They Answered The Call

Bonus Chapter-Rise of the Republic

The Republic Of Humanity: Founded in 2063 after the global devastation caused by World War Three, the remnants of the governments of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Australasia, Scandinavia, and Great Britain joined together to form the first functional post-war government. After three years of consolidation, rebuilding, and internal relief efforts, the newly formed Republic of Humanity was finally able to move from a post-war subsistence economy to a post-scarcity society. Utilizing advanced AIs and automated fabrication technology (AFT) that was developed in secret by MIT scientists in an underground facility during the war, this fusion of technology changed the course of human history forever.

The combination of AI and AFT created the ability for resource management and allocation to be utilized without human influence, corruption, and inefficiency for the first time in history. The first successful demonstration of this technology happened in the ruins of Washington, D.C., in 2064, when a prototype fabricator factory was airdropped from a C-5M super galaxy transport into the former city center. The AI activated the factory, and thousands of feeder drones were sent out for resource extraction. As the drones returned with harvested resources, they fed them into the factory, which created more feeder drones to increase harvesting yields. Once the fabricator had a surplus of resources, it constructed builder drones, which then constructed another fabricator and joined the two units together. Within thirty days, the prototype fabricator unit, which was 80 feet long, 5 feet high, and 10 feet wide, became a fabricator with a footprint of 10 acres. Ninety days after touchdown, the fabricator was now a fully self-sustaining megafactory that covered an area that was equivalent to one square mile.

The AI created multiple types of drones to fulfill a variety of tasks, such as feeders, refiners, builders, scavengers, remediators, and soil sifters. The most important of these were the remediators and the soil sifters, as they decontaminated the radioactive fallout and BioChem residues from the surrounding areas and soils. A year after touchdown, an area encompassing one hundred square miles was decontaminated, and the soil was reclaimed, fertilized, and planted with food crops. All metal, concrete, and other reusable building materials were collected, refined, recycled, and set aside for the rebuilding of Washington, D.C. The experiment was a resounding success, and by 2067, most of the major population centers of the Republic of Humanity had been rehabilitated and were undergoing rebuilding. The surviving population of the newly formed Republic numbered 440 million, with the former United States suffering the most population loss from a prewar high of 394 million and a population of 260 million survivors counted during the census of 2068. Great Britain, Scandinavia, Australasia, Japan, and Canada suffered losses of 30–60% of their prewar populations.

Republic scientists and their AI counterparts cooperated on a wide variety of technological projects leading to a golden age of robotics and other fields, which led to innovations such as the first successful humanoid androids that were used for agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and rebuilding efforts to supplement the now greatly reduced manpower of the Republic. The Republic then shifted its relief and rebuilding efforts beyond its borders. The North American province focused their efforts on Central and South America, while the Northern European province focused on Continental Europe, Eastern Russia, and the Middle East. The Australasia province led the efforts in Asia, focusing on rebuilding the allied countries of Japan, the Philippines, and Taiwan before expanding to the Asian continent. There were minor conflicts as the relief efforts ran afoul of local warlords and surviving remnants of the Eastern Coalition, which were wiped out with extreme prejudice by the rebuilt and technologically advanced Republic Anzac divisions and Japanese defense forces.

The North American province came into conflict with the despotic Brazilian Junta, which was a cabal of corrupt government officials that were supported by the Eastern Coalition and led a coup that overthrew the legitimately elected government in 2052. The Junta took advantage of the collapse of world order during the war and brutally conquered most of South America, murdering over one hundred million people with nuclear bombs and Biochem attacks. The Republic-Junta war lasted for three months and ended when the Republic had enough and decided to field the newly created advanced tactical suits (ATS) and deploy an entire regiment to the front lines. The ATS system was a radical departure from the prior unsuccessful attempts at creating a viable combat exosuit for soldiers. Advances in technology by medical research AIs have finally made it possible to hybridize the human nervous system with a specialized bio-mechanical android body.

Volunteers with military experience who were suffering from paralysis, irreversible disfigurements, multiple amputations, and mortal diseases had their central nervous system removed and installed in a life support cocoon in their new android bodies. Over several weeks, programmed stem cells regrew their peripheral nervous system that was connected to the suit with nanobots. After a period of learning how to use their new bodies, they become fully functional bio-mechanical beings with unsurpassed combat abilities. These Bio-Synths were constructed of an incredibly strong high-entropy alloy that utilized chromium, cobalt, and nickel. They could run 60+ miles an hour, jump 30 feet, and pick up and move objects up to ten thousand pounds with ease. They were powered by a high-efficiency battery system that was continuously charged by a combination of solar skin cells, a bioreactor powered by food and other organics, and a miniaturized combustion engine that could run on any liquid fuel. They also had an AI battle system incorporated into the suit to complement the human nervous system, increasing their inherent lethality five-fold.

This ATS regiment fielded 820 Bio-Synths with over a hundred other human and android support troops, air support, and one armored brigade combat team. They engaged in their first battle with two fanatical divisions of the elite presidential guard outside the city of Manaus. Sixteen hours after the battle began, what was left of the two divisions surrendered unconditionally after horrendous losses and succumbing to their fear of the “Robôs Da Morte” after witnessing over five thousand of their fellow soldiers falling to the deadly Bio-Synths. The ATS regiment suffered 37 confirmed kills and 227 damaged Bio-Synths. After a few more battles, the Brazilian army refused to continue to be slaughtered for the Junta and finally surrendered en masse.

