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This unique appearance and its beautiful legends have made many people yearn for Stonehenge.

Li Yao did not believe in the so-called expert explanations, but only believed in his own true judgment.

Because it is the peak season of scenic spots, there are groups of tourists around to take pictures of each other, laughing and laughing.

But this still does not damage the majesty of Stonehenge not far away. The afternoon sun shines on the slightly vicissitudes and majesty of the stone group, which is magnificent and broad-minded through the ages.

Following the crowd, he stood at the guardrail and carefully observed the arrangement of Stonehenge, not even letting go of the surrounding flowers and plants.

However, Li Yao walked around dozens of towering blue sandstone pillars silently several times, and found nothing unusual.

Because of the dense clouds, the light spot falling from the sky was still on the side of the giant stone dome, and could not be projected onto the ground.

It makes the boulders look quiet and mysterious during the day.

Tourists look up at the center of the dome of Stonehenge, as if their souls are out of their bodies, like a sound of heaven that goes straight to heaven, and the visual effect is shocking.

There is nothing special to discover, Li Yao has no intention of admiring such a magnificent prehistoric building right now.

He looked around, and besides the tourists, there were also many devout "Stonehenge" believers, who were silently holding ceremonies of their own beliefs towards the other side.

Chapter 80

These faith groups are not in the minority.

They believe that Stonehenge contains some ancient and powerful supernatural power, which enlightens the development trend of human beings.

It's just that the current human wisdom cannot understand this mystery.

In short, there is such a thing as belief, if you believe it, you have it, if you don't believe it, you don't.

Li Yao leisurely and gracefully observed everyone, especially those believers in Stonehenge.

He saw the pious blond aunt standing beside her, with her hands folded on her chest, her eyes staring intently at the center of Stonehenge.

She whispered softly, as if she was praying for something.

For a full 10 minutes, the aunt's posture hardly changed.

Li Yao saw the Indian brother next to the fence soliciting business.

The Indian brother kept talking to the passing tourists, holding a delicate mini plastic circle with a few centimeters protruding from it, which should be a souvenir of the Stonehenge scenic spot.

Suddenly, with his keen senses, Li Yao sensed that someone was silently following him from behind.

Li Yao raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and as his speed increased, the footsteps behind him also began to follow.

When he was in the middle of the crowd, Li Yao suddenly turned back, his eyes locked on a girl in an instant, and then he yanked her violently, pulling her in front of him so that he could not move.

It was the beautiful female college student named Xiaorou in the former foreign student team.

One on one, face to face.

Li Yao leaned over and ignored her, and asked, "Are you following me?"

Xiaorou's head was blank, and her ears were buzzing, and she still didn't know what was going on with her.

But after hearing Li Yao's sarcastic remarks, Xiaorou regained her composure and hurriedly waved her hands to explain.

"No, absolutely not! I just wanted, wanted to... see you alone."

Speaking of the latter, her voice was as thin as a mosquito, but Li Yao still heard it clearly.

Another suitor?

Li Yao frowned slightly, feeling a little regretful.

It's rare to come out to play once, and it will be more interesting if some challenging events happen.

These beautiful women are just in love alone, so nothing new.

Xiaorou noticed the change in Li Yao's face, and was puzzled. What does his expression mean, why does it feel a little... regrettable?

Sorry for not being a stalker! ! !

Xiao Rou rubbed her temples, and now she didn't feel very well.

Li Yao let go of her arm, and the latter's soft and white skin was pinched purple.

Xiaorou felt the pain for a while, resisted the pain, and forced a smile.

"Hello sir, can I add your phone number?"

Li Yao: "No."

Xiaorou: "Where is Xingchao?"

Li Yao: "No."

Xiaorou: "Youtube, INS, and video accounts can always be related to each other."

Li Yao: "No."

Xiaorou: "..."

Seeing this man's reluctance, Xiao Rou had no choice but to turn around and leave sadly with a headache.

She lowered her head and muttered: "Although I came here for the strange talk about Stonehenge, but I finally met a man who was interested in a foreign country. God, why don't you let me get close..."

Li Yao's strong sense of hearing could naturally understand what she was talking about, and when he heard the word "weird talk", he immediately became interested.

He called Xiaorou to stop, and then walked straight over.

Xiaorou was overjoyed, she turned around and said happily, "I knew you wouldn't be so cruel, so I too..."

"You mentioned ghost stories just now?" Li Yao cut to the point, interrupting her self-fantasy.

Xiaorou smiled awkwardly, then was surprised how he heard her own voice.

But to have the opportunity to communicate with the male god, naturally he has no time to take care of so much.

"Well, I did see a strange talk about a scenic spot on a small strange forum abroad."

Xiao Rou took him to a secluded place to sit down, and talked to him happily.

Li Yao asked: "What kind of strange talk can you describe specifically?"

