This Star is a Bit All-around

Chapter 373

Chapter 372 – 666 Duck~

Chapter 372 666 Duck~

“Okay, everyone, sit down and fasten your seat belts, the teacher will check…”

The little dolls got into the car one by one, and Teacher Xiaoyi clapped her hands to let the chattering children sit down quietly.


Xiao Qiu’er raised her little hand and said in a milky voice: “Dong’er is too young to wear a seat belt.”

“Hehe~ Then give Dong’er a hug for the teacher, the teacher will sit with her in his arms,” Teacher Xiaoyi said lovingly.

“No! Xiaoyi, you still have to take care of these cuties, just give Dong’er a hug!”

Before Xiao Qiuer nodded and agreed, Teacher Xiaoyan, who got into the car after her, squeezed over quickly, and stretched out her hands to Xiaodonger while talking.


Xiao Dong’er looked at the fair white hand stretched out in front of her. She blinked at Teacher Xiaoyan with big eyes, and then at the third sister, Xiao Qiuer, who was sitting beside her.

“Hee hee~ Dong’er is good, let Teacher Xiaoyan hold you and sit, get off the car and my sister will take you to play.” Xiao Qiu’er kissed Xiao Dong’er’s small face and smiled.


Hearing this, Xiao Dong’er grinned at the pacifier and babbled, then stretched out two small hands and placed them on Teacher Xiaoyan’s plain hands.

“Yeah…haha…so cute and awesome!”

Feeling the tenderness and softness of the little hands, Teacher Xiaoyan expressed the love in her heart, and laughed happily.

Teacher Xiaoyi on the side looked angry and envious.

Little demon girl! How dare you rob my way! You wait for me! hum~

After everyone in the car fastened their seat belts, the car started slowly and started. At this time, Teacher Xiaoyi held a microphone and said:

“Our first stop today is to go to the botanical garden. The teacher will introduce you to some plants…”

Ms. Xiaoyi introduced some situations in a hurry, and gave the little doll some precautions, and then she smiled lightly and said:

“Okay, let’s sing a song together next, um… let’s sing the song “The Lonely Brave” that the teacher just taught you, okay…”


The voices of the little **** sounded in unison, and then the little dolls shook their calves one by one and became excited.

Mr. Xiaoyi: “Well, Qiuer, come and give everyone a head start.”

“Hee hee… good!”

Xiao Qiu’er responded, and then she opened her mouth, and the little milk voice sang:

“You are all brave, the wound on your forehead, your differences, your mistakes, get ready…sing!”

“It’s all brave…”

In an instant, the singing of the little milk voice resounded throughout the carriage, and the taste of joy permeated everyone’s heart. Teacher Xiaoyi also sang along softly, and teacher Xiaoman hugged Xiaodong’er full of love, and kissed this little girl from time to time. baby.

Little Donger grinned at her pacifier and slapped her hands excitedly. She had never played with so many dolls before, and she had never felt such a happy atmosphere that excited her to dance.

The little dolls sang very happily and devotedly. Even Xiao Bai, who was sitting in the last row, sang with raised eyebrows, but Xiao Tingting, who was sitting next to her, was not…

At this moment, her little **** seems to have thorns, twisting and turning…

She has heard this song before, and knows that it was sung by Xiaobai and his brothers, but the problem is…she can’t sing it!

In an atmosphere where everyone else knows it but she doesn’t, Rao Yixiao Tingting’s thick face also feels a little embarrassment of being out of place.

So she kept twisting her little **** to resolve the restlessness and embarrassment in her heart, and occasionally squeezed Xiaobai deliberately with her small body.

Finally, Xiaobai got angry at being harassed by her, and stopped singing. Little Watermelon shook his head, staring angrily with big eyes, and said angrily:

“Gua Wazi! Are you looking for a beating!”

“Haha… 666 Duck Xiaobai, you sing really well! How can you sing so well, don’t you… blah blah blah…”

Society Ting went online, she gave Xiaobai a rainbow fart and smiled, and the anger that had just risen in her heart turned into a rainbow.

“Haha… Xiaobai, what delicious duck did Brother Qing buy…”

Seeing Xiaobai happy, Social Ting took the opportunity to inquire about information.

“Hoho… Brother Qing didn’t buy it, but me, Qiu’er and Xi’er bought it together.” Xiaobai grinned triumphantly.

“Wow! Xiaobai, you are so tired of ducks, you will buy delicious food, it’s great!”

Xiao Tingting continued to send a rainbow fart, and then asked while the iron was hot: “Then what delicious ducks did you all buy?”

“Hoho… There are bear drinks, bear biscuits, and grilled chicken legs, chicken wings, ham sausage…”

Xiaobai was chattering, and Xiao Tingting’s eyes became brighter the more she listened.

My God! So many delicious ducks! My life is about to be complete!

