The World Turned into a Game After I Woke up

Chapter 233

Chapter 233: Chapter 232: The Value of Information Part II

Translator: HunterW

Editor: RED

“And that’s it. That’s all I know.”

“…” Dorofei remained silent after I finished explaining, and I didn’t blame him. Even I couldn’t believe it when I first heard it. “Now then…” I said, as I leaned back on my sofa. “Let’s discuss how much that information was worth to you, shall we?”

I have no idea what Dorofei the Information Hunter would do with what I told him. There was a chance he might actually get more out of it than I could, but I decided to not get hung up on it. If he could actually make a huge profit from it, it would mean that he was just that good at his job. I already got what I could out of the information. “You’re the only person I’ve told this so far, and I’ll continue to keep it a secret for the next fifteen days. You can do whatever you want with that information during that time.”

“You sure do know how to drive a bargain.”

“Well, it’s just something I’ve picked up over the years.”

“I have to admit, this information is not something I can easily put a price on. How would this work instead?” Dorofei opened his inventory and took something out.

I smiled when I saw that the item shone with a purple light. “I see you know how to bargain as well.” A Rank 10 item was a Rank 10 item, no matter what kind of item it was. I took the item Dorofei handed to me. “Item Check.”

==[Upgrade Item Rank (Rank 10)

Raises the rank of one item by 1. This item can raise a Rank 7 item to Rank 8, a Rank 9 item to Rank 10 and so on. Once an item’s rank increases, it can gain another effect or can have its current effects upgraded according to its new rank. Rank 10 items will not increase but do have a chance to have their effects increase in power. (Number of effects or power of effects will never decrease.)]==

I could tell right away that this item was a really good item. I could create a new Rank 10 item out of a Rank 9 item. But what really caught my eye was the part where it explained about Rank 10 items.

“Your Rank 10 King-Emperor’s Commitment. Its existence itself is overpowered, and the whole world knows it. You also used the Amplification you received from the Abu Dhabi Guild on the King-Emperor’s Commitment, as well.” Dorofei scanned my face before continuing, “I’m curious. How will the King-Emperor’s Commitment turn out if you use that on it? How much scarier can it become?”

Amplification doubled my King-Emperor’s Commitment in power. It truly did become something to fear.

“I know most would want to use it on a Rank 9 item to have more Rank 10 items, and you may do so, should you choose to. But wouldn’t you want to find out what the King-Emperor’s Commitment can become?”

“I like it.” I made it obvious how I really felt about the item. Chance and Luck were almost always on my side. Sure, there were times they failed me, but only during non-important times. They always worked for me when it mattered, like Amplification.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“Yeah, I really do. But I do have something to ask of you.”

“What is it?”

“I would like if you would give that information out to my allies for free if they ever come to you again, and let them know that it is a gift from me. You have plenty of other clients than them, don’t you?” I wanted to let my allies know what I was about, but I didn’t want to say it with my own mouth. It would also look nice if someone like the Information Hunter said that he got help from me. I could still just outright gather them all up and tell them what I knew, but I didn’t want to have to demand compensation for that information. I wanted them to repay me on their own.

Dorofei chuckled. “I’m very envious of your friends.”

I leaned forward. “It’s all because I think highly of the divine.”

“…” Dorofei looked just as taken aback as when I told him about the Judge’s Continent when I said that, but it might have just been me.

“Anyway, you have a lot to do, so you may as well get going.”

“Good point. Thank you again.” Dorofei disappeared into the rose bushes and I no longer felt his presence. I leaned back on my sofa.

“That should be enough ambition for today.” I would have acted a lot greedier if the fate of the world didn’t hang on the balance. Right now, I needed as many people to know as possible.

“Shall I use these now?” I raised the quest reward I received from Madun and the Item Upgrade and looked at them with satisfaction.


Dorofei’s mind was racing. Selling this information was an once-in-a-lifetime deal, but he couldn’t just look out for his own gains. Whatever he did now had to ensure Earth’s victory on the Judge’s Continent.

“I wonder where he got this information from, though. Did he get it from Seoul’s Store? How curious.” Dorofei became the Information Hunter not because he wanted to know everything or knew many things. Dorofei had the ability to tell what was false and what was true. True information was no doubt highly sought after. And everything Lee Jiwon told him, was true!

“Either way, Lee Jiwon is an important piece in this game now, and will be in the coming hellfire.” Whatever awaited them on the Judge’s Continent had to be Hell. It might as well be, since one small mistake would mean the end of this world and all of its life.