Xiao Rou frowned, as if she was thinking about her previous memory.

"It basically means that someone turned into the Stonehenge scenic spot in the middle of the night and planned to spend the night in it," Xiao Rou added with a sweet smile, "You also know that there are all kinds of wonders in the world, and there are always strange people who will do such boring things. "

Li Yao frowned and said, "Get to the point."

Xiaorou pursed her lips and coughed a few times to cover up her embarrassment.

"The key detail is that in the middle of the night, he suddenly heard a strong whistling sound from the position of Stonehenge."

"At first he thought it was the howling wind, but the weird scene that appeared later made him sure that it was definitely not the sound of the wind."

Xiao Rou lowered her voice, her expression slightly nervous.

"Because...he saw a black shadow of a giant more than four meters high, appearing out of thin air above the towering stone pillars of Stonehenge, jumping back and forth recklessly!"

"Not only that, he can even clearly see the outline of this giant, with a pair of golden pupils swaying in the night, and a faint yellow light glowing in the air!!"

"Because the night of the incident was so quiet, he was so scared in his heart that he even forgot to take a photo, and ran out of the scenic spot as soon as he could."

The more Xiaorou talked, the more excited she became, and the atmosphere reached a critical point, and Li Yao directly poured cold water on her.

"Your story is too fake."

Li Yao expressed his first thoughts without hesitation.

What a giant over four meters high, with golden glowing eyes, is still jumping around on the stones of Stonehenge...

If there is such a thing, isn't it full of food, and it has nothing to do at night?

Leaving aside the comments on the Internet, there is no evidence yet, how can people be convincing just by words.

Li Yao has always pursued the truth of data, so naturally he doesn't believe this nonsense.

Xiao Rou sighed helplessly. She also told the story to a few good girlfriends, but they refused to believe it.

But she is a curious baby herself, so she just wanted to come and verify it for herself.

Unfortunately, she found nothing.

Li Yao didn't take it seriously, but when he looked at Stonehenge again, he still had a strange feeling for no reason.

It was as if there was a mysterious gravitational force quietly attracting him, but he couldn't tell what it was like when it reached his heart.

His eyes swept over the believers on the side of the road again, they were still so devout.

Li Yao frowned, and thought to himself: Maybe I should really come and see at night?

He is a man of action, and he does what he says.

"Since this is the case, then I will give you a chance to verify this strange story."

Li Yao's words made her a little confused, but the next moment she exclaimed and covered her mouth.

She widened her eyes and said excitedly, "Do you want to secretly explore Stonehenge with me at night!"

Li Yao gave her a white look, "Your level is too low."

"Since I can enter the arena openly, why should I sneak around like a fool."

"Huh?" Xiaorou didn't quite understand what he said.

"Could it be that the scenic spots in London are not closed late at night..."

Chapter 81

Xiao Rou experienced the most magical day of her life.

Although she is an overseas student, she is only from a well-to-do family.

The high tuition fees forced her to work part-time to support her family.

She never thought she would be like the heroine of an idol drama:

Feel free to sit in a multi-million dollar luxury car!

When you go out, you will be surrounded by a group of foreign bodyguards!

There are even leadership groups similar to large group companies, saying hello one by one!

And all this stems from the mysterious man behind him wearing sunglasses and a mask.

Originally, she was only attracted by his unique charismatic temperament, but now Xiaorou dare not ask for more extravagance.

She is a sensible person, knowing that this man is beyond her control.


"are you ready?"

Li Yao said to Ackerman, the administrative director of BBE.

Ackerman wiped the sweat from his forehead and said solemnly:

"Mr. Li, according to your request, we have reached an agreement with the management department of the scenic spot to contract the entire Stonehenge scenic spot and close it to the outside world."

After hearing the news that Li Yao wanted to take over the entire Stonehenge scenic spot, the BBE executives decisively agreed, and quickly began to use their relationships with members of parliament to contact local agencies.

After spending a considerable amount of money, BBE arranged the matter properly without leaking any information to the outside world.

It is claimed to be a safety and sanitation inspection of the scenic spot, and it is temporarily closed to the public.

For them, as long as they can satisfy Li Yao, all these efforts are worthwhile.

Perhaps because of the rush of time, Ackerman's mouth was dry when he rushed over, and he was coughing and panting when speaking.

"Mr. Li, please rest assured. Since your status is quite special, we keep it secret internally, and Huaxia will not know about it."

Li Yao nodded and said with satisfaction, "That's right, the people who informed you will start to move at 9:[-]pm and strictly guard the entrances of each scenic spot."

"You don't need to be close to Stonehenge for the time being. If there is an emergency, just tell me on the walkie-talkie."

Ackerman carefully wrote down his words and ordered them one by one.

"Mr. Li, can you tell me why I came to Stonehenge late at night." Ackerman asked curiously.

He has been to this place several times, but he didn't find anything special about these big rocks.

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