Top Hacker Develops Artificial Intelligence at 14

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"I know your real identity, Rossetti Rita, who used to be the direct deacon of Priest Farr of the Druid Church. If you still think about your own family, you'd better tell me honestly about the resurrection virus ,otherwise......"

Before finishing speaking, Li Yao tapped the monitoring software on the tablet.

In the picture, there is a clear lake, and there is a European-style cottage next to it, and several children and adults are playing carefree.

The family's warm and dusty memories were awakened, and Rita suddenly lost her previous calmness, and her body trembled nervously.

"You, how did you find this place! How could you know my identity!"

At this moment, she was struggling like a crazy woman, but everything was in vain.

Li Yao shrugged his shoulders, playing with taste: "Nothing is impossible, there are very few things in this world that I can't know."

Rita avoided the church's investigation because of her family. Now that her family is being threatened again, she can only bow her head and compromise.

The rapid contrast between the front and back made the other people present dumbfounded.

Everyone muttered: "You were dishonest just now, let's see now, who would dare to hold a cup in front of God Li?"

"What exactly do you need me to do?" Rita asked in a depressed mood.

Li Yao signaled to the others that it was time to bring her into the camp, and then handed her the tablet.

"You should familiarize yourself with the outside world first. I guess you can't even play the OBS live broadcast." Li Yaobai glanced at her and scanned every part of her body.

After confirming that there are no dangerous ingredients, I began to think about the next step.

How to use her to quickly produce antibody serum.

Although he temporarily threatened this woman, he couldn't take it lightly. Who knew if the enemy would send a killer over to kill her after they got the information.

Under the watchful eye of the guards, Rita started to use the tablet silently, quickly integrating into this technological era of information explosion.

In just six or seven years, Li Yao, a young man, rose rapidly like a tidal storm.

Not only has he built a business empire single-handedly, but he also relies on a huge military power system, which is much more terrifying than those serious criminals fighting alone in the No. 6 International Submarine Prison.

The influence that one person can create is far inferior to that of a group, but this is the first time for Rita to see that a young man can rely on his own deterrent effect to overwhelm the group.

In particular, a piece of news shocked her. The Druid faction was forced to surface, and the most direct factor was that he dug it out.

And it also provided a lot of technical support for the military, which directly disintegrated the church's millennium layout in an instant.

When she saw the news, Rita couldn't believe her eyes, she drank several glasses of water to digest the information inside.

The last thousand thoughts turned into a sigh.

"Alas... Maybe it's a trick of good fortune, Your Excellency, the holy war may really be lost," Rita murmured.

She has gone through fire and water for the Church, but that doesn't mean she's on the Pope's side.

Because Rita is advocating the old style of Druids, it is a pity that the current pope is a new believer, and his ideas conflict.

Otherwise, she would not have experienced a series of accidents back then, and ended up incognito.

The vicissitudes of life are changing with each passing day.

Rita had to admit that she could no longer see through this absurd world, how could there be such an outrageous young man.

The spread of the resurrected virus puts all mankind facing a major test. The international joint building of shelters protects civilians. The infected victims are in urgent need of rescue...

Rita put down the tablet, looked up at the window, and sighed: "Are those robots going outside used to build shelters?"

A guard remained silent, nodding his head to deal with it.

The superior has explained that as long as the requirements are not too excessive, they can try their best to satisfy the female prisoner.

Rita pulled her twisted dry hair and whispered softly, "It seems that I still have a lot to learn."


In the lounge, Li Yao leaned on the sofa, casually picked up a glass of white flower snake grass water, and looked sideways at the virtual image projected by the robot vacuum cleaner. In the picture was Rita's room.

After all, this woman is a prisoner and must be under surveillance anytime and anywhere.

Afterwards, she will be taken to take a bath to tidy up, and an electrode controller will be implanted to prevent her from running around.

Of course, these technological means are just a layer of insurance, and Irene, a professional killer, will keep an eye on her. If there is any abnormality, she can be killed immediately.

