The world in the box

Chapter 16

The story of the dead is a mystery.

In the 111th year of the God's Descent, the brave Ryan brought back a girl named Cocoon from the north of the Giant Wall. The girl was born blind, but claimed that she could see the gods.

Everyone in the Shia Empire knows that there is only one kind of person in the world who can see the gods, and that is the Saint and Son of the Temple of Light.

In addition to seeing the gods, the girl Cocoon can also see the upcoming fate of the world.

Her arrival gave everyone in the Giant Wall Fortress hope of exorcising the demons.

In the same year, the contemporary high priest of the Temple of Light arrived at the Giant Wall Fortress and personally confirmed the identity of the Saint Cocoon.

"Go, go north of the giant wall with the brave."

"This is the oracle, and it is also your mission."

In the holy hall, the high priest of the Temple of Light knelt in front of Saint Jian, his voice was kind and peaceful.

According to the provisions of the Book of Light, every generation of saints and sons are the natural masters of the Temple of Light.

The girl who was a refugee in the previous second became the master of the Temple of Light in the next second.

All this is like a dream for Saint Jian.

But Jian was not very happy because she knew that all this came at a price.

"The price paid by the Saint of Wisdom is her life and afterlife, and the price paid by the Saint of Devotion Freya is the rest of her life."

"So, what is my price?"

Standing on the wall of the giant wall fortress, Saint Jian looked into the distance, as if asking herself and others.

She knew that no one could answer this question, only God.

In the spring of the 112th year of God's Descent, after a year, Jian finally mastered the ability to see destiny.

Jian also began to rush to her own destiny like the previous two generations of saints.

In the summer of the 112th year of God's Descent, Saint Jian joined the demon hunting team of the brave Ryan and went deep into the north of the giant wall together.

This time, with the help of Jian, Ryan's demon hunting team returned intact for the first time.

Because Ryan's main purpose is to explore, not to hunt demons, they have been trying to avoid fighting.

However, the further north you go, the more monsters there are, and some battles cannot be avoided at all.

Fortunately, the brave Ryan still has the Sword of Destiny.

The Sword of Destiny, which was born by chance, has extremely terrible destructive power.

From the perspective of level, it is completely a second-level thing that can only be possessed by the second-level world.

With the help of Jian's predictive ability and the Sword of Destiny, Ryan finally went deep into the heart of monsters-the Demon King's Nest after three years of hard work.

In the years of investigating monsters, Ryan and Jian have learned more and more about monsters.

They have more and more information about monsters in their hands. They compiled this information into books and stored it in the Giant Wall Fortress for others to read.

For example, "What is a Monster?", "Six Attributes of Monsters", "Monster Sociology", "The 100th Recipe of Monsters", "Monster Materials Science", etc.

Among them, the most important book is called "Abnormal Monster Records".

It records an unknown creature. According to Ryan and Saint Jian's speculation, monsters actually have different levels.

Moreover, the internal hierarchy of monsters is strict, and there is blood suppression between high-level monsters and low-level monsters.

They inferred from the lowest known monster upwards, and finally deduced a creature at the top of the monster pyramid.

Ryan and Jian called it the Demon King.

Not only that, Jian and Ryan also deduced that the Demon King has not appeared yet.

To be precise, the Demon King is still incubating.

And the place where the Demon King is incubated is named the Demon King's Nest by Jian.

115 years after the God descended, in winter, when everything was completely silent, north of the giant wall, there was the Demon King's Lair.

The brave Ryan and the saint Jian went through many dangers and finally arrived at the Demon King's Lair.

To their surprise, there were not many monsters wandering around the Demon King's Lair.

Ryan and Jian easily broke into the Demon King's Lair.

The Demon King's Lair, which was like a maze, was full of glowing purple crystals.

In "Monster Materials", Jian named this crystal with huge energy as magic crystal stone.

This is the source of power for all monsters, divided into six colors, each color represents an attribute, and amethyst represents the dark attribute.

Magic crystal stone is the cornerstone of monster civilization. Unfortunately, according to the test of the giant wall fortress, humans have no way to use the energy inside the magic crystal stone.

At this moment, in the Demon King's Lair, magic crystal stones are like ordinary stones that can be seen everywhere, scattered all over the nest.

The breath they exude condenses into liquid in the air and flows on the stone walls of the nest.


Cocoon didn't like this breath, which aroused something hidden in Cocoon's heart.

As Cocoon and Ryan went deeper, the breath became stronger.

At the end of the nest, Ryan and Cocoon finally saw the unknown monster they had speculated - the Demon King.

It was a purple-black giant egg. Cocoon and Ryan stood under the giant egg, as small as ants standing in front of humans.

"Can we really defeat the monsters hatched by this thing?" Even though he had made full preparations, Ryan couldn't help swallowing his saliva when he saw the giant egg.

Cocoon opened her eyes wide, as if trying to see through the fate of the Demon King, but she only saw a ball of gray fog.

Perhaps, the fate of the Demon King is not in this world.

Cocoon collected his thoughts and answered Ryan's question calmly:

"Of course we can defeat the Demon King. Have you forgotten? I once said that you will defeat the Demon King and spend the rest of your life in regret."

"That is not a prophecy, but your upcoming destiny."

"Now, what you have to do is to draw the sword of destiny and kill the king of monsters."

At this point, Cocoon turned his head and looked in the direction of Ryan, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

After hearing what Cocoon said, Ryan no longer hesitated. He jumped onto the giant egg and stabbed it fiercely.


The sound of the eggshell breaking sounded in the empty Demon King's nest, and the purple light shot out from the giant egg for a long time.

And Ryan finally saw the Demon King hatched in the giant egg.

It was a creature as big as a baby, with a round body, double horns on its head, and a pair of big eyes kept blinking, staring at Ryan who jumped down in confusion.

Who could have guessed.

The legendary monster king, standing at the top of the monster biological chain, turned out to be such a young and cute creature.

After seeing the face of the demon king clearly, Ryan's face showed a trace of hesitation.

Unfortunately, the sword of fate has been cut down.

The next second, the demon king who had not yet hatched died in the hands of the brave Ryan.

Just like thousands of legends, the arrogant demon king will eventually die under the sword of the brave.

"Is this the end?"

Ryan pulled out the sword of fate from the dead demon king's body, and the sword of fate in his hand had a sense of unreality.

From beginning to end, Jian has been watching all this quietly, as if everything was within her expectations.

She stepped forward, groped out a black stone from the demon king's body, and smiled at Ryan:

"You are wrong."

"Everything has just begun."

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