Top-tier Auntie in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 122: Little Aunt.0122

Chapter 122

Mu Mu's end of term parent-child activity was finalized to have Pei Kuang go on stage to perform.

The children's program was rehearsed by the teachers at school, but for the parents' program, it was up to the parents themselves to decide.

In Mu Mu's class, there were over twenty children, so the parents only needed to come up with two programs.

Following the teacher's suggestion, they were divided into a fathers' group program and a mothers' group program. As for what the programs would be and how to rehearse, it was entirely up to them to discuss.

Song Anan initially thought none of the parents would be too enthusiastic, since in her opinion, being forced to perform on stage was not something anyone would like.

But unexpectedly, everyone was very cooperative, and the parents' group chat was extremely lively, constantly discussing what programs to do.

Finally they decided the mothers' group and fathers' group would each perform a dance routine.

Coincidentally, the fathers' dance routine was a signature hit song from when Pei Kuang and Song Linchuan were in a duo. It included the choreography.

When Pei Kuang saw a video one of the fathers posted in the group, he felt a sense of nostalgia from long ago.

After deciding on the programs, the participating parents didn't rush to rehearse together either. Since everyone was usually busy with work during the day, they planned to first practice individually, then get together to rehearse later.

Naturally, Pei Kuang had no objections. As a former idol, his skills in singing and dancing were solid. Although many years had passed, it was still enough for a school performance.

Moreover, this was their signature hit from back then, he didn't even need to deliberately practice, just get a little familiar with it.

Soon it was the day of the event. Pei Kuang had taken leave from filming to rush back that day. According to the original plan, he was going to come back early to rehearse with the other dads for two days, but he really couldn't find the time.

Luckily the other dads were also unavailable, so they agreed to meet up the morning of the event to practice together.

On the day of the event, Pei Kuang rushed back home first thing in the morning from the airport. Song Anan had already prepared everything he needed.

After quickly freshening up and eating breakfast, the family immediately set out for the kindergarten.

On the way there, Mu Mu was clearly very excited. This was the first time his dad and mom were accompanying him to a kindergarten event, just thinking about it made him very happy.

After parking the car not far away from the kindergarten, the family of three got out and walked across the street to the kindergarten entrance.

At this time, teachers were already there receiving people.

"Mu Mu, Mu Mu's mom, you're here!" The teacher warmly said, then turned to look at Pei Kuang, "This is Mu Mu's dad?"

Having just gotten out of the car and walked a stretch, to avoid any troubles, Pei Kuang was still wearing a hat and mask. Out of courtesy, Pei Kuang took off his mask.

"Teacher, hello, I'm Mu Mu's dad." He smiled and greeted the teacher.

When that teacher saw Pei Kuang's face clearly, she softly exclaimed in surprise, "You, you're Pei Kuang?"

As soon as she said this, the other teachers nearby simultaneously turned their heads to look over.

Pei Kuang had expected to be recognized, so he wasn't too surprised.

He smiled and nodded at everyone, "Yes, I am."

"But my identity today is just Mu Mu's dad."

Oh my!

It really was Pei Kuang!

The teachers were stunned, but the principal reacted quickly, hurriedly welcoming them into the kindergarten.

After the principal left with them, the teachers at the entrance finally regained their senses.

One female teacher grabbed the person next to her, an unbelieving expression on her face, "Quick, hit me so I know I'm not dreaming!"

Waaah, in broad daylight, she actually saw her idol.

She must be dreaming!

The one she grabbed was Mu Mu's teacher. In fact, compared to the Pei Kuang fan beside him, he was also very shocked.

However, his shock wasn't because he saw the big celebrity Pei Kuang, but because Pei Kuang turned out to be Mu Mu's dad!

Speaking of which, Mu Mu's dad appeared in their office quite frequently, and was somewhat renowned among the teachers.

After all, through the mouth of the little guy Mu Mu, they all looked up to this dad for how he educated his child, often making them teachers feel inferior.

But no one had associated him with the big celebrity Pei Kuang, not even daring to imagine it.

The little spectacle at the entrance was unknown to Pei Kuang and Song Anan who had already entered the kindergarten.

Moreover, Pei Kuang would never have imagined that among that group of teachers, there was actually his fan.

