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Page 83

"it is good."

"Is there anything else you can say besides good?"



Li Yao sighed, feeling that he was really wronged, so he took back a beautiful ice sculpture.

The mountain road is rugged, the off-road vehicle bumps back and forth, the four-wheel drive tires compact the muddy road, and slide through the long ruts.

Irene on the side turned her head, leaned helplessly by the window, and cast her eyes on the red sun in the distance.

This unexpected turn of events was new and unfamiliar to her...

Three days later, Li Yao received a notice from the military, inviting him to go to the international interrogation station, where Gai Niehai was detained.

It's just that our great priest refuses to divulge any information, and only speaks when we see him by name.

Li Yao raised a glass of white flower snake grass water and tapped on the glass panel on the desk.

A black shadow flashed past, and Irene quietly appeared in front of him like a ghost.

She has curly hair from head to toe, rose gold sunglasses, a uniform skirt, and a white shirt inside. She looks cool and sassy like a professional female bodyguard.

Li Yao looked at it carefully, and said with satisfaction: "The role substitution is good, from now on you will go out as my personal bodyguard."

There is a certificate on the table, which is Lingyi's forged ID card, and Irene's files and records in all aspects are completely fabricated, so there will be no accidents.

Irene picked up the ID card, which had a photo and her pseudonym - Lin Ai.

She nodded slightly, already used to this kind of disguised life.

It's just that she didn't expect the little man in front of her to completely avoid the detection of all forces.

It was as if he really disappeared out of thin air and was replaced by another person living.

After drinking the water in the glass in one gulp, Li Yao got up from the boss chair, "Pack up your things and accompany me to meet your old boss."

Irene's hands stiffened, and she said with difficulty: "I, can I really go?"

"Remember, you are Lin Ai now."


In the international interrogation station, officials and military officials from various countries have arrived, and the explosion-proof troops have set up heavy security around them.

Everyone waited and waited, wanting to witness the important meeting between Li Yao and the great druid priest.

This will be a meeting recorded in history, and it is bound to reveal the mysterious cassock of the interstellar Fick civilization.

Accompanied by many international congressmen, Li Yao slowly entered the venue.

Since Ge Niehai is an international felon and needs to stand the trial of the International Military Tribunal, he was detained here as a transit point.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Irene's palms broke out in cold sweat. Even though she had experienced many moments of life and death, she couldn't stand such a big scene.

After going through multiple electronic scans and confirming that everyone's identity is correct, the explosion-proof special forces are willing to let them go.

When Irene passed by, a person next to her suddenly stretched out her hand to stop her, almost letting her strength leak.

"Non-essential personnel are not allowed to enter the prison visit area!"

Li Yao quietly squeezed her little finger, motioning her to stabilize.

Then he frowned, and said coldly: "She is my bodyguard, guaranteeing all my safety, isn't that important?"

Seeing this situation, several members of parliament behind him immediately winked at them. This is a crucial point, who is not good enough to provoke Li Yao, the big benefactor.

Soon this person received a radio instruction from his superiors, his face changed when he heard the words, and he let him go immediately.

Although Irene who followed behind was expressionless, there was already a stir in her heart. Li Yao's name was really as he said, world famous.

Through observation all the way, she found that no one dared to look at Li Yao, he was like a dazzling spot of light, no one could compete with him for glory!

So, so incredible.

Half an hour later, everything was ready for the ceremony.

Li Yao sat with his legs crossed above the prison visit area, overlooking the [-]-square-meter open field, with only a metal table and chair left in the center.

All the surveillance cameras are turned on at the same time, and behind each lens is a representative of a key national official.

For the sake of safety, there is a [-] cm high bulletproof plate between Li Yao and the position below.

Soon, Ge Niehai was escorted into the arena by the team, and was imprisoned half-dead on a metal chair to prevent him from getting out of trouble. A high-voltage electric shock device was installed inside, ready to go at any time.

At this time, Gai Niehai looked like a down-and-out middle-aged beggar, with disheveled hair and a face full of vicissitudes.

The moment he set his eyes on Li Yao, beyond everyone's expectations, there was no anger or barking.

The scene was as still as a gel.

Chapter 132 The Secret of the Druids

Dozens of leading figures sat in another room, staring at the scene under the surveillance cameras.

None of the explosion-proof members guarding the door dared to make a sound.

Finally, Li Yao's voice echoed in the arena.

"Gai Niehai, it's hard for me to imagine what you look like when you go to clean the toilet."

As soon as you open your mouth, it's hard to tense.

But it is true that Gai Niehai's other identity is to wash the toilet.

After uncovering his human skin mask, Li Yao found relevant information immediately, and laughed at him for two and a half minutes.

Unexpectedly, the high-ranking druid priest in charge of Dongya's large underground evil forces would hide among the people as a toilet worker!

No matter what he has experienced in his life, whether he should talk about it or not, this person is really ruthless!

Gai Niehai didn't feel embarrassed, and said coldly: "It seems that you have investigated me very clearly."

"I've been thinking for the past few days, when I see you again...should I be angry or admire?"

His expression was as usual, and he directly aimed at Li Yao, ignoring everything around him.

It is as if two people are in a black and white space, interacting with each other.

Li Yao shook his head, "I don't like others to sell me off. If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have to fart, let it go. Huangquan Road can be regarded as a good place for you."

There are tens of billions in a second, and I don't have much energy to listen to him playing tricks here.

