop on the villagers' discussions, hoping to glean valuable insights.

Yan Guang Yao stood in the village square, draped in mourning attire and a somber hat, clutching a scroll in his hand.

An Xing Yu swiftly recognized it as the same scroll that adorned the village chief's room. His heart clenched. Had Yan Guang Yao also stumbled upon the mystery concealed within the painting? No, wait, as the future village chief, he likely had knowledge of the painting's secret. What remained uncertain was the depth of that knowledge.

Lu Yan, too, noticed the scroll and raised an eyebrow. He had initially planned to persuade Luo Ying into retrieving it from the village chief's house, but it seemed...

Yan Guang Yao cleared his throat once everyone had gathered, and with a sweeping motion, he unfurled the scroll, revealing its contents to the entire assembly.

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