Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 351

Chapter 351: Diving into Jupiter (2)

Chapter 351 – Diving into Jupiter (2)

Eight thousand kilometers.

One thousand kilometers.

Five hundred kilometers…

Under the double acceleration of gravity and the E·I Force Field, Chen Yu dove toward Jupiter’s Great Red Spot like a shooting star.

Meanwhile, as Chen Yu moved increasingly closer to the planet’s surface, the intersecting layers of atmosphere gradually gave off a disgusting greasy feeling.

From Chen Yu’s perspective, it looked as if the E·I Force Field brushing against something that was a mix of crude oil and plant oil.


The thick, white ammonia clouds rubbing against the force field also generated strange noises resembling electric currents.

Half a minute later, Chen Yu pierced through the layer of white clouds, and the light surrounding him began dimming rapidly.

“Perhaps it is because of the E·I Force Field shielding me from the planet’s gravity, or perhaps it is because of my rapid acceleration downward, but unlike my last visit, I don’t feel Jupiter’s gravity pulling at me this time. There is no discomfort to my body at all. This time, I should be able to reach Jupiter’s core smoothly.”

Adjusting his body’s position and facing the camera, Chen Yu said, “My current speed is 84,000 kilometers per hour, which is approximately 23 kilometers per second. It is roughly 60 to 70 times the speed of sound. This is also the E·I Force Field’s current top speed. If we were in a vacuum space, it might be able to move quicker. For this reason, we can conclude the force field’s actual acceleration performance test. Next, we will test its heat resistance and compression resistance.”

The radiation coming from Jupiter was incredibly powerful. All sorts of dangerous rays collided with the magnetic field covering Chen Yu, their collision creating a faint, green aurora. In addition, this aurora continuously extended as Chen Yu descended. From the camera’s perspective, it was an unexpectedly beautiful phenomenon.

By the time Chen Yu descended to a low altitude of just 200 kilometers, the sun had disappeared entirely from his vision. If not for the aurora around him and the camera’s own light source, he would’ve been enveloped in complete darkness.

“I am still surrounded by ammonia clouds. According to the camera’s data, the surrounding temperature is minus 156°C,” Chen Yu said while looking at the data displayed on his watch. “One thing worth mentioning is that the E·I Force Field doesn’t seem to have any friction with the atmosphere. Hence, the collision between the two doesn’t generate much heat, either. In comparison, when I tried diving into Jupiter while wearing the protective suit, the suit’s surface temperature exceeded 2,000°C.”

[Take off your suit and be cremated on the spot!]

[Which boy wouldn’t want to try being cremated at 2,000°C?]

[Which boy wouldn’t want to try a boy?]


[My megalophobia is giving me an uncomfortable feeling.]

“I still haven’t actually entered the Great Red Spot’s anticyclonic storm, yet the wind speed around me has already exceeded 490 kilometers per hour! Jupiter is indeed the fastest rotating planet in the solar system. In comparison, Earth takes more than twice the time to make a single rotation.”

Amidst his explanation, Chen Yu slowly passed through the white ammonia clouds and entered the Great Red Spot for the second time.

The reddish-brown storm composed of ammonium hydride, ammonium sulfide, and red phosphide interacted with the “aurora,” rendering a more fascinating halo around the force field.

From the audience’s perspective, Chen Yu’s visit to Jupiter this time was basically a near-perfect visual feast.

“The wind speed around me has exceeded 680 kilometers per hour. Even the speed of a B12 wind on Earth is only one-sixth the speed of the Great Red Spot’s storm. However, I still have yet to feel any discomfort or shaking thanks to the force field’s protection. This is also within expecta—”


Before Chen Yu could finish speaking, a deafening explosion suddenly came from his right side!

Chen Yu snapped his head toward the source of the explosion. What entered his eyes immediately was a dazzling lightning bolt hundreds of meters wide and extending across the entire horizon.

Jovian lightning!

One of the most lethal and extreme natural phenomena found in Jupiter’s atmosphere.