Her little heart is flying with joy at this moment, and in her little head, she fantasizes that she is eating all kinds of delicious food…

Hmm… Bear drinks in front of him, a small chicken leg in his left hand, a small chicken wing in his right hand, and a small ham in his mouth… Oh my god…

Thinking about it, the corner of Xiao Tingting’s mouth drooled unconsciously, and Xiao Bai at the side was shocked when she saw her.


She reached out her small hand and slapped Xiao Tingting’s face lightly.

“Guawazi! You’re thinking of throwing a baby! Your saliva is dripping out! How disgusting!”

Xiao Tingting (˙˙): “Hey…”

Singing and laughing all the way, the bus finally arrived at the first destination of the trip—the botanical garden.

“Okay, everyone, don’t rush and don’t squeeze, get out of the car one by one, and then go to the teacher Xiaoman’s row, line up in two lines… Well, Xiaobai, Xi’er, you two are the team leader, responsible for leading the team…”

Mr. Xiaoyi arranged, and gave Xiao Xier and Xiao Bai each a small flag representing the team leader. Immediately, the two little ones took orders excitedly.

In fact, Teacher Xiaoyi has a deep meaning in this arrangement. Needless to say, Xiaobai, she was originally the monitor of the first class, and she is very familiar with the task of leading the team, and she is very handy.

As for Xiao Xier, hehe… This little cutie is too lively and free, and assigning her a small captain just to restrain her free will, um… to increase her sense of responsibility.

Sure enough, as Teacher Xiaoyi expected, Xiao Xier, who became the team leader, seemed to be a different person, with a strong sense of responsibility!

“Dudu, you are the first one to stand! Mengmeng, Niannian, stop whispering your ears! Hurry up and stand in line!”

“Qiu’er, um…you are taking Dong’er, so you don’t have to line up, come and stand beside me, don’t run around, take good care of Dong’er!”

“Little Orange! What are you doing! Don’t jump in line! Otherwise, I won’t bring you delicious food!”

“And that…”

Xiao Xier’s passionate voice rang out, and she organized her small team in a short while, a little faster than Xiaobai.

Teacher Xiaoyi, who watched this scene, nodded and laughed with satisfaction, her decision was indeed right!

Hmm… It seems that the monitor of Class 2 has not been decided yet, so we can consider Tan Xier.

On the other side, Yang Qing, who was leaning on the car and watching this scene, couldn’t stop nodding and said, “Sure enough, Teacher Xiaoyi has a way. She actually used this method to arouse Xi’er’s sense of responsibility. It’s not bad.”

“Haha…Of course!” Jiang Xiaolang said with a smile: “How else could he be a teacher?”

Yang Qing: …

What you said makes sense, but why do I feel that you are mocking me…

After finishing the small teams, the two team leaders waved small flags and led their respective small teams into the botanical garden following Teacher Xiaoyi and Teacher Xiaoyan.

This botanical garden is the largest botanical garden in Yangcheng. It has a pleasant environment and a huge temperature-controlled shed where various flowers are planted. It is as beautiful as spring all year round.

“Wow! So many flowers, so beautiful!”

Entering here, the little dolls looked at the flowers of various colors, and all opened their mouths in amazement.

“Hehe~ Does anyone know what kind of flower this is?”

Ms. Xiaoyi’s lecture started, teaching the children to know some flowers, understand their meaning, and introduce their growth habits, so as to enrich their knowledge and cognition. This is the main purpose of her trip.

Walking, watching, introducing and learning along the way, Teacher Xiaoyi and Teacher Xiaoyan are very careful and serious in their lectures, even occasionally interspersed with a few short stories about flowers, or fables, listening to the little doll All of them are beaming with joy.

Finally, after introducing the last flower, Teacher Xiaoyi looked at the excited children and said with a smile:

“Have you all remembered what the teacher said just now, um… It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember all of them, but at least one must be remembered, because the teacher will buy you a pot of flowers for you later…”

“You have to choose which one you want, and then you have to take it home and raise it yourself. Raise it and raise it well, you know?”


The little dolls screamed enthusiastically, and then chattered excitedly about what flower they would choose for later.

When she came to the flower shop, Teacher Xiaoyi asked the children to line up to choose their favorite flowers, while she was ready to pay.

“I’ll come, I’ll come, Teacher Xiaoyi, I’ll come!”

Seeing this, Yang Qing quickly stepped forward and said first: “We agreed on the phone this morning, I will pay for all the expenses today, you can’t let me keep my word, hehe~ Anyway, I am a bit famous no…”

Teacher Xiaoyi refused, but she could only nod and smile and said: “Then I will trouble Qingshen, and you will spend money.”

“Hehe~ No trouble, no trouble, Teacher Xiaoyi, you and Teacher Xiaoyan have worked hard. Today’s lesson is very vivid and meaningful!”

“Hehe~Thank you…”

The children chose flowers, Yang Qing paid for it, and even Xiao Donger, who was led by Xiao Qiuer, chose a pot.

