Three Kingdoms Star System

Chapter 106 The Huns and the Maiden

Chapter 106 The Huns and the Maiden
"Since Cao Zhendong said so, how could my younger brother refuse? Besides, Yingchuan was originally Cao Zhendong's territory. My younger brother was taken care of by Cao Zhendong at the beginning, and I was very grateful. Now that Cao Zhendong wants to get it back, there is nothing wrong with it."

Liu He knew that Cao Cao would have many uses in the future, such as uniting Cao Cao against Yuan Shao in the future, so there is no need to offend him to death for a small Yingchuan. Besides, the counties in Yingchuan The place is small and the population is sparse. If Cao Cao really planned to attack with all his strength, he would not be able to defend here.

What's more, Liu He also knew Cao Cao's careful thinking. The reason why he asked Yingchuan for Yingchuan was actually to prepare to bring Emperor Xian to Xu County. This was actually a good thing for Liu He, because in this way, Xu County would be Facing threats from Nanyang at any time, this will also restrict Cao Cao.

It was precisely because of this consideration that Liu He agreed to Cao Cao's request.

In fact, at the beginning, Liu He proposed to temporarily borrow Nanyang from Liu Biao, and promised to send Yingchuan to Liu Biao, but Liu Biaozhi was not in Yingchuan, so he directly proposed not to have Yingchuan, so Liu He can happily propose it now. Withdrew from Yingchuan and gave Yingchuan to Cao Cao. In addition, Liu Biao naturally wanted to take back Nanyang, but in order to be able to use Liu He to fight against Yuan Shu and Cao Cao, Liu Biao continued to defend the north for himself, so although he did not explicitly propose to give Nanyang to Liu He , but allowed Liu He to continue to garrison Nanyang after capturing Guanzhong, and now that Liu He's general has been appointed by Emperor Xian as the prefect of Nanyang, even if Liu Biao was taken back, it would not be justifiable.

Of course, there are people in Jingzhou who have different opinions on this. For example, Cai Mao proposed a strategy of befriending Cao Cao and seizing Nanyang, but Liu Biao directly rejected it. This need not be elaborated. It is only said that after Liu He reached an agreement with Cao Cao, he had many times with Cao Cao Gradually, a "deep friendship" was established.

Liu He escorted Emperor Xian all the way out of the Taolin Fort not far from Huayin City, and then led the soldiers back. After returning to Huayin City, Liu He was naturally warmly received by the generals stationed there, Liao Hua and Gan Ning.

During the meeting, Liu He said that he saw that the Taolin Fortress was dangerous. Although it was in ruins, if it was repaired and strengthened, it would definitely become a powerful barrier to defend the pass. Therefore, he ordered Liao Hua and Gan Ning to prepare to repair and strengthen the Taolin immediately. Regarding the matter of the fortress, and taking Cao Cao to escort Emperor Xian, he immediately started before it was too late to completely grasp this grand pass in his own hands.

In the end, Liu He also gave this grand pass a new name: Tongguan!

Liu He learned through the system that in fact, Tongguan was built by Cao Cao in history, and its geographical location is exactly the Taolin Fortress. It completely guaranteed the security in Guanzhong.

After resting in Huayin for one night, Liu He led the army out of Huayin, preparing to return to Chang'an.

However, on the way back to Chang'an, Liu He encountered a foreign army!
Strictly speaking, this army is not all aliens, and there are also Baibo bandits among them. The two groups are colluding together and are carrying out large-scale looting of Linjin, Linxian County, Huayin.

Linjin belongs to Zuo Fengyi, and it is under the rule of Liu He. How could Liu He allow the thieves to harm his people here?Immediately lead the soldiers under his command to meet.

In fact, there were more people on the other side than on Liu He's side. At that time, Liu He had only 1 white carpenter soldiers under his command, while the two groups of thieves had at least [-] people.However, the sergeants under Liu He didn't have the slightest fear, and killed the enemy army several times their own.

"Haha, there are a group of officers and soldiers here. I like to kill those officers and soldiers the most. In addition, they have thousands of horses under their seats. This is a small fortune for us. Brothers, rush over , kill those officers and soldiers, be careful not to kill the horses, huh? The group of red horses under the leader's seat are really handsome, you guys go over and grab them for me, BMW and beauty, I want to dedicate them together to Zuo Xian king."

The one who spoke was a Huns who looked like a leader. The Huns who can appear here are naturally the so-called vassals of the Han Dynasty, the Southern Huns. When the Southern Huns surrendered to the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty sent them to help the Northern Huns. They were placed in Yunzhong, Wuyuan and other counties, but later they took advantage of the civil strife in the Central Plains and gradually invaded the south. Some of them even came to Hedong County and colluded with the Baibo bandits. They also planned to go south along the river (Yellow River) to participate in the Central Plains The melee, and what came here today is one of the troops.

The one who gave the order just now was a powerful householder of the Southern Huns, named Huyan Xiutu, and beside him was another horse, carrying a girl with her hands bound and her mouth covered, This girl looked to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, with a flowery appearance, slender eyebrows, and anger in her eyes, obviously she was kidnapped.

However, since the girl was sitting on a horse, it could be seen that she was valued by the leader, and she must be very beautiful. The leader wanted to give the girl to their boss first.

And behind the girl, followed a large group of people, a small number of them were women, and beside them were dozens of corpses, most of these corpses were men's, and even a few corpses were women's. It was stripped naked, and there were still men's filth on it. It was obviously the "masterpiece" of those Huns who vented their desires on the spot.

Liu He saw the girl at a glance, and at the same time saw the people who were slaughtered and mutilated. His heart was already full of anger. He hated these Huns. They themselves lived in the territory of the Han people. The imperial court did not have any effect, but instead harmed the people of the big man, they really deserve to be killed!

"Hmph, even if you don't come to deal with me, I still have to deal with you?" Liu He was full of anger, took out the mixed iron spear, and rode his horse directly to slaughter Hu Yanxiu.

Liu He's sudden action frightened Chen Dao, Pei Yuanshao, and Deng Zhan, the three leaders of the soldiers. After fighting so many times, when did they see their lord charge in person?Now that this is happening, it can indicate that something is not quite right.

So they jointly led a hundred elite soldiers responsible for protecting Liu He and chased after them. Even if they risked their lives, they must protect Liu He safe and sound.

However, the speed of Liu He's war horse was too fast. When they were stunned, the flame horse rushed over like a gust of wind, and soon came within ten feet of Huyan Xiutu.

The soldiers around Huyanxiutu saw that the man whom their master had asked to deal with came up to him, they were all overjoyed, they cheered loudly and rushed forward, intending to kill the Han man and seize his horse, so that they could be reborn in the big household. Great work there.

(End of this chapter)

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