The World Turned into a Game After I Woke up

Chapter 241

Chapter 241: Chapter 240: Death Part III

Translator: HunterW

Editor: RED

==[You have chosen to learn Summon Chest.

As VIP member of Store 72, the cost to learn this skill is 800,000 golden rings after your 20% discount. Are you sure you wish to learn this skill for 800,000 golden rings?


I selected Yes right away.

==[You have learned Summon Chest.

Use the command ‘Open Summon Chest’ to open the Summon Chest whenever you wish.]==

I waited for a moment after learning the skill. Even though it wasn’t an actual Summon Creature, it was still a Summon skill, and I wasn’t sure if Shaman Ko was going to delete it right away or not. But after about ten minutes, I still had the skill.

“Open Summon Chest.” I tried to open the Summon Chest, but was met with a message I didn’t expect.

==[Skills cannot be used within Stores.]==

Well, I did know that skills were not allowed to be used inside Stores, but I thought it would work since I was technically just opening a Chest. It must have been because it was still considered a skill by the system.

I quickly left the Store and used both Blinks to get to Guryong Mountain, the same place I went to assemble the Lightning Boots. It was about four kilometers away from the Store and there wasn’t a mortal or deva in sight.

“Open Summon Chest!”

==[You have opened the Summon Chest.

The Summon Chest is randomly selecting a Summon Creature.]==

I wondered for a second if it was going to be worth the 800k golden rings I had just spent, even if I got Phoenix or some other legendary Summon. There was still the chance that Shaman Ko could kill it right away, but what’s done was done. I watched the Chest, half-expectant and half-nervous.

The Chest finally clicked open, and the lid slowly creaked open before revealing a really small Summon inside. Size didn’t always matter with Chests, since a Land Turtle could be held inside it. But once I saw the Summon, I knew right away that it wasn’t much.

The Chest disappeared, leaving only the Summon behind, which was flopping around like a dying fish. I was speechless. The Summon looked so much like something I knew about. “It’s not a…penis fish…is it?”

{TN: look it up. I dare you >:D}

==[You have received the Summon: Achilles Tendon.]==

“…” The message did nothing to solve my confusion at all. It only served to aggravate me even more.

“Are you fucking kidding me? How the fuck is this supposed to be a Summon?!” I couldn’t help but swear. Sure, I knew that there were many types of Summons out there, designed to fit in the many combat roles. But there was no way this penis fish-looking thing was supposed to be a Summon. And with a name like Achilles Tendon, it was obvious what its abilities were.

I heaved a heavy sigh and decided to at least check for myself what it could do. “Check: Achilles Tendon.”

==[Achilles Tendon (1/1), (Active)

Use this to create a weak point and obtain great strength from that weakness.

The greater the weakness you have, the more strength you can obtain.

Command: ‘Input Weakness’ obtained.

Learned by Lee Jiwon.

Summon skill that requires 5 skill points.

This skill requires 300,000,000 golden rings to be deleted.]==

“This is…” It was just as I had expected. No, it was beyond what I had expected. No one could have expected this. What Summon required its user to create a weakness just to gain more strength? I hated it. After all the work I put in to get where I am now, I was supposed to weaken myself just to get maybe a little bit stronger?

“God damn it! I struck out!” It wasn’t easy to create a weakness on my own, never mind a critical one. There was a chance I could end up like the Achilles from the legends; end up dying to a minor blow all for the sake of getting stronger by an unknown amount. Achilles died from a single poisoned arrow to the heel, while I could stay standing after a thousand poisoned arrows. So basically, it was a dud.

“It’ll get deleted on its own, right?” I decided to wait until Achilles Tendon got deleted for now.


Shaman Ko was having fun today as well. He spent his time climbing mountains, jumping from tree to tree, petting his Dungeon Mole, and occasionally beating the crap out of the big black thing. Then, right in the middle of his playtime, Shaman Ko felt something weird enter his domain.

“What now?” Shaman Ko sprinted over to where this new entity was entering his domain. He didn’t like it when things entered unannounced, and killed almost all of them. It didn’t take him long to find the invading entity that was flopping and squirming around.

