The World Below Surface

Chapter 76: Murals and Rivers of Blood

Behind them, a revenant trailed along at a sluggish pace.

Lin Chu inquired, "Is anyone here knowledgeable about archaeology? Can you provide any insights into the era of these graves?"

An Xing Yu responded, "Yu Huan had some knowledge; his cousin was an archaeologist." But he was already dead.

Lu Yan remained silent. Despite his venture into various fields, including archaeology, he found himself unable to decipher the unique characteristics of this burial site, leaving him perplexed.

They found themselves in a dimly lit, serpentine passage, with bricks and tiles interlocked so seamlessly that not even a thin blade could find purchase. They had been navigating this subterranean labyrinth for quite some time, yet the small sacrificial burial site marked on the map continued to elude them.

Tension hung in the air like a thick fog.

Initially reserved, Lin Chu gradually became more talkative as minutes stretched into hours. Her primary focus was on Lu Yan and Luo Ying, paying less attention to An Xing Yu. She felt that An Xing Yu, despite being fellow Taskers, shared a deeper connection with Lu Yan and Luo Ying.

While she wasn't overly concerned about Luo Ying, the mention of a "god" piqued her curiosity. Did this world truly have gods? If not, how had someone like Luo Ying managed to survive? These questions puzzled her.

The atmosphere grew progressively thinner, and their breaths weakened without notice.

Lin Chu couldn't help but ask once more, "Are we absolutely certain about the map's accuracy? Even with a small-scale map, we should have reached a burial pit by now, shouldn't we?"

Engaged in conversation, they rounded a corner and cast their flashlight's beam onto a tomb chamber door of notably lighter hue. Upon a second comparison with the map, it appeared to be a smaller accompanying burial pit. The chamber door stood tightly sealed, adorned with faded murals that defied easy deciphering. All they could discern were a few twisted figures and an array of unfamiliar characters.

"These grand tombs often held many individuals interred alongside the primary occupant, likely a noble of high standing in ancient times. Regrettably, the dynasty eludes us in these inscriptions," An Xing Yu remarked casually, though he directed the question to Lu Yan and Luo Ying.

Luo Ying shook her head. "I can't identify this script."

Lu Yan also conceded his ignorance. While he had explored various ancient scripts, the peculiar hieroglyphics before them boasted numerous gracefully flowing strokes and a complex yet aesthetically pleasing design, rendering them impossible to categorize.

It was as though... they originated from another world.

"Perhaps we should document this and discuss it outside?" Lin Chu suggested, readying her camera for photographs.

Strangely, her camera failed to capture anything, even when aimed directly at the wall; the resulting photos turned out blank. Lin Chu refused to be discouraged and attempted to transcribe the script with a pen, but her efforts proved futile.

She then sought to commit it to memory, but her typically sharp recollection betrayed her. Regardless of how she examined it or tried to retain it, whenever she looked away and tried to recall the characters, her mind drew a blank.

The same perplexing experience befell the others.

Luo Ying's face was drained of color. "No... this can't be..."

Incapable of recognition, recollection, or recitation... could this indeed be the fabled script of the gods? A language beyond the grasp of humanity.

No! She'd never believe this!

Lu Yan understood the source of her emotional turmoil but opted to disregard it. He scrutinized the writing again, searching for hidden patterns.

While concentrating, he found it increasingly challenging to avert his gaze. The characters transformed into ethereal musical notes, weaving a haunting, subtle melody that filled their ears. Gradually, the trio moved closer to the mural, drawn in by its enchantment.

The lone sentinel, remaining vigilant, was Lu Yan.

In stark contrast to the others, who succumbed to the song's allure upon hearing it, Lu Yan was suddenly snapped out of his trance.

This melody, these lyrics, they were all too familiar!

Why were they here as well?

Lu Yan didn't have the luxury of pondering multiple questions. Swiftly, he closed his eyes and reached out to pull An Xing Yu away.

An Xing Yu, rudely awakened from his tranquil state, erupted in anger. He fought with frenzied determination, as if possessed, relentlessly advancing towards the mural.

Using his other hand, Lu Yan forcefully pushed Lin Chu, who was dangerously close to reaching the mural, causing her to tumble to the ground.

"My painting..." Lin Chu continued to murmur even after being pushed down.