However, the congressmen outside the venue were eager to get more information from Ge Niehai, and they all listened carefully.

"I am angry because you have indeed ruined the foundation that generations of the church have painstakingly worked on."

Ge Niehai paused for a moment, then continued to sigh.

"But I admire you even more. In just a few years, you have become a technological overlord and a military tycoon, and you have created various amazing scientific and technological achievements, whose value far exceeds that of the general public."

"I don't know how you developed the technical knowledge, but in my opinion, your appearance has greatly accelerated the development of human civilization, or our earth is not far from the interstellar distance...!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was amazed in an instant.

You must know that Ge Niehai is not an ordinary hostile element, but he has been exposed to the knowledge of interstellar Fick civilization!

What does it mean that he can make such a high evaluation of Li Yao from his perspective?

It shows that Li Yao is really likely to lead human civilization into the interstellar era! ! !

Huaxia, the United States, the Ying Federation, Liben Country... the top leaders of the major political systems all focused their attention on Li Yao and held their breath.

He must not be allowed to go out and wander around indiscriminately again. If he is assassinated on his own territory, who would dare to take responsibility?

This man is not only a big benefactor, but his technological contribution to all mankind cannot be ignored by anyone.

The conversation was still going on, Li Yao narrowed his eyes.

"Your situation is not small, but being able to say such a thing is not a betrayal of the teachings you believe in?"

"No, no, no, this does not conflict with my beliefs," Gai Niehai raised his shackled hands, stroked his white hair, and his eyes gradually brightened.

"There is a secret that you may not know, that is, there are actually two druids in this world."

Gai Niehai looked at the cold ceiling, and his memories drifted into the distance.

"Our church has been hidden for too long, so long that many missionaries have forgotten the vows that the ancestors made under the stars thousands of years ago..."

Suddenly Gai Niehai turned to Li Yao, said with a sad smile, "I think you should know the existence of the Lord."

"It's just a biological computer of Fick civilization." Li Yao said indifferently with a blank face.

Gai Niehai nodded bitterly, "Your statement is very accurate, but the master is not so simple. It also represents the powerful Fick people behind it. The technology tree of the Fick civilization is completely different from that of our earth, and it is largely in the leading position." level."

"Probably in the [-]th century, the ancestors of the church worked hard and finally found an alien relic of the Fick civilization, where the Lord was also found, and even a large amount of supernatural materials and advanced interstellar knowledge were buried. , Alien weapons."

At this point, Ge Niehai's face was excited, and he said fascinatedly: "Can you understand how powerful such a scene is for Druids like us who pursue nature and knowledge!"

"The world is so magical. People on earth have just discovered the mechanical equivalent of heat, organic cells, and Darwin's theory of evolution. It turns out that there are starships across the galaxy in the vast universe outside the dome!!"

"Since then, the church has undergone earth-shaking changes. Some of the old missionaries still follow the ancient inheritance and silently study natural science; while the other part of the new sect chooses to learn the biotechnology of the Fick civilization, completely dividing the teachings!"

Li Yao frowned, he had similar suspicions before.

From the traces of history, the druid teachings did have serious differences, but I didn't expect the story to be quite tortuous.

Standing behind him and listening silently, Irene was also taken aback. Even she didn't know that the church still had this period of history.


The other high-ranking figures were particularly shocked, no one thought that such a big secret was hidden in a church!

This alien computer alone is enough to captivate the world.

The undercurrent of the situation was surging, and the eyes of each congressman flickered, secretly thinking about how to grab it.

It seems that Li Yao knew about this a long time ago, so why didn't I hear him mention it before.

Everyone readjusted their mentality and carefully observed the surveillance screen.

At this time, Li Yao said slowly, "If you guessed right, the current pope is the leader of the new sect, no wonder you are so nervous and want to start a jihad."

"Holy wars are inevitable. History has proved that the outbreak of wars will always accelerate the progress of civilization," Ge Niehai dictated with deep meaning, "You are a genius, and you will not fail to understand this truth."

"Then what about you, what faction are you?" Li Yao thought of this question.

"I am nothing," Ge Niehai took a deep breath, as if saying goodbye to the world.

He laughed wildly all of a sudden, "Li Yao, you are the same kind of people as us! Only look at the result and ignore the process!! I hope you can become the pioneer of human civilization, maybe you are the only one in the world!!!"


With his abdomen as the core, the majestic Fengyan turned counterclockwise rapidly, bursting in an instant, ripping open his stomach!

The sudden suicide made it too late for all supervisors to stop it, so they could only lament.

"What should I do..."

Li Yao was not surprised by this change, the micro-expressions just now showed that Ge Niehai wanted to commit suicide.

But he didn't bother to stop it, it would be better to commit suicide, so as to save another shot.

Turning her head to look at Irene, she found that her hands were trembling slightly, and she didn't say a word.

"Don't be dazed. If you don't leave, you plan to stay here overnight."


Irene nodded slightly, closed and opened her eyes, and quickly entered the identity state.

When they walked out of the visiting area, they immediately ran into batches of high-ranking officials. They looked flustered and cared for Li Yao like their ancestors.

"Mr. Li, it's our fault that you were surprised."

"Yes, are you okay?"

"Do you need a private doctor, let's have a diagnosis and treatment first..."

Chapter 133 The vast universe, infinite civilization!

In response to their intentional hospitality, Li Yao only wanted to leave the international interrogation station as soon as possible.

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