This teenager is a bit aggressive

Chapter 26 What happened to Ronaldo

Chapter 26 What happened to Ronaldo
In today's training class, Bryant taught Park Yisheng a good lesson, and Park Yisheng also knew what he should work on next.

In the evening, Park Yisheng still went to the Alfama Field Stadium. Playing football in the field field every night seemed to be a job, and Park Yisheng was the one who went to work.

That night, as soon as Park Yisheng arrived at the field, he saw Ronaldo with a bruised nose and a swollen face.


what's the situation.

How did Ronaldo become like this? Not only Park Yisheng was curious, but Jessica and David also found it inconceivable.

"C Luo, what's your baby's situation, is this a fight with someone?" Pu Yisheng asked hurriedly.

Ronaldo smiled and told what happened to him in Sporting Lisbon.

It turned out that after Ronaldo joined Sporting Lisbon, he was in the youth training team. Because of his poor background and his strong Madeira country accent, he became the laughing stock of his companions in the capital.

In order to laugh at him, his companions often imitated Ronaldo's country accent, which was very disrespectful.

Ronaldo endured it once or twice, but his companions always laughed at him as if he was addicted.

People are such animals. When they meet the weak, they can be bullied vigorously. When they meet the strong, they become shrinking turtles.

If Ronaldo is more tolerant, his companions will definitely tease him harder, and his life in Sporting Lisbon will not be too easy.

So, today, a few friends began to imitate his country accent and say that he is an inferior person, and Ronaldo fought with them.

Ronaldo was beaten like this because he singled out a group of people with two fists and four hands.

Pu Yisheng gave a thumbs up, awesome, Ronaldo is a real man, even though he was beaten black and blue, he is not ashamed at all.

Ronaldo continued to complain that he was lonely in the Sporting Lisbon youth team, and no one wanted to be friends with him because he was a countryman.

Even on the playing field, his teammates are isolating him and not passing the ball to him. Sometimes, after a game is over, the chances of Ronaldo touching the ball are almost one of a handful.

It can be said that he has no sense of presence in Sporting Lisbon. In the U16 team of Sporting Lisbon, Ronaldo seems to be paddling in every game, with almost no chance to perform.

Cristiano Ronaldo goes to the field to play football every night. To put it bluntly, it is because he misses the place where his dream started. In fact, it has a lot to do with his lack of presence in Sporting Lisbon.

He comes here to play football every night, just to find a sense of presence. Playing here, he is always happy to be able to use him.

Since arriving in Sporting Lisbon, he can no longer find the joy of playing football.And his happiest time was when he played wild football with Park Yisheng, David and Jessica.

That's why, from the very beginning, Ronaldo never disliked Park Ilseng's poor football, because the original intention of football is to find happiness.

Don't forget your heart, you have to always.

While talking, Ronaldo talked about Park Yisheng and David.

"The two of you can also go to Sporting Lisbon for a trial training, maybe you can also play in Sporting Lisbon. In this case, I have a company."

Pu Yisheng shook his hands vigorously. With his current level, the elementary school team can be a problem. If he really went to Sporting Lisbon for trial training, it would be called whimsical.

However, David Shepchenko can give it a try. According to his level, he must be at least [-]% sure!

However, even if David really has the willingness to go to trial training, he will have to wait until the trial training period of Sporting Lisbon next summer.

"Well, don't make international jokes. With my three-legged skills, how can I get into the eyes of a big club like Sporting Lisbon? I'd better stop embarrassing myself."

"To be honest, David can really try it, right!" Pu Yisheng put his arms around David's neck.

David shook his hand hastily.

"Pull it down, my master's skills are not good enough, and I will admit that I am cowardly."

Ronaldo glanced at Park Yisheng and David who were shoulder to shoulder.

"You two are really cowardly."

At this time, Park Yisheng suddenly remembered something. The coach of the school football team, Bryant, was said to be the assistant coach of Sporting Lisbon, and the job of the coach of the Cascais primary school team was only his part-time job.

Ronaldo should know this person!
"Hi, Ronaldo, do you know Bryant?" Park Yisheng asked suddenly.

Ronaldo nodded.

"He is the assistant coach of Sporting Lisbon, mainly responsible for the technical and tactical training of U16."

"What did you ask him for?"

Before Pu Yiyi could answer, David answered Ronaldo's question quickly.

"He's the coach of our school football team."

Ronaldo was overjoyed and hurriedly said:

"Good thing!"

"You two have hope to play in Sporting Lisbon."

When Ronaldo said this, Park Yisheng had to think of giving gifts. Before he was reborn, the most common and practical way for the locals to do things was to give gifts.

Could it be that Bryant also likes this? Ronaldo doesn't want them to send some valuables to Bryant!
Pu Yisheng gave Ronaldo a contemptuous look.

Ronaldo went on to say:

"Bryant is a person with a unique vision and is good at discovering players with training value. Those recommended by Bryant can go to Lisbon to play football as long as they pass the inspection of Sporting Lisbon."

"There are at least a dozen children who were spotted by Bryant and brought to Sporting Lisbon. If you two can be seen by him, you can play football in Lisbon just around the corner."

It turned out that Ronaldo didn't ask them to give gifts. It seemed that Pu Yisheng was too vulgar, so vulgar that he himself felt blushing. How could a 15-year-old Ronaldo have such a city.

In the last selection match for the Cascais Elementary School team, Park Yisheng could only score [-] points, but Bryant selected him for the first school team, which caused him to suffer from the front team's winger. Roll eyes.

Does this mean that Bryant has taken a fancy to him!Park Ilseng is a little bit of a feel-good guy.

"Do you think Bryant will take a fancy to me?" Pu Yisheng looked at Ronaldo suspiciously.

Ronaldo hadn't spoken yet, David's annoying quick talker interrupted again.

"Come on! You're thinking too much, why is Bryant looking at you just because you scored an own goal?"

"If Bryant can see you, unless you step on dog shit when you go out one day."

David's words amused Ronaldo.

"Don't say that. If Pu Yisheng is really serious later, he will step on dog shit before coming back, and he won't stink us to death."

Then, David and Ronaldo teased Park Yisheng one sentence at a time, having a great time.

At this time, Jessica, who was sitting by the side and had already tied up her hair and was ready to fight, became impatient.

"I said you three, have you talked enough, will you still play tonight?"

As a result, Ronaldo and David shut up, and the four of them rushed to play the half-court.

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(End of this chapter)

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