But Lu Yan couldn't allow them to persist.

If anything supernatural happened here, it would undoubtedly spell trouble.

Lu Yan dragged An Xing Yu farther away, knocked him out, and then returned to deal with Lin Chu in the same manner.

In reality, Lu Yan faced a straightforward yet daunting choice to escape this predicament: he could resolve it by eliminating An Xing Yu and Lin Chu. The termination of the final tasker would mark the mission's end, providing him with a brief respite.

However, at this very moment, these two individuals emerged as the most usfull taskers he had ever encountered. It was crucial to devise a way to protect their lives.

Historically, he had managed to do so, but it remained a grim reality that nearly every tasker he had placed under hypnosis had met their demise during missions. The presence of undisclosed variables couldn't be ruled out.

Then, a recent revelation came to light...

A shadow cast over Lu Yan's expression.

After pulling Lin Chu and An Xing Yu to the side, he turned to see Luo Ying approaching the wall.

Her hand extended, blending seamlessly with the surface.

Lu Yan stood in stunned silence before rushing forward, determined to pull her out.




Upon awakening once more, Lin Chu found herself in the same inky darkness of the thome.

A quick shake of her head left her heart suddenly aflutter. "What's happening? What just happened to me?"

The memory of an eerie, haunting song lingered, and as her gaze settled upon the wall, a shiver traced down her spine.

"I think I heard someone singing..."

"You heard correctly," whispered Lu Yan's voice from behind, sending a chill down Lin Chu's spine. "That wall, it's beyond strange."

"What about An Xing Yu and Luo Ying?" Lin Chu inquired, her eyes falling upon An Xing Yu nearby, his chest rising and falling rhythmically.

"I almost fell under its spell myself, but I snapped out of it just in time and knocked you both out. However, when I regained consciousness, I found Luo Ying..." Lu Yan's words trailed off as the flashlight's beam fell upon the wall.

Lin Chu vaguely remembered that the wall had displayed only five shadowy figures before, yet now, alongside those five contorted forms, there stood another distinct silhouette in pitch black.

She gaped in disbelief.

"This is way too eerie. I thought this place was safe."

Well, perhaps it was never safe from the beginning. Had there been no signs of strangeness when they ventured into the tomb?

Lin Chu reached up to touch the smooth, inhuman fur on her face, her confusion mounting.

Then, at that very moment, faint footsteps echoed not far away.

"Who's there?" demanded Lu Yan, his voice sharp as he turned abruptly.

The flashlight's beam swept across, revealing clothing identical to his own.

As the light beam moved up, it unveiled a face nearly identical to his own, save for one unsettling distinction—it was unmistakably not the face of the living. The skin had a pallid, bluish hue, and its eerie green eyes glinted with a metallic sheen, featuring vertical pupils. At the corner of its lips, two pointed teeth protruded.

A faint hiss escaped from its pale lips.

Compared to a living corpse, it resembled more of a serpent, and upon closer examination, tiny, densely packed scales adorned its skin.

"Oh, bloody hell! Isn't that your revenant?" Lin Chu exclaimed, leaping to her feet and bolting forward. "Run!"

Lu Yan hoisted An Xing Yu onto his shoulder and followed suit.

Behind them, the corpse began to move, its steps deliberate. Though its pace was slow, with each stride, it closed the gap between itself and Lu Yan.

The closer it drew, the stronger the pull became.

It had found them.

It appeared that after rounding the initial corner, they had stumbled upon more twists and turns. Lin Chu sprinted around one, and when Lu Yan caught up, the girl's figure had already vanished ahead.

He cast another glance over his shoulder, and both flanking roads had disappeared, leaving only a single wide thoroughfare ahead.

Not far behind, his lifeless body drew nearer with each passing moment.

Lu Yan paid little attention to this eerie sight. He strained to recall the map, and the absence of this road hardly surprised him.

Could the map be inaccurate?

But he couldn't afford the luxury of contemplation; he needed to maintain his forward momentum.

The footsteps behind him continued their relentless echo, like an inescapable shadow. No matter how far he went, when he stole a backward glance, that figure remained in close pursuit, maintaining an unhurried gait that defied logic.

His sojourn in the graveyard had been enduring, an unbroken streak of running without respite. His pounding heart and labored breaths were stark reminders of his depleted energy.

