Tiger Roaring Douluo

Chapter 16

Chapter 16
Kong Yuxin took the Sun Moon Stone and said, "I'll try."

After Kong Yuxin left, Hutian asked Wusheng: "Senior, what should I do to shape your body for you?" Now that they have everything they should have, it is not an option to keep them living in the Lich Order.

Wusheng replied, "Now you don't need the Lich Order to cast demon soldiers. I'm not in a hurry to wait for you to fully master the Lich Order. I will shape my body from now on. As for Long Nianqing and I have already helped him integrate his soul into Qi Rong Babel Chrysanthemum and Qiluo Tulip have been hit, just ask the Soul King to nourish them with Sanguang Shenshui, and they will be able to regrow flesh and blood in about a month." After speaking of the Lich Order, Qirong Tongtian Chrysanthemum and Qiluo Tulip fell out of it

Hu Tian took a serious look at Qirong Tongtian Ju and Qiluo Tulip, and sure enough, he felt a faint soul fluctuation from Qirong Tongtian Ju and Qiluo Tulip. Hu Tian briefly explained the situation of Hu Lie and Long Nianqing to the Soul King , and asked the Soul King to use Sanguang Shenshui to help Hu Lie and Long Nianqing nourish their flesh and blood. The Soul King agreed without hesitation. He admired Long Nianqing very much. Hu Tian opened his mouth and the soul king had no reason to refuse, it was not a big deal in itself, he saw a soul fruit-shaped object flying out of the tree trunk of the soul king, the whole body was transparent, and in the center of the soul fruit was a drop of three-light divine water shining with three colors of light, this soul The fruit is tempered by the soul king with his own soul bone, because the soul king has never been out and doesn't know what kind of monster soldier is suitable for him, so he tempered it into the most familiar soul fruit shape, under the control of the soul king The light from the Sanguang Shenshui in the soul fruit directly shrouded the Qirong Tongtian Ju and Qiluo Tulip, and the two fairy grasses emitted bursts of soul fluctuations, and Hu Tian could feel the energy from Hu Lie and Long Nianqing. joy.

After other matters were settled, Hutian asked Wusheng, "Senior, what kind of demon soldier do you think is suitable for me."

"Only what you think is suitable for you is the most suitable for you. I can't give you good advice on this, but Chaos Stone is not so easy to temper. Like the blood of Zuwu, only the real fire of the sun can barely be tempered. So you have to think about how to accept the real fire of the sun." Wusheng's voice sounded.

"Senior, what do you think of using Lihuo Xingjiaoshu and Star Anise Xuanbingcao together with Ice and Fire Yangyi Eyes to refine my body, so that my body can achieve the effect of avoiding both water and fire, and I can accept the real fire of the sun." Hu Tian thought of Tang Tang. The third is to refine the body in this way.

"Who told you that, yes, as you said, it can withstand a certain degree of water and fire attacks, but you have to understand that there is no absolute immunity and invincibility in the world. Once it exceeds that level, the so-called immunity and invincibility are just a joke. That's right, if you train your body like this, you can lead the current real sun fire into your body without much harm, but also because the current real sun fire does no harm to you, you can't really experience the mystery of the real sun fire at all. It is impossible to improve the real fire, so I still suggest that you first practice the blood refining realm of "Witch Code" and then fight hard. When "Witch Code" reaches the blood refining state, you must introduce the blood of ancestor witches into your blood. Your physical body will take a leap forward, and at the same time, the essence and blood of the ancestral witch can restrain the real fire of the sun by nature, and can barely attract the real fire of the sun into your body." Hearing what Hutian said, Wusheng patiently explained.

The real fire of the sun is controlled by the demon emperor. It is powerful without a doubt. Hu Tian doesn't want to ruin his future. He has already reached the peak of his cultivation in the first level of the "Witch Code". The second level of blood refining, Hu Tian felt that there was no difficulty.

"Boy, it's not a joke to enter the body with the blood of the ancestral witch. Now you can at most accept the most peaceful blood essence of Houtu, and only a small part of it enters the body. If other ancestral witch blood enters the body casually The evil spirit in it may erode your mind at once, and even if it is the essence of the earth, you'd better be prepared to fight against it. Once the blood of the ancestral witch enters the body, I can't help you, it's all up to you Confrontation between the will and the evil spirit in it, once you fail, you may completely lose yourself and become a machine that only knows how to kill." Wusheng warned in a heavy voice.

