Top Hacker Develops Artificial Intelligence at 14

Page 94

Wailian Studio has just checked with Professor Qin Wei about the itinerary, why can't I get in touch now?

Just when everyone was about to burn their eyebrows, the phone finally got through.

"Hi, I'm Qin Wei."

Professor Qin's voice was deep and hoarse, as if he hadn't slept for three days and three nights.

Bai Tiantian felt a little strange, but she didn't take it seriously, and continued with the following work according to the teleprompter given behind the scenes.

"Professor Qin, do you have any opinions or suggestions on this epidemic?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone, absolutely silent.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" Bai Tiantian frowned slightly, thinking that the signal was interrupted.

Suddenly, Professor Qin spoke and dispelled her doubts.

Professor Qin took a deep breath and tried to remain calm and said: "I can disclose very little information, but I can tell you clearly that this is not an ordinary virus, and the phenomenon of human-to-human alienation has already begun..."

Bai Tiantian's occupational disease came up, and she continued to ask why.

However, Professor Qin said some ambiguous words again, which made everyone puzzled.

"Today, another group of cute dolphins ran aground at the mouth of the Jiulong River on Ludao Island, a total of 37; the temperature in the northern hemisphere mainland is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye; oh yes, there are also frequent forest fires recently..."

Bai Tiantian smiled awkwardly: "Please forgive my stupidity, are these related to our topic today?"

Exploding in silence, Professor Qin yelled violently, unable to hide his eagerness, "Can't you see it! The rumors outside are all true!! This is the druid's trial!!! The end has come... Beep beep."

The communication was suddenly forcibly interrupted, and the call was made again, but it turned into an empty number.

Bai Tiantian and the staff behind the scenes stared at each other, at a loss.

While the other smart people pretended to be confused with their understanding, their hearts were shocked, and they muttered to themselves: "The mountain and rain are about to come, and the wind is full of the building. I am afraid that the people above have made a big move..."


There was a muffled thunder in the sky.

The dark clouds squeezed the sky, covering up the apricot red eyes just now, as if they were about to fall to the ground, depressed and nervous.

A secret meeting is being held at the headquarters of the Military Intelligence Department. Dozens of international military officials are visiting. Mu Leng personally goes out to meet in secret.

The counterattack of the druid forces is imminent, the military forces of various countries are united, and emergency meetings occur frequently to discuss intelligence and countermeasures.

In the conference room, many parties were talking in low voices.


Suddenly, a mobile phone vibrated, making the whole audience silent. They all looked over, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Who is so ignorant of the rules, that such an important meeting doesn't even turn off the phone? !

Following the source of the voice, it turned out to be Mu Leng, the supreme commander of the Qianlong Organization. Everyone's eyes suddenly narrowed a lot, but they still expressed confusion.

That little expression seemed to say: "Brother, can you be more professional next time and turn off the phone."

Mu Leng didn't take it seriously, he never carried ordinary communication equipment with him, only a special satellite mobile phone, which was specially used to connect emergency calls of important personnel.

Taking out his mobile phone and seeing the caller ID, Mu Leng coughed, raised his mobile phone to everyone, and said, "You guys talk first, I have a call to deal with."

After saying this, Mu Leng strode out.

The others showed shocking expressions. There are not many people in the world who can make Huaxia, the marshal, go to answer the phone in public.

They looked at each other and gradually understood.

The answer is self-evident, it should be contacting Li Yao...

When he came to the quiet and safe room next door, Mu Leng switched on his cell phone and said solemnly, "Did you find anything about the virus?"

He has conveyed the global chaos to Li Yao. Basically, as long as it is not top-secret, as Li Yao's external consultant, he has the right to know.

Of course, these information cannot be hidden from Li Yao.

"Well, I've taken Andor's body for research, and the progress is not bad."

"Okay, I'll finish the meeting right away and come over right away."

"Is that what you mean?"

Mu Leng's eyebrows tightened, which means...

"Okay, okay, I'll help you arrange the deployment plan of the starfighter you mentioned last time..."

"OK, it's still Mr. Mu who is refreshing."

Mu Leng hung up the phone, his expression slightly relaxed.

It has to be Li Yao, such a difficult virus has stumped more than a dozen international expert teams, and he has only studied it for three days.

Back in the conference room, everyone turned their attention to him, and the meaning was self-evident.

They all want to exchange key information with Mu Leng.


Xingyao Private Research Institute, after hanging up the phone, Li Yao squinted his eyes and looked at the [-]D holographic projection in front of him. The information presented by the laser was all biological data sets of Andor Tucci.

Including research reports on resurrected viruses.

The powerful computing power of Lingyi can empower various biological research, saving manpower and various intermediate links, so the research progress will be so fast.

Li Yao's heart sank after checking the intelligence information sent from various places.

I didn't expect that the Druids were so ruthless that they planned to spread the source of the resurrected virus to the world!

This extremely unstable virogen is comparable to a biochemical atomic bomb. The forced modification of genes may destroy human beings and civilization will no longer continue.

Originally, Li Yao planned to develop interstellar technology, but with this chaos, he can only put the matter at hand first.

The druid forces must be eradicated as soon as possible!

A group of educated lunatics is really disturbing.

After sending the first information to Qianlong, Li Yao waited quietly for Mu Leng to come to him.

Two hours later, a large number of military vehicles drove up, and thousands of special forces got out of the vehicles to guard the institute layer by layer, making it airtight.

Mu Leng was in a bad mood, and walked into the research institute with heavy steps.