Though composure was Lu Yan's usual demeanor, in this dire situation, a moment of anxiety gripped him.

Stay calm.

What should he do?

Why did it persistently trail him?

Because it represented his future?

He abandoned his burden, An Xing Yu, midway, but the undead paid no attention to the high school boy; it pursued relentlessly only him.

Lu Yan clenched his teeth, recalling the burial chamber layouts etched onto the map. Head down, he pressed forward.

Finally, up ahead, another crossroads emerged.

Without hesitation, Lu Yan veered onto it.

This pathway, narrower and colder, barely allowed for two abreast. Running through it presented a formidable challenge. Nevertheless, he had no other choice.

Ultimately, he traversed that narrow corridor, arriving at the threshold of the burial chamber.

On the wall, mysterious murals and inscriptions still remained.

Strangely, those characters now possessed an unsettling familiarity as Lu Yan beheld them once more.

As if... he had once translated and used those very symbols.

Could it be? If he had truly deciphered them, why had his memory faltered?

Was his memory betraying him?

Lu Yan took a deep breath. After calming his racing heart, he examined the murals with unwavering focus.

He was well aware of the risk he was taking.

Gradually, the sweet strains of an enchanting melody filled his ears.

The choir's melodic hymns washed over him, purifying his very soul and momentarily sweeping away his worldly concerns, guiding suffering souls towards the gates of heaven.

His gaze remained locked as he inched nearer to the mural.

Just as he stood a mere hand's breadth from the painted surface, a figure emerged distinctly from the artwork—none other than Luo Ying herself, the woman who had earlier vanished inside!

In that instant, the painted Luo Ying bore an unsettling smile, as though she was inviting Lu Yan to join her.

The figure lurking behind Lu Yan drew closer, its hand reaching out.

A bone-chilling breath, like an abyssal gale, surged from behind him. In a moment of dire need, he snapped back to his senses, sidestepping and lunging backwards— and grabbing the one behind.

The transformed corpse felt icy and rigid, but he managed to force it to touch the mural.

In the next heartbeat, it seemed to blend with the painted scene.

Lu Yan shook his head, letting out a sigh of relief.

He had self-hypnotized, instructing himself to awaken once he reached a one-meter distance from the mural. He didn't know if his self-hypnosis had worked, but there was no other choice; he had to take the gamble.

Fortunately, it had paid off this time.

However, as the body yielded without resistance and fused into the wall, he had no opportunity to react before plunging into complete darkness.

When consciousness returned, he discovered himself confined in an oppressively tight space.

Attempting to shift, he felt a glimmer of relief as his limbs obeyed, although speech and the sensation of his own breath eluded him. Even his movements appeared limited to specific planes, as if he had shifted from a three-dimensional existence to a mere two-dimensional one.

All his belongings remained intact, including the scroll he had taken from Luo Ying earlier.

Why had this strange transformation occurred?

Had he transformed into a living mural?

Lu Yan grappled with the concept of his current state. What astounded him even more was that, at this point, he retained awareness, memory, and cognitive function.

He had not succumbed to death.

The irony struck him. He had yearned for survival, yet now, in this surreal situation, the idea of not dying seemed just as absurd.

But he also sensed that if he didn't find a way out of this predicament soon, salvation might become an unattainable dream, even for a deity.

With determination, Lu Yan began the arduous task of manipulating his newfound form and initiating movement.

With newfound convenience, he quickened his pace, dashing along the wall in search of An Xing Yu and Lin Chu.

Lu Yan's intentions were crystal clear: if they couldn't complete the ancestral ritual again, he'd kill them.

Yet, the vastness of the cemetery now dawned upon him. As a mural, he understood that their previous path had only scratched the surface. The layout here bore no resemblance to the map they had followed.

His movements gradually slowed. Continuing like this would consign him to the ranks of tomb robbers of old, forever etched as a mural, imprisoned within the tomb's dark confines.

Defiance surged within him as he retraced his entry route, determined to delve deeper in the same direction. If locating them proved fruitless, he reasoned, he might as well investigate the main tomb chamber.

Could things deteriorate further?

No longer bound by human form, he found his actions more pragmatic, despite their gradual pace. Steadily, he inched closer to the heart of the tomb—the main chamber.

