Time to Duel!

Duel Brawl: Annie Vs Jack(2)


'Sign language'


(Annie first)

Jack Markus
8000LP / 5 cards in hand / 0 monster / 0 spell/traps
Annie Spark
8000LP / 5 cards in hand / 0 monster / 0 spell/traps

Annie took a glance at her hand before looking up at Jack with a determined expression. "I begin my turn with E - Emergency Call, adding Elemental Hero Clayman to my hand." Grabbing the ejected card, without skipping a beat she played her next card. "I then use Polymerization to fuse Clayman and Bubbleman from my hand to summon Elemental HERO Mudballman in defence mode!" In the air on Annie's side of the field, a vortex opened up with a transparent hologram of Bubbleman emerging out of it. The ground underneath the blue-clad hero quickly started to rise as if it was water to form his new armour becoming more opaque as his armour grew. Once he was fully solid the new Mudballman landed on the ground with a loud thump in a defensive stance. "I set 1 card then end my turn."


1900 ATK/ 3000DEF

Jack Markus
8000LP / 5 cards in hand / 0 monster / 0 spell/traps
Annie Spark
8000LP / 1 card in hand / 1 monster / 1 spell/traps

"I draw. I start my turn by playing EVO - Encyclopedia, adding Evo Grazer and EVO Apex of the Hunt from my deck to my hand." A glowing book appeared on the field and opened up to reveal a picture of both of the chosen monsters before disappearing. "I then normal summon Grazer which lets me special summon another one from my deck to the field. They won't be staying long as I use both grazers to link summon EVO Apex Sky Queen." Both grazers let out one last cry before turning into beams of light that formed a blue portal. Soon after with a mighty roar signalling her arrival, Sky Queen flew out of the newly formed portal.  " I end my turn."

Evo Grazer x 2

500 ATK/ 2000DEF


EVO Apex Sky Queen

3000 ATK/ Link-2

Jack Markus
8000LP /6 cards in hand / 1 monster / 0 spell/traps
Annie Spark
8000LP / 1 card in hand / 1 monster / 1 spell/traps

"Is your Sky Queen not going to take a bite? Or is my Hero too tough for her?" Annie remarked with a cheeky grin. 

"I think you're the only one who finds the thought of mud appetizing," Jack replied with a snicker. 

"Hey, that was just one time! And you promised to never bring that up again!"

"Sorry last time I promise," He said trying to hold back a laugh.

"Hmp! No matter, I draw! Even the greatest of heroes need a break, I play One Day of Peace!" As soon as the card was played a transparent dome appeared to cover both duelists as they drew their cards. Jack frowned at the card while Annie's eyes lit up. "I set 1 card and end my turn."

Jack Markus
8000LP / 7 cards in hand / 1 monster / 0 spell/traps
Annie Spark
8000LP / 2 cards in hand / 1 monster / 1 spell/traps

"I draw, then I summon EVO Overseers' Helpers in attack mode." In a flash of light, a teal-furred cat standing on two legs wearing a red scarf and bandana appeared. The cat winked at Jake before turning to face Annie. 'What the?' He thought before shaking his head to focus on the duel. "I then play Evo - Frenzy-"

"In response, I activate my trap card, Mask of Restrict!" A red mask materializes on Annie's side of the field emitting a red glow. 

"Damn." Jack cursed before noticing Annie's frown. "What?"

"Is that really all you have to say?! Where is the 'Damn my plan is foiled! Or the 'You think this would stop me!'"

"You really need to cut back on much you binge the HERO cartoon." He couldn't help but grimace when looking at his hand. 'I guess I have to change up my plan.' Nodding once, he looked up to face the field. "I activate Helper's effect summoning a helper token to my side of the field in defence mode. With Sky Queens effect I can normal summon Evo Prey, I then use both Helper and Prey to link summon EVO Apex Sky King!" As both Prey and Helper started to glow, Helper let out a triumph meow before backflipping on top of Prey, both bursting into light particles upon landing. The particles of light condense into a blue portal allowing Sky King to fly out with a mighty roar. 

"Because Prey was sent to the Graveyard I can add one EVO - Encyclopedia from my deck to my hand, which I use to get another Prey and an EVO Pack Leader. Lastly, I set 2 cards face down and end my turn." The transparent dome over both of them shimmered before disintegrating into particles of light. 

