Chapter 7

● Chapter 7

● Pov: Akani

*Tim Tom Tim Tom

When the end of class alarm rings, I put away all my materials and hurry to his classroom.

Walking through the classroom door, I hear one of my friends calling me.

“Akani, do you want to go to the mall with us?”

“Sorry guys, I have something to do, maybe another day.”

“Hmm…. Okay.”

They looked at me confused, but accepted the apology.

(Sorry guys, this is more important) I thought internally.

I hurry to go towards his classroom.

I can't stop smiling, my heart is beating very fast, I feel my face heating up and I can't contain my happiness.

I'll finally be able to talk to him, what will his reaction be when he sees me and finds out that we study at the same school?

 Arriving at classroom 1°C, which is his room, I look out the window and see that he hasn't left yet, waiting hidden behind a wall until he does.

I put my hand on my chest, trying to calm myself down, I'm nervous and anxious to be able to meet him in person, I take out my cell phone and look at my appearance.

"I should have dressed up a little better."

My makeup isn't right, my hair is a little messy and my bangs are crooked.

I look back at his room and see that there are fewer people leaving.

"I think he likes to leave last, that's kind of interesting."

When he finally leaves the room, I follow him a little down the hallway and finally call out to him.

"Excuse me."


He stops and turns around, his expression, which was previously confused, turns into one of surprise when he sees me. 

"You're... her."

(That's great, he still remembers me.)

I find myself smiling at that.

 “Hello, I’m Hikaru Akani, nice to meet you.”

After introducing myself, I keep looking at him, waiting for him to introduce himself too.

But he doesn’t say anything and his gaze remains on my face, which makes me blush a little with embarrassment. Unable to bear his gaze on me, I say.

“So…uh…could you tell me your name?”

“Oh sorry, I’m Takahiro Yuuki, nice to meet you.”

He, coming out of what seemed to be a trance, introduces himself and bows.

“Takahiro Yuuki…that’s my hero’s name…”

Takahiro Yuuki…Hikaru Akani…Takahiro Yuuki and Hikaru Akani…Takahiro Akani.

 (Takahiro would be a great surname to use after getting married, I would definitely use that surname, being called Mrs. Takahiro would be awesome.)

While I was thinking about a future where I take his surname, Takahiro-kun, noticing that I wasn't very focused on our conversation, calls out to me.

"Ah, um... Hikaru-san?"

"Ah, sorry, I got a little distracted."

"Okay, ah... how are you, I mean, after the incident?"

Seeing that I answered without any problems, Takahiro-kun asks me about the incident, he seems a little worried about what happened to me after the incident.

"I'm fine, I didn't have any permanent physical or emotional damage, thanks to you."

I answer with a smile on my face.

"No, no, I didn't do much."

Waving his hands up, Takahiro-kun denies it, but he definitely helped me, even if he thinks he didn't.

 “But you saved me from something much worse than what happened that day, and that’s why I’m so grateful that you helped me.”

Takahiro-kun is surprised, scratches the back of his head and blushes at my words.

“Okay, thanks for the words.”

Takahiro-kun thanked me, then I remembered that he was injured in the abdomen.

“But it’s you Takahiro-kun, are you okay?”

He seemed to remember the injury.

“I’m fine, I didn’t have any serious injuries.”

When he said this, his eyes weren’t on me, but behind me... he was definitely lying.

“Okay, I’m glad nothing serious happened.”

I knew it was a lie, but he had a reason for not wanting to tell me so I just accepted it.

“Yeah… well… then I’m going now, it was good to see you again, take care, bye.”

Huh?! No, wait, now that we’ve met again he’s leaving.

I-I don’t want this, I don’t want it, I want to stay with him a little longer.

A feeling of despair hit me, I started thinking of something, then I had an idea.

“Wait Takahiro-kun.”

 I call out to him, he stops and turns around with a confused expression on his face.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to exchange contacts.”

“Huh? You…..want to exchange contacts with me?”

Takahiro-kun is surprised by my request, I guess he never thought I would ask him that.

“Yes, I’d like to have your contact so I can thank you in a better way.”

“No, it’s okay, you don’t have to thank me with anything.”

He shakes his head with his hands up.

“You don’t want to exchange contacts with me, Takahiro-kun?”

I say, pretending to look sad.

“It’s not that, it’s just that I’ve never exchanged contacts with any girl.”

After saying that, Takahiro-kun’s face turns red and sad at the same time, it seems like he’s not proud of it.

But for me that’s pretty good, it means he doesn’t have contact with any girl in his class.

“So I’m your first?”

 I ask excitedly.

“Um… Yes, Hikaru-san”

“I’m happy to hear that, hehe”


Takahiro-kun asks, finding my happiness strange.

“Yes, you mean I’m going to be your first friend, Takahiro-kun.”


Takahiro-kun is surprised by what I said.

“Yes, I want to be your friend, don’t you want that, Takahiro-kun?”

I fake a sad look once more.

“No, I would like that.”

Happy with that, I take out my phone and start looking for my code to show Takahiro-kun.

“Here’s the code for my contact.”

I show my phone with the code to Takahiro-kun, taking out his phone, he reads my code.

When he finishes adding my contact, he keeps looking at his phone, but specifically at my contact.

 “Then, I’ll be going now. I’m so glad I met you again, Takahiro-kun. Thank you for becoming my friend.”

After I said that, Takahiro-kun smiled and said goodbye as well.

“Likewise, Hikaru-san. I hope we can get along well from now on.”

(Ahhh, what a beautiful smile.)

With that, I say goodbye to Takahiro-kun and leave, with my heart full of happiness at being able to meet him again and become his friend. 

Of course, becoming his friend is just the first step, I want to be much more than that.

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