It's not that he likes to be suspicious, but Rita's situation is different from Irene's. She is a scholar who is proficient in knowledge, and she must have more eyes than ordinary people.

It's not like Irene, a stupid woman who has the toughest mouth all over her body, and her brain is as tight as a cowhide band.

Of course, Rita's ability to work honestly also has many advantages. At least her supernatural characteristics can heal many soldiers, and she can also use some herbs as medicines for civilians.

"Mr. Li, I've already made arrangements..."

At this moment, Gordon walked in to report on his work.

Li Yao nodded, and let him sit down casually, "Well, Rita is under my supervision, so there will be no accidents. The most important thing now is that the wanderers from the settlement outside have come?"

Three days have passed, and counting the round-trip schedule of this young man, the team should be almost there.

"Understood, the Kasavage shelter has sent back a notification that there are poor people passing through the checkpoint one after another," Gordon replied.

"Remember to arrange the residence properly when they come, as a group of newly born superhumans will easily cause riots when they gather together," Li Yao specially instructed.

Chapter 163 My Pope Wants to Live Live

Jerusalem has a very high status in the West, so the construction of the second refuge has attracted the attention of people all over the world.

Under Li Yao's command, the project progressed very quickly in the past half month.

Looking down from the Quin-jet fighter plane, the ruins around the camp have changed drastically.

Re-dividing and renovating the deserted land, soldiers and construction teams stationed there shuttled back and forth in this ancient city like ants moving house.

Construction machines with different functions made rumbling sounds, leveled the abandoned high-rises, slopes, adobe brick houses, etc. in the old city, and built new fortifications.

Three floors inside and three floors outside, to guard against the enemy.

The thousands of civilians who had been recruited before cheered up one after another, started to work and took anti-virus measures, and the overall weather was thriving.

The soldiers of the local army are loved by the masses, and wherever they go, they are full of enthusiasm and voices.

At the same time, the crisis is coming quietly.

In the boundless northwest, the dark brown land is like solidified ginger, firmly entrenched.

According to the information sent back from the frontline reconnaissance office, the enemy has started to make big moves again, and seems to be transporting some mysterious weapons by rail.

And the frequency of modified creatures wandering in the city is also increasing.

"Speaking of which, the last batch of sentries has also arrived," Li Yao thought to himself after receiving the information.

His mechanical power had never been seen on the battlefield, and it was time for it to emerge.


On the other side of the ancient city of Jerusalem, the outline of the site of the Druid rebel army appeared in the field of vision.

The ordinary urban construction equipment has basically been dismantled, and all of them have been replaced with druid bases, and the local church has been converted into their prayer hall.

Originally, there was a road leading to the east. On the day when the virus was high, there were too many traffic accidents, which caused the concrete road to crack after various vehicles collided.

Coupled with the fact that no one takes care of it, weeds have already sprouted from the gaps, swaying with the wind, and the bleak atmosphere of the war wasteland is full.

The entrance of the Druid Church is a reformed church gate. The believers walked along the decaying Shisaka Road, except for the sound of footsteps, it was almost extremely quiet.

All the believers who came knelt down in front of the gate devoutly, staring at the shrine in the distance, which symbolized the civilization incarnation of the Lord.

In the room where the shrine is placed, the Pope is sitting firmly in it, presiding over the war situation around the world.

At this time, the pope was still wearing a white robe and dress, covering his face to see everyone.

Except for the most important high-level clergy in the church, ordinary believers have never seen the true face of His Excellency the Pope.

And some young high priests only saw it at the coronation ceremony.

Perhaps this is also a custom passed down by Druidism for thousands of years, and the identity of the pope is extremely mysterious.

"Are the nuclear weapon parts collected from the European powers ready?" The pope looked down at the priests and deacons below, and the ancient and powerful aura of divine right of kings exuded.

Priest Caesar is the corresponding person in charge, stood up and said solemnly: "The orbital deployment has been completed, and the work will be completed in about 30 days. The total amount of nuclear weapons has reached the standard, enough to destroy Jerusalem fourteen times."

