Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 357

Chapter 357: Additional Livestream, World’s Essence (2)

Chapter 357 – Additional Livestream, World’s Essence (2)

“The Earth, the solar system, the Milky Way, and even the universe… In reality, everything we see is an illusion.”

At these words, bullet comments instantly flooded the various livestream rooms.

[Is it the brain in a vat scenario?]

[It might also be the Matrix.]

[I disagree with what the host said.]

[Is it a scientific theory again? I don’t understand, so I’ll protest in advance.]

[I’m a psychiatrist. A patient in my hospital also says that the world is merely a hallucination. (⊙▽⊙)]

[So, UP’s true identity is…]

Chen Yu raised his wrist, thinking to look at his audience’s responses. However, the bullet comments were so numerous that they had begun overlapping each other. Even with his superhuman vision, all he could see was a black wall.

After standing in place quietly for two minutes and seeing that most of his audience had calmed down, Chen Yu continued speaking, “I know that many people won’t be able to accept this kind of statement, just like how people in the Middle Ages couldn’t accept the fact that the Earth was round. This doesn’t mean you are stupid. This is just a disparity between eras.

“Hence, tonight, I will do my best to use common language and inappropriate but simple examples to explain the contents of this Civilization’s Shining Moment, November 4375 Edition to everyone. If you can’t keep up with my explanation, feel free to watch the recording. I will make an exception and publish the recording of this livestream onto Bilibili’s platform tomorrow.”

After saying so, he showed the first page’s entirety to the camera.

“First of all, I’ll start from the contradiction between the theory of relativity and quantum theory.

“As we all know, the two major supporting points of modern science and technology are the theory of relativity and quantum theory. The former was sorted out and created by Einstein, and the latter also has a considerable connection with Einstein. Of course, we cannot ignore the many scientific researchers who have contributed to these two theories, either. However, this livestream isn’t a history lesson, so we’ll skip the irrelevant topics and focus on the topic at hand.

“The theory of relativity has been tested for over a hundred years now and has indirectly led to the creation of brilliant modern human technologies.

“Similarly, quantum theory has also produced many scientific and technological achievements, from quantum computing to quantum communications. Even the next technological revolution of mankind will be brought about by quantum theory.

“To put it simply, the two theories are critical to mankind. Yet, there exists an irreconcilable conflict between the two theories. Moreover, there didn’t exist just one or two conflicts, but more. Meanwhile, the most serious contradiction was the two theories’ description of ‘force.’

“According to the theory of relativity, gravity is caused by the bending of space, but it is incapable of geometrizing weak force, strong force, and electromagnetic force.

“According to quantum theory, force is exchanged by particles, electromagnetic force is exchanged by photons, weak force is exchanged by weak gauge bosons, and strong force is exchanged by gluons. Gravity alone cannot be quantized.

“Aside from the conflict of ‘force’…

“From a mathematical standpoint, the theory of relativity is infinitely separable and continuous, whereas quantum theory is discontinuous and has the smallest unit.

“From a physics standpoint, relativity is a classical determinism, and we can infer State B based on State A. On the other hand, quantum theory is not deterministic. It is impossible to predict, speculate, or even understand State A’s transition to State B.

“From a philosophical standpoint, the world described by the theory of relativity exists objectively, and the reason why we can see the mountains, water, plants, celestial bodies, and the universe is because they exist. However, quantum theory states the exact opposite. According to quantum theory, the world is subjective, and the existence of mountains, water, and the universe depends on our observation.”

Pausing slightly, Chen Yu glanced at Little Peach, who had just returned from the study. He then massaged his throat slightly before continuing, “To sum up the five contradictions mentioned above, the macroscopic world the theory of relativity describes is stable, objective, and systematic, while the microscopic world quantum theory describes is chaotic, subjective, and random.

“In the macroscopic world, we, as individuals, cannot walk through walls.

“In the microscopic worlds, particles, as individuals, can penetrate matter at will.

“In the macroscopic world, the moon is in the sky. Whether we observe it or not, it is there.

“In the microscopic world, the presence and absence of the moon depend on whether we observe it. If we do not observe it, it may not exist.

“However, despite how different these descriptions are, both are correct.

“It seems that the world is divided into two parts, and these two parts are independent of each other and operate on different laws of physics. The two parts are like the theory of relativity and quantum theory. They cannot be merged and are distinct from each other.

“However, reason tells us that this is impossible. After all, the matter in the macroscopic world is composed of basic matter at the microscopic scale. There exists only one world. This is a conflict between the two theories, so one of them must be wrong.

“Hence, as of 2021, the contradiction between the theory of relativity and quantum theory still remains the biggest problem faced by the scientific community. Numerous scientific circles have studied the theory of relativity that represents the macroscopic world and the quantum theory that represents the microscopic world in an attempt to prove that one of them was wrong.

“However, the truth of the matter is even more exaggerated than anyone had imagined it to be. Both the theory of relativity and quantum theory are correct…”

Pausing slightly, Chen Yu shrugged and said slowly, “The one mistaken is the world.”

[I don’t understand, but it sounds cool…]

[Are we required to learn mathematics, physics, and chemistry just to watch a livestream now?]


[Are there any experts here that can give me a simpler explanation? I didn’t understand anything.]

[It’s simple. It basically means that the particles in the microscopic world are flying about randomly. They could exist in one moment and disappear in the next moment. They could also move as slow as a snail in one moment and move at the speed of light in the next moment. Meanwhile, since the macroscopic world is composed of microscopic matter, logically, matter in the macroscopic world should also have these characteristics. Yet, the reality is the exact opposite. The macroscopic world is extremely stable.]

[Can’t you just use a microscope to observe macroscopic matter, then? Won’t we be able to see what’s going on?]

[It had been done 800 years ago. The quantum level of a stone is irregular.]

[I heard that many scientists who study in this area have all gone crazy. :)]

[Dammit. The more I think about it, the scarier it gets.]

“The world we see, infer, feel, and observe using various tools is actually wrong. Hence, contradictions have appeared in the two originally correct theories.”

After saying so, Chen Yu flipped to the second page and pointed at a black-and-white photo. “To prove this, the journal has given very detailed explanations and examples. I have already understood everything in the journal after spending three hours reading it. However, as the book’s descriptions are still quite complicated, I’ve decided to approach the topic from a special angle to help everyone better understand the universe’s essence.

“As I just said, the theory of relativity and quantum theory are both correct. There is a conflict between them because the world that ‘contains’ them is wrong.

“In other words, doesn’t this mean a perfect world can allow both theories to coexist peacefully?

“The answer is…” Nodding, Chen Yu said, “Yes.

“Since our world cannot accommodate the theory of relativity and quantum theory together, then we should open our minds, throw away common sense and rules, change our neurotic thinking, and imagine a ‘fantasy’ world capable of accommodating the two theories.

“According to the correctness of the two theories, this fantasy world that is capable of perfectly integrating with the two theories must also be correct! From this, we have successfully obtained the truth of the world!

“We have found the truth that is hidden in the universe and away from our eyes, perception, and thoughts!

“With that said…

Straightening his mask, Chen Yu looked at the camera and raised the tone of his voice, “I would like to ask the physics scientists among the audience a question. Under what circumstances, environment, and rules can the theory of relativity and quantum theory be perfectly integrated into the world?”


At Chen Yu’s words, many scientific researchers watching the livestream lifted their heads simultaneously, goosebumps rising all over their bodies and expressions of shock and horror appearing on their faces!

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