Although it was a small pot of flowers, Xiao Xiao struggled to hold them, so she twisted her **** and came to Yang Qing, and handed the flowers to him for safekeeping.


Yang Qing smiled even happier seeing this.

After coming out of the botanical garden, the little dolls boarded the car one by one under the leadership of the two team leaders, and then headed for the next destination—Nongjiale.

Xiao Tingting was excited immediately, her long-awaited delicious barbecue was finally coming!

“Okay, here we are, does any child know the five words above?”

“Hey… I know thio! Hejia Farmhouse!”

“Well, yes, it’s great! Let’s cheer for Captain Xiaobai together!”


Amidst the cheerful applause of the little bus, Teacher Xiaoyi and Teacher Xiaomei walked into this “Hejia Farmhouse” with the little dolls in the second class.

This farmhouse is located on the outskirts of Yangcheng, surrounded by mountains on both sides of the southeast, the scenery is very beautiful, and it covers a large area, with fish ponds for fishing, orchards for picking, and some other recreational facilities.

Come here, the little dolls are completely jubilant, running around here and there in twos and threes, looking at this and touching that, so happy.

There is no danger here. After giving some instructions to the little dolls, Teacher Xiaoyi divided the work with Teacher Xiaomei and the other three matriarchs, and took care of several groups of dolls.

Yang Qing, Jiang Xiaolang, and another male parent took the snacks and barbecue ingredients bought by Xiaobai and the others out of the car, and began to prepare for the barbecue.

“Tingting, if you don’t play with Xiaobai and the others, why are you following me?”

Yang Qing washed the mutton and cut it into dices, and was about to marinate it, when he saw a little doll beside his feet, swallowing hard, he couldn’t help but asked with a smile.

“Haha…Brother Qing, what kind of meaty duck are you making~” Xiao Tingting answered the question.

Yang Qing: “Mutton, I will give you kebabs later”

Xiao Tingting (): “Mutton skewers! Suck~”

Yang Qing (◎_◎;): “Why are you drooling, you haven’t baked yet…”

“Haha… Brother Qing 666 Duck! Where are the chicken legs and chicken wings?” Xiao Tingting didn’t feel embarrassed to deduct 6 points.

Yang Qing: “Hehe~ you little greedy cat, the little chicken legs and little chicken wings are thawing in that basin”

“666 Duck!”

Xiao Tingting immediately deducted 6 again when she heard the words, and then she ran to the basin and squatted down, stretched out her little fingers and tapped the chicken legs inside, and laughed contentedly from time to time.

“Hehe~ Tingting can’t walk when she sees something delicious, so she won’t go to play”

Jiang Xiaolang came to Yang Qing’s side, looked at Xiao Tingting who was squatting in front of the basin and laughed alone.

“Haha…everyone has their own favorites” Yang Qing said with a smile: “Go and start the fire, heat up the grill first”


Jiang Xiaolang nodded, and then he looked at Xiao Tingting and shouted: “Tingting, follow me to raise the fire and burn the stove, and I will give you the first barbecue later.”


Xiao Tingting ran over excitedly.

On the other side, Xiao Qiu’er and Xiao Xi’er are holding Xiao Dong’er’s little hand, following Xiao Bai in front of them to explore the new world, and behind them are Xiao Dudu, Xiao Niannian, Xiao Mengmeng, Xiao Mumu, Xiaojuzi and Teacher Xiaomei.


At this moment, Xiaobai Yanji stretched out her hand quickly, and then she grinned and ran to the boudoir group, opened her hands and smiled and said:

“Look, I caught a Beetle!”


The little girlfriends suddenly became curious, and each of them stretched out their heads and squeezed to watch.

“Hehe~ Seven-star ladybug, not a beetle.” Teacher Xiaoyan also glanced at it and said with a smile.

“Wow! Seven-star ladybug, so beautiful, Xiaobai, you are so annoying!”

The little girlfriends exclaimed that the script was good, and Xiaobai’s eyebrows were all bent when he smiled.

“Well~ah~look~ Donger look~”

Xiao Dong’er also wanted to see it, but she was too small to see it, so she was so anxious that she babbled.


But the next moment, she felt like she was taking off.

“Haha… Dong’er look, Xiaobai, quickly show Dong’er the seven-star ladybug.”

It turned out that it was Xiao Dudu who hugged Xiao Dong’er, and she laughed loudly.

“Got it!”

Wearing this, Xiaobai spread out her small palm in front of Xiaodong’er whose calf was dangling in the air, and saw a small seven-star drifter quietly crawling in her palm.


Little Dong’er grinned at the pacifier, and then she stretched out her little hand to grab it, but she didn’t want to…


With a flap of its small wings, the seven-star drifter flew away…

Little Donger: ⊙.⊙

“Hoho~ It doesn’t matter, if it flies away, it will fly away! My sister will catch another one for you!” Xiao Bai stroked Xiao Dong’er’s small head and smiled milkily.

Little Donger: “”

(end of this chapter)

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