Jack Markus
8000LP / 6 cards in hand / 3 monsters / 3 spells/traps
Annie Spark
8000LP / 1 card in hand / 1 monster / 2 spells/traps

"The calm has settled and now it's time for the time storm! I normal summon Elemental HERO Blazeman which allows me to add a Fusion Substitute from my deck to my hand." Blazeman appears in a burst of fire. "I then activate Blazeman effects, sending Elemental HERO Avian from my deck to the graveyard, and changing Blazeman's type to the wind," Blazeman shouted as his armour turned green while his fiery hair twisted and morphed into a small torrent of air. "A true hero can thrive in any circumstance! Using frenzy and sacrificing 1000Lp, I normal summon Elemental HERO Burstinatrix. I then use Fusion Substitute to fuse Burstinatrix and Blazeman to fusion summon Elemental HERO Flame Wingman - Infernal Rage!" Burstinatrix and Blazeman grabbed onto each other before jumping into the air, melding into a bright ball of light. As the ball of light descended it started to take the shape of a mighty serpent crashing into the ground sending dirt into the air. As the cloud of dust settled it revealed Flame Wingman slowly standing up into a fighting pose. 

"When Flame Wingman - Infernal Rage is Special Summoned I can add the equip spell card Favourite Hero to my hand. I then change Mudballman into attack mode and equip him with Favourite Hero. I then enter the battle phase which triggers Favourite Hero allowing me to activate Skyscraper from my deck directly onto the battlefield." The arena darkens as tall buildings burst out of the ground with a giant moon floating into view. "And now that Skyscraper is active, Favourite Hero gives Mudballman attack equal to his original defence. Go Mubballman show Jack's Sky Queen why Heroes are the best!" With a red aura Mudballman charges, jumps and tackles Sky Queen to the ground. With a loud crash, Sky Queen exploded into a shower of particles. "With Sky Queen down I then attack your Sky King with Flame Wingman - Infernal Rage!" Flame Wingman flew straight up and with a mighty cry shot out a burst of fire at Sky King, scorching him as he fell with a pained roar. "With the battle concluded I end my turn."

"During your End Phase, I activate my trap card Paleozoic Dinomischus and by discarding the Prey from my hand I banish your Mask of Restrict." A dark portal opened up under the Mask, with white and purple tentacles tipped with red pincers. The tentacles wrapped around the mask and dragged into the portal, closing shortly after. "And because Prey was sent to the Graveyard I can add Evo - Acceleration from my deck to my hand."

Elemental HERO Blazeman

1200 >1000 Atk/ 1800>1000DEF


Elemental HERO Burstinatrix

1200 Atk/ 800 Def


Elemental HERO Flame Wingman - Infernal Rag

2100 Atk/ 1200 Def


1900>4900Atk /3000 Def

Jack Markus
8000>6100>6000LP / 6 cards in hand / 1 monster / 2 spells/traps
Annie Spark
8000LP / 0 cards in hand / 2 monsters / 3 spells/traps

"A Paleozoic card? I haven't seen one played since middle school, though now that I think about it I wonder if the kid is still using a Paleozoic deck."

"No, they use Elementsaber now." 


"Yea, I still trade with them now and then." Upon hearing the answer, Annie's face started to heat up.

"They're not in any of our classes are they?"

"No, they're a year above us." Annie let out a relieved sigh. "Well sorry to interrupt you." Jack waved her concern away.

"I draw for the turn and then activate my face-down card Pot of Avarice." Jack shuffled both Grazers, Sky King, Queen and a Prey into his decks and drew two cards as a giant purple pot laughed on the field before disappearing. "I then play Evo - Acceleration and due to it I can normal summon EVO Pack Leader. I pay 1000Lp and tribute Pack Lead to Tribute Summon EVO Apex of the Hunt." With a mighty roar Apex of the Hunt crashed through a building and devoured Pack Leader in one gulp. "I then pay an additional 1000Lp and tribute the Helper Token to Tribute Summon EVO Apex of rage." With a crackle of green lightning, a green and yellow wyvern crashes onto the Helper Token. "Frenzy triggers twice, drawing me two cards. Now I overlay both of my level 8 Apex monsters, to Xyz Summon Rank 8 EVO Apex of the Night!" The arena darkens as the moon above seems to disappear behind a thick cloud of purple miasma. And then without warning a giant gust of wind blew the miasma away, revealing a dark purple and black dragon with no visible eyes, and cap-like wings adorned with two massive claws standing tall where the original two monsters were.

