Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 343

Chapter 343: Applaud for Love! (2)

Chapter 343 – Applaud for Love! (2)


The wooden door opened and revealed beyond it was the Pacific Ocean’s morning sky.

The sound of leaves rustling along with the wind could also be heard from the surroundings.

“Is that the floating castle?”

“Yes.” Chen Yu nodded. He took Xing Biqi’s hand and led through the Interstellar Portal’s spatial film, instantly crossing thousands of kilometers and arriving 1,000 meters above the Pacific Ocean’s equator.

“Incredible…” Turning around and looking at the beautiful Forbidden Forest around her, Xing Biqi muttered, “It feels like a dream.”

“Dreams are like reality, and reality is like dreams. There’s actually no need to divide the two so clearly.” Pulling out two masks from his jacket, Chen Yu handed one to Xing Biqi and said, “Put it on. We might come across other people.”

“This is…” Accepting the mask and scrutinizing it, Xing Biqi asked, “Is this the opera mask you’ve been wearing all this time?”

“Mhm. Cool, right?”

“Do you wish to hear the truth or a lie?”

“Understood. Don’t say anything.” Waving his hand, Chen Yu put on his mask.

“Maybe you have a deeper meaning to using this mask? The internet has been speculating that you have many reasons for choosing to use such a strange mask,” Xing Biqi said as she put on her own mask. “For example, to promote Chinese culture, the white and black colors of the mask representing good and evil, that you’re a lover of Peking operas, etc.”

“I just felt it looked cool.”

“I think it’s best if you don’t let your fans know this truth…”

While holding hands, the two made their way to the Type-R Spacecraft’s parking spot. In no time at all, their goal entered their sights.

“Are we really going to visit Sirius?”

“Of course. Um.. Don’t you feel hot? You’re still wearing your jacket.”

“It’s hot.” Xing Biqi immediately removed her jacket, sweater, jeans, and cotton trousers, leaving only a pink short sleeve shirt and a pair of pink shorts. “Are you not taking yours off?”

“N-No. This slight change in temperature makes no difference to me.”

“It’s just like what the internet said! You really have become a superhuman!”

“Something like that.”

“But…” Hesitantly, Xing Biqi asked, “Can superhumans get a nosebleed as well?”

“Huh? A nosebleed?” Stunned, Chen Yu subconsciously retracted his gaze from the girl’s upper body and reached out to touch his own nose.

Sure enough, there was blood…

“Uh… You should understand that a superhuman’s physique is different from ordinary people. I naturally have more blood than normal, so it’s natural for me to shed some every month.”

“Oh! So women are considered superhumans as well?”

“That’s different.” Chen Yu accepted the tissue Xing Biqi offered and wiped his nose.

“By the way, I heard that several film companies wish to shoot a documentary about you. Will you be taking part in them?”

“I don’t know about this. Don’t worry about it.” Tossing away the blood-stained tissue, Chen Yu approached the spacecraft. He then mentally controlled it to unfold the cabin staircase and open the cabin door. “Focus on what’s in front of you. Get on the ship, and I’ll show you what a real starry sky is.”


Different from yesterday, Xing Biqi skipped and hopped in joy as she boarded the spacecraft. “I’m back again! This is wonderful! Chen Yu, come on up!”

“You head inside first. I need to take care of something.”

“What is it?”

“There are some voyeurs. I’ll deal with them right away.”

After saying so, Chen Yu slammed his right foot into the ground. Accompanied by a loud bang, his entire person instantly transformed into a blur as he dashed into the nearby forest.

“So fast.” Xing Biqi’s eyes grew misted as they followed Chen Yu’s departing figure. “He’s really fast.”

A few seconds later, Chen Yu appeared beside two students hiding behind a tree. “Did you get a clear shot?”

“Not bad! It’s quite clea—Headmaster?!” Shocked by Chen Yu’s sudden appearance, the male student holding the SLR camera turned around in a panic.

Meanwhile, the female student was so frightened that she even began shivering on the spot.

“Are you students at the Academy?”


“Why are you hiding in the Forbidden Forest?”

“W-We…” The male student couldn’t open his mouth.

“Oh?” Realization dawned upon Chen Yu when he saw the two students’ disheveled clothing. “I spent so much time and effort into establishing the Academy, yet you two are actually playing ‘stranded island’ on it?”

“Headmaster, we still haven’t reached that point. We made a mistake, so we’ll leave now.”

“Do you think you can get away so easily?” Reaching out and grabbing the male student’s SLR, Chen Yu said, “You’ve seen something you shouldn’t see.”

“A-Are you going to silence us?!” The male student panicked.

The female student fainted on the spot.

Instead of replying, Chen Yu simply pulled out the camera’s memory card and crushed it. He then silently pulled out the Amnesia Bat…

“It’s done.”

Three minutes later, Chen Yu returned to the spacecraft and snapped his fingers.


Immediately, a high-end sofa appeared out of thin air.

After finding a comfortable position to sit down, Chen Yu looked at Xing Biqi and patted at the seat beside him, “Come, sit here.”

“Did someone see us just now?”


Taking a seat beside Chen Yu, Xing Biqi asked hesitantly, “Did you…”

“I don’t take the lives of others,” Chen Yu said, shrugging. “Nobody has ever died during my livestreams.”

“Won’t they leak your secret, then?”

“They won’t. I have a way to prevent them from doing so. Anyway, we’re going to take off now, so let’s stop talking about this. I’m going to have the spacecraft accelerate quickly, so tell me if you feel uncomfortable.”

“Okay.” The girl nodded and hugged her sweetheart’s arm tightly.

At this time, her chest was close to overflowing with happiness. After all, the two of them were the only ones on the spacecraft. This was the kind of trip she dreamed of having the most.


The next moment, the “beautifully shaped” spacecraft rose into the air, instantly breaking the sound barrier and transforming into a streak of light as it charged out of Earth!

Simultaneously, the alarms the various governments had set up to monitor the area sounded off one after another, rudely awakening countless people from their dreams.


Rumble, rumble…

The spacecraft flew faster and faster. Its friction with the atmosphere also generated flames and lightning continuously, which caused the ship to grow brighter and brighter. At this time, it looked as if a miniature sun was slowly rising up from the Pacific Ocean, illuminating the sea within a thousand-kilometer radius.

“How is it? Can you handle this acceleration?” Chen Yu asked.

“I feel fine. My chest just feels a little stuffy, and my ears are constantly ringing.”

“Good, then. We’ll continue maintaining this speed. Soon, we’ll be out of the sun’s strong gravitational field.”

“I want to look outside. Can you make the walls transparent?”

“You can’t see anything right now. The ship’s surrounded by flames.”

“I want to see.”


Shrugging, Chen Yu made a mental command to the spacecraft. The cabin walls immediately turned transparent, revealing the blazing blue fire and lightning arcs enveloping the spacecraft’s hull.

Despite the flames and lightning arcs being intertwined, they couldn’t fully merge into one. They could still be distinguished from each other clearly.

“How beautiful.”

Standing up, Xing Biqi walked up to the cabin wall and timidly stretched out her hand to touch the dazzling blue. When she turned around, though, she couldn’t help but be startled.

This was because, at this time, Chen Yu was already standing behind her with his mask removed. Meanwhile, his delicate face was only one centimeter away from hers.

Raising her hand slowly, the girl removed her mask and stared at the man without blinking. “Your eyes really are pretty.”

“How is it pretty?”

“It’s full of mystery, like the starry sky.”

After saying so, the girl closed her eyes and stood on her toes.

The man also closed his eyes and lowered his head…

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