“It’s… cute!” Shaman Ko blurted out. He picked up the smooth, fleshy looking thing for a closer look. It was slippery and squishy. Shaman Ko giggled as he squished it and spun it around in his hand. It was fun to play with.

Death watched this scene from afar, while keeping its body hidden in the shadows. Death finally saw a vessel it was capable of possessing, but Shaman Ko had gotten to it first. Death was conflicted. It wanted to possess the vessel, but it feared Shaman Ko and it also knew that Shaman Ko was capable of ripping Death out of the vessel with his bare hands. What would follow was even more punishment. Shaman Ko always jealously guarded what was his!

Death decided to take its chances. That way, it could get out of this domain just like the Dungeon Mole did. Death quickly made its move and entered the entity in Shaman Ko’s hands.

“Huh?” Shaman Ko was so completely focused on playing with the Achilles Tendon that there was no way he didn’t notice Death enter it. “Why you little!?” Shaman Ko began to slam the Achilles Tendon on the ground repeatedly in an attempt to force Death out. But once Death possessed the Achilles Tendon, the fleshy color quickly turned black.

“Hmm…” Shaman Ko watched the change happen before bringing the Tendon up to his mouth. “It’s tasty!” Shaman Ko liked the black color for some reason, and it wasn’t like he hated the black thing. It belonged to him, too. He only bothered it because of how timid it acted.

“Okay! You’re mine too!” Shaman Ko made another rope out of his hair and tied the Tendon to his hip.

Guryong Mountain…

The minutes ticked by until an hour had passed. I was sweating bullets as no message had appeared yet. Something had gone wrong, horribly wrong.

“No! I have to spend 300 million golden rings just to delete it!” The damn penis fish even cost me five whole skill points!

“Shit! Why are you not deleting it? You’ve done it countless times before, so why not now?” I yelled at Shaman Ko. Sure, it only cost me 800,000 golden rings to learn it in the first place, but it was still a waste of golden rings for a crappy skill like this one.

“Summon: Penis Fish!”

Nothing happened. “Fuck! It looks like a penis fish, so who cares?! Summon: Achilles Tendon!” This time, it appeared… only it looked different now.

“What is this about now?” The Tendon was black in color now, not its original pink, fleshy color. “Check: Achilles Tendon.”

==[Achilles Tendon (Possessed by Lee Jiwon and Shaman Ko.)

The greater the weakness you have, the more strength you can obtain.

Summon skill that requires five skill points.

Cannot be deleted.

Predation can be used. (Must be Consumed in order for its effects to work.)]==

“…” I noticed right away that this skill was now possessed by me and Shaman Ko, and that it could be Consumed by Predation. It also could not be deleted anymore. The command prompt was gone, too. I could only use it after Consuming it.

“Ha. Haha. Ha…” I laughed emptily when another message appeared.

==[Achilles Tendon is possessed by Death and its name is now changed to Death’s Achilles Tendon.

Achilles Tendon receives Death’s abilities.]==

“Death?” I had already received benefits from Death when it gave me Ripped Advance from Pedro. I didn’t expect it to be connected to the Tendon as well.

-‘I’m free! I’m free!’-

“Huh?” I wasn’t really surprised, since I had experienced the Dungeon Mole do the same. “So, it’s you?” I asked, as I brought the Tendon up to eye level.

-‘Shaman Ko isn’t here! This is heaven! This is my world now!’-

“Uh…hey. Fishie. Fishie?” One thing about Listen was that only I could listen. The Dungeon Mole and the Tendon could not hear me. The Tendon jiggled on its own in my hand, as if it was bouncing up and down with joy after finally escaping Shaman Ko’s domain. Honestly, that was understandable. The Dungeon Mole was always relieved whenever I Summoned it.

Still, I wasn’t happy with this, even if Death somehow possessed the Tendon. I had still lost five skill points. I stared down the Tendon again. “Excuse me? Mr. Death Penis Fish? If your abilities are anything below satisfactory… I swear I won’t ever let you see the light of day ever again.” The Tendon obviously couldn’t hear me, and just jiggled.


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