Top Hacker Develops Artificial Intelligence at 14

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Each has some kind of special supernatural property, or perhaps an area of ​​technology that is not understood, but all have many strange uses.

Basically, they are collected from all over the world when Qianlong is on duty.

How much these defective products are worth depends on Li Yao's own judgment.

It can be seen that Mu Leng also spent his money.

In order to win him over, he did not hesitate to take out objects about the supernatural.

Not only that, Mu Leng also promised that after the mission was over, he would personally award Li Yao with the rank of foreign staff and be promoted to the post of colonel.

It has not been a few months since the last promotion, Li Yao has another chance to be promoted!

It is conceivable how many opportunities Mu Leng has won for him in the upper department.

With the rank of Qianlong in his body, for Li Yao, it is the biggest guarantee for traveling at home and abroad.

Looking around the world, there are not many forces that dare to directly challenge the existence of the Chinese military.

It is equivalent to plating a layer of gold on Li Yao.

Chapter 88 The Ultimate Stitching Monster

Undersea Prison No. [-] is where criminals with supernatural abilities are secretly held.

Basically, they are extremely vicious people, extremely dangerous.

Because of the special nature of their abilities, they cannot be kept in ordinary prisons, otherwise it is easy to escape.

For this reason, the military specially selected secret shallow sea areas and built steel cages everywhere.

The specific geographical location is away from land and transportation.

In this way, even if they escape from the prison, there is no way to get rid of the tracking of the prison guards.

A total of 108 super-powered criminals were detained in the No. [-] submarine prison.

All single rooms are constructed of special toughened glass materials.

Each room has an area of ​​about 9 square meters, and these independent rooms will be combined to form a glass corridor with a length of 350 meters...

With a glance, you can see all the small movements of criminals clearly.

Since the No. [-] submarine prison was built for more than ten years, none of the criminals who were imprisoned in it escaped.

Now, it is Qianlong's turn to supervise the No. [-] submarine prison.

Its internal security management equipment and systems also need to be updated.

Mu Leng immediately thought of Li Yao, a master in the computer field.

He naturally followed suit and planned to send people from the R&D Engineering Department to cooperate with him.


to be frank.

Faced with the conditions offered by Mu Leng, it was indeed difficult for Li Yao to refuse.

It is a piece of cake for him to maintain and upgrade a safety management system.

And a group of objects with supernatural attributes are the real treasures!

It can be said that Li Yao has two items in his hand.

One is the single horn of the totem creature suspected to be the "Sun God" of Stonehenge, which can condense special energy in nature.

The other one is its scale leather, which has the magical effect of invisibility and heat absorption, and its resistance is extremely high.

Of course, as the first artificial intelligence life in human history, Ling Yi is also considered a supernatural species.

It is conceivable that this batch of defective products has very important research value for Li Yao.

Qianlong base, high-level conference room.

"Is that all there is?" Li Yao crossed his legs and faced Mu Leng calmly.

Mu Leng looked at his arrogance, his eyebrows were raised to the sky, and a vein stretched out on his forehead.

"Why? Are you still not satisfied!" Mu Leng snorted.

"Do you know how much favor I gave in order to approve the procedures from above?"

Li Yao spread his hands and said, "In my eyes, they are just a batch of defective products. You are so kind as to give them to me, Mr. Mu."

Mu Leng scolded secretly: "This kid is really swollen a lot now, dare to deliberately find fault in front of him, hum!"

Li Yao had a relaxed expression on his face, and glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, just to annoy him on purpose.

No way, we are just floating now!

Li Yao smiled and said, "You can choose not to look for me. At worst, I'll cut off Qianlong's supply chain. After all, there are many officers in the Southern Military Department who want to look for me."

Mu Leng seemed to have been poked into a pain point, and he forced himself to hold back the harsh words.

After a moment of silence, Mu Leng rubbed his temples and sighed, "Then what else do you want?"

Li Yao shrugged and said casually, "I'm a partner in the military business now, so I need money, sir, just give me 80 billion."

Mu Leng was speechless for a moment, "Thank you for thinking it out! You don't need money at all, okay?"

"I don't need any money, but you have to give it," Li Yao continued to ask for money cheekily.

Mu Leng was so angry that his hands shook, "Okay, you are cruel! I will allocate [-] million yuan, don't let me see you again!"

After pulling out an extra [-] million, Li Yao walked out of the room slowly.

He doesn't care how much money he gets.

I just want to simply mess with the old man Mu Leng's mentality, so as to relieve his anger.

Who told him to bring a group of people Wuyang Wuyang into his house and threaten him with a gun.

