The World Below Surface

Chapter 82

In a tragic turn of events, Yu Huai Yao never imagined that his cousin would meet such a horrifying end. The discovery of their bodies, along with those of two men and a woman, in an abandoned factory at midnight was truly shocking. The sight was so distressing that their identities were almost unrecognisable amidst the tragedy.

Reluctant to expose his mother to such horror, it was Yu Huai Yao who went to identify the bodies.

Despite exhaustive investigations, the cause of death remained a mystery. The police searched for any signs of unusual behaviour prior to their deaths, but everyone confirmed that Yu Huan had shown no signs of abnormality. In the end, the incident was frustratingly concluded as suicides.

Yu Huai Yao closed his eyes, remembering the words his cousin once spoke.

"Do you believe in ghosts?"

Once a sceptic, Yu Huai Yao now pondered.


As he scrutinised a series of data flashing across his screen, he let out a deep sigh.


Suddenly, the lights in the research institute flickered. Yu Huai Yao stood up, rubbing his temples, preparing to leave.

Unbeknownst to him, on a screen adorned with a painting of court ladies, one of the maidens suddenly widened her smile behind him, her eyes casting an eerie, sideways glance at Yu Huai Yao.

The person turned off the light and left the room.

The following day, Yu Huai Yao received a call from a middle-aged police officer named An Ru. Yu Huai Yao remembered An Ru clearly because he had heard about his missing son. Despite the thorough search, there had been no indication of the son's whereabouts.

What An Ru revealed next deeply unsettled him.

"Officer An, are you saying that there might have been a fifth person present on the night of their deaths?" Yu Huai Yao tightened his grip on his phone, feeling the weight of this information. At that moment, he noticed his breath becoming irregular.

If anyone else had seen An Ru on the other end of the line, they would have been shocked. In just over two weeks, he had lost a significant amount of weight and now had scruffy facial hair with dishevelled hair stuffed under his cap.

He blew out a smoke ring. "No need to call me an officer. I've resigned. I dug this up myself. Though I'm not entirely sure, you seem pretty invested, so I thought I'd share."

Yu Huai Yao wanted to inquire further, but An Ru cut to the chase, stating a time and place. "If you want to know more, let's talk in person."

With that, the call abruptly ended.

An Ru turned off his phone and focused his unwavering gaze on a building in front of him.

Based on the investigation carried out by the private detective hired by his wife, Little An had previously met this girl. The girl's friend had also died in the accident.

Lin Chu walked over to the window, drew the curtains shut, and caught another glimpse of the man disguised as a sanitation worker, lurking behind a tree.

She felt a chill run down her spine as she realised she was being followed once again. Trying to shake off the feeling, Lin Chu closed the curtains, dimmed the lights, and settled on the sofa in hopes of finding some peace.

Her home had undergone a complete transformation to deter potential intruders. Lin Chu meticulously removed all the notes from the walls, leaving behind a spotless environment. Apart from the memorial photo of Yu Xian Guang on the TV cabinet, there was no trace of its previous appearance.



As Lu Yan pushed open the door, they were greeted by a surprising sight that left all four of them speechless.

Contrary to their expectations of a bloody or gruesome scene, the room was brightly lit, with staff members lounging on the sofa. They turned their heads in surprise when the door was pushed open.

One of them asked, "How did you guys get up here? Sorry, this area is not open to visitors."

This response left them unsure of how to react. Yi Yun muttered, "They're unaware?"

Indeed, these individuals appeared completely ordinary. A nearby computer emitted the soothing sounds of falling snow, accompanied by a simulation of a fireplace. Outside, the rain had stopped its menacing downpour, no longer posing the earlier threat that hung over them.

Wang Peng Fei was filled with both uncertainty and suspicion.

A staff member approached, noticing bleeding wounds on them, and asked cautiously, "What brings you here?"

Yi Yun, afraid of conflict, quickly replied, "We're here for a visit, but due to the heavy rain, we couldn't leave immediately. The power downstairs is out, so we thought we'd come up and take a look around."

The staff member remained sceptical, huddling together with a few others to whisper among themselves before reluctantly allowing them entry.

"It's pouring outside. Leave once the rain stops," said a female staff member, pouring everyone a cup of hot tea. "Here, warm yourselves up."

The paper cups they held felt slightly warm to the touch, and the staff wore gentle smiles. They even provided small blankets and cushions to ensure their comfort and warmth.

In theory, their guard should not have been so low. Perhaps it was the white noise playing in the background, gradually easing their suspicions. Or maybe it was the hot tea and snacks that were offered. Regardless, as they sat on the soft, warm sofa and observed the bustling activity around them, it became increasingly challenging to view them as ghosts.

Lu Yan sat alone on the side, abstaining from both tea and food, quietly observing the bustling staff.

An open gash ran across his face stretching from the corner of his eye to his jaw, resembling a delicate trail of blood and tears. When a staff member inquired about his need for medical attention, he remained silent.

He couldn't shake the nagging sensation... that he had missed something. Why did these few people seem so strangely familiar?