The audience did not show the slightest surprise when they heard the news, and they prepared nuclear weapons very calmly.

The Pope smiled faintly, "The world will become safer because of nuclear weapons, but human beings will also become more dangerous because of nuclear weapons."

"Isn't the reason why these countries are so confident because they rely on their own nuclear weapons systems, but unfortunately, their voters don't seem to be all monolithic."

Someone has betrayed the government army and secretly sold nuclear weapons to the pope.

Everyone's eyes were sharp when they heard the words. That's right, the powerful power of nuclear weapons should not be in the hands of these politicians, but should be them.

One of the jihad's plans is to use nuclear weapons. This information has been blocked by the Pope, and even outsiders don't know that the church has stored a part of nuclear materials a long time ago.

Inside the huge church, it was quiet and cold.

Everyone's eyes are extremely indifferent, as if they have been completely brainwashed, and they don't care about the great danger of using these nuclear weapons.

In their eyes, it doesn't matter even if they die, as long as one person is still alive, it means that human civilization is still continuing, and the druid spirit will last forever.

After the affairs were arranged properly, the Pope narrowed his eyes and looked out of the church, and said calmly: "Li Yao, when you are still working hard to build a shelter and take strict precautions against the army defending me, you may not have expected that the sky above your head will explode soon. Drop a nuke."

In order to promote the sanctity and greatness of the teachings, he also plans to broadcast a lecture to the whole world, and by the way, let the government forces everywhere see the situation clearly and take refuge in them.

Whether it should be said or not, on this point, the Pope is a bit unkind.

Probably because I saw Li Yao's pre-war speech, and felt that it had a great impact on the voices of the people.

He also wanted to imitate this effect and attract more believers.

The satellite TV tower in the urban area has been captured, and there are many top technicians among the druid believers. They have already hacked into the relevant system and are preparing to broadcast on the TV channels around the world.

The Pope dressed in gorgeous clothes, holding an acorn scepter that symbolized power and status, and walked slowly into the venue.

A large-scale religious lecture was about to begin, and countless believers outside the venue showed enthusiastic expressions, and their eyes were full of anticipation.


Second Sanctuary in Jerusalem.

Li Yao took command in the warehouse and arranged maintenance robots to fine-tune the components of the [-] sentinels.

Just as he was checking the nanometer plate of the lava spray gun of [Heavy Cavalry], another reminder came from Ling Yi urgently.

[The Pope Druid is using broadcasting equipment to hack into the TV signal of the satellite. ]

This time he was entertained.

It seems that the Pope also wants to start a live broadcast, and he doesn't want to imitate his previous speech at the Kasavage Sanctuary.

"Even they want to steal my job?" Li Yao's lips curled up, "If you get what you want, my name will be written backwards."

After all, Li Yao turned on a computer casually, and started connecting Lingyi to the satellite TV signal.

In less than half a minute, Lingyi completely took over the enemy's broadcast port.At this moment, it is like a super tube in the live broadcast room. As soon as the pope starts broadcasting, he will be banned immediately!

However, the Pope didn't know that all of this was under the surveillance of artificial intelligence, and he was slowly activating various devices.

At this moment, televisions in countless countries around the world flickered, and then the screen was switched, and the mysterious mask of the Druid Pope appeared in the blink of an eye.

Hundreds of millions of humans are watching him!

The pope spread his hands proudly, and made a sacred and solemn trill, "Sad people, you may have heard of my name, I am Germany..."

Chapter 164 All the staff look up to me, I announce one thing...


Suddenly, the satellite radio signal here was cut off.

Even the background music BGM carefully selected by the Pope is useless.

The scene was extremely embarrassing, everyone stared at each other, and the atmosphere was very strange.

And people in various parts of the world who are swiping their mobile phones to live broadcast or watch TV only noticed that there seemed to be a black camera flashing past just now.

"Hey, is someone talking?"

"I'll go, what the hell. There are a lot of messy things these days, and the TV can break down..."

"Does anyone know what happened just now? It's amazing."

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