Three Kingdoms: The ghost plotter taught Liu Bei to seize Jingzhou first

Chapter 97

Didn't Liu Bei's navy deserve to be destroyed by Huang Gai and burnt to ruins by a fire?

How is it possible to attack the south bank camp?

Besides, even if it wasn't burned down, Zhou Yu's fleet was still blocked in front!

Did Gan Ning and his warships get wings and fly over Zhou Yu's head to attack the south bank?

Thousands of incredible thoughts flashed through Liu Cong's mind.

It's not just him.

The Jiangdong defenders and Jingzhou soldiers along the coast were all in an uproar and panic.

"Mr. Lu, what's going on? Why did the Jinfan thief come to us?"

Liu Cong grabbed Lu Su and yelled in horror and confusion.

Lu Su's thoughts were racing for a long time, and he suddenly shuddered, and his face was as pale as a sheet of paper.


"Gong Jin must have been defeated, otherwise Liu Bei's navy would never have been able to attack our south bank camp."

"Gong Jin's fire attack plan must have failed!"

Lu Su's voice trembled as he blurted out the cruel truth.

Liu Cong's color changed in shock, his knees softened, and he almost fell to his knees.

"Mr. Lu, you are talking nonsense!"

"Kuai Yidu assured me that Governor Zhou’s plan was flawless and would definitely hit Liu Bei hard."

"How could he lose? It's impossible——"

Liu Cong stood firm, but shouted hoarsely at Lu Su as if he had lost control of his emotions.

Lu Su took a deep breath and looked towards the north bank again with stunned eyes.

"Deng Mu!"

He slowly called out the name.

At this moment, he could not guess who else could see through Zhou Yu's flawless plan.

Deng Mu was always a thorn in his heart, and he was always afraid of him.

"Deng Mu? Liu

Cong was stunned for a moment, then shook his head suddenly:

"This is impossible. There is no way he could see through Governor Zhou’s plan."

"Kuai Yidu said that Governor Zhou's plans were unpredictable and even if Zhang Liang was reincarnated, he would not be able to see through them."

"I don’t believe that Deng Mu, a poor fellow from a poor family, can really be so wise and almost a monster!"

So wise and almost demonic... these four words seemed to remind Lu Su.

He looked in a daze and murmured to himself:

"Perhaps, Deng Ziyu’s 12 wits are far more unfathomable than we imagined."

"Maybe as you said, he is really so wise that he is almost a demon..."

Liu Cong was speechless.

Just when they were frightened and confused, the fleet commanded by Gan Ning was approaching.

Maybe God was also helping Liu Bei. At this time The southeast wind ended, but the north wind blew up.

Gan Ning gave an order, and thousands of arrows were fired from the warships. The dense rain of arrows, relying on the favorable wind, poured down overwhelmingly towards the Jiangdong camp.

In an instant,

I was immersed in The panicked Jiangdong soldiers were nailed to the ground in pieces, and their lives were ruthlessly harvested.

Screams came one after another.

The surviving Jiangdong soldiers came to their senses and began to flee in all directions like frightened sheep.

Lu Su also woke up, sighed helplessly, and got on his horse in a hurry.

"Mr. Lu, what should we do, where are you going?"

Liu Cong also came to his senses, stepped forward to grab Lu Su, and shouted in horror.

Lu Su looked gloomy and said bitterly:

"Gong Jin has probably fled to Chaisang, and we are already abandoned soldiers."

"Everyone abandons the camp and flees to Chaisang. Let's see who can survive this disaster!"

After saying that, Lu Su whipped up his horse whip and left in a hurry. Liu Cong was left behind and was spinning around anxiously, not knowing what to do.

The personal guards on the left and right were all close followers of Kuai Yue, and now Kuai Yue didn't know whether to live or die. , who among them cares about Liu Cong, the so-called lord.

Everyone dispersed in a hurry, and Liu Cong was abandoned.

