Time Effect ( A Mass Effect Fanfiction)

8 – 5 Years Later



A lot changed in those 5 years. Samael and Veronica grew exponentially, just like their army, which once had 50 people now had 1000, all kids from the slums who otherwise would have turned to crime or worse. They even had some biotics in their midst, and Samael was in the process of looking for a teacher for them, but in the meantime, he taught them what he learned from the best.

Samael was also in the middle of the process of making them a Mercenary group, to make connections across the galaxy, even if small. Connections were something everyone needed in life, and Samael knew that. So, he would use his mercenary group to gain some.

Samael fortune also grew and he now had more than enough to make the serum, and he already made the AI and the Advanced Med Gel.

The Advanced Med-Gel was 50% more powerful than the one he launched in the market years ago, but he still wasn't going to launch it to the public yet. He would only supply to his mercenary group for the time being.

The only reason he still didn't make the Serum yet was because the ingredients weren't available on Earth and he would only leave Earth when he reached 18.

It was something he set for himself, to enjoy a little more time with his mom, because after he hit 18, he would not stop to rest until the Reapers were annihilated and, even after that, there could be trouble within the post-war problems, so he had to enjoy the time he had right now.

Now, onto the AI Samael made. Its mother code was from EDI, and close to the one he made with Tali in a past cycle, so it was very advanced. Remember that AI in the Mass Effect universe were restricted, very much, with so many shackles on them that most of their function were not available, as they were VERY dangerous.

Even Cerberus, one of the main antagonists in the Games, never used and unshackled AI before EDI ( even then, the only reason the AI was unshackled was because of imminent danger to the Normandy crew in Mass Effect 2), so you could see the precaution they had. But the one Samael made had 0 of those shackles.

Of course, he only trusted this AI because of the EDI mother code and because Tali helped him create it.

It was dangerous, having an unshackled AI out there, as it was basically free to do anything it wanted, but so were the Reapers.

He named the AI : RR ( short of Reaper's Reaper), and since its creation, has helped Samael in a lot of things, like the management of his army, his bank accounts, etc. He almost didn't bet anymore, as his LD ( the company) was already a behemoth on Earth and was slowly gaining foot in the galaxy market.

But he still used Tarzan to do it, as the man proved himself very useful for the last years, and he didn't mind losing some money if it meant he could have a powerful ally here on earth, even if just a boss within a slum in San Francisco.

However, the number of times they bet had decreased exponentially after a certain amount of credit was earned and as LD grew.

The Advanced Med Gel, as mentioned before, was only used in his army. He was going to release it on the market in the near future, but held back, as it could lead to some effects he didn't anticipate, since a product that wasn't supposed to appear in this period, did appear.

But, if for some reason, there was an improvement in the technology thanks to his products, it was still a good thing to Samael, as it meant more protection to everyone against the Reapers.

Besides, the money he earned selling the degraded version of the Advanced Med Gel, along with other products he launched in the market after getting other good companies under him was ... more than enough.

He was easily in the top 3 or 1 of the most rich on Earth right now, but no one knew about him, because his money was scattered across various accounts, all managed by RR.

He still used Tarzan as the creator of LD, as the man was good as a shield. But he was now a legit billionaire.

So, after he became a legitimate billionaire ( even though he had more money than just millions), he showed part of his fortune to Valery. She almost fainted when she saw the money.

She was happy about her son, and when asked if she wanted to leave the slums, her answer didn't shake Samael.

'' I will stay.''

'' Why?'' Even though he knew the answer, Samael still asked.

'' Here's it's already home. It could be dangerous, or even worse, but is still the place you grew up. I have friends and 'family' here.'' Valery was emotional thinking about the past.

She did not have any more family alive, only Samael, and the people in the slums filled that gap, so she would not leave and would even help them.

'' So, can you help the people around here with that money?''

While she would not leave the place, she didn't mind having her house upgraded even more and helping those who helped them in the past.

Samael didn't hesitate, '' Use the money in this account for whatever you want.''

When Valery checked the balance of the account Samael gave her, she was once more shocked by how rich her son was, '' Can you repeat how you earn this much money?''

'' I created an advanced Med Gel, something that's better than anything in the market right now. Remember LG, the company everyone talked about for the last 5 years?''

Vallery nodded, still a little absentminded.

'' I was the one who created the product and asked Tarzan to create the company. I'm much, much richer than you think. Just don't tell anyone about this, as it could mean trouble. Like, real trouble.''

Vallery was speechless. First, because her son created a multibillion-dollar company 5 years ago and she didn't know about it, and second, because the last thing he said sounded dangerous, '' Are you okay?''

She asked with concern for her son's safety.

Samael nodded, '' Yes, I used Tarzan as a cover for me. He was investigated a lot of times in the last few years, but no one made the connection with us yet, so we are okay for the time being. And in the future.''

As he saw his mom's concerned face, Samael reassured her, '' Don't worry, I can handle this. I promise.''

Vallery had no choice but to accept it all. The milk was already long spilled, trying to stop it now meant nothing.

''The account I just gave you is nothing but a small part of what we have.'' Samael knew money didn't matter much to Vallery, but he still said that part with pride.

Valery was quite proud of what her 15-year-old son did, even if worried about him, '' And what are you going to do now?''

