Transmigration Gone Wrong

3 – Slave

"Uhnnn..." Blake softly groaned. His back hurt, his ass hurt - literally everything was sore. After forcefully ripping apart his clothes and then bathing him on a close river, Urag left Blake inside a cave that had a border blocking its entrance. Using his strength to pull the rock back at its place, Blake could only hopelessly watch as he was trapped inside.

The only source of light came from a small fissure on the rock, a single beam of sunlight peeking inside Blake's prison. The breeze that penetrated the hole made a loud hissing noise, bringing inside a chilly air. Although it was cold, it couldn't be compared to how much discomfort he felt from sleeping in a rough mattress of animal furs.

'If I could ju- just take out my bindings, then...'

Then nothing. There was no way he could just push the rock out from the entrance. More now than ever actually. Since he came to Gaia, for some reason his body became weaker, incapable of even the easiest feats. So all he could do was to stay at the mercy of his abductor.

It has been hours since Urag left, and Blake was starting to fear that he was abandoned there. If it wasn't for the thin ray of light, then Blake would totally freak out. He didn't know what could be worst: a bloodthirsty orc raping him or being confined to a cold cave. The whole situation was almost mind-crippling for him.

He felt dirty, defiled, after the whole affair. Now, all he wanted was to cry till falling asleep and finally wake up from his nightmare.

But he wasn't able to fall asleep no matter what he did. His body refused to listen to reason - it was still aroused. And that fact only made Blake all the more disgusted.

'Why me? What had I done wrong? I ain't human cattle... I ain't..'

"Sthattus." He whispered with a rope restraining his mouth. The notifications were anything but helpful for his sanity.

[Name: Blake]

[Race: Human]

[Body Type: Sissy]

[Class: Sex Slave]

[Level: 1]

[Enhancements: 1 (Choose One)]


Attribute Points: 0

STR - 5 DEX - 5

END - 5 INT - 10

WIS - 10 PER - 10

CHA - 30


Skill Points: 1 (Choose One)

I Peace of Mind Lv.1


'Hah- ah, hAHAAHAH... Sex Slave. This just can't go any better.'

[Peace of Mind Lv.1 - Cooldown: 4:56 minutes]

"Mhoterfhucker!" He tried to bite on the hovering box but it was to no vail. It merely wobbled a little at his weak attempt, almost like it was mocking him.

'Why am I so weak?' He asked to no one. But this time around someone actually answered, though not the way he wanted.

[Class: Sex Slave]

[Effects: I Obedience - All attribute points are automatically allocated to CHA; II Slut - Gain experience from intercourse]

[Body Type: Sissy]

[Effects: I Cute - Doubles CHA; II Submissive - All physical stats are only half as effective; III Limit Breaker - Due to Yin/Yang affinity, capable of increasing Level Cap of sex partners]




'WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS CRAP?! Are you fucking kidding me? This shit is broken, too broken! How am I supposed to do anything with these shitty stats, huh?! Is there a reverse nerf out there?'

'No, this must be a joke. It can't be... it can't be... Am I really a slave?'

That question came with no warning, crumbling the mental defenses that Blake put against madness. Since all of his skills were made to please others, that's the only conclusion he could arrive at.

He didn't accept it though, he was a free-living being who should have its freedom.

'No! Fuck you and your skills! I am whoever I want to be, and I won't be a submissive slut-'

His trail of thought was interrupted by a loud rumble from the entrance as the boulder was moved aside. The sun was already low outside, its light casting a foreboding shadow inside Blake's cavern.

Then their eyes met.

"Urag is back." His deep voice vibrated across the stone walls, sending chills down Blake's spine. Setting aside his halberd, he went towards him with heavy steps. On his left arm he carried a strange pot with an odd mixture, and, fastened to a belt, he brought all different kinds of potions.

"Urag bring presents for bitch to play." He placed it on the center of the room.

First, he focused on the ceramic vase, raising his hands over it he started chanting in a low voice. The words he used were so foreign to Blake that it seemed more like an elaborated rumbling than a proper language.

Finally, as his voice reached its crescendo, he said in a deep-bass tone: "Everlight."

Immediately, an intense fire ignited from the alchemical mixture, brightening the ever-darkening cave. He stood up and went to the entrance to pull the rock, shutting the only way out of Blake's prison.

Trembling, Blake tried to plead for mercy but it only came out as incomprehensive cries.

"Phlease, nhoo..." He softly sniffed.

"Time to play." Urag spoke with a sadistic smile as he feasted his eyes onto Blake's tight asshole and thin figure.

The flickering flames lit the orc's face, finally letting Blake to see him. A scar ran down his right cheek, he had a badly trimmed beard and completely black eye pupils.

His facial traits were so rigid that someone could mistake it for a sculpture made out of stone.

In a sudden motion, he tore his loincloth apart, not being able to hold back anymore. His girth was already as hard as it could get.

It should be expected though. For some reason, Blake looked even more fuckable than before. Nothing changed about his appearance, but the way he struggled against his bindings or even the way he groaned in terror made Urag horny as hell.

The orc felt more attracted to him than ever.

Grabbing the vials he took from the tribe, he told Blake:

"Urag fuck till morning."

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