This Star is a Bit All-around

Chapter 365

Chapter 364 – Meimei Is Not Sad, Because Hope Has Come

Chapter 364 Meimei is not sad, because hope has come

“Fanfan…Fanfan…Mother Shi, where is Fanfan, I want to eat!”

“Eat and eat for a day and you will know how to eat! Look, you are almost fat into a ball and still eat!”

“You scold me! You can’t afford a duck! I’m healthy! A healthy duck!”

“Hehe…Healthy, then run around and let me see”

Xiao Tingting: →_→

“Hey! The little brat dares to stare at me! Pop!”

Shi Guijuan bent down and slapped Xiao Tingting’s little butt, and said with a smile: “Go to the publishing house with mom first, and take you to dinner after mom gets off work.”

“When did you get off work, the doll’s stomach is gurgling with hunger” Xiao Tingting cried while covering her little **** with one hand and her pitiful belly with the other.

“Soon, I’ll be off work soon.” Shi Guijuan looked at her daughter helplessly and said, “Go to the store ahead and I’ll buy you some biscuits first, and pad your stomach first, how about it?”

“Hahaha… 666 Duck! I want a bottle of Bear!”

“Okay! But you have to be obedient when you arrive at the publishing house, don’t be naughty, and don’t disturb the work of uncles and aunts, you know!”

“Know! I’m very good! As long as there is food!”

Shi Guijuan: …

After all, I still have a snack food!

The mother and daughter walked into a convenience store next to the Miracle Publishing House. After buying some food for Xiao Tingting, Shi Guijuan took her to the Miracle Publishing House.

Shi Guijuan is now the president, and a lot of work is waiting for her. It is impossible to leave work early, not to mention that she has to set an example.

A company and system cannot be easily destroyed, no matter who it is!

“Tingting, here we come, what delicious food did you bring, give it to auntie”

As soon as she walked into the publishing house, she ran into an old employee of the publishing house. She knew Xiao Tingting, and she immediately teased with a smile in her eyes.


When Xiao Tingting heard the words, she immediately hugged her little biscuit tightly in her arms and covered it, her big eyes were full of vigilance and she looked at the smiling aunt.

Hmph~ I actually want to eat my delicious food, but I can’t!

Seeing her daughter’s stingy appearance of guarding food, Shi Guijuan immediately slapped her little **** speechlessly, and said angrily:

“Look at you being stingy, don’t you want to lose face!”


Little Tingting pig grunted and ignored her.

Shame, what’s there to be ashamed of, I’m still a baby duck!

Followed her mother Shi all the way to the president’s office Shi, and then she threw herself on the soft sofa and started eating leisurely.

Shi Guijuan gave her a speechless look, then ignored her little pig and started working.

“clang clang clang…”

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and before Shi Guijuan could speak, a small milky voice sounded excitedly: “Come in!”

Shi Guijuan: …

Am I assigning myself a secretary? !

The door opened, and Li Xiaomi walked in with a cup of coffee, and then she was taken aback when she saw Xiao Tingting who was staring at her curiously, and then smiled: “President, is this your daughter?”

“Yeah” Shi Guijuan nodded with a smile, then glared at Xiao Tingting and said, “What are you doing in a daze, why don’t you call sister Xiaomi!”

“Hi sister Xiaomi~”

Xiao Tingting immediately yelled sweetly at Li Xiaomi, and then jumped up to her in a familiar way, sniffed her little nose vigorously, and said with a surprised face: “Sister Xiaomi, what duck are you drinking? Very fragrant duck!”

Shi Guijuan immediately covered her face.

Li Xiaomi looked at this cute little doll with a full smile, and said softly: “Sister is drinking coffee, do you want it?”

“To ~”

“Hehe, here…”

Li Xiaomi handed the coffee in her hand to Xiao Tingting, who couldn’t wait to take a sip, and the next moment her little face wrinkled into a sneaker sole.

“Wow! Bitter! So bitter!”

Xiao Tingting spat out the coffee in her mouth into the trash can with a gulp, then looked at Li Xiaomi in disbelief and said:

“Sister Xiaomi, you, you… are you sick? Why are you drinking medicine!”

“Haha…it’s not medicine, it’s coffee, but I don’t add sugar”

“Hmph! You’re lying! It’s obviously medicine!”

Xiao Tingting wrinkled her little nose and said: “Mother Shi always forgot to add sugar when giving me medicine, it was so bitter that I cried!”

Li Xiaomi: “”

Xiao Tingting saw that Li Xiaomi looked at her smiling more happily, she immediately wrinkled her face, and said in a worried and caring voice:

“Sister Xiaomi, if you are sick, you have to go to the hospital to see a doctor, otherwise you will die!”

“Hmm… Do you have no money to go to the hospital to see a doctor, just like Meimei’s younger brother?”

Xiao Tingting frowned, and said with a small mouth: “Meimei’s younger brother is so pitiful, Meimei is so sad, Xiaobai said that he wants us to give Meimei the money in the big red envelope.” , let her younger brother see a doctor.”

“Woooo~ My Qianqian duck, there are so many delicious ducks, I… I can’t bear to eat ducks!”