"Don't leave me, don't leave me~~"

While Liu Cong begged, he was mixed in with the defeated army and fled out of the camp.

On the river beach.

Liu Jun's warships have rushed into the water camp and attacked the south bank across the board.

Gan Ning gave an order, and tens of thousands of Liu Jun soldiers, like tigers descending from the mountain, rushed onto the river beach and rushed towards the defeated enemy army.

A one-sided killing began on the south bank.

Blood has turned the river red in the blink of an eye

At noon.

The killing sounds on both sides of the Yangtze River finally fell silent, declaring that the decisive battle was over.

The building boat slowly docked.

Liu Bei was in high spirits, riding his horse and whipping his whip, and casually disembarked from the ship and landed ashore.

"Lord, our army captured more than 15,000 surrendered soldiers and more than 500 large and small warships in this battle."

"Countless weapons and weapons were obtained"

"The enemy camp had about 300,000 hu of grain and grass stored in it, all of which were obtained by our army."

Gan Ning had a look on his face and he stepped forward to greet Lao Liu and report the results of the battle.

Liu Bei was full of joy and praised Gan Ning and the generals greatly.

"Congratulations lord"

"After this battle, Sun Ce was no longer able to invade, and Jingzhou was completely owned by the Lord."

"The balance of strength between Jingzhou and Jiangdong has been reversed."

"The title of overlord of the Yangtze River belongs to the Lord!"

Deng Mu smiled and congratulated Old Liu.

Old Liu's eyes were full of gratitude, and he immediately bowed to Deng Mu:

"If it hadn't been for the military master's clever calculations and the clever calculation to see through Zhou Yu's poisonous plan, I would have been burned to ashes today."

"The victory you have today is all thanks to the military advisor. Please give me your thanks!"

My lord, I bow to you personally. What an honor this is.

Of course Deng Mu understands the accidents of human relationships, and he really couldn't make Liu Bei bow to him. He hurriedly supported Old Liu and said some words of sincerity and fear.

While talking and laughing, the masters and ministers boarded the board. We arrived at Shuiying.

A young nobleman was already kneeling on the ground, waiting tremblingly for Liu Bei's decision.

"Lord, this thief is Liu Cong!"

"When the last general attacked the south bank, he wanted to escape to Chaisang, so that he could catch up with the last general and capture him alive!"

Gan Ning pointed at the noble young master and said his name.

Liu Bei's smile disappeared, his sword eyebrows furrowed, and he looked down at the frightened man.

"Liu Cong, Liu Cong……"

Old Liu gently stroked his short beard, thinking about how to deal with his nephew who was from the same clan.

Deng Mu could tell what Lao Liu was thinking at a glance.

Frankly speaking, Liu Cong was so shameless that he did not hesitate to seek refuge with Sun Ce, his mortal enemy, just to become his enemy. It was indeed abominable.

But Liu Biao was dead, and Lao Liu probably wanted to let his son live for the sake of his fellow clansmen.

Now that Lao Liu has secured Jingzhou, Kuai Yue, Cai Mao and other Liu Biao's closest confidants have all been wiped out.

After this battle, the remaining supporters of Liu Biao who gathered around Liu Cong were also wiped out in a wave.

At this time, Liu Cong could be said to have no threat to Lao Liu at all.

If it were Boss Cao, Deng Mu might suggest that Liu Cong be killed and eradicated.

But Lao Liu is different. He has never been the kind of person who wants to kill everyone.

Seeing that Lao Liu had no murderous intention, he just turned a blind eye and pretended not to see it.

"Uncle Xuande, please forgive me."

"It was Kuai Yue who poisoned my father, forcibly appointed me as the shepherd of Jingzhou, and forced me to join Sun Ce and become your enemy."

"All the evil things were done by Kuai Yue. My nephew, I had no choice but to know nothing."

"In fact, I have long wanted to give up resistance and surrender to you, uncle, but Kuai Yue was not allowed to do so!!"

