Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 402 - Dumb Aliens (2)

Chapter 402: Dumb Aliens (2)


Chapter 402 – Dumb Aliens (2)


Accompanied by a buzzing sound, a “face” suddenly appeared on the screen.

It was the face of a typical Asian male. And as if penetrating through the connection of virtual data, the man’s brown pupils stared straight into Chen Yu’s eyes.

“Hello… Bzz… Ruling creatures of Earth.”

“Hello.” Frowning, Chen Yu scrutinized the other party’s figure and asked, “Are you human as well?”

“No.” The man in the image shook his head. “This is a life model created to facilitate communication.”

“Can you show your real face to us?”

“I cannot.”

“How do you know Chinese?”

“We have invaded your network and deciphered the logic and arrangement of your languages. Now, we officially announce to you that System NP05, or the solar system as you call it, has been occupied by the Core of Consciousness Empire. In 20 minutes, Scavengers will be deployed into Earth’s atmosphere.”

“What are these Scavengers?” Chen Yu asked.

“It is a branch of the imperial assault force. Every Scavenger is equipped with a high-efficiency life disintegration device… Bzz… They are capable of decomposing the DNA and RNA chains of organisms, plants, microbes, and viruses,” the other party said expressionlessly.

“Simply put, you are trying to destroy us, as well as every living and breathing organism on Earth?”


“I don’t understand.” Lowering his head and glancing at the flood of bullet comments, Chen Yu pondered for a moment before asking, “I can understand why you would kill humans if you want to occupy Earth, but why won’t you spare the other animals and plants, either?”

“Every ecologically stable and habitable planet has a different microbial reproduction mechanism. These complex microbial groups may cause harm to foreign organisms. Therefore, to completely occupy a planet, it is necessary to remove all carbon-based chains in the planet’s environment and subsequently carry out targeted changes to the atmosphere.”

“Oh!” Chen Yu exclaimed in realization. “I never thought of this before. In other words, a war between civilizations isn’t only a struggle between intelligent races, but each other’s ecosystems as well?”

“Correct. The term civilization refers to the common ecosystem of a planet or multiple planets, not just a specific race. Flora, fauna, microbes, viruses, and other communities are all part of civilization. They all possess the same origins. They live together, evolve together, compete together, and protect and restrict each other. The intelligent creatures that stand out are merely the representatives of this ecological civilization.”

[Crap! Civilizations are actually interpreted in such a manner?]



[When we enter the interstellar age in the future, we’ll have to transform the ecology of extraterrestrial planets to match Earth’s ecology if we wish to colonize them?]

[That’s for certain. You can’t say that you’ve occupied a planet if all you’re doing is living in an isolated cabin.]

[Summary: The essence of battles between civilizations in the universe is the confrontation of different genetic groups. We humans are considered the representatives of Earth’s genetic group. Let’s lead chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, and cats to conquer the universe!]

[…The amount of strange knowledge I know has increased.]

Hovering in the air, Chen Yu looked at the Asian face displayed on the screen and narrowed his eyes. “We never looked at civilization from such a perspective before. We have gained new insight.”

“This is because your development standard is too low. Whether it is in terms of technology or culture, both are confined to a small circle. The essence of life, the essence of civilization, the essence of the universe…everything is far more profound than it appears to be. Even our empire has yet to reach the entry-level.”

After saying so, the other party pondered in silence for a moment before continuing, “One thing worth mentioning is that the standard of your information network technology is astonishingly high. We have already used 85% of our fleet’s computing power, yet we still have not broken through the network format of your live broadcast room. Hence, we can only choose to comply with your network rules and request a connection with you. If you can actively teach this technology to the Empire, we can guarantee your natural death.”

“The network of my livestream room?” Chen Yu couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m not trying to look down on you, but this thing belongs to an entirely different class, so don’t bother.”

“…Are you the emperor of Earth’s ruling species?”

“No. We don’t have an emperor here.”

“In that case, please connect us with Earth’s ruling class. We wish to talk to them.”

“Just talk to me. The rulers of the world can hear you through me.”

“Very well.” Nodding, the Asian man raised his right hand. The next moment, his arm split into three “roots” and made a strange and horrifying gesture. “The Imperial Scavengers are about to land, so please do not use radiological weapons. This will increase the cost of the Empire’s logistics transformation.”



[Do you people have a hole in your brains?]

[You want to kill us, yet you’re not letting us resist? Do you own the Milky Way?]

[What a strange cultural difference…]

[Screw them! Launch the nukes! Don’t leave an inch of land to these idiots!]

[UP, where’s the Oscillating Planet Smasher? Blow up the planet!]

“Um… Am I hearing you correctly?” Digging his right ear, Chen Yu asked, “You want to destroy us, yet you’re telling us not to use radiological weapons?”

“Correct. The technological gap between our civilizations is insurmountable. Since you are destined to be destroyed by the Empire, why increase the Empire’s cost? To die wisely is the only honor left for the loser.”

“Sure, sure.” Chen Yu couldn’t help but laugh angrily. “This logic of yours really is wonderful. I originally planned to just sit back and relax this time, but I changed my mind.”

“We do not understand what you mean.” The Asian man made a confused expression.

“You’ll understand right away, so don’t worry.”

After saying so, Chen Yu took out the High-frequency Lightsaber. However, after looking at it for a moment, he revealed a dissatisfied expression. He then flew back to the castle and made a beeline for the study’s secret room.

“Can I ask what about your present technological standard? How many years ahead are you compared to humanity?” Chen Yu asked while looking at the many high-tech weapons in the room.

“Do you still wish to resist? This process will not be pleasant.”

“Don’t change the topic. How many years ahead are you?”

“If it’s in terms of weapons theory alone, the Empire is at least 600 solar years ahead,” the Asian man said, an obviously arrogant expression appearing on his face.

“Six hundred years…”

Hearing the other party’s words, Chen Yu put down the Two-dimensional Restraint Pen made in 7010. He then picked up the Miniature Antimatter Destruction Generator made in 2980.

“When will you reach Earth’s atmosphere?”

“Thirteen minutes later.”

“That means your warship is just outside the atmosphere?”


“I understand.” Nodding, Chen Yu raised his wrist and swiped his finger across his watch. He then opened his private messaging interface and sent a message to the Chinese Government.

[Chen Yu: “Old pal, have you found the alien spacecraft yet?”]

[Chinese Government: “Mr. Chen, the Red Bank Observatory has located the enemy units. There are four large spacecraft and 105 small spacecraft parked at 90,000 kilometers directly above Melbourne.]

[Chen Yu: “OK. I’ll show you guys some fireworks in a moment.”]

Lowering his watch, Chen Yu reactivated the E·I Force Field. He then flew out the window and made his way toward Melbourne.

The alien: “What are you trying to do?”

Chen Yu: “(ಥ_ಥ)”

The various nations’ governments: “(ಥ_ಥ)”

The various research institutes worldwide: “(ಥ_ಥ)”

The audiences worldwide: “(ಥ_ಥ)”

HAL, who was hiding underground, “(ಥ_ಥ)”

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