The world in the box

Chapter 4

Some people say that civilization is the result of countless coincidences.

When a monkey opens a dictionary and puts the words together, there is a high probability that it will be a paragraph of meaningless words.

However, when the monkey opens the dictionary enough times, there is a very small probability that the words in the dictionary will be combined into a masterpiece.

It won't work once, a hundred times, ten thousand times, what about a trillion times?

The new civilization of the world in the box evolved in trillions of evolutions.

When Lin Ming saw those upright creatures, to be honest, at a certain moment, He was also stunned.

Because He was too familiar with those upright creatures, seven days ago, He was even no different from these creatures.

Yes, the intelligent species that just evolved in the world in the box are humans.

Of course, strictly speaking, they are still somewhat different from humans on the blue planet.

For example, their physique is stronger, and the degree of brain evolution is obviously not as high as that of humans on the blue planet.

However, all this is not important.

What is important is that these new humans are still evolving.

Their evolution has just begun.

Lin Ming is looking forward to how far this familiar species can evolve in this new world under His intervention.

Since the destruction of the giant civilization, Lin Ming has been letting the world in the box evolve freely.

The reason why Lin Ming did this was, first, to study the principle of the evolution of the world in the box, and second, to explore how far the world in the box can evolve freely.

The first time Lin Ming let the world in the box evolve freely, the world in the box gave Him a surprise.

"Why did humans evolve?"

It is a very small probability to evolve intelligent species, let alone evolve humans.

Lin Ming thought of a possibility, that is, His existence is affecting the evolution of this world all the time.

Even if He did nothing.

Just like the wind falling on the earth, it is only moving forward, but its past is affected by it.

And Lin Ming is an existence that is more unspeakable than the wind. His existence has an impact on the world that is self-evident.

"How can I reduce my unconscious influence?"

Lin Ming does not want the world in the box to become what he does not want because of His unconscious influence.

After thinking for a while, Lin Ming did not think about it further.

Right now, the most important thing is not these.

But how to guide the humans in the world in the box to evolve into a more powerful species.

The world in the box now is like a newborn baby. How it will grow in the future is entirely up to Lin Ming.

A thought can determine the future of a world. This is God.

"What kind of civilization do you want to create?"

Technology, superpowers, fantasy, weirdness, strange rules...

Civilizations suitable for human development flashed through Lin Ming's mind. After careful screening, Lin Ming still felt that technology was the most suitable civilization for human development at present.

The reason is simple, mainly because other civilizations are high-level civilizations.

For example, the cultivation civilization cannot evolve without a high-level energy source such as aura.

And aura is a kind of energy that can only be born in a world above the second level.

The current world in the box is still a first-level world, and it is impossible to produce a high-level energy source like aura.

The current world in the box can only create several civilizations with relatively low pre-thresholds, such as technology, martial arts, and animal training.

Of course, a low pre-threshold does not mean that the potential of these civilizations is low.

Like technology, when it develops to the end, it can become a god mechanically.

And martial arts can evolve into several civilizations such as fighting spirit and cultivation.

Animal training can evolve into several high-level civilizations such as martial soul, elf beast control, and summoning.

As for why Lin Ming chose technology among the three, the main reason is that Lin Ming comes from a technological civilization and has a certain understanding of technological civilization.

"It took humans five thousand years to enter the modern society from primitive society. With my guidance, I believe that the time for the world in the box to enter the modern society will be shortened a lot."

In the few moments when Lin Ming was thinking, several years passed in the world in the box.

The first human who discovered fire had already begun to learn to make tools.

It was a primitive human who had just entered adulthood, tall and with bright eyes.

Lin Ming looked down at this human and chuckled:

"It's still too slow to develop. Let me give you a hand.

" "Hey, something is wrong." Lin Ming wanted to pass on everything he had learned in his previous life to this primitive human, but suddenly found that his consciousness was blocked outside the world in the box. He was about to use force to break through this barrier, and the whole world in the box suddenly trembled. Lin Ming felt as if he was holding a pen tip against a piece of paper. If he used a little more force, the whole world would be shattered by his consciousness. "I understand, the energy level of the world in the box is too low, and my energy level is too high. The world in the box can't accommodate me at all. " Just like the two-dimensional world in the paper, it can't accommodate multi-dimensional humans at all. "It seems that I can't directly interfere with the evolution of the world. I can only give instructions to the world in the box and let it realize my will through evolution. ”

After thinking it through, Lin Ming never directly intervened in the evolution of the world in the box again.

Instead, he interfered with the evolution of the world in the box indirectly by giving instructions to the bronze box.

For example, in order to allow the earliest humans to leave their birthplace, Lin Ming changed the local climate, brought down natural disasters, and split the earth.

Forcing the growing human race to leave the birthplace of humans and migrate to all parts of the world.

In order to make human civilization develop faster, Lin Ming reduced the necessary resources for human survival, forcing them to fight for resources through war, thereby promoting the development of civilization.

When the number of humans decreased to a certain amount, he increased the resources needed for human survival, allowing the survivors to recuperate...

In this way, under Lin Ming's side manipulation, a thousand years passed in the world in the box.

During this thousand years, humans have entered agricultural civilization from primitive civilization.

They invented various types of writing, learned smelting, irrigation, etc. Technology.

Nowadays, humans can be seen everywhere in the world in the box.

Due to geographical environment and other reasons, the development of civilization of these humans is not the same.

Some people are still living in the primitive age, while others are ready to enter the feudal age and the next stage of civilization.

This means that a new war is about to begin.

1001 years after the birth of mankind.

In winter, heavy snow fell, the place where mankind was born.

A group of refugees who fled their hometowns due to the war are walking into the mountains step by step.

Facing the wind and snow, they dragged their bodies tiredly in the snow.

Many of them were muttering to the gods, praying that the gods could help them get rid of suffering.

What they didn't know was that when they prayed, the gods in their mouths were silently watching them, like a spectator.

And at the moment when the gods were watching them, a skinny girl in the crowd suddenly exclaimed.

"God... God, God is in the sky! "

Lin Ming looked curiously in the direction of the voice and saw a frail girl covering her mouth, looking up at the sky in fear, trembling all over.

He was looking at the girl.

The girl was also looking at him.

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