Hu Tianlai sat down beside Binghuo Liangyiyan, took a deep breath and said, "Let's start, I'm ready."

Hu Tian tried his best to run the "Demon Canon" and "Witch Canon" with all his strength, covered the primordial spirit on the Lich Token, and with the help of Wusheng, he drew a drop of blood the size of a grain of rice from the Lich Token. The black-red Hutian felt that once the drop of blood left the Lich Token, it seemed to become heavier than a mountain, and there were two auras of endless benevolence and extreme killing at the same time.

"Then it is the blood essence of the Houtu. The blood of the Houtu bears the power of the earth, and at the same time incorporates the benevolence and killing spirit of the ancestor witch of the Houtu. After integrating the blood essence of the ancestor witch of the Houtu into the blood, not only can the "Witch Code" Ascension path is the second level, and it can also help you control the power of the earth to a certain extent." Wusheng explained.

"Let's start." After Hu Tian finished speaking, he directly pulled the blood of Houtu essence into his own blood, and the blood of Houtu essence entered his body. Hutian's first feeling was that he seemed to be a million times heavier, and then an extreme killing force directly Roll to Tiger Sky.

"Kill, kill, kill..." Hu Tian suddenly felt as if everyone and everything around him deserved to die. Wusheng led him to this ghostly place to come to this damn place. Lie still wants to devour his own soul, damn it...

"Boy, do you want to end it before it starts? Don't let the evil spirit corrode yourself, resist quickly." Seeing the endless killing breath from Hutian's soul, Wusheng shouted loudly.

Hearing Wusheng's voice, Hutian quickly gathered his soul power to resist the endless evil spirit that sent out the killing aura. Hutian was so ashamed that he was eroded by this killing aura without any resistance. If it wasn't for Wusheng himself I'm afraid it has become a killing machine now.

Hu Tian concentrated the power of his soul in his brain, and tried his best not to let the aura of killing invade, but the effect was minimal. The aura of killing had already begun to erode his soul power again. The soul king felt a powerful murderous aura emanating from Hutian's body, and even the soul king was shocked. Although he didn't know what Hutian was going through, the soul king also knew that if the murderous aura completely penetrated Hutian's soul , then it will be difficult to wake up again, directly hang the soul fruit wrapped in Sanguang Shenshui above Hutian's head, and the three-color light of Sanguang Shenshui envelopes Hutian.

Hu Tian, ​​who was struggling to resist the killing aura, felt that the killing aura had been weakened a little, but it was not something he could resist. If he couldn't solve it, he would fall sooner or later.

Suddenly, Hu Tian had an idea, don’t all the witches use evil spirits to refine their bodies, why should I resist so hard, and directly use the method of body training in the "Witch Code" to guide the evil spirit to re-cultivate the first level of the "Witch Code", in the "Witch Code" Under the guidance of ", the evil spirit began to refine Hutian's fur, flesh, and internal organs. It went smoothly than Hutian imagined. After Hutian practiced the first level of "Witch Code" again, the evil spirit was gone. Hutian Open the soul and directly let the remaining evil spirits merge into the soul. When guiding the evil spirit to refine the body, Hutian understood that these evil spirits were left on purpose by the Houtu ancestor witch, otherwise it would be impossible to guide them to refine the body so smoothly, I am afraid Zuwu knew that using demonic power to refine his body was too peaceful for him, how could he be called a witch clan without evil spirits, and Hutian also knew that even if there was a heinous person standing in front of him, he would not be able to kill him. Only the soul itself can survive in this society where the law of the jungle preys on the strong.

Hu Tian felt the blood essence of Houtu in his body, circulated to the "Witch Code" and began to integrate it with his own blood, without the evil spirit, there was endless kindness left, and there was no difficulty in the second level of Hu Tian's "Witch Code" , with the second stage of the "Witch Code" running, the earth essence blood gradually merged with Hutian's blood.

(End of this chapter)

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