Three Kingdoms Star System

Chapter 111

Chapter 111
"My lord, great joy, great joy, there is gradually a rift between Ma Teng and Han Sui, because many people under Ma Teng's rule went to Han Sui's Anding, and Han Sui left these people behind, so Ma Teng is concerned about this. Very angry." Guo Jia came to Liu He with a smile, briefly explained the rift between Ma Teng and Han Sui, and then said with a smile: "My lord doesn't know, in fact, those people are the people under our rule. , they pretended to be the people under Ma Teng's rule, and sneaked into Xunyi County, where You Fufeng belonged, through the junction between Zuo Fengyi and You Fufeng, and slipped into Anding. Jia was afraid that there would be no conflict between them, as long as they If there are conflicts between them, we can find a way to expand the contradictions, so that they can't stand each other."

"Huh? But wouldn't this mean that our people will be reduced a lot?" Liu He's face suddenly showed a hint of displeasure. Although he did not blame Guo Jia, his expression was not good-looking.

But Guo Jia smiled and said: "My lord, don't worry. These people are originally from Xunyi, and most of them are Qiang people. Jia deliberately ordered local officials to provide them with less food, forcing them to leave again, and hundreds of people were mixed in with them." Name our sergeants, as long as these people come to Anding County, they will join Han Sui's army in the future. This is equivalent to us having an informant in Liangzhou. Although we have lost some people, but that After all, we are Qiang people, and since we have gained an informant in Liangzhou, this cannot be considered a loss."

"Oh? So that's the case, haha, this is good news. I believe that with Fengxiao's ability, you will be able to make the two of you incompatible with each other. When they really wake up, the hatred will probably have formed. By that time , even if they want to cooperate with each other, it is probably impossible. But I don't think we should beat Ma Teng too hard, otherwise we will not only lose a lot of troops, but also face Han Sui alone , Therefore, we only need to drive Ma Teng to Mei County, and then leave Ma Teng to check and balance Han Sui, and it is not too late to turn around and deal with Ma Teng and Han Sui after we have obtained Bingzhou."

"My lord, your idea is very good. You must leave some room for everything, and you cannot do everything. When we are not strong enough, using Ma Teng to check and balance Han Sui is indeed a very wise choice. Now My lord, please hurry up and make preparations to recapture Huaili, Huxian, Meiyang, and Wugong counties. Among them, food, grass and war horses are the most important things. My lord also knows that when Xu Huang conquered Hedong, you gave him a Ten thousand cavalry, Wei Yan also deployed [-] cavalry, and Tongguan also had [-] cavalry, so we have almost no cavalry power now, and if we want to deal with Ma Teng, cavalry is a necessary unit, although our newly recruited cavalry The soldiers are training, but without horses, everything is just talk."

Guo Jia has never worried about specific issues like war horses, and is only responsible for asking Liu He. Of course, this does not mean that he does not understand the difficulty, so he is very serious when he speaks.

Of course, Liu He also knew the difficulty of getting a war horse, so he suddenly had a headache.

Because both Han Sui and Ma Teng were actually opposed to themselves, they all ordered a ban on sending horses to their side. This caused Liu He, who could easily buy horses from Liangzhou or the Western Regions, to suddenly be unable to buy horses. The transport of war horses from Youzhou has aroused the attention and jealousy of some forces along the way, so transporting war horses from Youzhou has become somewhat unrealistic.

"Hey, if I take Bingzhou now and connect my forces with Youzhou, I don't have to worry about the war horse, but now..."

Thinking of this, Liu He secretly made up his mind that after the current predicament is resolved, he must take the lead in taking down Bingzhou and connect with Youzhou.

"If it really doesn't work, then we have to bring back thousands of horses from Zuo Fengyi or Tongguan to solve the urgent need." Liu He said helplessly.

However, there are also many disadvantages in doing so. Once Zuo Fengyi transfers his horse back, Han Sui is likely to take the opportunity to launch an attack from Anding. In this way, the situation will still become that Han Sui and Ma Teng will jointly attack him and want to regain the right Fufeng general. It gets harder and harder.

And if the horses are transferred from Tongguan, it is estimated that Cao Cao will definitely find a way to compete for Tongguan.

Because Cao Cao also realized later that he wanted to send troops to occupy the "Taolin Fortress", but he was only one step slower than Liu He. It turned out that Liu He actually built a fortress there. Instead of retreating, they stationed nearby, negotiated with Liao Hua, and made secret preparations, looking for opportunities to take "Tongguan" back.

Therefore, it is conceivable that in this case, one's own side has less than [-] cavalry, what kind of threat will this be?
But when Liu He was at a loss, he heard Pei Yuanshao excitedly say outside: "My lord, my lord, good news, a young man came outside, claiming to be Yingchuan Zhongyou, who came to join the lord, and, and, That man brought three or four thousand horses..."

"What? Zhong Yao? You brought me a war horse? Hurry up, I have to meet him personally." Liu He was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately took Guo Jia and others to meet Zhong Yao.

"Haha, but Mr. Yuan Chang has arrived, and Mr. Haiqing forgives me for not being able to welcome him far away." Liu He's face was full of smiles, and he cupped his hands at a middle-aged man in his forties, humbly Said.

"You don't have to be polite, you have heard of your name for a long time. Later, when your army arrived in Chang'an, you did nothing to the people. Now that the people under your rule are short of food, you ordered someone to open the treasury to help the victims. Even taking out all the military rations left in Nanyang, I am afraid that few people in the world can do this kind of high-mindedness. It is really a kindness for the emperor to be so dedicated to the people. You also heard that the emperor killed thousands of Nanyang in one fell swoop. The Xiongnu soldiers and the two or three thousand Baibo thieves who colluded with foreign enemies even created the title of "traitor" for them. You Fufeng, now that You Fufeng is suffering from a famine, Ma Teng and Han Sui have a secret rift, you think that the envoy will take the opportunity to take back You Fufeng, and you are worried that the envoy will lack horses, so he sent four thousand horses and protected himself Under the command of the envoy, I thought that the envoy would do his best, so I beg you not to refuse."

Zhong Yao cupped his hands at Liu He, and said very politely.

(End of this chapter)

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