Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 87

As Naell was being distracted by Awthra and Sult, Pierd thought he had found an opening.

Quickly, his dual swords seemingly plunged into Naell's neck, yet what had been cut were mere afterimages of his wind magic.

"It's a tra—" Before Sult could even finish his words, both Pierd and Awthra were caught by the bait.

The very second they had glimpsed upon the snow crystals hovering around Naell, each shot high-speed ice bullets in their direction.


Smoke once more covered the entirety of the area as the bullets exploded with each impact on a wall; it showed its own denseness from its hard-hitting power.


It was then when Pierd clutched his shoulder, slightly taken aback. Upon lifting his palm, he revealed a trail of blood now oozing from his fresh wound. Particles of ice magic lingered around it.

“Ugh…Damn it all!!!” On the other hand, Awthra was almost shot dead as the bullet went through her shield.

If it weren't for Sult who immediately ran towards her, it would have proven to be a fatal attack.

Yet as he shielded her with his other arm, now, it was also in ruin.

"Sult!" Screamed Awthra as she helped him with his groans.

The body of Sult, that was known for being incredibly sturdy was now a mess, with both his arms being incapacitated.

Awthra's rage was now centered towards Naell. Even with her tantrums, she didn't waste any time as she casted the fiercest fire explosive magic she could possibly conjure.

"Be engulfed in despair, you insolent fool---along with all your friends! [ Flatomic ]"

"Wait Awthra you'll get us killed---" Said Pierd trying to stop her, yet it was too late as the magic had already been sent off.

Awthra was confident enough that her magic with every ounce of her mana could wipe out any opponent. In fact, she would even consider it to be overkill.

Which was why, she was filled with disbelief when Naell nonchalantly [ poofed ] out flatomic.

That happened as soon as it bumped into his crystallized snow. Only their baffled faces, not of despair, were present after.


"It can't be…" Said Sult with Awthra by his side, unmoving from the lack of mana and from the fear of the unknown.

Even Pierd felt chills climbing up his spine. A foe out of their reach was present, with red eyes void of any emotion.

With haste, Pierd called forth his awakened monsters summoning 4 A-class Ogres nearby.

He then went to Awthra and Sult’s area and was about to plan their retreat.

Yet the trio had not expected Naell to freeze the four Ogres in a flash, and via what seemed to be teleportation magic, he stood to their front.

"Have it back." As Naell said that, he [ poofed ] the contained [ Flatomic ] and made it reappear.

The powerful blaze Awthra previously summoned, was then fully directed and launched towards all three of them.

In response, the trio unleashed all their aura and mana against it, forming a thick shield.

A loud roar of fire and heavy vibrations then took place, wherein even the nearby people and monsters alike felt it shake their core. That had seemed to bring Naell back to his senses.


• You're awake, HOOT? •

• …I was then, I still am now. •

• Your mana is catastrophically strange, HOOT. •

• That doesn't matter. Is she okay? •

‘HOOT…’ Owly watched Naell intently with caution in mind, he was afterall ensuring the protagonist's party was guaranteed to be safe.

Yet he couldn't get his sight out of Naell. Owly felt strangely unsettled upon seeing his white hair, fluttering against the air, leaking mana in an abnormal amount.

However, what was more surprising was that by some miracle, Naell's seal hadn’t been broken. Although, his core was far from stable.

Underneath Owly’s detection, he could see Naell’s mana core clearly. Its energy had released the purest of mana, with every ridge showing a strong white light desperately trying to escape its containment.

Beyond that, Naell was also acting unusually. To some, it would seem that the young master of Beryldot looked fine, but for Owly who knew him, something was not right.

• She is now, HOOT. •

Replied Owly referring to Rinca who was still unconscious but was no longer in any danger.

It was only then when Naell finally seemed to have calmed down slightly. He was reassured by Owly’s words yet it had done nothing to lessen his erratic mana.

Naell took deep breaths, and allowed his mana to circulate properly. He then noticed his previously heaving chest finally felt much more normal.

It was undeniable he had been restless about Rinca's state, but even he felt that the strength of his emotions were odd and unbecoming of him.

Still he pushed the thought aside as before him were more important matters. Now that his attention would no longer be divided, the trio became his primary focus.

"His mana's rising...This kid isn't done yet." Awthra said gruffly all the while quickly trying to replenish her mana for his next attack.

She helplessly watched the young noble who possessed a mystical appearance, before glancing at Pierd and the frustrated Sult.

'Now's as good a time as any, master.' The bleeding man thought in defeat.

Instantly a gust of wind burst forth from Naell, as he slammed the tip of his staff strongly on the ground. Frost formed beneath it and followed the elven wood wherever it was dragged. From the ground of frost, sharp ice began to sprout and cover its trail.

Finally, upon tracing the ground with glowing ice filled with pulsating raw mana, Naell with no warning scraped the ground and forced his magic towards the trio's direction.

"Don't worry, I don't kill."

Ice sprinted at them whilst being boosted by the blizzard like wind magic. The tempest seemed to screech with hatred as it aggressively charged at them.

Truly, it had mimicked the monstrous jaws of a cold frightening creature, desperate to devour their very existence.

Every inch of the blizzard shimmered from the thousands of ice particles, and with it were the sharp icicles that resembled its teeth.

Yet as the magic neared them and threatened to deal a life threatening attack, Naell saw Awthra suddenly smile, lower her guard and abandon her process of channeling mana entirely.

Pierd and Sult followed, dropping their defenses at the same time; sighs of relief were in their faces.

It was then when a more worrisome event for Naell and those he protected took place.

Without warning the ice magic was reflected as it bounced back and charged at Naell. Yet the young mage didn't dare let his own magic even reach his proximity, as the ice magic immediately halted and fell to the ground.

Naell squinted at the trio and was greeted with an almost invisible barrier that had protected them from harm.

What followed was a peculiar sight, as the hall in one flash of mana seemingly split into light and dark.

‘It’s the fourth.’

One half of the room had shifted into an area that was purely lit up, while the other was engulfed in an unusual shadow casted by seemingly nothing.

The protagonist’s party, who had gathered within the snow palace, had also mysteriously been reached with light from inside the structure.

Naell looked around him as his eyebrows furrowed, when a lady clad in mist like clothing emerged from seemingly nowhere.

Dead-center she stood, with her long silver hair touching the ground. Like the room, half of her was under the darkness and the other glowed under the blinding light.

Her misty clothing was reminiscent of a cloak and her pale hands had arcane words sprawled across them in gold.

She held extraordinary magic and a royalty-like presence to boot.

“As expected from the curse of winter.” The mysterious being finally said in a euphonious voice.


Volume 1's Drawn Cast: ; v ;)

The post is titled "Character Portraits WiP" Under the "Arts" tag at . It's free for public viewing and is a work in progress that will soon have every character we've introduced in TNBS thus far!

We hope you guys check it out and may you all have a nice day ' v ')

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