During the meeting just now, bad news came from the military intelligence departments of all parties. More than a dozen small towns fell, and almost all the ordinary people in the area were infected with the virus. The order collapsed and there was chaos.

The first time he saw Li Yao, he anxiously asked about the research progress.

"What's the matter, what's going on?"

Chapter 150 Why Does It Feel Like a Zombie Doomsday?

Li Yao shook his head, the situation is not optimistic.

"This is not an ordinary disease, but a biochemical virus artificially synthesized by druids, which is specially modified for potential human gene segments."

Mu Leng frowned, and immediately put forward his own idea.

"Are they trying to take advantage of this crazy virus to control the whole world?"

Li Yao shook his head again, and said in a deep voice: "No, they want to speed up the evolution of human beings...or in other words, they want to create a new human being, a society with a universal supernatural system!"

Mu Leng's eyes widened in shock.

Is this really possible?

He is the supreme commander of Qianlong. It can be said that he has [-]% of the superpowers in China.

However, even with this proportion, there are about 5000 members in the editorial.

It is conceivable that people who can possess supernatural powers are extreme cases, and the number of groups is very small.

Otherwise, ordinary society would have been in chaos long ago.

Mu Leng took a deep breath, pondered for a moment and then said, "According to the news from the international military situation, the Druids recruited amputees and socially disabled people as test subjects."

"Most notable are the groups of victims of military operations, who were taken in by the Druids after they were disabled and retired, and their disabilities were cured with a virus, thereby persuading the control to form a new rebel force."

Mu Leng sighed with complicated eyes.

It is this newly rising rebel force that is fighting wantonly around the world, and it is very difficult to cooperate with the Druid's various modified body troops.

Originally, the United military was still rejoicing that the outbreak of the jihad was a marginal battlefield and did not affect too many ordinary urban societies. Now it seems that they still underestimated the madness of the druids.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yao led high-level military personnel into the experiment site, where Andor's severed arm was still preserved.

Although it has been separated from the living body, but placed in the nutrient solution, the cells inside can still grow and develop.

Li Yao's eyes flickered, he manipulated various experimental instruments, and showed them the horror of the resurrected virus.

The Resurrection Virus enhances the user's physical ability by rewriting the DNA gene, and uses the bioelectricity in the body to activate the part of the brain that controls repair and chemical coding.

It is equivalent to the virus hacking into the underlying operating system of the biological user. If the user's body chooses not to reject the resurrected virus, it will gain the power of regenerative treatment.

The maimed wound grows back what was lost in a matter of minutes, and cools to a regular mass of flesh, blood, and bone, all while appearing as burning embers.

Li Yao cut off a piece of bloody skin with a mechanical scalpel, and everyone felt their scalps go numb.

The blood skin is rapidly proliferating at a speed visible to the naked eye, and gradually develops to the size of a blood clot.

"Although this virus can bring supernatural power to the body, it has too many side effects."

Li Yao's eyes were sharp, and he said seriously: "In the case of extreme overloading of the body, if the virus is not accepted by the body or is accidentally regulated, causing the metabolic process of the user to generate heat, and the bioelectrical overload controlled by the extreme value, then it is ...Boom."

Everyone is worried, what do you mean, people just explode?

"The infected person's body will expand rapidly and generate a strong explosive shock wave."

"The temperature caused by the explosion exceeds 2000 degrees Celsius, which can instantly vaporize nearby objects, leaving shadow-like traces, just like the scene in a nuclear explosion."

Jaw-dropping, too frightening.

Li Yao paused for a moment, then changed the topic, "However, this is only a special case, and it depends on the amount of virus strain in the infected person's body."

Mu Leng's lips moved slightly, he wanted to continue asking about something.

But Li Yao saw his doubts, and directly spoke out first.

"What I've described above is for people with disabilities."

"If healthy ordinary people are infected with the resurrection virus, the damage will increase exponentially, and the excess regeneration power will invade the brain and control people's behavior."

"Natural selection. Viruses also need to proliferate and evolve after symbiosis with their hosts, so they will control the host's subconscious mind to assimilate other humans, and even attack living organisms indiscriminately."

The audience was silent.

This familiar taste, how is it the same as the zombie apocalypse...

The top priority is to quickly stabilize the situation and develop antibody serum!

Mu Leng walked up to Li Yao solemnly, and brought everyone together to salute.

This guy is the most legendary genius he has ever seen, bar none!

Li Yao's research has bought precious time for the rescue of governments in various countries, which shows that there is still room for rescue.


In less than a day, the international joint military and government issued the highest order, preparing to close the cities in the hardest-hit areas around the world and build shelters.

Protect all the uninfected groups, and then focus on the remaining infected people.

This virus war has spread across the earth. All over the world, mercenary forces, chaebol groups, assassination organizations, etc., no matter what party they are, cannot retreat completely.

We can only actively cooperate with international requirements and try our best to send our subordinates to evacuate the people.

After all, these people are not orphans, and there are their family and friends among the masses.

In order to eradicate this group of heretics, Li Yao no longer intends to hide his strength, and directly uses the power of the island to launch the Sentinel Corps and send out mercenaries to secretly support the battlefield in Oyami continents.

It takes a thousand days to keep an army, and a moment to use it.

The addition of this third-party force will definitely be the key to turning the tide of the battle.

Through the Chinese military's connection, Li Yao went to Jerusalem, where most of the Druids' sphere of influence was, and it was also the hardest-hit area infected with the resurrection virus.

The Pope, who has been pushing behind the scenes, is most likely hiding there.


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