Top Sexy Girl Group

Chapter 108 - Wearing a Swimsuit…Ugh

Chapter 108: Chapter 108: Wearing a Swimsuit…Ugh

The Idol Games have finally started. The boy groups competed against each other while the girl groups also competed against each other. The girl group competition started with swimming. The ones who were swimming headed for the swimming pool that was right next to the stadium. The audience members weren’t allowed to follow, but there was a large screen set up in the Sports Complex Stadium, so they could watch.

Inside the pool locker room.


Regrets. I had so many regrets for deciding to swim. Somehow, it never occurred to me that I would not be wearing the men’s swimsuit. Then again, I am a girl, after all.

“I have to wear this…?”

The official swimsuit. It wasn’t a bikini, so thank goodness. But to be honest, it left hardly anything to the imagination. It was very tight, which would do a good job of showing off the participant’s full figure. I was especially conscious of my rather round butt at the moment.

“Sian, what’s wrong? Hurry up and change,” Ji-hyun said. She was already wearing her swimsuit. Wow…she looked incredibly sexy. I wouldn’t exactly say it was erotic, but you could see the fullness of her curves and the toned line of her legs and stomach. Yoo-young was no different. The thing is, their faces looked rather innocent which made the overall effect very alluring.

“Hang on.”

“Why? Did you forget to shave?” Ji-hyun asked, bending down to look at my pits.

“I did.”

I held up my arm to show her how clean-shaven I was.

“Then is it because of your hair down there?”


I didn’t know how to respond to that. I simply turned around and started to change. I might as well. After all, it’s not like I had a choice.

After I changed, Yoo-young and Ji-hyun exclaimed praises at my figure.

“Whoa…look at that volume.”

“You’re so lucky, Sian.”

I could see they really were jealous. My body came in and came out in all of the right places, but I can’t really say I’m proud of these. I’m a guy…sigh…

Anyways, after changing, we all stepped out of the locker room and entered the pool. There were about 20 other female idols all in their bathing suits. On one side, I could see some male idols who had come to visit. I’m sorry, did I say some? I meant most of them.

The moment we stepped out, everyone’s attention turned to us. Not that it was a surprise. We weren’t your average beauties after all. Our group was ranked first in having the best visuals amongst Korean girl groups. And it just so happened that Yoo-young, Ji-hyun, and I were 3rd, 2nd, and 1st most beautiful in Fifteen respectively. Just look at those male idols over there. They were already drooling. The moderator was as well. The other female idols looked at us with expressions mixed with resentment and envy.

“What are they looking at?”

The male idols on the other side were all staring at my chest. I was so tempted to run over there and give them all a drop kick in the head.

“Um, excuse me.”

One of the female idols standing next to the moderator tapped him on the shoulder. The moderator shook his head, trying to compose himself. His name was Boong Boong, and he was a rather popular MC these days. Not only is he incredibly athletic himself, but he’s pretty old as well. Which makes it all the more impressive.

“Oh, right. So is everyone here?” Boong Boong said.

We all turned to him. Well, the women did anyways. The men continued to watch us, particularly me. It was just because I had the biggest chest out of all the girls.


I could feel my temper rising. Still, it’s good that they’re looking at me. If they’d been staring at Yoo-young and Ji-hyun, I would’ve been even angrier. Anyways, Boong Boong continued.

“Now, we will start with the Idol Games Swimming Competition!”

“Yaaaaay!” everyone cheered. The male idols’ voices took over and rang throughout the pool.

“We have a total of 20 participants. We will start off with two groups of ten. The top five of each group will then compete against one another. Out of the ten, 1st place will get gold, 2nd place will get silver, and 3rd will get bronze. As for the rest, well, feel free to go home after that.”

Everyone laughed and nodded at Boong Boong’s statement. I raised my hand to ask a question. Of course, I had the sense to raise the arm that was facing away from the camera. Though it doesn’t really matter considering I had shaved.

“Yes, Sian?”

“What are the prizes?”

“First place will receive that hanwoo set over there.”

“Wow~” We all gasped as we looked over at the hanwoo set. A few of the female idols’ eyes widened when they saw how much meat there was, but not me. There were only three boxes, and only one of them was big.

“That’s rather small. We have eight members in our group.”

At my words, Yoo-young and Ji-hyun immediately agreed.

“Oh! Of course, but don’t worry. Each member will get their own set.”

“Wow!” Everyone gasped again. It was so loud, it seemed to shake the whole building.


Now I was motivated.

“Now if each of you will come and draw out a chopstick. The team numbers are written on the ends.”

We all nodded and walked forward to draw out a chopstick.

“Hey, guys. Don’t worry. I’m going to get that hanwoo set.”


