Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 390 - Asteroid Impact (1)

Chapter 390: Asteroid Impact (1)

Chapter 390 – Asteroid Impact (1)

“I’ll repeat again.”

Standing before the camera, Chen Yu straightened his opera mask and spoke with emphasis, “The disasters the Natural Disaster Generator generates might be fake, but they aren’t completely fake, either. The detailed explanation is quite complicated. Basically, it involves the wave-particle duality of quantum mechanics.

“What is wave–particle duality, you ask?”

Pausing slightly, Chen Yu manipulated the Super Floating Castle’s projection function and drew two patterns—a circle and a wave—in front of the camera.

“The wave-particle duality is arguably the most terrifying scientific discovery made by humanity. I hereby solemnly advise those who have poor mental endurance and unstable world views to please leave the livestream room, skip this segment, and return five minutes later.

“If you don’t do so, it proves that you understand the risks involved, and all consequences, such as the collapse of your world view, mental turmoil, and problems with your spiritual consciousness, are all within your tolerance and have nothing to do with me.

(It also has nothing to do with the author or translator.)

“I will start counting down from three. Friends who do not wish to know the horrible truth, please exit the livestream room. Three.


[Why so mysterious? What’s the UP going to tell us that’s going to destroy our world view?]

[Wave-particle duality?! I know what the UP is going to talk about! Warning ahead!]

[Children, please leave. You shouldn’t know about what’s to come.]

[I seem to have heard the horror story regarding wave-particle duality before…]

[I want to listen!]

[I want to listen. +1]

[Be reasonable. Something as ridiculous as Transdimensional Review has appeared already. What else could possibly destroy our world view?]

[It’s not a joke. Many scientists have been driven insane by this thing.]

“One! OK.”

Raising his watch and looking at the viewer count, Chen Yu said, “Roughly 80 million people left. I feel that these people are smart. They can restrain their curiosity with reason.

“Alright, I will now explain the wave-particle duality concept to everyone.”

Rolling up the sleeves of his hanfu, Chen Yu stretched out his hands and pointed at the two patterns in front of him. “I don’t know about the education systems of other countries, but the physics textbooks of China’s high schools have lightly touched upon the wave-particle duality concept. Light has both the properties of particles and waves, but no country’s government will officially mention this.

“As to how the scientific community discovered that light possesses these two properties, you can find plenty of information on this just by searching on the internet. You can find it in physics textbooks as well. So, I won’t be talking about this discovery here. I will only introduce how the particles and waves of light transform!

“Most people believe that factors such as environment, temperature, medium, etc., can change the nature of light. However, the truth is actually much more frightening.”

Subconsciously lowering his voice, Chen Yu said, “In reality, whether light exists as particles or waves is determined solely by…whether there are any people to observe it…”



[This…doesn’t make sense, right?]

[I’m specialized in this field. When I found out about this, I started doubting life as well.]

[Just this? Just this? Just this?]

[The wave-particle duality concept isn’t some kind of horror story that gives you an immediate scare. Instead, it is a topic that gets scarier the deeper you delve into it.]

[Crap. I felt nothing of it before, but I started getting goosebumps after what you said…]

“That’s right.” Reverting to a calm tone, Chen Yu said, “Whether light exists as particles or waves depends on whether there are people ‘watching’ it. Under the classic double-slit experiment, light diffuses with the characteristics of waves. So, roughly a century ago, the scientific community believed that light exists as waves.

“However, with the development of science and technology, human observation equipment also became increasingly developed. Finally, one day, a group of scientists set up complex monitoring equipment in a laboratory and observed that the light that originally exhibited wave properties actually started showing particle properties…

“Frightened by the result, the scientists removed the equipment, and light returned to exhibiting wave properties and successfully passed the double-slit experiment.

“It is as if light possessed intelligence. When it notices that we are observing it directly, it turns into particles. When we aren’t observing it directly, it turns back into waves. Do you realize how horrifying it is to see objective facts changing under the subjective vision of humans?

“I believe that people with sensitive minds watching the stream are already breaking out in cold sweat now.” Dismissing the sphere and wave projection, Chen Yu said solemnly, “I only have one suggestion for such a reaction. Don’t overthink it! Don’t overthink it! Don’t go searching for topics relating to wave-particle duality, either. The mind is a fragile existence, and the truth is far less beautiful than the world in front of your eyes.”

[I’m beginning to doubt the world.]

[I already began doubting the world when the host explained about the two-dimensional theory of the universe before.]

[Just listen to the UP and forget about this topic. Otherwise, the psychiatric hospital will become your new home. ( ͡°͜ʖ͡°)]

[Will light really change due to human observation?]

[It’s the truth. Don’t doubt this point. If you’re interested, you can look at some of the secret information America has disclosed. While there are thousands of ways to go crazy, this one is the fastest and most efficient…]

“OK!” Ignoring the flood of bullet comments, Chen Yu pointed at the Natural Disaster Generator behind him and said, “As many minors are watching the stream, I will stop talking about the wave-particle duality. Let’s return to the main topic.

“Before that, though, some people might ask why I would go out of my way to explain about the wave-particle duality.

“This is because the Natural Disaster Generator uses a similar concept to structure a realistic disaster scene from a microscopic level. Afterward, when each of us is about to die in the simulated world, the machine will rapidly insert an ‘observation’ perspective and collapse the microscopic reality and turn it into a macroscopic illusion.

“Just like how light changes from waves to particles when observed, it will deny the realistic event that just occurred. Hmm… I’m not sure if many viewers will understand if I explain it like this.”

After saying so, Chen Yu looked at the time and continued, “It’s been five minutes already. Those who have left before have returned as well. So, let us continue our review of the Natural Disaster Generator.”

Taking a step back, Chen Yu waved a finger at the list of ten options and said, “Everyone has already experienced an artificial intelligence crisis before. Which one do you want to experience next? Please type out the serial number of the disaster in the bullet comment section.”

As soon as Chen Yu finished speaking, the bullet comment section exploded with activity once more.



[7 is cooler! 7!]



After letting the tsunami of bullet comments wreak havoc for a minute, Chen Yu said, “There are too many comments. I can’t tell which disaster has more supporters. I think there are more people choosing option ‘2,’ so let’s go with that.

“The disaster will be coming soon. I repeat: those under 19 years old, over 750 years old, facing physical illnesses, driving, working, or exercising will be automatically filtered out and cannot experience the disaster. So, if you wish to experience how you’ll disappear from the face of the earth, please stop driving, working, and exercising!

“The asteroid is coming!

“Get ready!”


Pressing down on the option [2. Asteroid Impact], Chen Yu opened his arms and said, “The Grim Reaper is coming…”

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