The World Turned into a Game After I Woke up

Chapter 250

Chapter 250: Chapter 249: First Contact Part IV

Translator: HunterW

Editor: RED

The two armies that were charging at each other screaming wildly just a moment ago had stopped dead in their tracks. Even I was stunned into silence, but for a different reason.

==[You have gained a level.]==

==[You have gained a level.]==

==[You have gained a level.]==

I leveled up three times from killing one person, when it took me an average of five days of hunting in a high-grade dungeon to level up once. Not to mention I still had Bortega’s Blessing!

==[You gained 3 additional levels from Bortega’s Blessing.]==

For each level I had just gained, Bortega’s Blessing gave me another three levels. That was twelve levels in all. That wasn’t the end to the messages I was receiving, too. The Judge said killing the enemy was going to be rewarded tremendously.

==[You have obtained 64,000,000 gold rings for defeating a powerful enemy.]==

I didn’t know how many Stat points I was going to lose from Ripped Advance, but worst case scenario, I was going to lose a hundred. I was going to need 100 million golden rings to make up for that, but I had already earned 64% of the funds I would need.

I smiled. The EXP and golden rings were nice and all, but I was more satisfied with my abilities. I wasn’t quite sure just how strong this Rocky person was, but he was still the commander of a fifty-thousand strong army, and a perfect tank at that. It only took six attacks to kill him. It did take a few of my strongest abilities to do it, but it was enough to continue to be confident in myself.

I looked around me with my grin still on my face. The fifty thousand enemy soldiers were still there, but they didn’t look like people to me. No, they were my prey. My eyes went to the most delectable looking prey here; the four other deities who, but a moment ago, were looking down on me. There was no way I was letting any of them go.

I charged in through the enemy’s ranks, aiming for the deities. That stirred my army into action.

“Don’t just stand there! Attack!”

“We are here to survive and to grow strong! Do not hesitate and kill the enemy! If you think you can’t handle it, don’t get in your comrades’ way and pull back!” Madun roared at the Commando battalion, and my army resumed its attacks towards the enemy. The enemy’s army, on the other hand, was still shocked and many of them stood frozen, feet glued to the ground.

“We…we still have the numbers on our side!”

“We can still win this! Stop them!” A few of the enemy officers managed to snap to and ordered their men to defend, not attack. And their focus was me, not the rest of my army. A combination of Fire and Wind Magic flew my way, showing that these soldiers truly were veterans and knew how to work together.

That just meant I needed to fight harder.

“Blink 2.” I Blinked to get away from the torrent of spells and teleported right next to the four deities.

“What…what’s up with his Blink range?” The four deities and the enemy deva soldiers looked at me, horrified. However, in their shock, they had failed to realize that they had bunched together in a futile effort to get away from me. Unfortunately for them, I noticed.

“Fissure!” The ground beneath the four deities split open and spewed rock and magma. The range of the attack had even caught about a thousand soldiers, inflicting severe damage. An AoE skill wasn’t supposed to deal that much damage, which only served to seed more fear into the enemy soldiers’ hearts.

“Fuck! Who or what is he?”

“That’s so much damage from an AoE skill… what do we do?” A thousand dead bodies were left in Fissure’s wake.

==[You have gained a level.]==

==[You have gained a level.]==

I leveled up twice more and with Bortega’s Blessing, I had gained a total of eight levels from one attack.

==[You have obtained 50,000 golden rings.]==

==[You have obtained 90,000 golden rings.]==



==[You have obtained 120,000 golden rings.]==

I was met with a seemingly endless stream of messages. Each one paled in comparison to the amount of EXP and golden rings I had obtained from killing a deity, but they were adding up. That was good enough for me.

“Summon: Sand Warriors!” I summoned my Sand Warriors and charged at the deities.

The officers of Lee Jiwon’s Commando battalion were mainly the Empire’s guilds’ highest ranking Intelligence officers. Strong team leaders were required to properly lead the battalion as a whole, but they were there more at Lee Jiwon’s request. A good commander needed know how to lead and give proper orders. Lee Jiwon and the officers had known from the start that Lee Jiwon was not an experienced leader, and leaving that role to him could actually be suicidal for the entire battalion. But, things weren’t exactly going as expected.

“The commander’s so strong that it doesn’t seem like we’ll need any special tactics or anything,” said Umaru softly, and the other officers silently agreed. Lee Jiwon was doing so well that they just needed to support him.

“The commander has broken through the enemy’s ranks! Attack!”

Many of the commandos were there to grow stronger, but they all had the same fear of dying. But thanks to their commander’s fabulous display of power, the soldiers’ morale had spiked and they charged in at the enemy as one once more. They all remembered what their commander had told them; that he would be the first to go and the last to leave. They had too much respect for their commander to allow him to fight alone, and had completely forgotten about their fear of death.