Unmistakable in its grandeur, the main tomb chamber welcomed him with a profusion of burial offerings, including an array of animal and human bones, a variety of jade and bronze artifacts, chariots, and more.

Lu Yan wasted no time examining them, instead choosing to glide past, tracing the wall's circumference toward the chamber's center.

Upon entering the tomb chamber, a startling sight unfolded before him.

The reason was astonishingly simple: there was light within the tomb chamber!

Ancient lamps, their flames burning for untold millennia, cast a feeble, almost defiant glow—bearing witness to the ages and perhaps shedding light on a history concealed in shadow.

As unbelievable as it seemed, Lu Yan had no choice but to accept the reality. The tomb chamber stood adorned with several oil lamp holders, their wicks emitting a dim, myriad of flickering points of light. These lights, while feeble, illuminated a colossal coffin positioned at the chamber's very heart.

The tomb chamber and the outer room presented a stark contrast. The outer chamber exuded grandeur and opulence, as if it aimed to hoard the world's treasures, while the inner chamber remained devoid of anything except for a solitary coffin.

With cautious steps, Lu Yan approached the inner chamber. Only then did he notice an intricately preserved mural adorning the walls. Despite the passage of years, this mural retained its freshness, mirroring the one depicted on the scroll clutched in his hand.

However, the word "almost" was crucial here. The murals diverged in their backgrounds. The wall's mural showcased towering, sprawling mountains, whereas the one on his scroll portrayed a stark contrast with a blood-red river meandering through it. Five eerie immortals soared through the sky, resembling beings trapped in the depths of hell.

Another blood river...

Could this blood river be the same as the one he had encountered in Red River Village? Were they one and the same?

As Lu Yan gazed at the river, memories of a chilling reality resurfaced. Once, when he had opened the elevator doors, he found himself descending eighteen floors underground, and upon reopening them, he was greeted by the crimson river, teeming with countless anguished spirits.

Upon reflection, he realized that he had encountered this river on more than one occasion, though he had consistently overlooked it. Additionally, there were the paper dolls, the Fox Fairy, and the Yellow Weasel, all of which had made their appearances in the Village of the Heavenly Immortals.

Could it truly be mere happenstance?

Lu Yan averted his gaze and drew closer to the coffin. The desire to pry it open surged within him, yet his capabilities fell short. In this moment, he resembled nothing more than a shadow, a silent observer with no agency.

He had no choice but to continue his aimless perambulation through the tomb chamber, akin to a genuine wandering spirit.

The darkness enveloped him, an apt representation of his final resting place, perhaps.

Was there any purpose in persisting? The world teetered on the brink of abnormality, rendering his persistence laughable.

The truth of the world... It's not something an ordinary person can seek. He had been persisting for too long in pursuit of a tiny goal that he didn't even know where to find.

A wave of pessimism surged within him, as if nothing was worth it anymore.

His unwavering resolve felt hollow, and his battles with life and death seemed like a cruel jest. A voice whispered, "Cease your search... The truth will only shatter you..."

No... these were not his thoughts...

Lu Yan jolted back to reality, offering himself an internal pep talk. His hand extended, and to his astonishment, the Pisces jade pendant remained nestled there.

On the wall, the five "immortals" had gentle yet eerie smiles, and in front of them was an incense burner, but there was no incense on it, just empty.

A recollection stirred within him.

Not long after, another shadow appeared on the wall.

This was a very strange experience, and Lu Yan knew that the figure on the other side was also him. Although they couldn't communicate telepathically, they clearly had the same thoughts.

He extended a hand, passing a jade pendant to his counterpart.

In an instant, his doppelgänger vanished from the tomb's entrance.

Now he needed to find Lin Chu and An Xing Yu.



Rounding a corner, Lin Chu suddenly noticed the sound of footsteps fading away behind her. She pivoted, only to find herself standing there in complete solitude.

On the plus side, the eerie revenant's lifeless form hadn't pursued her. The downside? She was now separated from the rest of the group.

Maintaining her composure, Lin Chu retrieved a flashlight and pressed ahead.

This was odd... the surroundings bore little resemblance to the map she had in mind.

Clearly, there were more tomb chambers than the map had led her to believe.