"AWESOME!" Screamed Annie with wide sparkling eyes. "Look at him! Why didn't you tell me you had a card as cool as this!"

"Heh, I knew this would be your reaction. Well, don't get too excited just yet as this isn't even their final form. Come Apex of the Night reveal to my foe your true might! I use Apex of the Night to Xyz summon Rank 9 EVO Apex of the New Dawn!" Cracks started to form on Apex of the Night's body as it started to violently thrash in its own skin. Loud rips and cracks can be heard as its body started to fall apart to reveal a golden body underneath. And with an angry roar, Apex of the New Dawn reveals its new form in a flash of golden light, disintegrating what was left of its old self. 

"So cool," Annie whispered as she watched the whole thing in awe, imagining Captain Gold riding atop the gilded beast. 

"Glad you like it, I'll show you it later."

"You better!"

"Well, I better continue my turn. I activate New Dawn's effect, forcing both of us to tribute all monsters we control with less than 4000 Attacks and for the rest of the turn neither of us takes any damage. Go New Dawn cleanse the board!" With a mighty flap of its wings, New Dawn sent out a gust of golden miasma causing Flame Wingman - Infernal Rage to burst into a cloud of golden particles. 

"Because of your Frenzy, I draw a card." Jack nodded.

"I enter the Battle Phase and attack your Mudballman with New Dawn!" New Dawn roared and with a single beat of its wings, lunged towards Mudballman, cleaving him in half.

"In response to Mudballman's destruction, I activate my face-down card Hero Signal! I sp-"

"In response to your trap card, I activate Paleozoic Dinomischus's effect from my Graveyard, special summoning it as a normal monster." The ground opened up, allowing Paleozoic Dinomischus to crawl out before closing. Annie waited to see if I was going to do anything else before continuing.

"I special summon from my deck Elemental HERO Stratos, and with their effect I can add a Blazeman to my hand." A spotlight lit up the night sky before Stratos jumped down from atop the building and landed in front of Annie. 

"I set 1 card face-down and end my turn."

EVO Pack Leader

2500 Atk/ 500 Def


EVO Apex of the Hunt

3000 Atk/ 2000 Def


EVO Apex of rage

500 Atk/ 0 Def


EVO Apex of the Night

4000 Atk/ 2000 Def


EVO Apex of the New Dawn

5000 Atk/ 3000 Def

Paleozoic Dinomischus

1200 Atk/ 0 Def

Elemental HERO Stratos

1800 Atk/ 300 Def


Jack Markus
4000LP / 6 cards in hand / 2 monsters / 3 spells/traps
Annie Spark
7000LP / 2 cards in hand / 1 monster / 2 spells/traps

"Don't think you won yet, a true Hero can overcome any obstacle! I draw! I start my turn by normal summoning Blazeman and adding a Polymerization to my hand. I then play Legacy of a HERO, shuffling back Mudballman and Infernal Rage to draw 3 cards." Annie grins looking and the cards she drew. "A Heroes' duty is never truly over, as even beyond the grave they give their all. I play R - Righteous Justice to destroy Acceleration and you facedown card!" Both of Jack's cards burst into flames, revealing Advance Draw as his face-down card, before disappearing. "I then play Polymerization to fuse Stratos and Blazeman to summon Elemental HERO Sunrise!" Both heroes jumped up into the air and turned into balls of light that fused together. The ball grew as it flew higher, eventually going high enough to cover the moon as if replacing it with the sun. Reaching its peak the ball of light exploded to reveal Sunrise's form posing before slowly floating down to the ground in front of Annie. "Sunrise effect allows me to add a Miracle Fusion from my deck to my hand, I then immediately play it to banish Avain, Burstinatrix, Clayman and Bubbleman from my Graveyard to Fusion summon Elemental HERO Electrum!"