“We’ll put our faith in you, Sian.”

That’s what Yoo-young and Ji-hyun said. At this point, I still thought they were bad swimmers. But just then, another idol approached me from behind.


What’s with that rude tone? Who could be so thoughtless at a place like this? Hye-jeong? It didn’t sound like her though. Plus, I heard that Hye-jeong is only competing in archery. Then…Hee-jin? No, Hee-jin has a sweet voice. And she’s younger than me. She’d never dare to speak in such a tone towards me. So who the hell is this? I turned around to look. And I immediately knew who it was. She was that girl who was at my fansign. Mexican? No. Jessican. From Ladies’ Generation.

“Yes?” I asked. I wanted to be just as rude back, but I chose to be cautious.

“You remember me?” Jessican asked with a smirk. She looked like a thug. Though I had to give it to her – her body was amazing.


Of course I remember. I tend to remember rude people best.

“I’m going to make you come in last,” Jessican said.

“Doubt that,” I said with a smile. That hanwoo set was calling my name. Nothing was going to stop me from winning.

“I’ll make you regret those words,” Jessican said. Then she passed me to grab a chopstick, deliberately bumping into my shoulder. That’s when it happened…


My shoulder became paralyzed.

“What is she doing?” I said, massaging my numb shoulder. I charged some of my own powers onto it and my shoulder immediately became normal. Not that she needs to know.

“Sian, let’s go pick our number,” Yoo-young said, taking my hand.

“Okay,” I replied. We all headed over to Bong to get our chopsticks.


I was on Team 1. Yoo-young and Ji-hyun were on Team 2. And Mexican…I mean, Jessican was also Team 1.

“Can all the Team 1 participants line up in your lanes, please,” Boong Boong said.

We all stepped onto our line. I was in Lane 4. Jessican stood in Lane 5.

“Sexy,” I muttered as I looked at all of the female idols. As expected from female idols. A lot of them also had large chests, but mine was the biggest, which made my body the sexiest. The only ones who could even compare was Yoo-jin. Anyways, they had all of the participants introduce themselves, starting with the 1st Lane. I turned to look at each idol in turn. They were all so cute. Soon, the introductions were over and it was time to start the match.

“Is everyone ready?”

“Yes!” we all shouted. Just then, Jessica slid over to me and grabbed my arm. Then, she raised her both her fists in a cheering gesture.

“Oh~ It seems like Jessican and Sian are friends,” Boong Boong said with a pleased smile. I could instantly feel the paralysis hitting my arms.

‘Well, isn’t she hilarious?’

It was already funny that she was using her powers now, but it was also strange that she was trying this hard. Was it because I rejected Mr. Lee?

Jessican returned to her lane and gave me a wink. I gave her a wink back, which made Jessican look incredibly confused. Afterwards, Boong Boong then announced.

“Now, we will begin the match!”

At that, everyone got into diving position.



At the sound of the foghorn, we all dove into the water and began to use our legs and arms to stroke the water. I also dived in, but I simply used my legs since both of my arms were paralyzed. Of course, I could use my powers to release the paralysis but I wanted to win this way.

“Oh, what’s this? Sian is only using her legs!” Boong Boong commentated, sounding shocked. The male idols all gasped in shock.

“But she’s ahead of everyone else! How could this be?” Boong Boong cried out. His jaw dropped in shock and I just wanted to go over there and push it back up for him. Anyways, with a final burst of speed, I was the first to reach the other side. I did a perfect 360 backflip and kicked off the wall, using my legs to finish the rest of the 25 m.

Splash! Splash! Splash!

I swam all the way down to the pool floor and waited. The moment I disappeared into the water, Boong Boong began to sound worried, but there was no need. I was simply swimming over to the lane next to me and laid down on the floor, waiting. Soon, Jessican approaching. At the moment she was passing over, she looked down and our eyes met. Jessican screamed in shock, impulsively pushing herself out of the water. I snuck back into my lane and continued to swim, winning 1st place.

As soon as I lifted my head above the water, Boong Boong and everyone else watching gave a sigh of relief. From the way I heard about it later, everyone was ready to call an ambulance when I didn’t come up. Anyways, the moment I raised my fist, shouting my victory, everyone cheered along with me. The male idols were especially loud. As for Jessican, she hadn’t even been in the top 5, so she was now out of the running. She glared at me, her face looking murderous. So I stared back with a huge smile and a wink. She didn’t like that.

Chapter 109: Chapter 109: Now it’s Track Time!

Jia and Hainan covered me with a towel. All the members gathered around me while Boong Boong approached me. The cameras started flashing and Boong Boong stuck his microphone near my face.