The staff took a short break before putting on their coats and getting back to work.

It was only at this moment that taskers had an opportunity to take in their surroundings.

It made sense why regular visitors were not permitted. The exhibition hall alone contained several mummified corpses. Deeper inside, there were also some untreated wax figures. Parents who brought their children to visit might unintentionally frighten the little ones to tears.

Observing the seemingly friendly staff, Yi Yun couldn't resist moving closer and asking, "Have all the recently unearthed artefacts been brought here?"

Few paid her any mind as they were engrossed in their work. The only person who acknowledged her presence was the one who had initially poured her tea. They responded softly, "There's still plenty yet to be unearthed."

Yi Yun wanted to ask about the excavated items. Specifically, she was interested in whether there was a Pisces jade pendant among them.

Without even raising their head, the person replied, "No."

Yi Yun felt somewhat disappointed, and the other two exchanged a troubled glance in silence.

The mission was crystal clear: they needed to obtain that jade pendant from the tomb. Although there was no specified deadline, everyone was aware of it. The longer they stayed in this mission world, the more dangerous the situations they encountered became.

Wang Peng Fei asked, "Are you sure there is nothing? With so much being unearthed, mightn't you have overlooked something? We just want a quick look."

Of course, that was not what he really believed. Once they found the jade pendant, they could leave.

The staff paid them no mind, deeply absorbed in handling the items they held.

Yi Yun looked around, thinking they were restoring cultural artefacts at first, but... they were handling different bones, examining them carefully before placing them down. What were they actually doing?

This time, Jing Tao posed the question. As soon as he spoke, the nearest researcher to them set down the skull they were holding and fixed their gaze on the group.

"What's wrong?" Jing Tao felt a chill down his spine.

Suddenly, the staff member chuckled and pointed at the skull, saying, "Once these things are out of the grave, they seem quite eager to go back in."

What did that mean?

Jing Tao decided not to ask any more questions, a gut feeling telling him to remain silent.

Lu Yan cautiously tried to approach the door, only to encounter the same confusing ghost hitting the wall he faced downstairs when trying to leave.

At that moment, several more staff members entered the room, pushing a fresh corpse on a small trolley covered in a white cloth.

"Here's another one for the show," one staff member chuckled, uncovering the white cloth.

Beneath it lay yet another corpse, almost completely drained of life, with skin clinging to bones and bulging eyes—an eerie sight of despair. Despite its almost mummified appearance, the corpse looked recently deceased, with pale bluish-white skin lacking the glossy brown hue of decomposition.

Two staff members carefully positioned the new body inside a display cabinet, examining the head and then retrieving some tools from the side.

Yi Yun didn't know their intentions and leaned in for a closer look. As she watched, her eyes widened abruptly, and a chill ran up her spine to the top of her head.

This corpse... why does it feel so familiar?

The staff member turned the body's head to the side, revealing that it was unmistakably a female corpse with a small mole behind the ear. Yi Yun remembered—Cao Yi had the exact same mole in the same spot behind her ear!

No wonder she found the body familiar... This was Cao Yi's corpse!

Yi Yun suppressed a scream that nearly burst from her, cautiously edging backward only to collide with a chilling figure. Wheeling around, she found a staff member wearing a smile. "Where are you headed?" the figure asked innocently.

Meanwhile, Jing Tao's instincts tingled with unease.

He stood near another staff member, observing closely. However, he didn't recognize the deceased person, so he disregarded any strange feelings.

But... the staff member wasn't wearing gloves and his bare hands revealed dark purplish patches, a clear sign of livor mortis.

Jing Tao slowly retreated. At the same time, the busy staff suddenly stopped, their smiles directed at them. "Leaving already?"

"Why hurry? It's pouring outside. Stay a little longer."


A flash of lightning illuminated the room, followed by the ominous rumble of thunder.

The staff, once bustling with activity, now stood still, fixated on them. Gradually, eerie smiles spread across their decaying faces.

"Stay... here," echoed the haunting whispers.

The bodies, once motionless within the glass cases, stirred. Eerie creaks filled the air as they stumbled out, taking unsteady steps into the room.

"Quick, run!"

The group rushed towards the exit, only to find it inexplicably sealed, trapping them inside. Faced with the approaching undead, they had no option but to scatter like birds in different directions to evade the imminent danger.

A lightning bolt ripped across the sky, accompanied by a deafening clap of thunder.

In perfect alignment on the display shelves, a row of bronze chimes began to clang wildly, creating an eerie and unyielding cacophony that sent shivers down their spines, reverberating through the air.

Downstairs, the chasing corpses appeared relentless in their pursuit of Lu Yan. Having managed to evade their attacks multiple times, he understood that his survival depended on putting an end to this ceaseless chase, let alone waiting for the others to finish their job.

In a momentary glance behind him, Lu Yan stumbled upon a shocking revelation. Instead of a wall, there was a concealed chamber with meticulously arranged coffins. Caught off guard, he lost his balance and fell into one of the open coffins.