"Please uncle, for the sake of our common blood, please let your nephew live.~~"

Before Liu Bei could make a decision, Liu Cong began to cry and plead.

By the way, all the secrets about Kuai Yue's poisoning of Liu Biao were revealed.

As soon as this statement came out. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There was an uproar at the scene.

Liu Bei was shaken, and his expression immediately turned into shock.

Kuai Yue actually killed his master?

Before that,Everyone, including Liu Bei, thought Liu Biao died of serious injuries.

No one expected that it was Kuai Yue who killed Liu Biao with poison!

"Liu Jingsheng regarded Kuai Yue as a loyal minister, but he actually killed Liu Jingsheng?"

"Such an unfaithful and unscrupulous traitor, if I had known that he had committed such evil deeds, I should have cut him to death with a thousand knives!"

Liu Bei cursed angrily, only regretting that he had allowed Kuai Yue to die too easily.

Even if the person killed by Kuai Yue was his enemy, this act of killing his lord also made him angry.

Deng Mu did not He was surprised.

According to history, Liu Biao suddenly died of illness during Cao Cao's southern expedition. His death was extremely strange.

He originally suspected that it was most likely Cai Mao and Kuai Yue, the two capitulation factions, who secretly poisoned Liu Biao in order to support Liu Cong's succession. , successfully surrendered to Cao Cao

"Although Liu Biao is a self-defeating thief, he still has some backbone. If he were alive, he would never bow to Sun Ce."

"Kuai Yue, a thief, naturally had no choice but to kill Liu Biao in order to support Liu Cong and seek refuge with Sun Ce in order to maintain the power of his family."

Deng Mu exposed Kuai Yue's motives.[]

Liu Bei suddenly realized and said sternly:

"It is my command that as long as I take charge of Jingzhou for one day, from now on, no one from the Kuai family will be appointed to any official position in Jingzhou!"

As soon as this order came out, the generals looked at each other, all secretly praising Old Liu for doing the right thing.

From now on, the Kuai family of Jingzhou, which has been prominent for hundreds of years, will never have a chance to turn around, and can only decline and fall.

"It’s just Liu Cong"

"Fortunately, Liu Jingsheng loved him so much during his lifetime that he did not hesitate to abolish his elders and establish younger ones."

"It's ridiculous that he knew that Kuai Yue killed his father, but he still collaborated with him."

"If the lord doesn't kill such a thing that is inferior to a beast, how can he be worthy of the lord's name of benevolence and righteousness!"

"Lord, please kill this thief immediately!"

Deng Mu changed his mind and decided to push Lao Liu to kill Liu Cong.

Liu Cong was shocked. He didn't expect that he wanted to pass the blame to Kuai Yue, but unexpectedly got himself involved instead.

"Uncle Mingjian~~"

"My nephew was also coerced by Kuai Yue and had no choice but to endure the humiliation."

"The nephew wanted to find a good opportunity to escape from the control of Kuai Yue and join his uncle, so that he could ask his uncle to avenge the nephew's father's murder.~~"

Liu Cong hurriedly knelt on the ground and gave another forced explanation.

"Damn your motherfucker!"

Gan Ning yelled and kicked him to the ground.

"When I attacked the south bank, you had already dispersed. How could Kuai Yue's people bother to monitor you?"

"When I caught up with you, you were obviously in the Jiangdong Army and wanted to escape to Chaisang"

"If you really want to surrender to the lord, why are you fleeing to Chaisang?"

Liu Cong was stunned and speechless. He didn't know how to explain himself. He was so panicked that he was sweating profusely.

"Liu Cong, you can deceive others, do you think you can deceive me, Deng Mu?"

"Kuai Yue poisoned Liu Biao and made you the lord of Jingzhou. I'm afraid you are still grateful to him."

"From the beginning to the end, you never thought about avenging your father, let alone surrendering to our Lord."

"What you are thinking about is how to use Sun Ce's hand to help me get rid of my master and take back Jingzhou, so that you can become the true lord of Jingzhou!"