These grave robbers had absolutely no respect for decency. They must have known others would use the map, yet they couldn't be bothered to mark it accurately. Lin Chu couldn't help but think, and she wisely averted her gaze from the murals whenever she encountered them.

Ancestor worship... What was it really about?

The villagers had claimed they needed to visit this forbidden area to pay homage to their forebears. But who were these ancestors, and how were they to be revered?

Could she pay her respects to them individually?

With these thoughts swirling in her mind, Lin Chu boldly selected a spot, glanced around to ensure no prying eyes were upon her, and knelt down.

"Oh, ancestors, I'm a villager from the Village of the Heavenly Immortals. I've come to visit you, even though I've brought nothing—no paper money, no mobile phones, no houses. But my heart is sincere. If our ancestors possess spirits, could you please guide me out?"

She performed three earnest kowtows.

As expected, silence hung heavy in the air.

Lin Chu rose to her feet, feeling somewhat foolish. A quick scan of her surroundings confirmed that her attempt to honor the ancestors had been in vain.

Either the procedure was incorrect, her words were amiss, her offerings were inadequate, or the location was off.

Or perhaps... Everything was simply wrong!

Lin Chu sighed. Contacting anyone was out of the question now. Her phone displayed no signal, and even if she wanted to retrace her steps, she couldn't discern the way. Self-reliance was her sole option, and so she continued forward.

She paused, deep in thought.

The village chief had always safeguarded that map, insisting it was a sacred heirloom passed down from their ancestors. However, when Lin Chu touched the weathered parchment, it felt remarkably young, not more than a century old. Considering the chief's possession of it over the years, it hinted at a more sinister origin—perhaps crafted during grave-robbing expeditions.

It couldn't be a mere coincidence...

Unless there was some tomb mechanism perpetually altering its orientation. But in that case, the narrative of grave robbers plundering vast riches seemed implausible. Precious items like the Pisces Jade Pendant were typically personal burial treasures, unlikely to be found on the outermost layer. Deeper exploration would have required multiple trips.

Hence, that possibility was dismissed.

Lin Chu's thoughts turned to the ever-shifting landscape beyond the restricted zone.

Could it be... that every sixty years, the entire burial grounds underwent a transformation?

And had they stumbled upon it during one such change?

Doubt and uncertainty swirled within Lin Chu. As she compared her observations to the earlier direction of sunlight outside, the puzzle pieces seemed to fall into place.

So, their true course was to the west, wasn't it?

The western burial grounds, uncharted territory, now appeared significantly larger than the east.

Although it didn't seem dangerous at the moment.

Further down the path, at a crossroads, a silhouette suddenly darted past. It was a fleeting sight, but Lin Chu recognized that figure all too well.

"Hey, hey, old Lu! Lu bro! Wait up!" Lin Chu quickened her steps to catch up.

Unfortunately, much like their previous encounters, by the time she reached the spot, the figure had vanished into thin air.

The path taken by the elusive figure led straight to a wall.

Before she could bemoan her bad luck, a gentle tap graced her shoulder. "I've finally found you."

It was An Xing Yu's voice!

With joy washing over her, Lin Chu spun around, and indeed, there he stood, somewhat disheveled, his face smeared with mud.

An Xing Yu asked, "Have you seen Brother Lu?"

Lin Chu replied, "Wasn't he running alongside you? How did you two get separated?"

An Xing Yu shook his head. "I have no idea. After I regained consciousness, I found myself alone on the ground."

Lin Chu added, "I didn't spot him either. I saw his shadow running just now, but I don't know where he went. Perhaps it was some sort of mirage."

An Xing Yu inquired, "Did you catch sight of his shadow? Where did he go?"

Lin Chu gestured toward the right-side wall. Unless Lu Yan possessed the ability to traverse solid walls, he couldn't have slipped into it.

An Xing Yu proposed, "Could there be some sort of mechanism at play here? Shall we search for it?"

Lin Chu found the suggestion reasonable. She took out a pair of rubber gloves from her bag, sporting a flashlight clipped to the front, and meticulously scrutinized the wall. Her movements exuded caution, as if she dreaded unintentionally triggering something.

In the end, Lu Yan was the one who found Lin Chu. At that time, she mumbled to herself while inspecting an inert revenant, her hand perilously close to peeling off a talisman adhered to the revenant's face!

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