After all, kindergarten teachers were generally not very old, in their early twenties, and should not be in the fan demographic for someone his age.

But how would Pei Kuang know, although he was middle-aged, his face was well maintained, his figure not yet fat, so in terms of overall image, he was not at all inferior to the popular male idols nowadays.

Moreover, as he grew older, he increasingly exuded the charm of a mature man. In the industry he was known as a 'uncle circle eye candy'.

It couldn't be helped. The ironclad rule of the fan circle was that looks were everything!

Pei Kuang's family had arrived a little early, and many of the other children and parents had not yet arrived, so at this time the kindergarten only had a sparse few people.

Everyone was gathered around their own children, and didn't pay attention to them either.

Soon, Mu Mu was led away by his teacher to the back to rehearse. Song Anan and Pei Kuang casually found a place to sit down and rest.

Pei Kuang looked at the message in the group and said, "The other dads are almost here. I'll keep you company for a bit longer, when they get here I have to go rehearse too."

Seeing the fatigue in Pei Kuang's eyes, Song Anan said distressingly, "I should have been the one to perform instead, then you could have rested more."

Although she really wasn't good at dancing, for this kind of performance the focus was on participation, whether it was good or bad wasn't so important.

Pei Kuang held her hand and gently squeezed it, "It's fine, I could do this dance in my sleep. I just need to go over the steps later, it won't tire me out."

Although he said that, Song Anan was still very worried. She knew Pei Kuang had filmed overnight yesterday then rushed back immediately.

And after getting back he didn't rest at all before coming straight here, how could this do? Even an iron man would not be able to take it.

"Don't do this next time. If you really can't make it back, it's fine not to come back. I'll explain it to Mu Mu, he'll understand."

But Pei Kuang waved his hand dismissively, "Really, it's nothing. I used to stay up for several nights in a row often, this is nothing."

Hearing this, Song Anan became unhappy. Her little face stiffened, "How old are you, do you really think you're still young?"

Pei Kuang raised his eyebrows, deliberately dragging his words, "Oh, now I get it. You're saying I'm too old, is that it?"

Seeing him dodging the topic again, Song Anan was so angry she couldn't speak straight. "Don't try to gloss this over, or I'll really get angry!"

Then she added, "Take a nap when we get home this afternoon!"

Seeing he had really angered her, Pei Kuang's attitude was extremely well-behaved, "Okay, I'll listen to my wife."

Song Anan harrumphed, and didn't say anything more. She just let him rest his head on her shoulder to nap for a bit.

Naturally Pei Kuang would not stand on ceremony. He always readily accepted his dear wife's care.

The two briefly rested in the corner.

Not long after, the kindergarten clearly became more lively as quite a few parents brought their children in.

Mu Mu ran over from afar with a little boy, followed behind by a man and a woman who appeared to be the little boy's parents.

"Xiao Pang, this is my dad." Mu Mu pointed at Pei Kuang and introduced to his companion.

Then he pointed at Xiao Pang and said to Pei Kuang, "Dad, this is my best friend at kindergarten that I told you about before, Xiao Pang."

Pei Kuang squatted down to be at eye level with Xiao Pang, and smilingly greeted him, "Xiao Pang, hello!"

Looking at Pei Kuang, Xiao Pang seemed to recall something and suddenly said, "Uncle, I recognize you!"

Pei Kuang was a bit surprised, since when did his audience become so wide.

But on second thought he understood, the little guy probably recognized him from TV or an advertisement.

Not only did Pei Kuang think this way, Song Anan actually thought so too. But neither of them expected that Xiao Pang would then say, "My mom calls you husband."

Pei Kuang: "..."

Song Anan: "..."

The two looked at each other somewhat helplessly. They probably knew what was going on.

It turned out that the mother of Mu Mu's good friend was Pei Kuang's fan.

Judging by this, she was probably a wife fan.

"You're making things up. My dad is my mom's husband, not your mom's husband!" Mu Mu frowned and refuted.

Xiao Pang wasn't upset at being scolded by his little buddy. On the contrary, he started to explain earnestly.

"Mu Mu, I'm really not making things up. I heard it with my own ears. At that time your dad was on TV and my mom pointed at the TV and said he was her..."