“We meet again.” Turning back toward the camera, Chen Yu said briskly, “Previously, I got scared off by this lightning. Facts have also proven that I made an incredibly wise decision. After returning home, I went out of my way to look deeper into Jupiter. As a result, I found out that the lightning bolts found in Jupiter’s Great Red Spot are 10,000 times stronger than the lightning bolts found on Earth. Even Pikachu would be turned into ashes if it came into contact with one of these lightning bolts. Moreover, the deeper you travel into the Great Red Spot, the more frequent the lightning bolts would strike. At the deepest regions, up to four lightning bolts can strike every second!

“However, it doesn’t matter now. Even nuclear bombs can’t harm the E·I, let alone mere voltages.”

Sure enough, just like Chen Yu said, as he continued traveling deeper into the Great Red Spot, the frequency at which lightning strikes occurred around him continuously increased, the deafening thunder ringing ceaselessly by his ears. Some of the lightning bolts even struck the E·I Force Field directly, though they failed to cause any harm to Chen Yu.

If the first episode was terrific, the audience would take the subsequent episodes for granted.

However, if the first episode was weak, the subsequent episodes’ development would definitely garner shock and awe.

It would seem that everything in the universe adopted this principle.

This was even more so for technology.

“My surrounding temperature has increased to 1,200°C.”

Half a minute later, Chen Yu exited the bullet comment interface and inspected the camera’s data. “The atmospheric pressure is even more terrifying. The pressure at my location is already 1,055 times that of the atmosphere on Earth’s surface. Whether you are Batman, Spiderman, or Hulk, you’ll be squashed into a pancake if you come here.”

[That’s why Marvel’s Iron Man is the best!]

[This proves that poor people can never outplay the rich. :)]

[If such an amazing product is sent just for the sake of ensuring the host’s safety in the next official livestream… What the heck is the next episode’s product going to be?]

The subsequent dive into Jupiter gradually became boring.

The aurora, lightning, and colorful clouds all disappeared.

The E·I Force Field’s speed of descent also gradually slowed down.

The reason for this change was because the atmospheric concentration had already reached a level beyond imagination, and the resistance it created was incredibly powerful.

“At this time, it is more appropriate to say that I am ‘swimming’ than ‘flying.'” Having the camera move within ten meters of him, Chen Yu pointed at the objects outside and said, “These things outside are neither in a gaseous state or liquid state. Instead, they hover between the two states. Scientifically, they are known as supercritical fluids.

“These kinds of substances have a very special property, and that is the fact that they can reach incredibly high temperatures. For example, my current surrounding temperature has already reached 6,200°C. It is comparable to the temperature on the sun’s surface. The atmospheric pressure here has even reached two million times the atmospheric pressure on Earth’s surface! I really cannot imagine any kind of physical material having the ability to endure such an extreme environment.”


[Scary. +1]

[Brothers, let’s spam the screen with ‘Scary’!]

After Chen Yu continued “diving” for another ten minutes or so, the metal hydrogen surrounding him began to form a dense liquid. However, due to the E·I Force Field’s powerful performance, he could still continue advancing downward. While enduring the immeasurable pressure, the E·I Force Field tore through layer after layer of liquid and semi-solids…

Finally, Chen Yu had reached the outer periphery of Jupiter’s inner core—a vast ocean of metal!

Up, down, left, and right, every direction he looked at was coated in a silvery-white liquid that was tumbling and flowing.

The temperature of this metallic ocean’s surface exceeded 10,000°C.

[How spectacular…]

[UP, see if there is any life in there.]

[There’s no way organic matter can exist in such an environment.]

[It feels like I am watching a documentary.]

[If you can perish in this ocean before your death bed, it will definitely be a romantic death.]

“Let’s stop here.”

Urging the force field to stop, Chen Yu spoke to his watch, “We have already uncovered all of Jupiter’s secrets. If we continue downward, we will only fight a solid core made of diamonds. Meanwhile, traversing through solid matter will be a much slower process than traversing through Jupiter’s atmosphere. We might not even reach the core by nightfall.

“Time is limited. To conserve our energy and experience something more exciting, we should start heading back. Once we’re back, we can dive into our next and final target…

“The sun.”

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