This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 9 Days

It’s Friday. Something about the start of this weekend makes the Otaku feel like there’s something he should be anticipating. True, there is the upcoming concert at school to be excited for. That much he can’t deny. However, there’s a feeling that’s creeping up in his mind that there’s something else.

“Yo, Ota~ku!” Kinjyou greets him after class is finished. At first, he’s a little worried about her lingering feelings for him. It’s not as though one can simply turn that part of their heart on and off. “Can I hang with ya somewhere fun?” She asks.

“Kinjyou…” He responds, a bit nervous on how to answer. “We already-”

“It’s not that, don’t worry.” She pats him on the arm. “Well, it’s a little bit about that, but don’t ya worry about me.” That response doesn’t fill him with confidence. Even then, the boy does accept her offer and the pair head off to a cafe alone together. Away from all their friends.

“I guess it’s good we can still do this.” He says as they find themselves a table. “I was really worried we wouldn’t be able to stay friends.”

“I already told ya. We’ll be fine, no worries.” She continues to assure him. The Otaku decides he probably shouldn’t keep bringing it up anymore. That would likely continue to annoy her at this rate. “Besides, I can tell ya probably got someone else in yer heart.”

“And I already told you that isn’t the case.” He replies as they get their orders. If people didn’t know any better, they’d almost think the pair were a couple. “It’s easy to assume that, since I’m still just some average otaku with all you girls. But if I had a crush then I’d…”

“Deny it and never tell them how ya feel?” She finishes his sentence. Admittedly, that would be true. However, his point is that he’s still not currently in love.

“M-maybe…” He gingerly concedes to her to that statement. A bite of his pastry is his only recourse to avoid having to continue to wallow in that thought. “Oh yeah, if you’re so confident I already like another girl. How about you tell me who you think it is?”

“That’s the thing, I don’t think it’s just one.” She answers. There are a few in her mind, so it’s not like she doesn’t have an idea. However, Kinjyou wants to keep her cards close to her chest on this one.

“Then why are you telling me this anyway?” If she’s not going to get deep into detail, then he’s not seeing why she’s want to bring this up to him.

“Just wanted to let ya know I’m rooting for ya every step in the way, Ota~ku.” She responds, a light smile creeping up on her face. “It’ll be hard, but I’ll support ya no matter what.”

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