Before Xiao Pang could finish, his parents happened to rush over. Xiao Pang's mother directly covered her son's mouth. "What is this kid talking nonsense about?"

She then looked at Pei Kuang and Song Anan rather awkwardly, seeming to want to say something but didn't say anything in the end. It was Xiao Pang's father who came out with a smile to defuse the situation. Looking at Pei Kuang, he said, "Don't mind, my wife is your fan. When we were dating, I even went with her to your concert."

Pei Kuang shook his head with a smile and simply replied "no problem."

Xiao Pang's father was quite eloquent. With just a few words, he defused the awkwardness for his wife.

After chatting briefly, Xiao Pang's father and Pei Kuang left. The dads' group had arrived and they had to go rehearse.

Soon after, Xiao Pang and Mu Mu also went to rehearse their program, leaving only Song Anan and Xiao Pang's mother behind.

Xiao Pang's mother scratched her head, somewhat embarrassedly explained, "Uh, sister-in-law, actually I'm just a career fan."

Song Anan smiled and shook her head. "No need to explain, it's okay."

She really didn't mind this.

"Also, you don't have to call me sister-in-law. Just call me by my name, or call me Mu Mu's mom." She said.

Xiao Pang's mother was also easy-going. Hearing Song Anan say this, she readily agreed.

With their children being good friends, it wasn't hard to find topics to talk about. As they chatted, they got along better and better.

Song Anan knew about Xiao Pang. Mu Mu often mentioned him when back home. Sometimes when she picked up Mu Mu from kindergarten, she also saw Xiao Pang. He was a nice kid.

Of course Xiao Pang's mother also knew about Mu Mu. Xiao Pang didn't mention him less at home either. Xiao Pang's mother had also seen Mu Mu at the kindergarten and liked the child very much.

But the two mothers had never met before.

Xiao Pang's mother was Pei Kuang's fan, and had been a loyal fan for many years. Naturally she knew Song Anan, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to call out "sister-in-law" so readily.

She just never thought that her child and her idol's child would be in the same kindergarten, and even became good friends.

Wow, her Xiao Pang had made something of himself!

After Pei Kuang joined the other dads at the rehearsal venue, he was naturally quickly recognized.

It couldn't be helped. Even if everyone wasn't into celebrities, they had still watched the videos of the original dance routine, and had been practicing it with him every day recently. It would be hard not to recognize him.

It just so happened that the person who had suggested dancing this routine in the group was Xiao Pang's father. Why did he suggest it? Naturally because of Xiao Pang's mother.

So after going around such a big circle, the reason turned out to stem from this. Pei Kuang also found it somewhat amusing when he realized.

He had felt it was such a coincidence at that time.

Finally, after voting by all the dads, Pei Kuang was forced to stand in the C position during the performance.

The performance went very smoothly. Whether it was the children's performance or the parents' performance, they received unanimous praise from the audience.

For this kind of activity, what everyone wanted was the atmosphere. Whether the performance was good or bad wasn't so important.

Pei Kuang and Song Anan had bid farewell to the kindergarten teachers and parents after emphasizing not to leak any photos of their family together, and to help censor Mu Mu's face if they really wanted to post any.

Everyone had children, so they could understand this request.

Needless to say, the school side had promised on the spot that they wouldn't publicly disclose any photos or videos of the children.

Undoubtedly, this was a happy day for Mu Mu, as well as for Pei Kuang and Song Anan.

The family of three had a great time playing together, and also enjoyed interacting with the other children, parents and teachers.

But there was one thing Pei Kuang and Song Anan hadn't expected at all before today.

At the kindergarten today, compared to Pei Kuang's celebrity status, what attracted everyone's interest far more was Mu Mu's father identity.

That night after getting Mu Mu to sleep, Song Anan and Pei Kuang returned to their bedroom.

Pei Kuang spoke proudly, "Today so many parents and teachers praised Mu Mu in front of me, and even asked me for advice on how to educate children."

Song Anan also felt emotional. "Many mothers asked me too. It was only today that I realized Mu Mu behaves so well at kindergarten!"

For parents, they usually hear too much of things like "So this is your son!"

It seemed everyone affirmed their child because of them.

But when hearing "So you're Mu Mu's father" from others' mouths, this feeling was really great!

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