I reached over to the two items on the table in front of me and picked up the item on the left. It was the quest reward I received from Madun. I opened the chest right away.

==[You will now receive the quest rewards of the Defense quest.

You have obtained 1 skill point.

You have obtained 800 Stat points.

You have obtained 30,000,000 golden rings.]==

It wasn’t much compared to the difficulty of the quest, but the quest was given out only by Store 39, and could only take place in Turkey. All things considered, it was still probably the best reward the quest could give. I was at least satisfied with the 800 extra Stat points I got.

“Well, that was just the appetizer anyway.” I picked up the Upgrade Item Rank that Dorofei had given me. “Using it on a Rank 8 item just to make it Rank 9 is not a good idea. This item itself is Rank 10.”

My mind was about 70% made up to just use it on the King-Emperor’s Commitment, but I did have a few Rank 9 items I could use it on. I was starting to get curious what it could do to the Reversal Prodigy. I really felt the boost it gave to my critical hits during the Defense Quest, when it allowed my attacks to crit six to ten times in a row. I had never that happen before. The Reversal Prodigy’s effects would go through the roof if its rank went up to 10. This was also a failsafe method, since there was no chance it would fail.

And no matter how confident I was in my Luck, there was still a chance I could just end up wasting the item if I used it on the King-Emperor’s Commitment instead. It really would be the worst situation if nothing changed. So the question was, would I play it safe or lay down all my cards now? I kept going back and forth between those two choices for a while.

“Okay! I’ve made my decision!” I decided to gamble and use it on the King-Emperor’s Commitment. I could just end up regretting this, but going with my gut’s first choice almost always worked out.

“It’s okay. At least its effects’ power won’t go down. It’s got good enough effects already, so it just needs to go up. Use Upgrade Item Rank!”

==[You are about to use Upgrade Item Rank on the Rank 10 King-Emperor’s Commitment.

A Rank 10 item will not increase in Rank. However, it does have a chance to have its effects’ power increase, or not at all.

Are you sure you wish to use it?]==

It told me once more that there was a chance it wouldn’t work, but I had already made my decision. “I’ll use it!” I cried out, before I could change my mind.

The Upgrade Item Rank emitted a bright light that enveloped the King-Emperor’s Commitment before disappearing, leaving the Commitment with the same purple shine.

“Item…Check.” I was just as nervous as when I used Amplification as I checked the item.


When the first rumors about the end of the Otadolon stage and the Judge’s Continent spread, no one truly believed them, even if they came from Dorofei the Information Hunter himself. However, when it became known that Store VIPs were told the same information, everyone had to believe it.

It quickly became obvious that more needed to be learned about the Judge’s Continent, but there was no information about it anywhere. Even Dorofei had a hard time learning more about it until a certain rumor began to spread, a rumor that pointed to Dorofei should anyone want to know more about the Judge’s Continent and what was about to take place there. If it came from Dorofei himself, then everyone had to believe it.


The Windsor Guard headquarters…

“Where did you say he is?”

“Russia, Your Majesty.”

“Go then. Go and find out what he knows.”

“He may ask for a lot in return.”

“Give him what he wants. Just make sure to not come back empty-handed.”

“Understood, Your Majesty.”


The Cheng Long Guild’s headquarters…

“Go. Hurry.”

“Yes sir.”


All large guilds and organizations around the world quickly set out to find Dorofei. This was all information that would be revealed in a matter of days, since the VIPs who received it would soon start selling it in the marketplace. But knowledge was power and that much more powerful if it was obtained as soon as possible. Whatever the end was, everyone needed ample time to prepare.


The Sunbin Guild’s headquarters…

“Dorofei just ups and invites us…” A letter had arrived just when they were about to set out to find Dorofei. They were going to just set it aside for later until they found out that the sender was Dorofei himself.

[I have received this information from a friend of yours, and that friend asked me to not ask for a price from you. That is why I invite you instead.]

“A friend?” No one was quite sure who he meant until Song Daechul spoke up.

“He must mean Jiwon.”


The Sunbin Guild wasn’t the only one to receive this invitation. The Myth, Ravi, Shire, Abu Dhabi Guilds, the Werewolf Clan and the Karaviki Mercenary Corps all received the same invitation. Dorofei had done exactly as Lee Jiwon had asked of him.

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