For this matter, Li Yao has been unhappy for a long time.


After the negotiation was over, Li Yao returned to his studio.

The corpse of the Golden Horn creature transported by sea from the London Black Ship has been secretly sent to his workshop.

The dismembered pieces of meat are being frozen in the smart freezer, and Ling Yi controls the access control system.

No one can go in without his order.

With a solemn expression, Li Yao took out its head from the refrigerator and began to conduct biological research.

"Lingyi, pass on to me the biotechnology of unknown origin that you stored and recorded."

In an instant, Lingyi transmits information such as [Advanced Gene Editing Technology], [Primitive Biological Evolution Technology], [Molecular Life Engineering], [Use and Maintenance of Natural Energy Laws], etc.

Li Yao closed his eyes, and the nerves in his brain became active quickly, as if he was dreaming, entering a blank virtual spiritual world.

It's the same as the last time I experienced it on the plane.

He becomes a digital being without a body or five senses.

But the next moment.

A large number of knowledge fragments are constantly pouring into this spiritual world in the form of colorful Danxia.

Li Yao then emptied his mind and gradually comprehended these obscure scientific knowledge.

Different from the previous use of brain wave AI to simulate knowledge scenarios, this upgraded form of virtual conduction allows Li Yao to have a better grasp of knowledge data.

Moreover, the damage to the cerebral cortex nerves is almost zero.

"You have mastered advanced gene editing technology!"

"You have mastered primitive biological evolution technology!"

"You have mastered molecular life engineering!"

"You have mastered the application and maintenance of the laws of natural energy!"


These knowledge fragments contain many fresh theoretical structures, which makes the whole absorption process not very smooth.

Fortunately, it was finally absorbed safely.

Li Yao felt like he had stayed in the virtual spiritual world for more than ten hours.

He opened his eyes, which were bloodshot, and felt a faint pain in his temples.

But when I looked at my watch, I found that less than a minute had passed.

Li Yao expressed his satisfaction with the new functions of Lingyi after this upgrade.

A single deduction of a 6!

He calmed down, and when he looked at the remnant again, a sense of familiarity came over him.

At this moment, he is like an experienced biologist, who knows all kinds of precision instruments needed for biological research like the back of his hand.

He quickly picked up the special scalpel and conducted anatomical research on the Golden Horn creature.

And take the cut flesh and blood components to Lingyi for on-site analysis.

It didn't take long for Li Yao to analyze all the research reports.

When he read the results of the report, his expression was complicated.

"This fucking is not a biological species at all!" Li Yao couldn't help but swear.

Ling Yi also manipulated the mechanical arm curiously, flicking the monster's head up and down.

Ling Yi sighed: "This big monster actually contains DNA fragments of [-] different types of biological genes, such as the European lion, the pink cone-headed mantis, and the Felix bear. It is quite a suture monster!"

Li Yao added: "It's still the ultimate stitching monster."

"Although its DNA is fused with various unknown gene fragments, its body structure is relatively similar to that of humans..."

Chapter 89

Advanced gene editing technology, primitive biological evolution technology, molecular life engineering...

These biological genetic modification systems of unknown origin are very advanced.

Even compared with the cutting-edge biological science of the future 2030, it is almost the same.

It is only 2014, and the theoretical level of the current biological academic circle simply cannot reach this level.

Li Yao experimented according to this transformation method.

Through computer programming, he simulated gene fragments of fifteen species for recombination and modification.

Then it was surprisingly discovered that the DNA repetition rate of the recombined computer virtual DNA helix and the golden-horned monster was as high as 99.99%!

"It's not a life that was conceived naturally, but was artificially hatched after undergoing genetic modification?!" Li Yao's pupils shrank slightly.

His heart sank, his eyes flickered.

Stonehenge 4000 years ago hides a super-era biological transformation project!

Is it the mysterious druid priest who is secretly playing tricks?

Or did prehistoric civilizations also have reborns like him, who accidentally left behind the products of biological transformation?

Or extraterrestrial civilization...

Suspiciously, Li Yao speculated about all the bold possibilities.

There is no way, he is a case of perfect rebirth, and there is no guarantee that the same outrageous thing will happen.

Ling Yi showed a helpless expression on the computer screen, "There are too few records of big data information, and I can't deduce an accurate answer."

"Master, let's invade the global network again, maybe we will gain something new." Ling Yi thought of a good idea.

Li Yao thought about it, and felt that it was indeed a good idea.

The World Cup has to be held every four years. It is not too much for him to hold a global viral carnival online.

Li Yao patted the corner of the table lightly and agreed.

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