Transmigration Gone Wrong

18 – Digging One’s Own Grave

'How...' Blake muttered in disbelief as she woke up, 'How does she know my second name - Lady Luthic?'

Her danger sensor was right as it seemed, Grimepoint was indeed dangerous. But never had she imagined in her wildest dreams that she would be kidnapped yet again, and by another monster at that...

'When did I get here? No, actually, how long have I been locked in here?'

The room she was in remained the same as before - dark and dull. It reminded her a lot of those chambers made for crazy people in the asylum. Hell, the only thing left for that scenario was a straitjacket.

The more she tried remembering how she got there though, the stranger the whole situation looked like. One moment she was in her bedroom, then the very next she was here. But before that, she did remember those... erotic images that started appearing inside her mind.

Another strong memory was that of her body losing complete control... going mad with lust.

And that was exactly when she chose her new skill Wicked Mind.


[Skill - Wicked Mind

Requirements: Peace of Mind Skill; Be subjected to multiple weak illusion spells

Effects: 10% chance of resisting illusions, higher percentage based on the strength of the spell]


'... That skill! Wicked Mind! Now it all makes sense, I was attacked by illusion spells. Those odd sensations I felt, they were all illusions! That's probably when I was knocked out cold and brought here.'

When the pieces inside her head clicked into place, a new thought surged in her mind - what if she was still under the effect of an illusion?

After all, there is no way she could resist something without knowing it was there to begin with. Surprisingly, as if to congratulate Blake for her reasoning, the air shifted about to form a new image.

Sylvana's figure appeared out of thin air, her alpha aura instantly pressing on Blake.

A mad smile crossed her face as she stared at Blake.

"What a surprise! You saw right through it..." She slowly got closer, each of her steps echoing in the background, "Hah~ such a mysterious girl- how did you do it?"

Her eyes were that of a kid who just got a new toy - an untamed desire to play radiating off her.

"Who- no, what are you?" Blake thought out loud, not being able to rein in her turbulent emotions.

'Just when I had my first taste of freedom... for fuck's sake just give me a break.'

To say that she was angry was an understatement.

"Oh my~ you don't know? Really?" She spoke right beside Blake's ear, her hot breath sending shivers down her spine. Her smell was sweet... almost sultry actually.

"Can't you make a guess already?"

'A demon with female appearance, goat-like horns and capable of casting sex illusions... wait- no, it can't be!'

"A s- succubus? But, y- you have-"

"A dick bigger than most human males? Oh~ indeed, I am a full-blooded sucubbus. Or more specifically, I am what you would call a Draenei. But most don't know of our existence, as we prefer secrecy..."

Her hands traveled down Blake's inner thighs as she spoke, a vivid blush forming on Blake's pearly white cheek.

"Mnn, that way we can have our fun with females whenever we want- Hehe~ humans... they never find where their wives are after we get our hands on them..."

'... shit.' Was all she could come up with.

"But what I do wonder is who are you?" She spoke as she clenched Blake's small dick with her right hand. A small gasp escaped her lips as her dick was slapped aside by Sylvana.

"While I can tell you are a human... I have no idea as to your gender. I've never seen such a purple aura in any living being before. " Her tongle circled around Blake's earlobe as she spoke, her words melting away her mental barriers.

As if it was a whisper at the back of her mind, Blake couldn't go against her commands.

"Haha~" Her luscious voice ringed inside her head as she laughed, "Now answer me sincerely, and I promise to be gentle."

How could Blake refuse to follow her orders?

"What is your body type?" Sylvana asked as her red eye irises shined brightly.


"Oh my, is that right?" She was quite surprised at the answer. Nonetheless, she didn't stop asking as the skill duration was brief.

"What is your relationship with Urag Surtur?" Was her next question.

"Sex slave." Blake replied without even thinking, her words coming out of her mouth as if it was only natural.

Sylvana furrowed her brows at that. Why would Urag go to such extreme lengths just to get his slave back? His attacks against the nearby demon camps were reasonable, as they had started by attacking his village first - demanding loyalty for their king. But pillaging and plundering human settlements?

That was just straight-out madness. It was literally asking for another great war between humans and demons, and no one wanted that again. That's for sure.

It couldn't be only that. There was more to it than just going after his 'wife', she reasoned.

"Why did he keep you as his slave?"

"Because of my Body Type trait, Limit Breaker."

"And what does it do?" She asked, honestly curious about it. After all, what type of trait could be so great to start a war for?

"It raises the level cap of my sex partne-"

Immediately, Blake stopped her loose tongue before it was too late. Her heart palpitated as cold sweat ran down her forehead, awareness finally setting in.

She had already let it out - her most dangerous secret to her very kidnapper.

Slowly turning her head sideways, she stared at Sylvana's reaction, praying for whichever titan or god out there for help.



And then finally, epiphany.

Sylvana's smile could only tell that much about her obvious intentions.

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