The World Turned into a Game After I Woke up

Chapter 266

Chapter 266: Chapter 265: What’s Got You So Curious? Part I

Translator: HunterW

Editor: RED

Thankfully, the boss monster hadn’t left its room and come looking for me while I slept. I stood in front of the door to the boss room and started stretching for the battle ahead.

“Will Ripped Advance be enough, or should I use Critical Weakness too, and end it quickly?” It had been exactly three months and twenty one days since I had started Survival in the Ogre Dungeon. Just like the message had stated, the monsters grew stronger by the day. They hadn’t become elite monsters in a matter of a couple of days, but the boss monster was a completely different matter. It would be at least three or four times stronger by now. I was confident I could still win, but I didn’t want to waste any more time. My Fatigue might be at 0, but I was still mentally exhausted from hunting more than three months straight.

“Alright. Let’s end this quickly. Create Critical Weakness!”

==[Create Critical Weakness has been activated.]==

“Ripped Advance.”

==[Ripped Advance has been activated.

All Stats are now doubled for the next 24 hours. (Only base Stat points will be increased.)

Once this skill deactivates, you will lose 0-100 Stat points.]==

“That boss monster better be strong.” Just a moment ago, l was hoping that the boss monster would be weak enough so that I could get this over with and quickly rest properly. But now that I had just activated two of my strongest buffs, I was hoping that it would at least be strong enough that I didn’t just waste activating them.

“Mana Conversion – Ice. Warrior’s Brave Spirit. Howl of the Wolf.” After activating my other buffs, I stepped through the door to the boss room. Inside, I saw the boss monster desperately trying to leave its room, most likely because of me.

“Raaah!” When the Ogre King finally saw me, the source of its aggression, it charged, savagely swinging its massive club.

“Judge’s Gavel,” I quietly said, before meeting the Ogre King’s charge head-on. As expected of a boss monster, it moved at incredibly high-speed, especially considering it had a massive build over seven-meters tall.

But I was faster. Before it could swing its club at me, my spear had already pierced deep into its chest.

“Grah!” The Ogre King bellowed in pain as the Judge’s hammer slammed down on its head. Even I was thrown back ten meters from the force of the blow. I quickly got back up and looked at where the Ogre King was.

“Good. At least you didn’t die from a single blow.” Even after all of my buffs, the Ogre King was still alive. It was still the boss monster of a high-grade dungeon that had grown stronger by the day for the past three and a half months. That wasn’t to say that my attack didn’t do anything to it. The Ogre King was covered in blood and open wounds, and it struggled to get back to its feet.

“Blink 2.” I moved right next to it and slammed my spear into the ground. “Fissure!” As the ground beneath the Ogre King split, I pulled my spear out of the ground and charged at it once more.

“Raah!” The Ogre King slammed its massive club down. Instead of aiming at me, it had slammed its club into the ground that was being split by Fissure, stopping the skill from advancing any farther. It was no doubt an incredible feat, but it wasn’t enough to surprise me. In fact, it gave me an opening to get off a couple more clean hits.

“Good. There should be this much resistance.” My STR was currently well over 200,000 and I could confidently say that my Penetration was incomparably high. And yet, I noticed that it took more energy to pierce through the monster’s flesh… but only just a little more. My spear blade could still cleanly slice into its body.

“Graah!” The Ogre King bellowed out in pain each time I attacked and swung its club at me nonstop.

“Blink 1.” I Blinked right on top of the Ogre King’s nape. I firmly placed my feet atop the monster’s shoulders and grabbed a handful of its hair. I raised my spear with my other hand and stabbed down at the Ogre King’s head repeatedly. Instead of the same sound of metal slicing through flesh, I was rewarded with the resounding clang of metal beating against something hard. Undeterred, I continued to slam my spear into the monster’s head, fully intending to split its skull in half.

“Gak! Gak!” The Ogre King croaked out cries of pain and staggered on its feet. It swung its hands towards it head to try to swat me away, but slowly. I was still on its head and I could tell that it was being careful to not hit itself. That was good for me. I continued to stab at its head, occasionally ducking whenever its hands got too close to me.


“Yeah, you must be pretty mad. I totally get it.” I would have stayed on its head longer, but the monster started to rub its hands all over its head and nape. I had no choice but to dismount. I had done enough damage anyway. Just about half of the attacks I had inflicted on it were critical hits. There was a huge hole in its skull, evidence that I had inflicted considerable damage.

As I continued my onslaught of attacks, I began to notice one thing: I had come far since my days in the Bukhan Mountain Dungeon. That was the last time I had faced a dungeon boss monster on my own, and I had a hard time against it then. This boss monster lived in a high-grade dungeon and had supposedly grown stronger every day, but could do nothing to me.

