
Chapter 45: ~No assistance needed.~

***Norfolk, Nord-Capital City***

***The Jarl***

“Why do I have to deal with this?” I try to get into a more comfortable position, but I am simply too fat. “And what kind of stupid reason is that!? Self defence!?” I wave the declaration of war around. “They attack us purely out of selfish reasons! I hope they freeze to death while marching through our territory!”

I am on my throne while being tended to by my wives. Life is hard if you have to be taken care of.

“They are simply frightened of this new toy of yours. Don't you think it's time to discard him?” My second wife helps me into a better position.

“You should realize that you burned your fingers this time.” The beautiful third wife speaks up while cleaning the nails on my left hand.

“I didn't burn my fingers! I made more money through Sarn than in the last ten years together!” I became a nursing case long ago. To my great shame, I have to admit that I wouldn't be able to deal with my cumbersome life without my wifes.

But despite my body, I am still looking down on most other humans. “Those guys really think that everything is good and fine, as long as they don't attack any other principalities of mine! But I can't let them do that! What about my reputation!? Do you think that anyone would give a shit about me as a Jarl, if I would lean back and do nothing!?”

“One hundred and sixty four years! That's how old I am! And I am still being annoyed by people with half my brains. I forged the warring states of Norfolk together when I was nineteen! Back in those times I simply beheaded everyone who spouted nonsense at me!” Yes, those were good times back then. And I could move on my own!

“We know that you will always come to the right decision dear. We are simply trying to help.” My first wife pats my cheek.

“Haah. I know. I am just angry because humans don't understand anything else but violence. The only cure for idiocy is death. Maybe the mind magicians from Mislow are right with their brutal policy.” I shake my head.

At that moment, the door opens and a familiar person enters the room. He walks in front of me and bows.

“Long time no see, Ascathon Asceron. You know of the army from Mislow?” I bend a little forward to get a better look at my best entertainment. Watching this fellow made my bleak life a little more colourful. Being a politician is simply too boring. But this fellow is really interesting. Everything he touches becomes something unexpected.

“I heard, and we are preparing to defend. Fortunately you didn't allow them access to a nearby Gate.” Ascathon smiles and looks up.

“Well, it's the only form of protest I am capable of. My army is in the capital and it would be a pain to send them through a Gate to assist you. They would have to face Mislow while abandoning all tools of war which are bigger than a man. That means no carriages and no dragons. Our tamed dragons are our biggest advantage against Mislow. Dragons are too stupid to be distracted by mind magic once you let them loose on the enemy.” I scratch my itching belly.

“It's almost impossible to move an army through Norfolk without supplies. I hope you understand.” I arch an eyebrow while looking at the man. He didn't change his smile during my entire speech.

“There is no problem. It will take them more than three weeks to arrive in my principality. Fortunately this form of warfare is really slow, compared to sending messages through a Gate. I will prepare a surprise for them.” Ascathon's voice sounds confident, but I am not convinced.

“Are you sure that there is no need for me to act? I could still send a few elite troops. They can't defeat that army on their own, but they would be a help.” I squint my eyes while thinking of my possibilities.

*zzzzzzzzz* My third wife is done with cleaning my fingernails and is now polishing them with one of those marvellous artefacts from Sarn.

“There is just one question on my mind. Why aren't you concerned about my course of action? Everyone else seems to overreact because of my presents to the world.” He waves his hand at the small polishing tool in the hands of my third wife.

“Ha! Now you are downplaying the situation just a little bit! Don't think that I don't see what this will lead up to. There will be many changes to the world and who knows what else you are planning. But it's true that I am not concerned.” I grin with glee.

The man in front of me tilts his head in confusion. Obviously I have to explain further.

“Haah. Look at me. I am unable to move on my own. There is no chance that I could ever win against someone in a fight. My magic may be strong, but it can't be compared to a great magician, as I never trained my abilities. Being the Jarl takes up a lot of my time.” I lean back again. “I accomplished everything I have with my head and through manipulating people! There is no difference between a human with an artefact and someone who can use magic directly.”

I tap my head. “These artefacts can't take away what I have up here. They are no concern of mine. Just a new tool to be used in the big game.” I turn my head towards the map on the wall of my hall. It's a map of my nation.

“Are you sure that there is no problem? The army from Mislow numbers about fifty thousand people. I heard that at least three thousand of them are magicians. That's quite some fire-power. On top they will cross through eight to eleven principalities and small kingdoms. It depends on which route they take.” I sigh.

“While we may be a nation to outsiders, we aren't as unified as other countries. I gave orders to everyone not to assist Mislow. Unfortunately I have no doubts that some nobles will be awed by the big army, which is crossing through their property. They will think that there is nothing to lose and assist them with short-sighted actions. Like adding their forces or supplying them. You may face an army of sixty thousand. That's more than half of your population.”

“Then all my men will have to fight with all their effort! All one thousand eight hundred and ninety three of them! Plus my personal guard, that will amount to almost two thousand men. I think this will work out.” He nods while scratching his cheek.

“You know that the whole situation looks like I will win the bet, don't you.” I pat my belly while being surprised at this man. He is a mystery to me.

“Aahh … the bet. No, I hope that you won't win it for a long time. Although it bugs me that I may have to show the world what I am capable of. They will see Sarn with different eyes after their armies are crushed.” He purses his lips and shrugs. “They will mourn that they didn't take Sarn more seriously.”

But my ears peak up at what I heard. “Armies? As in … multiple armies?” I take a drink from my armrest.

Ascathon arches an eyebrow. “Ah, I guess you couldn't know. There are thirty ships from the Nation of Mist on their way too. Ha! In the worst case, I'll have to split my forces. Maybe it will become a little hairy after all.”


I can't help it. This surprised me! I spurted everything over myself and my third wife. “Ah … I am so sorry, dear!”

“It's understandable. If you'll excuse me? I will go and clean myself.” She has a dangerous expression while leaving the room. I guess I will get no special time from her tonight. Well, there are still number one and number two!

No! Forget that! That's not important! “THIRTY SHIPS!? They can lay waste to the entire northern coast with that much fire-power! And your city has a harbour! So they have access from the sea! No wait! Why are they attacking too!? Don't you have good relationships with them?”

Ascathon sighs. “Unfortunately I don't know that myself. I just know that they are coming my way. Their reasons and intentions are a mystery to me. But I will prepare for the worst case. Better safe than sorry.”

I nod slowly while looking at this strange fellow. “Well, If you are so sure of yourself, I will lean back and watch how this situation will evolve. You may go now. I am sure there is much for you to do.” … and I have to clean myself. That will become an ordeal.

Ascathon smiles and bows. Then he leaves the room with happy steps, actually skipping a little. That guy has some screws loose.

He could be …

“Please bring me a document. I have to dictate something important. And this order has to be secure against forgery. And get that snotty bastard who should be my aide! Where is he hiding again?”


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