Deng Mu had an insight into people's hearts and exposed Liu Cong's wishful thinking in just a few words.

Liu Cong collapsed on the ground, the innocent look on his face had been replaced by endless fear and shame.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was Deng Mu exposed his thoughts and felt guilty.

Liu Bei took a deep breath and said sternly:

"I, Liu Bei, have never been one to kill everyone. I wanted to spare your life."

"It's a pity that you don't deserve to be spared, you don't deserve to be a descendant of my Liu family, and you don't deserve to live in this world!"

"Come on, push him down and kill him!"

The soldiers on the left and right came forward and dragged Liu Cong away.

Liu Cong was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground and begged:

"Uncle Xuande, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong!"

"Aren't you the Lord of benevolence and righteousness? 390 Just spare my life, spare my life.——"

The pleas stopped abruptly.

Liu Cong conferred the title

"When a man dies, he dies. Why do you cry like a woman?"

"What a shame for a generation of heroes like Sun Bofu to form an alliance with rats like you!"

An indignant and solemn scolding sounded.

A Confucian scholar who was tied up with five flowers was escorted to Liu Bei.

Seeing that the young Confucian scholar looked generous and fearless, Liu Bei's eyes flashed with admiration.

So he shouted and asked :"I am Liu Bei, the shepherd of Jingzhou, who are you?"

"Liu Xuande?"

The young Confucian scholar suddenly raised his head and looked at Liu Bei in surprise.

After a moment of surprise, the young Confucian scholar regained his composure and said loudly:

"I'm going to fight against JiangdongThe following is engaged in, Jiujiang Lusu is also."

Lu Su?

Liu Bei's eyes moved slightly, remembering that there seemed to be such a number one person in Sun Ce's tent.

However, he only knew his name, and did not know his talents and abilities.

But Deng Mu was His eyes lit up.

Lu Su, Lu Zijing.

In history, he was one of the four major governors of Soochow.

In terms of intelligence and generals, Lu Su was not as good as the other three, ranking at the bottom of the four governors.

But in terms of overall strategy, Lu Su Su Que left the three of them a few blocks away.

Even Zhou Yu had to accept defeat.

Historically, Cao Cao sent his troops south and captured Jingzhou. He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to go down the river and capture Jiangdong to dominate the world.

There were a lot of surrender talks in Jiangdong, and Sun Quan was so frightened that he almost surrendered..

It was Lu Su who was the first to stand up and advocated uniting with the old Liu Cong to fight against Cao Cao.

It was also Lu Su who, after winning the Battle of Chibi, realized that with the power of Sun Quan and his family alone, even if they controlled the two states of Jing and Yang, He could not go north to compete with Cao Cao for the world. Therefore, when Lu Su was still alive, he tried his best to maintain the Sun-Liu alliance, even if he allowed Lao Liu to occupy Nanjun.

No one else.

Just because Lu Su's structure was large enough, his strategic goals have always been They wanted Sun Quan to go north to fight for the world.

Unfortunately, after Lu Su died, Lu Meng and Lu Xun behind him had no strategic vision and only followed Sun Quan, a short-sighted monarch.

In the end, they tore up the alliance, stabbed Guan Yu in the back, and snatched Jingzhou.

Jingzhou was to be taken After the fall, Sun Quan was satisfied.

Unfortunately, from now on, neither Sun nor Liu had a chance to compete for the world.

People say that there are many rats in Jiangdong, and Lu Su is the only one with far-sightedness among the short-sighted people in Jiangdong. Strategist.

Zhou Yu can only be considered half at most.

Since such a great talent fell into the hands of Old Liu, how could Deng Mu not let Old Liu take it into his pocket.

So he approached Liu Bei and lowered his voice to remind:

"My lord, this Lu Zijing has the talent of being a king's assistant, you have to use some means to accept him."

As soon as he said this,

Liu Bei's spirit perked up and he looked at the tied up Lu Su in front of him with surprise.

Another great talent fell from the sky?

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