“But…but Qiu’er, Xi’er, Dudu, every year…every month they all want to give their big red envelopes to Meimei, woo…I’m a duck with them…I want to give it too!”

“Woo~ I can’t bear ducks, I can’t bear ducks~”

Xiao Tingting babbled a lot, and then the more she talked, the more sad she got, and she crawled on the sofa and howled dryly.

Shi Guijuan and Li Xiaomi were taken aback when they heard her words, then looked at each other, and said in unison:


As soon as the words came out, the two girls laughed together again, and then Shi Guijuan looked at Li Xiaomi and said, “Xiaomi, talk first.”

“Well, I wonder if we can donate some children’s books to Tingting’s kindergarten in the name of the publishing house?” Li Xiaomi said with bright eyes.

“Well, I think so too.” Shi Guijuan nodded with a smile and said, “Not only children’s books, but other school supplies can also be donated. After all, most of the children in Little Red Horse Kindergarten are not very wealthy.”

“Well, good! Then I will arrange this matter?” Li Xiaomi applied.

“Well, you go and arrange, I will make an application report for Mr. Yang” Shi Guijuan laughed.


Li Xiaomi left happily, Shi Guijuan looked at the closed office door, she stared at Xiao Tingting who was howling on the sofa and growled:

“Stop howling! It’s making me upset! I’ll put your big red envelope in your schoolbag when I get home, and I must donate it to your little classmate tomorrow. Don’t move a bit! Otherwise, I will smash your little **** to pieces.” !”

“Wow! My money duck! My delicious duck!”

Xiao Tingting not only didn’t stop howling, but howled even louder.

Really smelling tears, listening to sad.

“Squeak… Squeak…”

At the same time, on a trail far away from the center of Yangcheng City, a bicycle was turning its wheels with a loud noise.

“Mom, brother, is he asleep? Is he good today? Have you eaten yet?”

Xiao Meimei sat on the back seat of the bicycle, hugged her mother’s waist tightly, and asked softly.

“Well, my brother is very good. He ate a little food. How is Meimei doing in the kindergarten?”

Xiao Meimei’s mother, Liu Yanbo, looked exhausted and sad at the moment, but she still asked patiently and softly.

“Well, it’s good”

Recalling Xiaoqiuer and the others’ care and help to her, a sweet smile appeared on Xiaomeimei’s thin face, and she said in a milky voice:

“Qiu’er and Xi’er brought me delicious food, but I didn’t finish it. I brought it back and gave it to my brother. The steamed buns made by Xi’er’s sister are delicious. My brother will definitely eat them.” Will love to eat!”

“Also… Mengmeng gave me a new schoolbag. The little bunny is so cute. She gave me a pair of new shoes every year. They are very comfortable to wear. Dudu gave me a doll. Cute, I like it so much, Xi’er even gave me a story book, the stories in it are so beautiful…”

“Qiu’er also said that they will give me money, and if I have money, I can see a doctor for my brother. Mom, my brother will be fine, right?”


Listening to her daughter’s words, Liu Yanbo’s eyes were red and shed tears. Her friends are very kind. It’s great that Meimei can meet you.

Thank you for your kindness, thank you for your concern, thank you for taking care of me.

My little Meimei is also a cute little angel. She is the sweetheart of my parents, but… Mom and Dad have no skills. Not to mention your brother can’t be cured, even the money to buy you a new schoolbag and a pair of new shoes then…

Hehe…Baby, I’m sorry…

If you have a next life, don’t be our daughter, it’s too hard to be our daughter.

Liu Yanbo’s tears blurred his vision, she wiped it vigorously with her thin hands, but she couldn’t wipe it clean.

As for Xiao Meimei’s claim that her little classmate wanted to donate money to her brother for medical treatment, she had no other thoughts in her heart except gratitude and emotion.

What can you do with the little money donated by a few little dolls…

Xiao Meimei sitting on the back seat of the bicycle didn’t know that her mother was crying, nor did she know the sadness and despair in her mother’s heart. She was still immersed in her own world, and said with a crooked smile:

“Mom, let me tell you a story, okay? I have to tell my brother when I get home.”


Liu Yanbo exerted all his strength to control his emotions and responded gently, and then quietly listened to his daughter telling a little story.

The wheels rolled and finally stopped in an old residential area.


The door opened, but some dilapidated houses were kept clean.

This is Xiaomeimei’s home, a small one-bedroom house rented by her parents in Yangcheng.

“Mom, I’m going to take the test for my younger brother. You can warm up this steamed bun for my younger brother. There is also a little bear.”

Xiao Meimei took out a small lunch box from her small schoolbag and handed it to Liu Yanbo.


Liu Yanbo patted Xiao Meimei’s head full of guilt and love, took the lunch box and walked into a small kitchen less than three square meters.

Xiao Meimei took the bear drink, took the storybook, and walked lightly to the only bedroom.

There is a bed in the bedroom, and this bald man is lying on the bed. Before Xiao Meimei came in, he was looking out of the window, listening to the sound of people and cars.