“We should fight to the end as well.”

“I wholeheartedly agree.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve fought. It’ll be a nice warm-up.”

The officers couldn’t just sit back either.

“Gah! Shit!”

“Okay. Let’s say he’s an Unrivaled deva. This power is still not normal! What the hell is this!?”

The four deities currently fighting against Lee Jiwon had killed many Unrivaled devas before in their homeworld. Not a single one of them were as strong as him.

“Why does a lowly deva have an AoE debuff that only deities are supposed to have? We’re supposed to be the chosen ones, not him!”

The deities were growing ever more panicked. Nothing about this deva made sense. He not only possessed multiple AoE debuffs, but the traits were similar to those that belonged to deities. That was only the icing on the cake, however, as his damage was truly frightening.

“Gah!” The pain from the blows they were receiving was the greatest they had ever felt in their lives. To make matters worse, he was not slowing down at all, even with all the attacks the deities and the surrounding devas were pummeling onto him.

“He’s an anomaly. His damage is too high for a tank, but his DEF and HP are too high for a dealer! And yet, he still killed Rocky in six hits, and he’s still standing after all those attacks…”

“He has to be a cheater!”

The Croot deities and devas took a step back each time Lee Jiwon took a step forward.



I swung my spear relentlessly. I was completely surrounded, but I actually preferred it this way. I didn’t need to chase after the enemy, and could just attack like crazy. All I wanted right now were the four deities that were slowly edging away from me.

“Stop him!”

“Don’t just stand there, stop him!” They were pushing their deva soldiers in front of me, as if they thought they could actually slow me down. Now I really didn’t like that.

“Stop running away!” I catapulted myself off the ground and torpedoed towards the deities. Enemy soldiers attempted to get in my way, but my AGI was currently well over 60,000. The only thing faster than me was probably a fighter jet.

“Damn…it…” One deity could not withstand a series of critical attacks and slumped to the ground, uttering one last curse before dying.

“Shit! Unrivaled devas are supposed to be tanks! It’s clear as day with the abilities you’re showing, so how the hell are you this strong!?”

“Maybe your Unrivaled is different from ours.” That was a lie. They were the same; they had to be if this was supposed to be a fair competition. Still, they seemed to have fallen for it.

“That can’t be…”

“Why can’t it be?” I taunted as I charged in at another deity. Killing the other one just now netted me two levels and 23,000,000 golden rings. He obviously wasn’t as strong as Rocky, so I didn’t get as much, but it was still enough, enough to want to kill the rest of the deities as soon as possible.


Five hours later…

The first full-on battle on the Continent had ended with our victory.

“Group up. I want a head count.” We had won a landslide victory, but I knew we still had casualties. As per my order, the officers of each guild gathered their men together and counted how many were left. I could tell at a glance that we had lost quite a few men.

“Sunbin stands at 4,373 strong!”

“Myth stands at 2,631 strong!”

Each guild sounded off one by one. We had 21,947 soldiers still standing. We had lost 3000 soldiers. It was a small price to pay for wiping out an army fifty thousand strong that had called us lowly slaves, but none of us were happy. They were still our comrades and they were not coming back.

“We’ll rest for the next couple of days.” The soldiers needed time to come to terms with their reality. Now that we had just fought our first real battle, it was going to hit them hard. I had no time to rest, however. I needed to discuss with my officers on how to proceed.

“We lost a lot of good men today, but it’s still a victory to be proud of.”

“I agree. We’ve all done well today.”

“Many soldiers have gained at least twenty levels and twenty million golden rings each.”

“It would seem the Judge was telling the truth.”

“What’s our next step?” an officer asked me.

“Well, we’ll need to set up a Teleporter Zone in this part of the Section. It’ll provide a path back to base for anyone who has had enough fighting for the time being. I also want to bring in reinforcements and increase our numbers to 50,000.” Twenty-five thousand soldiers were enough, seeing as how we only lost three thousand against an army twice our size, but I wished we had more. If our numbers were even, maybe we could have had fewer casualties.

“Hmm… you have my vote.”

“Mine as well.”

My officers agreed with my decision unanimously. I looked around at them before speaking up. “I want to finish what we’ve started and reach Section 79. I want to take it over if it’s possible, but I am prepared to retreat if it is not.”

“Yes, sir!”

“By your orders, commander!”

The next goal for the Commando battalion was decided and after resting for four days, we set out deeper into the enemy’s territory. Before we left, I told my soldiers that they were free to return to base if they wished, but no one came forward. They all vowed to follow me to the end.

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