Thankfully, he had created a clone of himself earlier... so thought Lu Yan, just before everything faded into darkness.

"— Oi, wake up! Who the hell are you? How did you end up here?"

When he opened his eyes again, the scene remained just as dark. A few beams from torchlights darted around, illuminating enlarged faces in front of him, filled with concern and caution.

Upon seeing Lu Yan wake up, a nearby staff member let out a sigh of relief and continued, "Why did you suddenly appear here?"

Instead of answering, Lu Yan carefully surveyed his surroundings.

It was pitch black, gloomy, and damp, with the air thick with the smell of soil. On both sides hung mining lamps, revealing two paths adorned with numerous tools, all eerily familiar.

The structure inside the graves he had seen in the forbidden area of the Village of the Heavenly Immortals was remarkably similar, with a path splitting east and west, leading to a gaping hole.

The people before him were covered in grime, smeared with plenty of dirt.

"Where am I?" Lu Yan finally spoke up.

"You don't know?"

Lu Yan had a vague idea in mind, but he wasn't certain. He remained silent, and the group exchanged glances.

The distant cries echoed eerily once more, indicating that another unfortunate soul had fallen into the mysterious space. Uncertain about the source, Lu Yan's senses sharpened, and he cautiously looked in that direction.

Jing Tao appeared, followed by Yi Yun, and eventually, Wang Peng Fei also materialised in this unexpected place—an ongoing excavation of a tomb!

While Lu Yan wore a puzzled expression, the team members quietly speculated: had their mission brought them close to the Pisces Jade Pendant? Otherwise, they wouldn't have any idea about its whereabouts or how to find it.

It now seemed confirmed—the pendant must still be inside the tomb, presenting a goal for them, at the very least.

"Are you all here to steal things?" the team leader interrogated, suspiciously examining them from head to toe.

"Absolutely not. We have no clue why we're suddenly here," Jing Tao staunchly defended, refusing to leave even when the team suggested escorting them out. They reassured the team repeatedly, emphasising their willingness to help without causing any trouble.

After persistent pleading from the four of them, they convinced the team to let them stay and assist in the excavation. They joined hands and became part of the ongoing effort.

The excavation of the tomb was nearing completion, ready to reveal its main chambers. Positioned between the eastern and western chambers, the team prepared themselves for exploration.

The path ahead clearly led towards the east, indicating the direction for the team. Among the group, Lu Yan maintained a quiet presence. Progress was slow; the team frequently stopped to remove layers of dust, meticulously documenting the long-forgotten inscriptions that adorned the walls.

Impatience grew among the other three members, eager to uncover treasures. In contrast, Lu Yan displayed remarkable patience, driven by a thirst for knowledge about the tomb's occupant.

With each step, the inscriptions on the blue brick walls faded. The team's deliberate pace was fueled by their dedication to transcribe and decipher these ancient writings.

"It makes you wonder... this type of script is unprecedented in history, at least according to our records," pondered the eldest archaeologist, furiously jotting down symbols in his pocket-sized notebook.

Lu Yan walked beside him, his brow furrowed in deep concentration.

'Why is he able to write down these hieroglyphs while I cannot?'

Lu Yan's curiosity was piqued by the wall inscription, and he eagerly asked, "Do you have any thoughts on how to decipher these characters?"

The specialist shook his head, trying to contain his excitement. "Not so fast. For now, I've only noticed some recurring patterns," he explained, flipping through his notebook to show Lu Yan. "Do you see these winding lines in different sections? What do they remind you of?"

"Water?" Lu Yan guessed.

"Yes, I believe it may represent 'water,' but I don't have conclusive evidence. We will need to return and investigate further," the specialist said with a sigh. "These unseen characters with their unique style are undoubtedly a significant archaeological discovery!"

As they continued their conversation, they turned a corner and saw the rest of the expedition members ahead, filled with jubilation. "Team Leader, we have found a mural here!"

"What?" exclaimed Team Leader Cen (岑: "Small hill), hurrying over with quick steps, followed closely by the others.

A team member meticulously removed dust from the wall using tools, gradually revealing vibrant colours inch by inch.

The scene stretched out before them like an endless mural. The taskers were not idle; they were armed with tools, ready for the task at hand. However, the archaeological team still had suspicions about these four individuals. Due to the need for technical expertise, they were not allowed to intervene.

Lu Yan lent a hand by holding up the lamp for illumination. He stood on the opposite side of the corridor, completely absorbed in deciphering the mural.

The style of the mural bore a striking resemblance to the treasure map in the village chief's home in the Village of the Heavenly Immortals, as well as another mural in the central chamber of the forbidden area. It seemed as though they were all crafted by the same hand.

However, the mural in front of them was not the Five Immortals painting, but rather depicted a different story.

The initial images revealed a landscape that was somewhat unclear to Lu Yan's eyes. Verdant hills, lush greenery, and flourishing woods teeming with life.

Further along, another landscape emerged, which seemed similar yet subtly different from the previous one. Upon closer examination, it appeared as if the mountains in the preceding painting had taken a different turn.

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