The ground cracked open as an orb of wind, fire, water and earth burst out followed by their respective elements. The four orbs flew into the air spun around each other and then smashed together into one giant multicoloured orb. The orb then started to stretch and deform into the shape of a tall man, while the rocks were melted into metal by the fire, cut into shapes by the wind and doused by the water. The newly formed yellow and white armour then flew and attached itself to the tall man. Fully armoured and ready to fight, Electrum landed beside Sunrise with a loud thump. 

"When Electrum is summoned we both shuffle our banished cards back into our decks. Electrum has mastered fighting the different elements, gaining 300 ATK for each LIGHT, WIND, WATER, FIRE, and EARTH-Attribute monster you control. I then play H - Heated Heart giving Electrum 500 Atk before entering the Battle Phase. I then attack Paleozoic Dinomischus with Electrum, which activates Sunrise's effect, I choose to destroy New Dawn!"

"In response, I activate New Dawn's effect! Detaching 1 material to give Paleozoic Dinomischus 2500 Atk for the rest of the turn!" As Electrum zoomed towards Paleozoic Dinomischus, Sunrise launched a fist of light toward New Dawn. Mere seconds before the fist can connect, New Dawn let out an angry roar, while sending a cloud of golden miasma towards Paleozoic Dinomischus. Paleozoic Dinomischus started to grow twice as big upon inhaling the miasma, right on time to intercept Electrum's attack, resulting in both of them exploding into a cloud of yellow particles. 

"Sunrise attack Jack directly!" Seeing his chance with New Dawn gone, Sunrise disappeared before reappearing right in front of Jack and as if exclaiming he was the true bringer of the light, punched Jack in the face. Despite the attack going right through him, Jack could have sworn he felt the punch as he stumbled back. "In my second Main phase, I banish Fusion Substitute and return Electrum to my Extra Deck to draw a card and then end my turn."

Elemental HERO Stratos


Elemental HERO Blazeman


Elemental HERO Sunrise

2500 Atk/ 1200 Def


Elemental HERO Electrum

2900 >3500> 3700/ 2600

Paleozoic Dinomischus

1200>3700 Atk/ 0 Def


Jack Markus
1500LP /6 cards in hand / 0 monster / 1 spell/traps
Annie Spark
7000LP / 3 cards in hand / 1 monster / 2 spells/traps

Jack steadied himself as he shook away the phantom pain. "Because of Paleozoic Dinomischus's effect, they are banished instead of going to the Graveyard. I draw for the turn." Jack grimaced as he looked at his Life Points. "This is cutting it very close." He murmured. "I normal summon Grazer and with its effect special summon another one from my deck. I then pay 1000Lp to normal summon EVO - Drone Beetle, I then tribute all three to Special summon Apex of the Deep! Because of Frenzy, I draw three cards. Entering  the Battle Phase, I attack Sunrise with Apex of the Deep!" Four tentacles adorn with dragon skulls burst out of the ground devouring the tributes before turning to attack Sunrise. Sunrise tried to dodge but couldn't dodge all four tentacles, eventually getting bitten by one of them and bursting into a cloud of red particles. 

EVO Apex of the Deep

?>18,000 Atk/ ?>14,100 Def

Jack Markus
500LP / 8 cards in hand / 1 monster / 1 spell/traps
Annie Spark
0LP / 3 cards in hand /1 monster / 2 spells/traps

Annie Hand: O - Oversoul, A Hero Lives, Hero Flash!!

Set spell/traps: Generation Next, Pot of Avarice

Jack Hand: Evo - Acceleration, Apex Scavenger, Paleozoic Olenoides, EVO Overseer's Strike, EVO - Mass Extinction, EVO - Frenzy, Non-Fusion Area, EVO Apex of the River

Set spell/traps: Pot of Avarice

Sorry this took so long, failing 2 courses and work took a toll on me. It didn't help that Dueling book crashed on me 3 times, forcing me to redo the whole duel multiple times. During one of these crashes, I was close to finishing the duel but because it crashed and I couldn't remember what they had in hand and what cards were set, I had to redo the whole chapter. Below is the original duel outline/chapter.

For the upcoming chapters would you like only major duels or would you also like to see minor duels? Also remember that ranking does not equal their skill level, as ranking is affected by many factors outside of dueling like test scores. 

I don't own any of the cards, monsters or art, I only own the OC and fanmade cards. Also, all fanmade cards can be found in the glossary for easier access.



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