“Wow, Sian! You won first place! How does it feel?”

“I’m very grateful for the other members of Lovely Girlz for their support. We…”

“You know there’s still Round 2, right?” Boong Boong cut in.

I gave him the look. Was he serious?

“Haha. I’m just kidding, Sian. What were you saying?”

“That’s it. I’m just grateful for my members for being here to support me.”

There, that’s plenty. Boong Boong was right. There was still Round 2. No need to give my victory speech now.

Boong Boong continued.

“But why didn’t you use your arms?” he asked.

As soon as he asked that, everyone turned to look at me. Clearly, they were all curious as well. Though some of the men were taking this time to stare at my chest.

“Oh, my arms suddenly went numb,” I said. Immediately afterwards, I flashed Jessican a big smile and she began to mutter under her breath. Probably cursing me to hell or something.

“Your arms went numb?” Boong Boong repeated.

“It just happened that way,” I said with a big smile.

“Oh, okay. Well, congratulations on coming first in your round. Yoo-young and Ji-hyun will be participating with the second team. Is there anything you’d like to say to them?”

“Good luck, guys! Love you!” I shouted. The other members followed suit. And soon, the second team prepared to start their race.


Yoo-young was in Lane 6. Ji-hyun was in Lane 7. God, they looked sexy. None of the male idols could take their eyes off of them. Heck, neither could I.

“Sian, you’re drooling,” Jia said, wiping my mouth for me. I quickly tried to compose myself as the countdown started.

“One! Two!”


The foghorn blasted and all the contests dove into the water. Even then, I still didn’t expect much of a performance from Yoo-young and Ji-hyun. In fact, I really didn’t expect anything at all, but I immediately saw how wrong I was when they both began to take the lead! There was a large gap between them and the other contestants. Soon, they were flipping off the wall and swimming in the other direction. And incredibly fast on top of that! Had they been pro swimmers sometime before?

“Wow. How are they so good?”

“You didn’t know?” Jia replied, giggling at my surprised face.

“Huh? What?”

“They’re both really good at swimming. They’ve been taking lessons since they were young and they both competed as well.”


So that’s why they were so good. How come they didn’t tell me? I continued to watch them. There was no doubt about it – they would take first and second, but it looked like a close match. I could barely see who was in front of the other. They both ended up finishing at almost the exact same time, but Yoo-young got first by a hair.

Soon, we were doing the 2nd and final round. And as expected, I won the gold. Second was Ji-hyun and 3rd was Yoo-young. With that, we cleaned the field in swimming, but silver and bronze medal didn’t get any prizes. When I asked why not, they told me that’s just how it was.


We headed back to the main stadium for the track & field competition. The fans who had been watching on the screen immediately turned to cheer for us when they saw us coming.

“Wow. I’m getting goosebumps.”

The sound was incredible. Off in the distance, I could see the boys carrying out a futsal match. That looked like fun. I wanted to join too, but unfortunately, as a girl, it wasn’t allowed.

For this portion, it wasn’t Boong Boong, but another commentator who spoke into the microphone.

“We will start the women’s track & field portion in thirty minutes. Contestants, please get ready.”

I immediately began stretching. Even though I had just participated in the swimming portion, I wasn’t tired at all. The more I stretched, the more I wanted to keep going. Like…really keep going.

“Sian, aren’t you tired?” Jia asked. I gave her a shrug.

“Not really.”

“You’re really impressive.”

“This is nothing.”

“Of course,” Jia said, taking my arm. My heart began to flutter as I could feel my adrenaline spiking.

“I need to go the bathroom.”

“Should I go with you?”


And I went to the bathroom myself. If I had to endure one more second next to Jia, I’d go crazy. I needed to get away from her and collect myself.

And who else would I run into but Jessican?

“Well, hi there, Sir Rank,” I said with a wave. Jessican glared at me.

“What? Is that how you talk to your senior?” she spat out, pushing my shoulder. I felt the numbness settling immediately.

“Ugh, again? I really don’t get what your problem is with me.”

“Are you pretending to be stupid? I’m sure Mr. Lee already told you. He’s going to make sure to do everything to get in your way.”

“Oh, is that what you’re trying to do?”

“I’m going to make sure that you wish you’d never lived.”

“Hmm…I doubt that.”

“What?” Jessican spat out.

“You saw it back at the pool. It’s no use,” I snorted. Jessican flushed, her entire face becoming red. It almost made me concerned. What if her head exploded?”

“I should’ve paralyzed your legs while I was at it. See you on the track field. I’m going to make you crawl.”

With that, Jessican left, this time, bumping into my other shoulder. And that shoulder became numb too, but with my powers, I was able to release them in no time.