And when Xiao Meimei came in, he turned his little head gently and slowly full of joy, looked at Xiao Meimei, a happy smile appeared on his pale and pale face, and the very weak milk cried out : “Sister… sister…”

“Well! Tiantian, my sister is back from school, see what my sister brought you, bear, it’s delicious! My sister will drink it for you!”

Xiao Meimei looked at her younger brother lying on the bed with distress and sadness, and showed an encouraging smile:

“After drinking the little bear, my sister will tell you a little story, it’s very nice! Brother, your illness will definitely recover! Just like a hunter will chase away a big bad wolf, we have to work hard!”


After feeding her brother a few sips of the bear, Meimei didn’t dare to feed him any more. Instead, she told him a little story. Her brother’s eyes lit up after listening to it every day, and he seemed to be in better spirits.

Not long after, Liu Yanbo came in with a hot steamed bun, and the aroma immediately smelt his nostrils, and Xiao Tiantian’s appetite was immediately whetted.

After feeding her son, Xiao Tiantian ate more than usual today, which made Liu Yanbo very happy, so she went to wash the dishes with hope in her heart.

At this moment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, and then a familiar voice from Xiao Meimei came in from outside the door:

“Meimei, Meimei, are you home? I’m Teacher Xiaoyi”

“Teacher Xiaoyi!”

Xiao Meimei let out a cry of surprise, and then she hurriedly ran to open the door with her calves, and immediately saw Teacher Xiaoyi and a woman who were smiling all over her face.

At the same time, Liu Yanbo who heard the commotion also came over, and then she looked at Teacher Xiaoyi and said apologetically:

“Teacher Xiaoyi, come in quickly, the family is small, don’t be disgusted, just sit down!”

”It’s okay.” Teacher Xiaoyi walked into the room and said with a smile: “Hello, Mama Meimei, let me introduce you. This is Manager Fang of our Little Red Horse Foundation. She…”

“clang clang clang…”

Just when Teacher Xiaoyi was about to introduce the purpose of their trip, there was another sudden knock on the door.

“Hello, is this Lu Qianmei’s house?”

Liu Yanbo opened the door, and a beautiful woman looked at her and asked with a smile.

Liu Yanbo was taken aback for a moment: “Lu Qianmei is my daughter, you are…”

“Hello” Zhang Yuyun at the door looked at Liu Yanbo and said, “We are from the Red Star Foundation, can we go in and chat?”

“Oh, please come in, please come in!”

Liu Yanbo stepped aside immediately, and invited Zhang Yuyun and Zhang Yuyun into the room nervously and flusteredly.

As soon as Zhang Yuyun came in and looked at Teacher Xiaoyi, he was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, “You are Teacher Xiaoyi, right, Qiu’er and their kindergarten teacher”

“Ah…you are…”

Teacher Xiaoyi is a little confused, how do you know me, I don’t know you.

“Hehe~ Qiu’er’s elder brother Yang Qing is my boss.” Zhang Yuyun smiled and said, “As a qualified employee, I have known you before.”

“Oh… Qiu’er’s brother is your boss.” Teacher Xiaoyi said in a daze, “But…but you just said that you are… from the Red Star Foundation, this…”

“Hehe~ It’s true that Yang Qing is my boss, but I also have a boss who is Empress Yingtian, um…the Red Star Foundation was founded by her”

“Empress Yingtian?!” Teacher Xiaoyi was taken aback, then looked at Zhang Yuyun in surprise and said, “Then you are here…”

Hearing this, Zhang Yuyun looked at the Manager Fang beside her, and said with a slight smile, “Our goal should be the same as yours.”

“Er…but this…this…”

Ms. Xiaoyi didn’t know how to reply for a moment, and in the end Manager Fang beside her reached out to shake Zhang Yuyun’s hand and said with a smile:

“Since our goal is to provide medical expenses for Meimei’s younger brother, let’s talk together, there is no conflict or conflict of interest”

“it is good!”

Zhang Yuyun smiled and nodded in response, and then she and Manager Fang looked at each other and smiled, and then looked at Liu Yanbo who was a little sluggish at the moment and was about to speak.


But at this moment, Liu Yanbo suddenly came back to his senses, and then bent his legs and knelt on the ground, tears streaming out like water.

“Thank you…thank you guys, thank you…”

Liu Yanbo choked up with tears and said thank you, then kowtowed his head.

Xiao Meimei on the side knelt down almost as soon as her mother knelt down, and kowtowed with tears streaming down her face.

She doesn’t understand what the foundation is that Teacher Xiaoyi and these two beautiful big sisters are talking about. She only knows that her brother is saved!

Mother and daughter kowtowed at the same time, Zhang Yuyun and the others were startled, and then hurried forward to pull the mother and daughter up vigorously, and helped them to sit down.

“Sister-in-law, you don’t have to do this. Of course, if you want to thank, it’s not too late to thank the person you really should thank after your son is cured. What do you think?” Zhang Yuyun took her hand and said .


Liu Yanbo nodded vigorously with tears in his eyes. At this moment, the flame of hope for the future was ignited in her heart.

Her son is saved!

As long as people exist, happiness exists and everything remains!

(end of this chapter)

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