Sub-Saharan Africa was largely spared by the war itself, as it did not partake in the conflict. However, they were utterly devastated by the collapse of the world order and the abrupt ending of the economic and food assistance they were entirely dependent on. The corrupt governments collapsed as they were unable to support their populations on their own, and widespread food shortage riots and simmering tribal conflicts erupted, leading to the continent being engulfed in a decade of genocidal conflicts, starvation, and water shortages caused by the worst drought in recorded history. By 2070, the population of Sub-Saharan Africa was just over five hundred million, down from a prewar high of 1.3 billion, and there was a mass extinction of over 60% of the megafuana species on the continent. The Republic now turned its attention to the last continent, and ten years later, the entire planet was unified under the banner of the Republic of Humanity when the Global Accords of 2080 were ratified. The 3.6 billion citizens of the Republic now looked upon their devastated, empty world and set upon the solemn task of healing their home and their souls.

Over the next twenty years, a massive rebuilding and ecological remediation effort was launched, and by 2100, the vast majority of the damage and poisoning caused by the war had been remediated. The scars of the war were removed from the surface of the planet, and massive one thousand feet tall monoliths commemorating the victims of humanity's descent into darkness littered the globe, with a promise etched in the granite base of every single one: "Never Again."

Technological innovation increased exponentially as secret government and military research projects worldwide were declassified and made available for civilian industrialists and scientists to utilize for the betterment of mankind. Coupled with AIs and AFT fabrication methods, a multigenerational leap forward in technology was achieved, and the Republic turned its gaze into space. Once the manufacture of precision carbon nanotubes was achieved, Nano Electro-Kinetic thrusters became feasible, and a new class of spaceships were built. The Republic Space Agency launched manned missions to explore the solar system, and AFT harvester factories were sent to the asteroid belt to extract the resources necessary to build the orbital infrastructure required to become an interplanetary civilization. In 2116, a methane extraction drone came upon the broken remains of a derelict alien ship on the surface of Titan. As word of the exciting discovery spread throughout the solar system, government officials and scientists on the Mars orbital platform were sent to the site to retrieve the wreckage. Only the engineering section of the alien craft was salvageable, but after two years of study and reverse engineering, the Republic had created its first functioning null drive.

This null drive was not antimatter-powered, as the Republic did not have the technological capability to manufacture and safely store sufficient amounts to power it correctly, and instead they jury-rigged it with the latest versions of the miniaturized fusion reactors that were just created a few years prior. Multiple null drive ships were built, and mankind fearlessly flung itself into the unknown, heading to the nearest star systems. In 2123, the first contact with an alien species was made when a Republic exploration scout ship was intercepted by a Galactic Commonwealth science ship in the YZ Ceti system, 12 light-years away from Earth. This event sent a shockwave through Republic society as they came to terms with the fact that they were not facing just one, but many alien races, and the technological disparity sparked fears of an invasion and subjugation by an advanced, aggressive civilization. The result was a decades-long military buildup to turn the Republic into a veritable fortress and a global effort to claim and colonize as many viable exoplanets as possible to create a buffer zone between the Human Republic and the Galactic Commonwealth.

Over two hundred shipyards and almost twelve thousand warships were built in the ensuing four decades, while the Republic military spied on the Commonwealth Navy and adapted their training and war doctrine to compensate for the technological gap between the two militaries. The rescue of the Xenxin younglings in 2131 and the subsequent secret gifting of technology by both the Eleani and the Xenxin turned the Republic into the de facto supreme military power in that quadrant of space. The true power of the Republic was not known by the Commonwealth or the other non-aligned powers due to their arrogance and the excellent deception doctrine of the Republic government and military.

Military Stats of the Human Republic as of 2172:

Total human population: 10.3 billion

7.5 billion natural born / 2.8 billion creche born - These are babies born to parents who still suffer from the generational effects of genetic degradation from the war and have chosen to have the fetus gestate in an artificial womb that will correct any genetic defects before their baby comes to term.

Fit for service: Men- 2.8 billion/Women-3.1 billion

Total android/synth population: 1.9 billion

Fit for service/war refit: 1.2 billion

Mark XII ATS Bio-Synths: 25,873 active duty/110,000+ in reserve status

Total shipyards: 175 active, 37 in reserve

Republic naval fleet Composition as of 2172:

Total warships: 11,534

Active: 7,986 Reserve: 3,548

Total tonnage: 10,678,467 tons

Independence-class Carriers:

Active: 672 - Reserve: 331

Dauntless-class Battleship:

Active: 1,456 - Reserve: 583

Courageous-class Heavy Cruiser:

Active: 1,893 - Reserve: 1,278

War spite-class Destroyer:

Active: 1,452 - Reserve: 689

Hunter-class Frigate:

Active: 1,723 - Reserve: 667

Spectre-class Nullship:

Active: 790 - Reserve: 0

Peregrine-class Starfighter:

Active: 12,609 - Reserve: 4,138

Valkyrie-Class Bombers:

Active: 2,478 - Reserve: 983

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