“She’s so pretty. Why does her personality have to suck?”

She really is quite strange. Anyways, I headed for the bathroom and on the way, I met more of the Ladies’ Generation members. They were Jungyoon and Mina, and they would be running track along with Jessican. Jungyoon was the group’s leader and main vocalist. She was also the oldest member. She had taken first place in the track competition last year. Mina was the sub-vocalist. She had taken second. Jessican had taken third, which meant that Ladies Generation had taken home the medals for track & field…but not this year.

“Hello,” I said.

They looked at me.

“Hey, you’re Sian, right?” Jungyoon said with a big smile. How could two members of the same group be so different.

“Yes, I am.”

“It’s nice to meet you. I saw you swim. You’re really good.”

“Thanks. I just got lucky,” I said modestly. Jungyoon shook her head.

“No, you’re really good. Jessican was the winner last year and you beat her by a landslide. I was shocked.”


“But why didn’t you use your arms? Did they really go numb? Why?” Jungyoon said.

That told me these two had no idea about Jessican’s powers. So, the ones with powers keep it to themselves, huh? Still, they hadn’t caused any real harm yet.

“I’m not really sure. It just happened.”

“I see. Maybe you were really nervous. Did you go to the hospital?” Jungyoon said, sounding worried. But was she? Or was this just an act? Her face looked pretty sincere. I’ll have to ask Jinwoo to help me act like that.

“It’s fine now. I’ll see you at the track field,” I said with another wave. They waved back and headed off. Well, they were about to, when suddenly, Jungyoon turned around to look at me again.

“Hey Sian, don’t let your guard down. I’m really good at track. I was a track & field athlete up until high school.”

“Oh, I see,” I said with a nod. Then, Mina spoke up.

“Me too. We’re both really good, so we won’t blame you if you decide to give in right now.”

Then with big smiles, they both turned around and headed off for the track field.

As soon as they were gone, I remembered why I was here in the first place. I entered the bathroom and did my business, though it was harder this time around.


“Track contestants, please come forward,” the commentator said. All the contestants gathered around. There were thirty of us in total. So they divided us into six teams of five. The first and second from each team would then compete in the semifinals. Those contestants will be divided into two groups of six, and the top three from each team would then compete in the final. So, the final round would have six contestants.

“You guys ready?” I said to the members who were competing with me. In total, there were five members who were running, Me, Jia, Yoo-jin, Jumi, and Rhinzi. They were all nervous, but since I was running as well, I knew it was in the bag. For this match, the prizes were meal vouchers at a famous restaurant. One for each member of the winning group.

“Hey, Yoo-jin.”

“Yeah?” Yoo-jin said.

“You didn’t bind your chest.”

“Right,” Yoo-jin said, silently asking why she should bother.

“Aren’t you afraid of them…bouncing?” I asked.

I know Yoo-jin said she didn’t care about that, but I saw it was my job to worry. If they bounce too much…well, it’s embarrassing. Just look at the men over there. They were already leering at us with lewd expressions.

“It’s fine. They won’t bounce.”

“Alright. Your choice.”

Then I looked over at Jia. Her legs were so slender. I was worried they’d snap while she was running.

“Can you really run, Jia?”

“Of course!” Jia said firmly. Well hat just worried me more. Still, it’s not like her legs would actually break. So, I turned my attention to Jumi and Rhinzi for their pep talk.

Soon, all the contestants gathered around once more to get their team assignments.

I was on Team 1. Jia was Team 2. Jumi got Team 3, Rhinzi got Team 4, and finally Yoo-jin was Team 5. Somehow, we all ended up in different groups. There were three members from Ladies’ Generation who were running. Jessican was on Team 3. Jungyoon was Team 4. And finally, Mina was Team 6. The other contestants were soon assigned to their groups as well.

“We will now start with Team 1. Contestants, please stand in your lanes,” the commentator instructor.

We all took our assigned lanes. I was Lane 3. Looking around, all the contestants looked so skinny. Was it normal for girl group members to look this weak? Just then, the girl next to me spoke up.

“Hi, Sian.”

“Oh, hello,” I said, giving her a slight bow. I didn’t recognize her, though. Was she a rookie, too?

“I’m Hyunjoo Kim, from the rookie girl group Gerbera. I’m a huge fan.”

“Oh, haha. Thank you so much,” I said with another bow. Gerbera. I’ve never heard of them before. As for Hyunjoo, she was incredibly beautiful, especially her eyes. They were quite large and attractive.

“Good luck, Sian.”

“Thanks, right back at ya!”

Hyunjoo Kim. Something told me I’d be seeing a lot more of her in the future.

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