Transmigration Gone Wrong

23 – Love ?

The climate in Grimepoint continued the same as always, cloudy and depressing. Likewise, life remained identical for the simple people who lived there, just the everyday struggle to sell their products and make some money. Kingdoms could rise and fall, but that city would persist, enduring throughout the eons until someone decided to raid it. 

Or so it was supposed to be that way. 

"Names." Yolanda said while staring down at Lavender, her face expressionless.

Lavender, on the other hand, didn't look the least bit impassive.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?! Untie me n-" Her tongue was cut short as an excruciating pain radiated from her knee cap. A crunchy sound could be heard as something bent the wrong way. She screamed, but no sound came out of her mouth.

Yolanda grabbed her cheeks, raising Lavender's chin to look into her emerald eyes.

"Hey hey, focus right here. I want names coming out of your mouth, not whimpering." 

It was then that Lavender realized with chilling dread, 'She is going to kill me.'

A single tear fell from her eyes as she stared at Yolanda, a cold shiver running up from her leg to her belly. Just like a human's reaction, her fingers started trembling and her breathing turned more ragged by the second.

'Fuck, a panic attack. I don't have time for this.'

"I-I swear I didn't know she- they offered a lot of money. And I needed it. And- and-"

"Shhhh, I understand you. I truly understand you. You fucked up real good... and things are not looking great for you, Lavender. Plus, as a matter of fact, I'm almost not holding myself from ending you right here." She bit her lips in frustration before continuing, "But you could just say me the names I want, and I will be on my way. You better be fast though, my hand is itching right now."

"The Belasco faction! They paid for the information!" Lavender immediately answered.

'... Fuck.' Yolanda could feel a headache forming. 'Why them?'

"Please, I've already told you all I know! I swear!" Lavender's voice woke her from her musings.

Staring back at her hostage, she slowly went behind her back. At first, Lavender thought her bindings would be undone. That thought only lasted a second though, as Yolanda's arms wrapped around her neck with the vice of a bear trap.

"Krlkl- yhou bitc-" An incredible force took hold of Yolanda's arms before she twisted them. A crunchy noise louder than before permeated the room as Lavender's head bent unnaturally, her hair slightly waving against the breeze coming from a nearby window.

'What should I even do?' She thought, completely ignoring what just happened. 'The blood moon is this weekend, and I have no idea whatsoever of how to enter that fortress...'

'They have rune formations, trained high-level slaves, fortifications, spymasters... how the fuck will I pull this feat?' 

From afar, a rumble rattled. Still lost in her own thoughts, she unconsciously went outside to see what was happening.

'I would need a force to be reckoned with. Something so grand that they wouldn't even think about fighting back...'

Finally, when she opened the wooden door, her eyes focused back onto reality. The entire city was on flames, tall orcs dressed in full armor coming out of the fire like demons out of hell.

A fireball hovered above their left hand, their weapon being held by the other. The sight was equally mesmerizing as it was terrifying. Their unphased expressions made them resemble more the harbingers of war than simple normal soldiers.

In the background, an enormous beast could be seen squeezing the life out of a human guard while marring a crazy smile. There was no mistake... that was Urag Surtur.

'A force to be reckoned with...' The words repeated themselves in her head, an idea taking form.

'Blake, I'm coming.' 

Ever since she laid her eyes on the sweet scared girl, something she never felt before sparkled inside her. A desire to protect, to cherish. Call it as you might, she became obsessed with Blake - her smooth blonde hair, silky skin, cute smile, mesmerizing blue eyes, gentle personality. Everything about her shined for Yolanda, like Blake was a little angel for her. 

'I will never leave you alone again.'

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