
Chapter 38: ~First Adventure.~

***Norfolk, Sarn-Valley***


Being able to read books on your own is the ~best~! If someone would ask me what the worst thing about reincarnation is, I would answer that it's the time as an infant. Even if you get taken care of, lying around as nothing more than a lump of flesh for the greatest part of one year is torture.

Torture I say!

At least Tori saved me by reading books to me all day long. When she opened the first book to read it for me, I got a huge shock.

I may have known the language, but the writing was completely different from what I had seen before. All my attempts to reach the bookshelf were useless from the beginning. I couldn't have read anything anyway.

But by following the lines which Tori read to me, I got the trick behind it very fast. Though it took me a while to make clear that I wanted to sit on her lap. Supposedly to watch the pictures.

Suddenly the door is opened and Tori steps inside. “Ah! Look at you! Why do you always create such a mess with the books! You are such a fidgety child.”

“~picture!~” I point at one of the pictures in my book.

She sighs and starts to sort the books back into the shelf. Sorry, but I think it would be awkward if I sorted a book I read back into the shelf.

“How did you even get up there?” She places a book back into a shelf which is three times my height above me.

Ooops. Please don't become wary of me. I got that one with magic, that was lazy of me.

I decide to ignore her and look back into my book.

Tori kneels down in front of me and offers me a cookie. “You want one. It's delicious.”

Oi. Why does she have such a conflicted expression? Is it because of the cookie? Eat it yourself if you like it. “nno!”

My book is way more interesting than a cookie.

“Then we have to do this the harsh way.”

Huh? Why did her voice suddenly become so fearsome? Tori stabs her index finger at my forehead. I instinctively try to evade but this body isn't able to do so!

Killed by the nanny! Damn! That was a first … and I was doing such a good job with mom and dad.

… everything goes dark as I loose my consciousness.


I open my eyes and try to move. But it's dark and the air is stuffy! Am I inside a bag? Seriously? What's going on? I feels like I am being carried.

“Tori?” “Tori?” “TORI!”


The bag is opened and I see Tori's face. Uwah! She looks a little haunted. Right you are! If mom and dad find out what happened … mom will dissect you!

Tori gets me out of the bag and I realize that she dressed me with thick and furry clothes for children. And the second thing is … that we are in the wilderness.

For real? I got abducted? Tori is still carrying me in a princess carry while running at full speed and jumping over obstacles. Is she something like a ninja?

What should I do? Um. Does that mean that Tori is an enemy of mom and dad? I guess a normal child would start to cry.


Tori doesn't react. Such a bitch!


“Silence! Or I will put you to sleep again!”

Urgh. I am not sure if being put to sleep is better than being awake and see what happens to Tori when mom and dad catch her.

What can I do? What can I do? Damn! This body is too weak! Should I try to attack Tori with magic? A well aimed telekinetic strike may do the trick and severe her spinal cord.

But if I fail, she will be warned. And I will be alone out here. Wherever I am.

While I fight for a decision, a small hut is coming into view and Tori slows down. We seem to be high in the mountains, which tells me that I was out cold for a long time.

Tori slows down to a walk and sets me down on a fallen tree beside the hut. There is a steep snowy meadow under the hut and I look around while Tori starts to rummage through the stuff inside.

She doesn't seem to fear that I would run away. Probably she would catch me in no time if I tried to run.

Her strange silence is awkward. But I guess there is no point in trying to explain anything to me. She thinks of me as a one year old child. Nobody you could hold a conversation with.

Should I try to reveal myself? No. Bad idea. That would give away my only trump card.

I watch while Tori assembles a para glider on the snowy meadow! The fuuuck!? Since when does this world have such concepts? In this world I never heard of flying before.

After she is done, Tori starts to lash me to her chest like a caterpillar. I still don't say a word and Tori skilfully uses the meadow as a runway.

Urgh! Did I ever mention that I am afraid of great heights? It can't be helped, I start to squirm in fear and Tori shuts me down again.


HOT! So hot! I think I will get a heatstroke! It's dark and the air is bad! One moment! That feels like a deja vu.

The bitch bagged me up again! And she gagged me up too this time!

“Tjena! You are back! Took you long enough. How is the situation in the north?” I hear a female voice.

Tori's voice answers. “Something is definitely going on in Sarn. There are strange artefacts wherever you look and even the commoners have access to them. But it will take a lot of time to inform you of everything.”

“Then please stick to the most important points for the moment.”

“Very well. It actually hard to find something to start with. I will go with the Asceron household first.....” From there follows a lengthy explanation on my family and how Ascathon seemed to be the source of the inventions.

“Hmmm. That seems to prove my theory. It looks to be much worse than I thought. He is really trying to advance the world by leaps and bounds. Anything else?” The voice doesn't sound exactly happy with the report.

“Yes. I brought something of value to Ascathon. As you ordered.” I feel my bag being lifted and placed somewhere else not exactly gentle.

Then I am being unpacked again and look straight into the eyes of a smiling beautiful woman. She has white hair and wears a really stylish dress.

Her expression drops as she recognizes me, or better 'what' I am. She looks at Tori whose real name seems to Tjena and then the white haired woman headpalms herself.

I take a look around and realize why it's so hot. Outside the window I see desert and a big city. The room around me looks like an office. There is a writing table with a chair, a couch is in the corner of the room and multiple shelfs with books are at the walls.

The white haired woman in front of me points a finger in my direction and an accusing gaze wanders towards Tjena.

“Please explain ~THAT!~”

“You said that I should bring something of importance to Ascathon as a bargaining chip. His daughter was the ideal choice. Small, easy to carry and important to both, him and his wife.” Tjena answers without any remorse or hesitation.

The white haired lady gives me a forced smile and pulls the gag from my mouth. “Haaah. Tjena … Tjena. What should I do with you. How can we have a normal discussion with them after abducting their child. You are so smart most of the time. How can you get such stupid ideas occasionally.”

“It wasn't a good idea? I thought that we could blackmail him to do as we want, as long as we have his daughter as a hostage.” Tjena looks confused.

“Tjena! Abducting someone's child is a sure fire recipe to direct their wrath at you. Even I know that.” The white haired lady starts to absent mindedly pat my head.

Maybe I should push some tears out and start to scream now? It feels like an opportune moment!


The white haired woman turns her attention towards me. “M?”


Tjena starts to raise her hand with a pointed finger and I immediately shut up. Okay. That wasn't a good idea. But I press out some tears just in case.

“Tjena? What do you intend to do with that finger?” The white haired woman looks a little angry now.

Tjena's expression becomes a little doubtful and she thinks for a second before answering.

“Shut her up?”


Whoa! The white lady gave her an epic clout! Tjena is wriggling on the floor. Then the white lady turns back towards me.

“~Haaah. So what do we do with you?~”


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