==[Your opponent has been struck by Powerful Shock. 100,000 points of damage has been inflicted. For three seconds, your opponent’s movement speed, attack speed, DEF and MDEf are lowered by 80%.]==

As I had pummeled the Ogre King, my trademark red lightning finally struck the boss monster square on its head. It was the perfect timing for a finale. The Ogre King gave one last croak and collapsed to the floor with a resounding thud, dead. I stared at its dead body. The fight was easier than I had expected it to be, even though I had pretty much thrown my entire skill list at it.

==[Lee Jiwon has cleared the bonus event, Survival.

Calculating your points…

This bonus event has taken place in a high-grade dungeon. 100% more points will be granted.

All monsters inside the dungeon have been killed. 150% more points will be granted.

The dungeon boss monster has been killed after it gained a 370% boost to its power. 37% more points will be granted.

You have cleared Survival for the first time in a high-grade dungeon. 50% more points will be granted.

You have cleared Survival without giving up. 20% more points will be granted.]==

==[Congratulations. You have obtained a total of 1,595,470,200 points in Survival.]==

I had obtained almost 1.6 billion points, but just like the points from the giant Don Gate, I had nothing to compare those points to. I just had to accept the fact that they were a lot of points. I was curious as to where I placed, but I would be content as long as I got a lot of rewards, just like when I arrived at the Continent.

==[You will now receive your rewards for clearing Survival.

Your level will raised by 47.

You have received 12,070 Stat points.

You have received 3 skill points.

You have received 11,875,000,000 golden rings.]==

I was speechless. That was far beyond my expectations. I had honestly only expected about two thousand Stat points and two billion golden rings at most. I thought that was enough considering how difficult this event was. Well, I did wish for more, but I didn’t want to disappoint myself and told myself that I didn’t need more.

==[You have gained 3 additional levels from Bortega’s Blessing.]==

That message came up forty seven times. That was 188 levels in all!

“Is this okay?” That was way too much, even for me. Sure, I had done a lot for the past three months and a half, but this was just insane.

I wrapped my arms around my shivering body. “This is all for my hard work. That’s all it is,” I told myself as I headed for the safe room. There was one thing that slightly disappointed me. I didn’t get a random chest for clearing this dungeon. But I could live without it.

==[You have defeated the boss monster during the Survival bonus event.

You will not receive a dungeon blessing.]==

I had honestly forgotten about it, as I had not raided a dungeon boss monster in a while. I closed the message and sat down by the safety crystals. “Open Stats Menu.”

I had wanted to head straight home after defeating the boss monster to sleep, but I was wide awake now.

==[Name: Lee Jiwon

Level: 1289 Death Count: 0

Title: Earth’s First Deva

HP: 23,840,700/23,840,700 MP: 702,800/702,800

Strength: 67,801 + 7,341 Agility: 38,601 Vitality: 39,501

Willpower: 6,968 Intelligence: 6,228

Unassigned Stat Points: 18,448 + 336

Fatigue: 0

Special Effects: Luck Boost (X+1), immune to all Status effects, Dungeon Seeker 14 points

Physical Attack: 262,947 Physical Defense: 74,197

Magical Attack: 20,854 Magical Defense: 42,634]==

“…” I already knew that I had a lot of unassigned Stat points from all those levels and the event rewards, but looking at them with my own eyes was something else.

“My base STR is 52k, base AGI and VIT both 32k…” The last time I had invested points into those Stats, I had planned on putting whatever points I got into STR. As good as it was to raise both AGI and VIT, I had believed that it would be difficult to get enough points to balance those three Stats at once. But I could now. I could get both AGI and VIT to 42k each and have leftover points to get my STR pretty close to 60k.

I raised my AGI by 8,000 points right away.

==[Your base AGI has surpassed 40,000 points.

Your total AGI points: 46,601

Your base AGI points: 40,000

AGI points increased by items: 6300

AGI points increased by skills: 300 (King-Emperor’s Grand Dignity), 1 (Kiran’s Stat point.)]==

==[You will be awarded a bonus for surpassing 40,000 points in AGI before anyone else.

AGI will be increased by 2,000 points.

This bonus is awarded to the first person to accomplish this achievement.]==

==[You have obtained a Grand Achievement.]

You have reached 40,000 points in two Stats (STR, AGI) before anyone else.

You will be awarded a bonus of 1,000 extra Stat points.

This bonus is awarded to the first person to accomplish this achievement.]==

Once that was done, I invested another 8,000 into VIT.

==[You have obtained a Grand Achievement.]

You have reached 40,000 points in three Stats (STR, VIT, AGI) before anyone else.

You will be awarded a bonus of 2,000 extra Stat points.

This bonus is awarded to the first person to accomplish this achievement.]==

“Let’s see, now. I had 2,448 Stat points remaining after spending 16,000 points, and got another 3,000 from the Grand Achievement, so that means I have 5,448 I can use.” I only needed 2,552 to get my base STR to 60k.

“Hehehehe!” I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself. I had more than 15 billion golden rings. I could even get it up to 70k!

“Let’s go to the Store for now. I need to use Fated Crossroads, too.” Excited that I could also potentially upgrade my Harrier to Rank 10, I walked over to the Crystals.

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