With that much money, he could easily leave home already and do his thing. Vallery was a bit sentimental at that.

Samael smiled at his mom, '' Don't worry, I'll leave when I hit 18. Until then, I'll pester you with my presence until you get tired of me.''

Valery chuckled at that, '' ... Whatever you do in the future, know that I'm proud of you. Mason is probably smiling watching over you.''

'' Thanks, Mom.''

Another thing that changed was Samel too. He now stood at 1,75 meters in height, with more room to grow, his muscles would put others to shame, but they were compact, so only his army and other select people knew what Samael was capable of, others were in the dark about it.

Safe to say that he now had a body that was capable of fighting others easily. His body was ready to take the serum, he just needed the materials.

Samael also never lost against Jaret, but he was hit by Veronica a few years ago. The girl was getting better and better, and he had already begun her training to become a pilot.

She now was the best pilot in his army/mercenary group of 1000 and she was teaching others who aimed to be a pilot too.

All in all, life was good. But Samael knew better and didn't relax with just that. Right now, he was in an office in his new compound, looking over a few files. He then remembered something and asked, '' RR, how is the process of acquiring the land in Eden Prime?''

A robotic voice came from somewhere in the room Samael was in, '' I already brought the ones you asked me. It cost a little more than I calculated, as the sellers offered some resistance.''

'' No problem, we don't lack money right now. Hmmmm, should I just go there?'' The land Samael bought from Eden Prime was housing the last specimen alive of the Protheans, Javik.

Javik was a Prothean breed at the peak of the war against the Reapers in his time. Protheans had something called ' Avatars', members of their race who embodied a single virtue for the society. Javik is one of those Avatars, and his virtue is Vengeance. ( AN: Literally the description they had on him on his wiki )

He was also a companion of Shepard, and someone whom Samael knew well, as both were 'friends' in every cycle. Javik was tasked to lead 1 million Prothean warriors against the Reapers in future cycles. They would be put in stasis, a process to make the body survive for long periods, so they could outlast the war against the Reapers in their cycles, and eventually wake up and help the races in the future cycle against the Reapers. But, Javik was betrayed by a few Indocrinated Protheans, and out of the 1 million Protheans who were there, only Javik managed to survive.

But, the attack on the base where they would be put in stasis damaged the equipment which was supposed to be automatic, so Javik was essentially trapped in the stasis until someone found him and woke him up.

Shepard would eventually do that, but only in the future. Samael was going to accelerate that process. But, he knew the moment he rescued this guy, things would change, so he didn't want to do that now.

' ... Let's wait 3 years.' Deciding to still follow his timeline, Samael then asked, '' How about the lives of the people I asked you to look after?''

'' Here.'' RR passed a few files to Samael's Omni-tool, who read with attention.

On those files were how his friends and family were doing.

After making sure they were okay, Samael said to RR, '' Continue monitoring them, if they get in any trouble, tell me immediately.''

'' No problem. And the process to use becoming a mercenary group was finalized just now.''

Samael was surprised, as he began the process of becoming a mercenary group not so long ago. He knew that was because of RR, so he thanked it, '' Thanks for your help.''

'' All to help the creator stop the Reapers.''

Yes, Samael told about the Reapers to RR, as it would become a main force against them. It didn't take long to convince the AI about their existence, as their traces existed even after 50.000 years.

After all, you can't just wipe out all intelligent life within the galaxy and not leave any traces. They were faint, but they existed and Samael managed to convince the AI.

'' Please inform me if someone contacts us to a mission.'' While he would still not leave Earth, he had already prepared his army of 1000 to do so. They would leave at a moment's notice if Samael ordered.

By the way, to house the 1000 of his army + their family, Samael had changed the slums a lot. Tarzan even gave a part of the slums to Samael, who only accepted it after making sure it was possible to renovate it.

So, renovate it he did. The old compound was renovated to house 1000+ people, and the better area of the slums was his.

'' Will do, master.''' RR then stopped talking and Samael returned to what he was doing.

While he was doing that, trouble was brewing for his family.

The slums where Samael and the others lived weren't the only ones that existed in San Francisco. No, there are many others, but in the last few years, only one of them managed to almost have the same power as the one where Samael lived.

Tarzan used the money he made with Samael to better his business, so the other bosses of the other slums got jealous, as they continued to lose business to Tarzan. They tried to find out how he managed to do it, but nothing so far.

They knew he was the one who supposedly created LD, but just like other groups, they knew Tarzan wasn't intelligent enough to do something like that, so he's protecting someone or someone is using him as a ruse. Or both.

However, the second most powerful slums found out about Valery, something not even Cerberus did, as Tarzan put his men to protect her after his partnership with Samael. That backfired now, as they thought she was his woman and decided to kidnap her and get some answers.

'' Are you sure about this? Tarzan will most likely attack us as soon as he finds out about it.''

By this point in time, everyone knew about Tarzan's name and it wasn't a taboo any longer.

''Don't worry, by the time he found out about it, it would be too late. HAHAHAHA.''

What they didn't know was that Vallery wasn't only protected by Tarzan. A very advanced AI was with her 24 hours a day, alongside a few other people who were there just to protect her, and Samael too.

They didn't know that and went ahead with their plan to kidnap Valery in her own home.




They will soon regret targeting her!

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